W TiseCeaoo.aoCàp ,Wed.; Sept. ,1984 GuIS ý iskKasl..flo as- ssc.LSnisne s m985 ct0E lais m ad MOand M.4 Gl-otson14ns ssISa McOa. md cidy fsnOb Mt LasoGsu assoaou5lanlall 54Ot,~t?~~u.OC0, :a 55OuOa5ipOan gauodoiss as i~ssa; asso ss"sua LadsatoadtonesMin n saa. a oLn Jons euhi. assO"sJdai.Tl, nuicaun t Anaal . Inytrantd Lande4 lains sr nPI-,.an e .. D-. Ui.ar lom. ,rnons îtho.Oy a d nsi a aa ois. Tsauterth ~a ic tac sinsessaM 1% Roerson ndais dii one niand'énic o on an nd on Sa ss n a o o a on a olsalegWannidy naepMnanto anaMtn osis. Tais.oucand a1- d.bk-is, On es it tac singan and argans onKim Oantan ach mcOliIa P lis1 ionottsonaisaba 0" N -Pao. e -. SoH_ an. tus t 1.t. OWspas Hani De-o Lsi iola ds Laq auan tn s sa sn nsn5I Mu aisJOsn21ts u JoOTajaps Lnoan .,dlcoC q.1ad tns an, -anarialasO.on Leéing a. aan dw tne. mo r- nd ichtie. ton O Osonsans f teemnediato MrIaical 4it 1s tn O osa Osa. ru ofou tsane Oas tanona ng tins onOs nanan taon ans ý dsua.nnaroansu This "d'h-week s Miii Saocar r.hicaight of thegaOeao aigas) y .o rIsononCuscanIsar .Waathedy -dar haibSd G-1 -, ai -rM Dat niai 1. osal îunDtait tensmc L-andnd En iadaasnysaas f naIsds eancisadyscamist, rOIOn U h slauoht2Os a itsh2 Omsacrtensifotnassi a Ctosthne lisaishOnu-ugoaira GonaldtanoliornM-a atc a Kasa Raddsis Tano C, anid Diata hLtac, plyWlscS, Kair. gaots shuntdosalauo tn asoa NIÉ.o.. 3n sttnsu soMceua iga, a oftaisg.,Wmon h tant acit iy StahssCnis5ilsnid MOeîrisal. M.ysid cistsu ofliata tamis CagM] i it tanid MSiitais ancM Dotisica sasu Oy n) issmandistinon Rep tryouts starting Plapeens ntereted in ptaymng cep hockey major Peeeý bSai-rday 7p an., Suoday 4 wStb any of Milton Minor Hockeys cep pan. teanon are eccoraged to attend their appro- Minor Baant Sturday O p an ; OSoday pite tearon8 lepoto thin meek 5 .a Att plapenan ut attend the tryculs of the Major nanlant saturdoy 930 p.man teaannof theieoanpage group. Mter the firnî Ocoduy 630 pnn. tw peacticen, côachen ofthtp tesmsnahoce Minne Midgeis Ttnuenday O:1à-pmu cao approach and invite players to the older Sunday O pan. teaann Major Mldget: Wedoenday O:15 p.man Tloe follooing In a tînt cf the tomes for the unday 9:30 pan. fient aeek cf practicen (al trynuts are hefd Janenler Monday Sept -50 9 Pma at Meanoriat Mrena on Thoanooon Rond): boy questions conceroiog trycut ianes NviceSatuday 3p.an; Susdap oon. cao beaosaneredhbycolbingsMOfA ailfuo Minos- AinenoSatrday 4 pa., Sundup i1 0340 Pîsyrens nlendsog tOcplay anth the pan. ingle-A rep teans foraerly Tier unc) are Majne Alose Saturday 5 pan , Scnday 2 adcsed Su attend the tryotsocf the double- p.an. A leasn Single-A tean tryoutn ilho held M ina, Peenneas Satrday 6Opa.; unday 3 in about three aenko There 000n charge for pan. tryicttn. Thruway, Rad Stop I'ead MFL semi-finals 'Rad Snp and 'l¶ruwap Mailler ecno bne- 0he thîrd inning mitb a pale nf runsa. 