RE4 The Canadien Champion, Wed. Sept. 5,1984 .They want 'ohard'r By GORD KOLLE The fachnitrias visita te scene i tne ci for tit forenaic pi ic 4' ay lheyv 'nsc, nai any Shevn*c tiiebureau's tco vans, wtanh ave practicatly case. t -îcbut te sa lfiemaf teHaion motaletlaboratariasl Bodies areaont li R,,m"'al Pc/cor Identification 8inse ha/p (a Eveytan ram dental plastar mètarial ta tite farensiecset c.,-1ýýýîe» a clave, t/uc oaa/i for nibamlds ta pic/o, shoveins andl taip exaininatios ave -ck, the -te, slcafh prvud -sd crîrrsa/i caders are carried. aad epirta. ciaO.. "le've eve got metat detectsrs," adds 'lte afficers Hisadac by Staff Sgc. Paul Chaptsas uader the Cst. Shaw. saips of avide ag of Cr/ia//caa tigatina Dcaîca Jaaperta, Photagraphy ta a major pavt of ltae tachi grapity, a methol Jass Cia.v tieh/ 'iiîlsc afjin,, Sgt. Kc/ch c/an's con. Thi. officers ave tri/ei ta - i llsant p/cl/ire case 1-asile and Concabo Us SZo. Glyn Fi/ase. ing picturen tact thir subjeeta woMsd neyer pitgraphing the. CcrIny Set/ch -ed Sondy MeMarrich, am nc/cd ta grace lte pags of Gsoil HOusebeeptag Paint ctaps, ale gscie, a/o prom ýeac for cas a// ccc, Magasin ai'. caenaise candi Ha/casl. "W. tabe pictrs ci injuries, ginoint sayi Censt. Shawa. Whatiter it's a traffic accident, homicide waiaitt, bruiss andl tie luke," says Cn.t Otne of the meore oidentifiyitg a suspect, lte gal is ta lira- S/oc. "And we ara tryiiig for stait reality jaob for ltae officars sent the couirts c/t baril, incontrover- hibte because they ave ai/o as caurleSein tn evratuating ai evidence. evidance. We shoot what's tere, sot wttat's suspect, tae pol/ce Spectilais andlassaniptian do ast es/st/in go/o.", whicitprovidsea teir cortld. Ol/jactivaly, impariaiy a/o a Recaus te ient/fication afi/er oflen humaa tootrcc r denire ta gai Uta vetd, bavrd lacta ave bey sariai ai partica/arty gristy crime acens ltae itasa fii traita in tae onaeup, of an /dentificat/an af- ta/r ansiosai stabi/ty mus ie bayao re- descriptian sheet c ticer. proach. a lainae comepsie/o "Wa hava I taie a itUe detachail tram tae "ia' a disccpliine," says Staff Sgt. Chap- thes, tae c/is titller olticers in tae force," says Consitable man. " Thalegaya are profssions]and thay licarcwhaiisawrasg Giyn Pars. "Wa hava ta ramaia objective. donsi bave t/mie ta ai/aw revulisian. Mont ai Ttnaicgh tae msei Sametmesean/avmsi/gaior/antluacagernima tcme tny've gaîitocmuch tado." i/usdr/dofliffara c/il lat us taraonf/rn a aa5tt's respan- Btitat/issattaoay teybhaveano respect mnos ta ho/r vol ai/ility far a crime but' e daa'/ da ltai, tar decascy, says Shaw. emerges. Esar. "ta gaterng evîdeace on rapa cass, Wha tae n/tan Ttce scese ai a crime campars toa scat- era's na jusificaion far a police afi/er ta baneup sheat /s pri iaei j/ga psue a/o tae cdeatificaiona aI- i/a preseal davag tae maical asaminahi and il ater s/calar fI/cas u s/f Uagt tae cbaff ca came up aI tae vict/m," hoe ays "Tte Attornay Il te itosess /d ccth thegonds. Ganerai's aft/ce seaia us rapa h/ta, ctach tet/saap,bardtavi Ta d is /, tay reiy ai asparice as are mai/o boas c/t instructtons ar tae "Bui aven te, Pal/ce afi/ers, tae banal/t Of aa ti-ceat v/ctimnd physicenanaiboctagalteruthe Comst Shaw. "No course in identiication techmiqus ai tae av/desceca neai." tae sina cay.S Ontavio Palice Caliaga andl ailvice Irais te Plastie sampta bags equippe i /t lsais cibieses p/ch ait Provtacial Centra ai Forma/ic Sciences in ave pravid/o for tae gatering