The Canadien Chnpo Wad., Sael 5,1554 EW 878-2341 191 Main Street Milton TUE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON. ONTARIO SECOND SECTION Fer Yei *oma Bht!hdsys AAnileemrlesetsAdo ae For Sale The Canaie ChampIon CfIo.IRd THE ohil0,oel of Deozfr and Marion Lawrence AUICTION SALE Dépnooimen hosre are: Mon. and4 TMo., oolo Ilko ta Invito footllo an0 friondtta f0n1 80&..-5 P.moWe. hm. E ie y 9 Oen.. se l herlerooof 100fr parents 40th THEWGRbuLDilv *..I ' Clified Di.. Weddiog Aoo/ooea, Saltrdso Septmko THE.SOO WOR play Mon. 5 p.ot. Cla8fie0d 0 and oot ode: 15, frot24 ootad7- ..a tGrahaîm Toos. 12o Mou al, Sf Pol fo o Churoh. Bst loshes IS VOURS ..IF Li.oiA .njdoo o3 oo ooiy. viWoul aoppriol8faîioooo pîoîoi'o of Street in Grgeown. 0H0nry Soreet la efflte *Idhe tolam for an1 albumt w0are proparlos YOUl KVOW THqE jusI ws of Hwy. 70 andNorth of tho Main Sooot; ColgEete UE R/GMfT PEOPIEj.. Sale of the follootfog 9 po woioot Ifo ut o fof dogrti-Nolo EALTNY AGISO Iloo o.CoabSinet. SoLd cherry ooood S doîsot dressr S E Victoore Ordeo, f Nurses oi theo M it table o paiolodi; ooliiog ohair, tlot fuotn Rockert DAVISON Jîoto IL Patffll 1 tr iilofi Libîîty, ooty Wed. fron Soif 12 1rta Mes Mcaioa MOBc 010 haire; ooai f,,ood oo0i mitral 1/2 ono ar: oOho.îliai f51 CIommefrciat.,o a08re Jofroe tD J> u 1, RS Bb. GIB oRS M10 oo ooobtooooo th id t of0 teM/îlo Dtonld Josit( o.,71s oop 90p..1.eresn.t..ý Il.OdO 878_3447 M23Mns ltion minuit400 tale olid Oak filiog oabinet; 2 odd henry, Warkaoon ov r. uod mm, avion 1 4Ors' a MitonDitrit Hspial n ep- I.m ia11 11 ooodoo kiloho,, chair; Bako table ipalotodi; Sfýr. st, o, tooiber 1 , 194,8et1.280, a. .frohe for Joloto Wo oIl dîoos. ooo t * siioyoas hslothtf a0 Mopi. double boa. w/boo aod mt.,o Vr12 Lyono&Ter!,iioo Ptrdl oiooparoots Mr. & prossiil. *So to ptooi>o good nutrition Mapie dres;onot. asofrtotdO3po.BR uie. m 00000 1150NET.SOtfl Mrs D. Coxo f Milto,, 00fr Mio ,G. Devise 0,10is and ooîo pr oltiv oto'ar. iesseso iooi. 3/4 bed, dSsa"oot & hest; Aot Capta har MILTON, 178-=1125 m Acier. P,,ood greoof friotifroot 5 , hoakthntbe / his sotdl F.0, "y aoof al oorf rSoott,. 0piiif0or, ta tfri htl ou,mr dobotot o,loi as Ie OSrgrtOOoootioOo aofidedr,~C,,, Hospital.l ,, ,ea.d ionglis; en. S ooor tiid o 2 flu tempo; FETRooîo oiWlorodoooedd~uing 1051010tt100RoSooNoSioCoioofrî pro toed .daO FETRNlok & Jolie Irae Piopot> are *Caro foi oIdoîiy rtIies, car for the mtitok20irooot thoîr,tiot ofîlfr, Mofffoo Niofrolo, 0f Joseph Asoo services oand reoooîoo av0,10 o, tho Inviations AppolneHtfrolo12 ddd01011120p 4 rergMao 1lk U 5AU FPEP815IE 244515U Brant Meorili Hospital oo 1h01odofr, Aogooft em .,y "x "i 0tnu n BeiaeWp iei 30 94,wihng7ISApp A ale r el;loo frotpoot tOumer, 4 olet tri0 ksio CS05CoPEOI51E ofrîfrforî hefoeMr. & Mos H. Foffo- andofraî ColdmhVON al88-M3lîorcd du oral ilk ootoi; elofto So,,,, 2r 018er Admira faut8. og.odooo p. giocitfrlf for Mr & Mis, O Piopo,. Thoik . 