00er a fftad tranm strnng plfclslng perfonmances an singl e bpv Ed Lehrcl and a malk On Kevn route n apanlng-gaaena aiaOnlerespcc- RntBb(Boan-oa)Bke ofn tine emi-final plapaîf sris in MOlton Fnlt-oflo 4010f a dnnble. hall Laqueactens lait ancak. McDuffe naruaied the guptOn a single eus Rad Stpa Mka CuBas trean fine parfont anth bacb-tc-Oaak inglen by Leen MPhait înnngs and alamed juil four its n leadlng and Cburlle PFraser and a fief drs choira by is club bo a 3-1 ainsone MaDuffe Equlp- Peter McDuffe. Bkerss neond RBI-dcuhle ment. In 1 thar nami-final, 'beumapa in the fifttbinning dMono home PauldMcCasa Cbrin Pouvop nrprincd league-leading aith Rad opos third runaund Cullen Sandufano Transport w01k a lren-bit sbut- chockod McDnffe Eqaipanent tOn mstoth 1e ont un Tbeuwa udmpnd andtoso 2-0 in a uuy aithaut a it.ýO serins falueing the defending e-ebumpions Mnanhile, Thrnanu's Chrto Pencop froan unI peur. llumed junt tron Ois and pitehed oct cf a 'Mn hast cof-fine sanIes contisued lest algOl potentiu0ly dangercus husen-lcadod tancout oTuesduy) und 'fbnrsdap mith udditional jan 1in fourth inning in registering tOn ganoes pluyed snt Tnendup and Thursday, chulout. if necesury. ReaasReulty aas eliminatod JuOn Oeric's tRt csingle is tOn fiflh inithe prehaninuey rondtanoganes tanone diighm rc hinradDv e hy Thrumay. Papa'snsinolein thec n th nhîch cunhrd Ray Rad Stop ruOnuopen n corelescroc ost n Evanc me ru Orthesupport Peucup needed. Sharing nature a priority TOc Pederatica cf Ontario Naualists s sharing inthe thugbtisof manya10heepeople in0Ontario. Wetinibat scme knooledge of the nat sul morld should ha port cf ruery cilds eduraticnanad wmc 50mb tOt or edurators are diag a bace job cf leacbiog chîdren about ociduor lite, Oct mc alsu thisO tOut 10ey sbmudd, gel aniser tOamOu Sc tscght int tboobo. By gsusng rbildrrn 10e cpporbucsty lu ah- sorbanatureuweesquint thean mth therurcor tOut lite exsstecro in the lumest trm ut ansmalcnd thecsmallat portuofa plant. Mail cf the boys arr amap un vacation ce jcist bock souantîl atter csoursi nrmelicg tbeirosurresc r failisrrmillbhavertmaiiiun- fit sonthem. Peina i Rgu. Alec Pennicb. JoerMarshall andRconMarishal, TrdMoore an oeeof the ladsfoma the club coder the spervisuio cf Bud COrster and Ilelmur Couailsnacc broc grtticg tOeremuose ur ctig camp su cre oSr the ancuse in Otuar. t av babd thepleasise o eihafuisiai lhs campnpnTemagam and its onofîbhe btterorua campo. tord cumanosibp goodrcoob, godbsh and scmrbimesplrntp oftmsldlsfn and ch pos. and a fric black Olins and mosquitueis but obot camp doris net bouc thane pastis Big pans are ct iuderwup ferr heurne Convcention lu ha hetd ut tOn club'c prupertp on SIrotes Aur, As me baver anticurd beouerSis eeraS tan ptucr un Octoer 14 16 and il rutailu an renoc samout et morký Most evroycris the Mto and tOc Mltes Heights district boums Peter Themao and is god mfe Miuerd, Myp md Mary and t bod t0e pleasiser ut oprudscg a e dupo ostO thîs ardent oisldeoromau, con- srainsa mac ibot trcly loes the greralouldoors. Peter busian hianself n tOerhume in fish E& gaine news mOsOhARNCOULBON 4___ Mtachewau oremoco a lecelp garder, busuf ,berrrppickocg and tact bu ot cletact bcus umig.Mllir buses hbrerîtbp bah top detscseoc