RE6 The Canadian Champion. Wed., Sept. 5, 194r It takes a lot to print agendas' It nkiay sot seem bbce a big-ficket item, but $8089 and tbe courier mast $1,065. pritittg and dettcery agendas for regionat Tbe rema tbe prtnting cost ie.s ta be- couocil costs a sizeabte amount. cause the agendas ara smalter. Thie reson In a report iasued ta Ouf ton's regionat for the increase fn Ose courter wa a fine per admninstration and finace committee re- cent iocrease paid to Ohe courier for caaoly, it as sotad Ohe coot of printang detivary. couincif committee agendas for Ohe first 7Te courier, by the way, mokas $ par quarter was $10,03; WbOle Ose courier cost hase for a "speciaf rua'" sport from the nor- for the quarter maa $906.26. mat flat rate cbacged for debrvery fn fa tbe secood quarter printing conts oece members of couricit. - ROYAL ma TRUST PRIVATE SALE T ~ 1 *95,M0 SU.130.0 PHM 3 large bedros, master bedrusis TOWNLINE HILTON 2 pce. ensuite, large sasta kîfohon, oncde -Har a&a Ot or sidaO.d m niue 5 hnmhed famîf y rusas mîth fireplaca, outispra oasasabsaofsamm 1-4 pce. and 2-2 pce. batbrooms. co1Stuo jnt k. . p5ool lit-fr Lscated os quiet crascent. saso 80000 05 ooto ssosias 878-5261' _ROYAL *Z TRUST 1 M Corporation of Canada, Reaftor 400 MAIN ST. E., MILTON 878-188 DONTr MAK f A MOVf Unalt Y00000 nbankad oui tim aélis peokai 3 bedouis big honte. altb snen fomif y 'iorn.begt lkisbaa.tinaood arnse. R$3.9n11. Coul ROI NORTH gin-ai. NOT A MISPRIIT ain,90. For tht. 4 Odris dninched htotaa. o.ric our n11 kit. ftth .1. ta dack. FP in IL, w/o ta dn il f -Cod yard lrum DR. Imate poanaotoa. Colt SYLVIA SUROfOnia-ai. LfAVf S 0F BROWNI COMf TUMBLING O 18 On tit super lands or loi. Spoiés 4 bedioom boisa. feOinina fnmilty ooms.central air and asuc main. Colt SANDRA 1001f 8ia-8i. 10 ACRf ESTATf LOT. Baailly mooded eroperin locoindi npproaimnaty O -istioutih malt af Hmy. 401. Markat aron antif In n ai tOrge bomîn. $79i.0.008 Col DfNISE OfSK R SHIRLfY CHABA , ai-a 1 YOUR FAMILY Nf f MORE INSPfCT AND ADMIRf I 3 SPACf? Tht. fiae malt kacl 4 elsa- badrouma. ltenhad ras. badrouis brick cnaéual ot las. large kitn a kout paoin danirsd ara dasemrs la dck.. Oaapltans., buit-t Vour inspection, $122,000. dinhisar and more lai as- Som lith ROI NO8R aia& y $90,900. Cati SOANTI SAN- PRICf RfDUCfDtt Il muni lé onIt loagt Largo 4 badeiom. boase, as Ionaly Iaadscapad DORSET PARK BfAUTY ooas.toad lot in prastiga $87,5001.100. Beautilulls aras- Vasas for R114,900. Cou dsnornad. 4 badrouma. 2 SANDRA LOGIEfS-Oan baiblé. boas kitchat mitb tiot atn. CotI f0 PROVEAU lu ulisw thts bungaow.a Ric. ri.., loisily CI.m with fira- place and air coditseing, IMMfDIATf POSSESSION. Supsr boy-3 bdrm. toms hosn mith liaiabad basa mat. tonced yard. 0usd locatiot. Ashîts asty $49.900. Colt SYLVIA BURSf Y M8l-188 LIKf PLANTS? Tharill loe tb. 10' ail0 nusîoam q8 itll Dainni Park home. 08.1 tend- nnoPed. Loi to 150- daap. Pios@ Call CONNIf RfYNOLDS lis moie déals aia. aou a 'rg lt . Cle NEfS A SPOT TO BOARD ouf litaes $83.00 par eionsb VOOS H0RSE? Sraot borna Ask for EO PROVEAU t. ban cois. wmh tib aidair 3 onam 8il-li8N. badrosai bome. on 3.5ace ai fa'. fond. Col I ldoy. TENDE R BUDGET? Tbaraa soothn nams. Twsoety iomebomaa liais $40000 offarina ftinson ... ime., 3 VEN005 TRANSFERREOI badroosera iaacad baok Sborticfosiogofiarad oneibi gardera. Ona naifable i.- larga 4 badronis brick bock- ninditly. Colt SHIRLfY selt Ftnisbad roc rai.. oa CHABAN OR DENISE tnily rosis Oas. kOlcbas KEIISLAKf 87ia-8m Many aso ras. o $1890. Colt DENISE KESLAKE Miu VOUR 818B H O M E SUPER BUILDING LOT. Ho .soisrne nand ta CO U LD biaoiad onsa paaad rond B E H ERE CONNIE RfYNOtDSI ofMltn 75-seoi $107,00.0. aturan noutrel o m tb araploa aad aakout. Brita atn hit CONNIf RfYNOLDS 878- VfIOOR OAS MOVfOt Onlightal 4 badinais bome on 2 acres of moodd prime encnrpmeit laid. fsjoy lb. baid isaroued Geai Pod poolt Cbang. $1l,90.08ý Cat SHfIRLfEY CHABAN 878 818. EASE VOua flSUaISO PAINS wltb Ibis 2308 sq 15 Exécuti bois. mith Holly- wood style kitoba ith tbmo. Ms. it. loasty ri muSh FP and m/o. 4 large bdrma. Matr ban fl ansuite and drissing ri. Futly lseuad. Colt SYLVIA BURSfO lia- STASILITY, INTEGRITYAND HIGHtPROFESSIONAL STANDARDS Thora's es adenanaga ta woekîng with Rayai Trusane o10f Conada's leadlng reaidentnal moal saute0 brokeen. LYMPI GORDON 854-2710 DOIJG WILLIAMS, BROKERIMANAGER DENISE KERSLAKE 870-1736 RON NORTH Bsm- BRADONO 8784718 AYDREA LEAR-COSTIGAN 8784151 ED PROVEAU SYLVIA UURSEY 878-038 SANDRA LOGIE 98-1881 CONNIE REYNOLDS SHIRLEY CHAMAP 1704015 *PAUL MICHELS 70478 'SHANTI SMIDOR roronto Lino 826-707 330-1528 878-1707 854-2337