5,000BT W'oaihd-oai, eoi 18 fi-,0 "SECONDS" 24.2"' o8'.OMOPtFi Braot. 0D osD 8r00ftitojoo MUni sifguu Gyneiaci Nrank" la";b,,,ev-n iloooooo,opi wa-,,' ai,, In sockpOo 0.04mtl11 P/ *'op'uu heasofootgus olotooll el-,. Olpino 1,bUttibo 40 x4"l120o 14,4808t 'x80, 6x'x8' 12' OSBoRoNo Jo/o &l Jolie /00, Sn.20 )0f Sf CUIl RacroatîoeuI Ragstalon clothes lune 4,o11 saearviof f/oirt c o/n, a son, Tr.oois Weàddy. Spt 511, 6:W.S-p 9:*1*0 *IlooCi. Ui~ fApoBs 0 8,okOooo2o ooOol'p Johnro7, bs f 101/2 tirs-of St. Catharineso,,oî fle'4g estt Albert chino; 2PC of Nippon, Comno o Varse lies foot oegotl0i 391. Hopîol ooç of t 04Oofiorh Id t LOCATION: New Sprrgn Gym, 312 M ths 1963; Solt 20001 ln0ot steaf o fo 00k. Cooelx o4, 2 poîe grcit, for MRot t S,,o f 000fr tOn c00 Ailoopos Rdpets 0, Pr 00 f01,'l tfh., lofi china 000e IFOUR pROCUCTS o,, 0 Ald/ildotMOa0RdtoooMioo ooOfStleiAve., on0ctrntr bddoobErlinoooooolo, i.,; lifr&0gardor 20I iLESOU TFELL SA5A Adsi n ae fMIoae of Whooiobrtot ond Alliancoe Rdý Ii , *- i esON sed noonc he, bkit ot ifoo daugI " etc. ITERO.SO o'pîfilnAogool 281004 AfProîooistfrofo SOP1tmbotlrf1 O fo oSý and inooinThefrîfroCoiiitool Maoi. Tototo CashoroChnoo.ot/rtopt.0 Sh1eeoLouse......... ..... wddig satonr ccos E>ooorio, o Aoooiooooîr noî toopoooiblo lot SL~~~ weddîsgd il lasdtaannderyth iiîoo of hoo b sfroofoiLindsay, Aleois, m accidents baLSNE odOsn9 1984 oiooofrd fos9 orsofo Cs av1eils ofotlot -gý -3oo.oo,..-.o Proo poronfs are Cas anid 000o Cooboit lito eOaba e51 oo Aoenue, Milton 488 811aamm u8a1 10 0 a em oe 191 Mein St Mlon *Phons: 8782575, MilRs OIELEMONS-a and ofre areo 0t loosod oa -a, R D 00000000 f00 birhofo oth f/on, So r1y MOUDERN SQUARE DANCING ALA ODENEACH TY RAUE WJIsephoB r an0 M120 ospifa 21 01 0 COMBINE FITNESS WITH FONI Sotchad AuoSoooOdsoAnSoo goodotîl tI or Mr & Mot. william0 Ooosh and .lc Sqae*itrPormo odr afyFn .e 0Stse"Avenaue tl. Mia Mr &Mrl0' Wliam1 TbolîOOOsof Mi on Sqoats Dancin.o BPOINNERS clasostot, (, 8...94 1 ioota oohoIl lit TOOSOAY, Sootootho, a0t 0.15 pot. Moani. DOCLNGUTONE "'o Engagements St. Pobio SoSool, Milton. Fîrt olofrt fras O OLNiACINE uFL i e.h esi.-5PI MR RDnl-.Si hp aModernoquote Danoingobeffetsonoppootoot AitType of Sale AY Plce Reoo.SOooool toa. fflisfizinq in %ba. aMOuc & h MOS geen 0001 Shr clf 040/1 f0r09ito ttioo o.. Phone7ls îOOManStW Te00 Tok Et M.ortel bby flood. an Jotoiîtoi Roth, o t, O ouseoi 0010 Dooke teonsîooand haoe too Fot ototo information aO 8783.8 No. Mit n S W.o ciooo0O.oootoouead c o..A sot of Mio. MoorgoortefoTetof f Calgary, coii 335-92480 ot 87802490RR o itn 1,e' necletcniin Alberto, and Mo Albert Sooorgo OuoiO, 0f -o Vancouvero OCt Weddîog t 10100 place o GEtH LEE STABLES . 1100 Aoo. StraA 20, 1985, 0f tSooo Aoqlîoo COPIE OSoolO, Milton,, Onfariîo Engioh Hoobso ShowPHTALSFNE ColgMrigsSept. 