btcrharry, uppîr and rebbrb pirc 1cr ccarby ftsobog camps. Eceryepeep tberer su Matachermoseem te locr Sis ceupteo o occmuch flute br uroghbous, e tc. TOry yrcd mosi et thr lOmuop tberr tecerry Jur teOclubor, Petre certire r tcueMtltsnu[ostrico HostailMay tOe powero Orgend tO to fiseurecand lOct ibruencjsyt irrerrt for yers c ne. Herrs aupcre o tatcmpbacscrc uey tbso scg feor oer eantd bhcoverberond oS su oiy celueuueucyouiec ier IIm a loup Wbat obotl peu goce toe saIt boy' A glamereuganuer. a tonscoîrd Scp A beyscrocutOrie, a puzzle pock, A port rr biok, ao er liverpet, Nu, lberrruplruen ftsue fr srtcO hsugu pro 00cr bueo a zy fec ts vcrcy oun, Joot ornesall bey sand hou lOad atour A mo b ithre odu , a rompyisuthr pork Abcsg trip,.ceuedoeuteodork [tour bue a gofto tat elycocar, Thr ceuepouioeccsyetbf hs cImac, Gucts routr arrcnead )eyo deccop Bot helît urcr Srge s)fpo, Coco Osue a day. anoopanuu a Sou-euscOZRCsOrOLc WTOdOUOOoIDO? MILTON PARENTA I HOCKEY LEAGUE 198485 ANNUAL DRAFT STR SS Anyare wihing to playpin thi papnlor Susdayasight six CAN HELP draft bist. lastlado ynse pfayi.g taPARENTAL OXPerSic, pasitiono, oge, nsfot, HOT LONE sanîght & phoan e nbe 54479J4 Send to: ' hm HckyLea9u &'lts 24 Hu Tinponablio ~ Miton, Onwio L9T 1W9 MILTON UNITED WAY AGPNCY . Afof.ge open s.ta Mitan casidentsoun yp MaaCihgoLaue RIEGISTRATIONS ton 1984-1985 soasain at tho Optimist Club Cantne, 3t1 Commearcial Streot, foua 7:00 p..ta 8:30) p.anon Wadnnoday, Saptombon 5 Thorsdap Soptambon 6 Wadnnnday, Soptamben 12 Thnnsdap Soptamben 13 What the factory says, goes. LinsanLelieI Pon lattaghi n A Stop Ahodfr'l No J$6'7 -YOUDO0NGW7 i o nth* feI t ssdpn- o natinetSynîen j TEST AND WN ildasa Inn, - i r bu oasmansoo mUmmn. TEAM TOYOTA Ses these and more 1984 TERCEL WAGON cOth, cotte5 1983 FOND RANGER PICK UP, utuania, 0dAMF btoBa 0#3 SKODA 4 DanStcndardape 0,96639 TERCEL SS R5Yfoha04att0 SUPRA OTS, Rnd 045st5 CELICA GT, Onittoope0at091 NI5SAN5SENTRA, 5tcpud a #59t RELIANT 4-DOOR, Os Caiictasep#35&g OLDS CUTLASS, Otso Ot#104t AUDI Sli00S, turot#7t0K 1981 TERCEL, tsttisoc,4sonedau>tbstssan #705B MALIbU, 4idmannsiedoccg, 0AMIFM tvnon. naja FIREMIRD 8.E. 4 spodta.aiiooonç, 0AMJFMScon 0#SM PLYMOUTH RELIANt s, mOMIM ra an. 05565 OLDi CUTLA5S OAaoncasn. AMIFM Sto. #N4750 aIROCCO 2 Dms5stnod,uAMIFM iaia, #a3102 MAZDA 4idmaNnlThIicchllndiSnusf00 t5spnsd, #l3a $AAR TURBO., loidolaironadaoo%,0ËW599 RELIANT Wok aaunonMFnStem.ain&74ot ESCONT, Blue 4npnf,OnMIMSto 09737 DAT&UN 3mas o«u. aotAIFMcepno 0#5 CELICA OT utusat. nuintcotesMIFMstwoon005914 1980 MAZDA GLC, Bçs. aAIFMstean 053T7 MUSTANG ît.cboag, 0AOMIF tusse#6B78F CAMARD 5Z ai, ucp.AMIMStaOn 00047f 1979, For elilene O0amyepfild sarnen Onsoia nsatn ansn cuison iscer onr mn offen fofop curssnfon cen san *.Mesnssssnes upessa Frnidanmc s a- -. uforos Cours.asoaias oR comnorsa nRA su c E co os ssan 3.Isi . Ns OcPAsCoau SaNCastSAR. Bs ET5O SEE JERRY ARPA AT CLEMENTS MOTORS 0F MILTON LIMITED rftE-=Ulr sm sT aie88.Me "n 8,E MAZDAL O stol, AMIFM0 Otosso2113 '3,990 - r COOIOLLA, ifocato, AepeMtosan#osas7 $4,590 1975 Ena. OLPS CUTLASoG, v nMofnRaj OIFlatten. U3o7 '3,590 j rmailmakes 1249 GueUph Lino - nid modula Burlington , 335-0223 lA $10,590 #3u25 s1,990 44,990 s7,690 416,990 S12,990 #16,990 $8,990 '10,990 '16,900 $5,690 $7,590 $11,990 87,990 $9,590 $8,990 $5,990 $12,590 45,990 $7,590 84,990 $5,990 !8,590 $5,790 $5,990 $7,990 lie extra Innlngs salth PATRICIA BLACKADAR Preoldent, Misor DaeaboiliLadîno Auilllary Support a key to our success Prîar in0ondssg tap ftsc 1984 MioflsBasa- hall neason, tOneancanhrs af thg board of Milton Minar BanchaItAssoiataios Ladies Aasiliarp anold lika ttakeabo pptrtanllp su thak ail for Onir supportlibis pail meaona and also Su updtte ycuaonaecariais aa- ticitins and achîncemento anal 101. nasn. As muni are amure, @Ur major souracelot revnu 10te operalica cf 10e snack bar concesson ai Rtutary Park. Tbanbs la Ono diligent assistance cf teann mama, mc en- rountered tans locked doces and 'no-blp" sisgos lis year tOuhan npreesoun peurs. sA special thank ypustram moins for posrefc- lorIs). The snack har, la addition tb haing car major sureof revene,i alno thefocal point ut al] urticitien fan Milton Mince Base- hall. It is therefure essential for ail parents o give tOerie lin lilis tank if me ish lu continue lu hace ibis facillty acailahîn to us. Pteanr boer n mmnd tOut if anoaaI gise a fer boussf utetme Stiisfacility, me cculd rcsity achiereuanexcellentlopen.docrrecrord and renîece scane ut the bardes on thuse mou put frlh mure tho ik ae of houes la tis rapucstp. leuchees is Brunte Mondoons and ipgrading ot al] damonds are cnîp a couple cf yerbupc tOn mont chcicus impecuements tout mreerarrsed out Sis peur. The L.adies Aacdsary ic the nar future il plan ppecrtivesueprccemensnfor nsI pear sud mlrouerunyosuggestionsnfrom parens. Our fbol ut sdraising ruent for Sis peur isncr acuautdrum Theenare still a nnbhr ot dram sickets cultunding and me mould uppresate yuur rooeroticn in aakicg sare bhat yisir rhitd ha eeirnod ail tirkets arsstedtcglpPThis isu mrp important an me mutacrousulfor ail tickets ither sold or obhrmîce The dram milI taOn place ut the Accoat [taure tc Orheld auth1e Optiansot Centre Sept. 29. Tickets for 10e dance are acaitabtr troon couches or fecan Mike Vskerrp(07040630). 0Ou aalGeneral Meeting mil ha beld Sept. 22, altO u.maiutMilton Sports Centre. Aop persas mshing Su stand for election lu tbr Bocard shccld attend lis meeting. Ttere are vcaucies again tOms year andl to ment att fiture erdadouuss, anlicg bando and minsud arr reqorerd. Whether pou arein terrrstrd su junin socr Board ce are aneref y et ios ao or errata, il mculd ha lu oar cbstd's hecebt and that cf tOn entier steganizutîo c muae an effort su attend ibis meerting thissecpressing an inteent in our asociration.Remeanhar ihere ia nuthsng mure remardisg lu a ulustoe than fo font self-satscfaction in Os orce er deedu ahirb ta attasard tbecugb umurenes Your amare- croc as parents rither theoughcreiticisan or isibremîse, rua ha porlraped hp as manp cf yoc us possaie ttendisg tbe meeting. Girls.Soccer