C8 The Canadian Champion, Wed., Aug. 29,1984 Mini e% tbh 0e Hatton beve bd aini apecal Ofympî partiipnt ne iniera. k 06eleféeOlym;da -- 10 actlvity centrs theym battons and red and bise ri thelmitationns ofthei deiayed children rst organizers Wmdy loy ai devtned 10 activity centese Ille 14handlcappeddaltCd ronglialin age from 5t0 18) bags, bowled, raaed foc ha for a Iwld boar" Iburedi realy a natermelon made t vent brings fun and gamnes to -developmnental centre elopinent Contre evenin 116e a W0 yard daab 1m asonme im- Social Services (COMSOC> 0the ceatre of- group, waikersanmd bolatera acp among tha b Seteberù Program participantn are pies ttweek, att provisation but dee odjialments id net fers a pcograMm ai iialnreaing the apeclal aida the handlcapped atudenta need. be ro alparts of the relen 10 the a. hart the pleaaure factor. develepanental âge nofaModmste. Mo. Holwerds la mncwe- e iet centre whoic operates weekdayn tro- 9 nes bad vlated the .I was a ton day amd anew actlvlty foc Basic ambobalnry and communication mept and thons wbo atilineriltibe t ha I &.m.. an. t3Spin. nere coveced it o then expeclence," aatd prograc auper- akilliare but and chldrenare taught te, lime neot year nbwen e nedacaton Act Deapite maonn ogher popil / teacbec rlhbons. Athoogl h ovineriie Holnecda. cars for thenelves. Sorne maoy Iea mm to e.ito effect. , ratins when the hbmdicapped are taken lin devetopmentafly Motofth0e idren are confIned tn weel- nalk hafnre rntecing adait programsanmd "Afraswe ko thisdnplace wll coue, Ilte regularoeducationasyatoa, Ma. Hoinarda sticted eventa, chaire white nîhera requireassistance to nîbers may ha taugt o tew norda. Com- ahe oteoda. elzstepsiebeft othcan. and Kim Brown wak. 1le condition oth0e centres todents mmnication methoda inctode agn tangoage flue thdstry nf Edocation,uneder the rAcntepoahe eeia I0e hne 3. e-. colmîeera are heavtly relled on hy and the use of BLISS nyxoobta deatgned tor muet provide toc al tudmn s epteen: "Me day they geltoto a achoot mnd are dre t the cntre, the elght staff members. the, mentotty hmndicapped. ceptionaltlm., Accordlng 10 Ms. Hoineda ahle to watch the oer ide, it nitt hetp," Syeaco toaaed beau "We need enough vounteers ne every "We try 10 give thern pasive activlty. there in a cbance tboae identfiedoas 'bard to 06e said. dllonaand hmted cbild han omeoe," Me. Hoinerda en- hece la a lot of watchlng but timutation seve" may rematinncentrestike the onetin flue impendtog closce of the taility y. flac boar nus plained. rom a pernen tatlng to diem la ha1 mtch Miton. hoserd t E.C. Drury Schoot tocr06e leartog op 11e a plg amd P'nded b hdeldtitry of Commmlity mnd mare thon tbey cmn offte enelvs," aldI b ie vacation aeason bas dapeted the lmpotred wil not ttectere with meeting the the npervisor. noxohar of atodents tram 24, hot the noper. needa ot stodmnsthere foral et]astth0e foot A i wterbed, dooated hy a commmdity. viner lb enpecting that number niti ha bock Yser. HeIlp Milton Celebra7te i IOLD FASHIONED DAYS!I B e sure to enter Milton MaII's APPLE PIE WBAKING CONTEST U Saturday, September lst, 1984 Prizes awarded for home baked and commercial apple pie! Entries should be brought to Milton Mail by 10 a.m. Saturday, September 1 Judging begnsat2 p.m. Wemre our ndghbour' MCI E S I. 14 Y~laa ou,al CUNit DON'T WAIT WEEKS... COME TO MILTON'S ONLY MR FurT P8II03OAI.SE8W *Repaires a benes wmile you waft :Discounots for seniors & chidkmb aLarge«t sekelton of frayes eAI prooculfalon or dufacationo *Fly lcncod- 14 ys. experlocce )hclzehi Optical 87"4553 u Manst F, ion - DOUBLE ,oc es o DOUBLE coocc nec OUBLE ;-îi9 0 1^9 9 $359 21 7960 1no EEs e co îcfn e--Z -erEc N coceo n ri2900 12IHRýDL I~ ~ ~ ~~T Ce-cauU O.5a O 180, Mu., Tain. & Wed. -. 10:00 &.M. te 6 Mr. 10 arn. te 9:00 p.m. Satj d 10 . .* 19 901 O.L]W OPENING SOON c"Ai Your Pesnal Anont le Alwa s At Your Service -AIifl PETER R. SHERRY INSURANCE A W WTIE flIH SU8 SYER DRIVE MILTON, ONTARIO 87"4774 AUSTEN NBLE ALH INSURANCE BROKERS LTO.eU , Cc IIISURRRCE 906 MAIN STREET. MILTON LbD 88-7217 208 Ma, SeacE McccLUT 1N8O818 2894 EJIIGMT IrISURArICE IZEAD NUA BROlSERS LIMIT[D BOER . Don Kcght, AIIC f f0m 878-8459 7 22 YorParsonal Agmct la Always At Vour Service 1 -- BEI F- C..ý