151h, obortn 10oa.m. POOCPE LXFNI MO & MO S Erlood Joy of 300/ Dofory Rd- *,booob iPoo, ltC ..leI4OOEl TE Milfon ish ta0 anouc the000f foof/ooomioq T/hoe OSh prot tophins tit5 a Fooot. 50oushol. MIooo14ito. Aht, ma01riOgo off/00i dooqftrf Snioly E 1iooSofto t Huo,îoiduoooloso O1msl»2 W.:o.ooooAoin. Oîr iOlo, Dou/hot, Oogio, and o foý f40 Foi« fo2t5itioîi 010 ILt a. . . IF9. SHORT uNTCnOea'rh pbi place on Sotoido,,, 22,1904, ef 4.30 o'Cokin 1Sf. Stobles, Oo/îongtoo pnt ompli Gotgo's AOglîOof C/otoo, Lovyoîllo 336-7725 OEDUC£airENLARG5C AL Coottom Forniture Uphoîetrieg MO OS F, Graiooooîof ooooo f/nouth -<1t MULoIUISAL Free Eotimebeos tfoooo,îomg ototiooo ot thoit moghfo ýO na teFer Mr. à Mos. KelîS Fayoter (FamIdoa Milton T/o aoddîog w,11 f000 ploce Sootome MILTON av lot SOOich). Rd7 t 498 1ralfai RFU S"ul 8o 18, lOOo 000 osooy C/o,,o/ PUBLIC * h,.o.o Locotod on0200 Cotcsoo (ClisotSoo Rd)mUm.(t Exit ittool B D tho LIBRARY eas51ofCartes,1tp0ox 08mi, 05801o - MITO PULIC LIB5ARy eBOARD 191 Main St, Miton Clpptooo Corners. DONSTON, Sot oat Goelphsoo,î0110 ,eea Hopia Oliil odyEolg ot18 Phon 878191 on Wedopsdo0, Sogoof 20 1984. Soi ogpd 43 imes u o atttend an 5:30a p.mig S. (dtl 40to 0er.Blyuwf f ClOooooo Dootoo of 5:0flflaly90 .m :0 . Al..Da othro Shelley aod Cnha OEN HOUSE MONTESSORIFSRESCHooL TEACHEIl Coîro ffosh loo ,oo 10 MacDoald a00 01010, 0f A0900 MacDonad SUvday, Ssptemhso'9, 1984 taoptooîdooalioooandoooihin ogootoofor fIdoloeto) a eSon ue. ome, 'orpecolri m o eo ot Partial Liai unir: asso 300 tooobor soth 3 t/o. ue 1Ms wsiiptk, hoirtfo fr0010,enu Tcelsitrate te 1»ti Aiilniooàtay ~ 0~~ PTH. 1f'.-too Sodolio jacks, ti bdotlesi Shtooooooool o onolooo o SeAooteoo2obPuliooîoy talg Sepsteboo/04ý Ottty 2 more qoootof o200t ootooStale, 24fft.octofouosdo P"ai fomteot Alof F aî l 45 Brucs Strest, MiNes., Ont. 878-6116 oriveooooo, mise. foooltoi oma home9frteck,0 Annuel Sooatoh & Dent Soiet GoOoNyDncnfoo d-Wn tah r3PORMEfo01hAniesr 3-t fmo0000 shoot, OtaSoooory pipe0barde,00010s Rentai frums. Floso models. V05 Do. o 000 Woo f00hL POMME botf20 O0oie0îtfrm i1, CoIoot cartablo TV. (o o=îp), Iitato Oddooilyo ,Soqoof 25, 19840a o4 Oypoosot00 1001D of iîi 02,0105 R512 REMEMR ANSES on t/o for, of donations f0 loothot brooo ofsrofo( do, ofrot, e 00 &Dmosoos Yoo oMilb SO ve foloooo /000 oooto lido D. CoiS,, T/o Miltoo District Hrospifol Fooooofîoon r ottoa 000 (goode ofopo) beigo iooooof, OR ooiotrtos a/oiooOdf/1 hmsodoplo Yeuohaoe lofro a5p :0 Opot Opooiog Coteotoo and soboogerose 000000f goo Loonlfrfr bls haioors, T-shifrt Pose,9-dd resserooo, in thelivOoOlyo, fomily trall rebootel Chosimot.oD.Coiby Ki/otchne 79î09OO imeo mise,100 due VANdGEEST Homssof P" fil104 Y050 dr,,Ooo, woa,-m ho.itoondoooîog to0tto.Mooy mur mse iem lotaooh oftfr01Sofolyooooooo sptoi oî alwaof ro io aitt Il Wo finlorotfrrac Ptopnoy old Safdb in ehiin inooiog thof 000o alwto GoO otd -Moyorordoo Etioto AHuio Nea 60. 