ai etridance, a/o ce tas go ho Toranta. ctach the doctar c/I g/va ta police at t/o dama again. But if "We don't hesiita ta sy 'Ism tot sure clone ofithoe aination. Stand/ al vec ta tae ahaut t/is" eptoas Constable Les S/oc. "Itn linger bas ta ho ambarransing for ta titain ta sart/tilu "Whasaver ce bave a prableai, ca cal] a Uta viciai," adds Cetit. Parsan. "A/o it's a T/o satira ai th forani/ sa/asi/at ta confirn ar dedocis. lat bete ths t.e aid matitod, chee tae ai- cor cols Ior ded, 'lieras no roain for istels in tae court- i/ver quaiaon/o tae victiai about timata taispenl long bonrs rom." datato. W/t tae atira A typicat casa could involva dicst/ng tae For major cass invatvtag bonic/de, or tae talant car/o 124 aven. for fingarprinta, gaterng ail typs of accidentai dat, tae idesificaion officar ime a/o tat ilte itams in tae avea, suait as pieces of ctottuog collecta blond a/o tissue sispîs a/o boltai ca/os asilaiiatyo ng /a ns teai n tae small freaaer at baadipiarters "Tha carsi tise INSURANCE WIECO flu * LJ pE PETER R. SHERRY INSURANCE New pqi Al CUWMSVWaAIoeEt RECYLD. M S E RV M91U M (2? MILTON, ONTARIO 8784774 1.20M387-2617AUT L ISURANCE BROKEAS LTD. 205 MAIN STREET, MILTON 8M17217 -tSEL .AL CASSES a llSaRANCE20 ite., S.. E, Mte La I iCiGHT INSIJRAICE FTGRL NU TIME TO I/ROIERS LiI51TED BOESL QUIT Oaav5hA SMOKING a contact ~*l Cancer Seciety. Ygai PwmWe. Agent la Aiways At Yoliw Servic e vide cUtogist aigoad ta apt by tae pal/ce. Theyc iee citera mare data/i Sdmt, by quaif/il docl lnay asalyze sisat te e troigit mnirpho aattachiag an SX 7t ora ta a inicroncope a stridence. cas ai clotig a/o ta dtas for t/o prorei interesttag aspects aif lasuspectlidetficaion ai/iss's description af mse tae idesi-b/t, a t arcaty ai sl/din dapict seq oaar. 'St fi/os oui a geser hicti g/vin tae tacti/ Ite suspect. a n ask/o ta tait tai c/t tae resuit. of plastic sidms dap/cti ni humain featuras, Ira or, a datait/o p/i is/ saisf/el, a pho lc/o n/t tae auspo facs. atifcm tae suspect fra denve bai i/ean altacor we ura cautiaus," sa~ wopeople ana somathai ai/as tror crin trea d/itereat siaipea ch a/o i/y ta sarrîn. -it's bard avidene e nvseigatorn a/o tire aidenificaion aificer cain a/o a cillbngn ontaejait gias ai HaItan ta case tour shafta four dope uit sot tas/ode emargant is poucre jusi getting a mi /o- ta- l, the ait ae 'ai il ta mce ebaf cosilIv mpms t Unitisbne, a casecaise p,"griace Ceat.Shaw. "utyon have tage tait." SATUAOAY. SEPTEMBERI B08utifully îestaîed Cntu stsca - 5 acrs, iagîsao cas!, tcare. $32eo, H.V 401 wesita to .6so,,tttpproxaiýtey 1/ ta/o et ci/as afvilage oi Morstonc W/le touar 416-854-9963 nt 519-824-Stt oala City RWi/a Ralls, OPEN NOUISE s 2. .M. W jWveaful bick bua/m se naat 1 acra te vouad lat -Rafistialf cadi Mait9,0. iioy ta JavaW. IoaCamp/olavdo.aaaotitGlhLinota it 15 S.R. wsa ta T ,ieruscton 50Nort It 5M Sll2-5n Roya City Reaft nutr RENT-A-HOUC? -Ma in msim a I"l cui fat mmd.dIt/uus Pa asbals $MM0Ssgomm. Phone 1-519-M-effl0 solteet foa Sas brochure and i/actiass ta Osr fiarninheil modela. Cati Monday-Titursday 12 pou.-! po. or Friday Et Satuaiay 10 s.m- pou. Ctssed Sunilaye. WOODCREEK HOMES SHREWD JUDGE OF VALUE? MAKE AN OFFER TO-DAYS nmodiatopaosassionvafthtis3/agtsam tas/cy hom an sac yoa ai. Businss trasfetnaosstates tho raisa/t aile,- sug Pcss $76,50. Fivîsitad reacîaatiaa rOMCul C/ita/t Deaitin a8442950 acoacaus a27-4587 tai/dtal/s. RALPS F. MCCORMICK & ASSOC. LTD., REALTOR 844-2950 -AL wu 1a I