5NJus, 416 haveo200000andiîaoyflotstfW nw oooooill bo 1:30pot Fdot LibraryRHall TERMS CASH ORCHEQUE WtTH PROPIEo.. Whgof 1ordWSanO, 68M5e3 1/010 f Iooo osee Il0/0 t/o Lord a0it, os home. 2:00ot- Dioipily AUICTION SALE EVENING OFSALE.Oilrt9otoSodo MSoto 0o0 0 ri ooooy 0io ol,, ooo oo St We Salit 12th et 6:30 FS. Jim McCartney, Auciioneer 0.1 SogoOtO29, 20 .of Sif JohlisUoited Ch/sioS SoolLooo th EF1014 frîdoo topo of 1974 0000t00cosoler0 Loction In tîhoclftoi Holl ot .0b0,1 Si_ 68-87 wSowf HILT Alc-O Wedescay .g i 22 1 84, la.Milln, ntsi.,FACTORY OUTLETS olfos Saleofoi ood Oîfîa Momgio LofrrDotobooSICoo.Of Nooty AiAnooo OACKOOSCROOL Hospifol, 5h00e Po0osono0f Giot Wiliams, -CSld,.oOoDop..-btoof PooOitoe: Dodsohfto tao hoo/ /sa etotap Sook. $.89 Ponotsoot $55.8 Soeatoto Itoot .ioeofftholtOHaroldfuifsoand looodoirer doftoouo of dtaotooionioo oobf Oaok 00 0f 00010 ofs ait5foo chino Maieiatishsad afcs a ea ar'u dýL sM l tr Miohoot DeIoleo of Gb0en ilfi0100 frl1of 2230pot PuoppotShoos SooiCtohi froo ashs ando o resse wlho a rosho SOO ot lo oooo .foo Googt-own anod Soblooo 0f Uloo Williams. 3O.0Pn Miton Chooi.feto00000aosfo o too i p.ttt oio. Lo41, 00frie (offt- 010on 320HfrILn iiS ars to Looîog grodonot/ot- ot Adam1, Jff, JonOo and .. toaopes, oioobhkoolotabolk, ao/8O0a10_00000 n Lindsay. Doot sfte of Duoe Poffoosoo, Ait MHo,, Paulineo MoDibboo Oon00hb stOb d 00/00hoip, ophol *Fun 45 Cross So., Goelph OoSS, Lio 1010 Oa e n osie lot-doffo ond f/o Rood Ciotooos, Celuooi ooîod /000rs tookiofrchairs, orneooodsodooCabine, 1001 lafe Scerfo Po0ttesoo ond Ise 0riisoa, Oosfod -Mt. 00h0 ,Mokofr pire Et Ook oidobootd, 01/0 0000f of dtaoto, LADIES closses, foooo ooo,, Milton, Curling af tho J Sý Jones ood SonoFooo,,l oi, -Mom. Shoîogh Cooaoy maoayI asr ikrcar hlswcirCluotbooayb lot ke Mol 5f MTheoîto Oaade 00010N POOLoSALE Edifth Sf., G otrto'n. a/oit Foooîoi e okr s har a iua aiempl ofoCamin1Mi St.-îo Manufacturahooooklîqo..îoobooî00Clearanc 000 s91 tldo dy, SoooOt 2Off rifO,,01o Gloo OEAle CAnu coffee table sornall ak table ont 1984 obrand wabove grouila ools, on W,îIlilos C001tOt-. on 01010o îîofe tiens T , 00$.5 COPFEE, ETC. tOo aloofoioo ootol" s0 tolo, i N antel oloded o a Siloe, ma0ter, 00010. sillonne, dock fEoCaonadieo Caoocer Societfr aoold b.o &p- otLLOfE , /ydoolbtableop,deto, ooouy ifrîo ai.dtooRooo O109oao,9 the Gisais10e.t Chilo. Doobfôo 0Band0nt -oî end006 flotce, phooooo t2o.0-iv,$,25 ptotfdAMNESTY DAVI Ootlîogiot 00401 shakor, Royol Dooutoo 00se,0 ai- stiototo on ou celuibso JRW Robinso0 LOd whto oooouo ois NOODY 0000010U o E meria Robooo aitiOourooodoe books veî OoOtlfrf cake plate, maile es bof 0010. Dyifol 11191 I2 O290000oiooOlf (51)o95o35o POSCE.CSo 400-23-640 odoril.. No fines on oooîdoo morit e!ooo 01000 on 001 01001 t cr oooîs , dopresaioo glire, Fr ai Nottroanorolctueooîotohb biscoitSbreoooGîfos glass boalE itder,hoisparol orSl Godlufho 1n 0 0h0 s05.uMfof'000/o o aoEto, paro010itrsalOO Nippoo piste Cm ejlstePojm CoW AiApysb Mhon 87000522 frbouftibra fbOdi0S, Ifîofoostodoo/llMoo/oo partir0point0001am&0000t.o/0500d150s, soou ponoiula oolooto Io oei tiren so more 0 9 C~~~~ooo, 870 4002tSoodro Kooti 8078 4732. figorine, Wodgoaood aolttooo, CooioolbSoayl (DI,,-AMA om i Monumoent&, Morkor-, eooo Mokoe. MI LODNFaifGOn op ton anSod Danceof doooto,Poivrer010, Vitoriooo /Setin,, oOsoooouolyfotlothing,ooooossooos an maoko Ceornaoi Lettooog. 2o0 m Opftt r, Septooto,, 7.9 Pota fl1 001 ri, uoo t saucooo,, Sopodîoooetole 110, oit up Poil otoke-op folioaog anlyse .2o AJQp SspRti tonkso S l otiiRes 5 por persan. 1001p, etc on Sos ta malle foroo peoa oolooto ieSfr PVCooewsr Er droio ptps & fittongo Carde et Thanic s m nsrr Mil. & CoOooctblbes: OOtiOfrtOo Spittont, -ok fot y.oo mas .anaeaa qgoe boers, gin otaoko, cracko, boto bouoiotototi cou 33 461erst c o oos ncorets sops Er porohes A SINSERE trahi yo toatfrdsoeghbor VU V(ASSV E D vin lato, sied irons, hiver, SluuoSeOo ptokoo, ot~ Sidewoi&Etpatio sth and rolotuoes, for 1001f charitablo doon s Nateroge /ooOod mog, groantor o000 pot, Sibl oaouOl UeR FR05 Curba Et porking blocks on-s gronit. bioao, Nooss ofo f0, do.t o of 0 Mothotr & Da onotlier. Agooo Mitooel gfototor 1Or k5 ohooo o. 95 ot .g. oes. Gto. $4&". 10004001) ord, The Food Pîotlfr. -AC10IIFOR TV ta0120010io, 00foat. Chrail /oe. old oseneesgj MY eiooooo bhaoke ta rebiooo.s fr0004s ond TV Sosodotageao no. inervoi.,ing nia bOotf oho, beo.oot, Colobeo.ttt n 2ak,.....:......... m .,i ,.,, il F . , , .1400fn,ecmUt 815, cmt», Mary orshall. Pl«»eSohowt ta0 oho rnghlodg. IcallEoeoifgo to i afot lor ft-boodo, ooighboors aoi Io-.: Cas ahn4asi ~ To , cohoqoeo.ohpopot I. 7-6oofl6 relativs forootds,oa0ts,tfood ando .. oaossi tUhE i Ouvrer, Auoooo osopoot.ihto ferneoo1 prossuoos of sootoothy roooiood duioulo ootnts t-oooot bot-oootoo lo/ possing of 009111810 MILTON'S FINEST DEUIVERY odot Leocq. Spoola 1 thSao k oa Dso. Hurler, Rydok oMoo., C.ampofliOi Acbos. H.b Aoofionee: Don Coliing GR M C P ond Bradley, nurseos ond otoO o Mitoo Dustriof o rto or Sopo..o Mitoxi 878-315 -o Hospital, Roo Lewand MoKsoi uooro "Oneoiloo, Dey" delivEry 012 0000'. 001110 Leocq a00 f801bifr Poiuigltotoool ooitoboEIIIII ten Mmreme oOoot 1Oosîb.iuh*,*.* o *Choio. ofoarase ODENeACH-In oyn i oroototbraoooof a .. orsoeso $36.mPmfiJm@bob i u doar son aod brother Daloot Aon B.A., aho RYB1S-COIFEI-CATALOOIES & 4XSlilA pasood : p Sepotho 1, 1977n NothuogoOoo aye ao CAIL /10 i îîNiK' li ui Y,é av ooa hoort hololo doot. 00000,TOSO O Nt Fond otoooru, îoo.ligroooî dey. 87eo-23l 0.0 1MLTON. ONT, LOT 00f 78 M Reotoobpoooo koopo fim rosir. Ciroolation Ompt. TEL141te17111 Pi»» en0orFEE200n hn jrm EoootootoothoPoo, Mo., Dool oool Oooooî. 011-o o.PeO elRrPOSS.pe2oeee i