f The Canadien Champion, Wod., Sept. S, 190 ýC3 Pmli MGIbmu..offstd NoS. L 194 Library celebra tes lOhanniversaryý,,' Il waust toe long ago tout'o trip ln tows Otlactia of a=*0,000 llbrary, according te involvmng author Farley Mowatt and bis lObes participation ln other lbrary opos- Ste restembers a lot of people qustiaood holl couldosenbave boss a velt t he publie former chiot lbroclan Uaelagh Conway ftber, a former librurian. sored activitros la cosdered, oh fts a the need ait he Urne, bowovoe a oswvoy by library. ~ al lTe price tag Inteol !:dcplgod CItildren will h. treated le a poppot sowot much larger percentage of filtomian the architecturol fim of Erçok Carruthers Fer thepaot 10 yoars taoa ael e frsiahlogsan asi aucoplete a si . at 2.30 pot. follemed ai 3 by a performance utilie te 16,410 square-foot facilite. and Shaw reoultein I convbodang evJdence. thebenofit of a modems facilty bot anti! 190 It hbas boss nearly 10 years ointe Ontario by the Miltes Choristera. Pauline McGihh.s The pubicly-tooded llltrury coas The Toronte fine was rotalsein deolg the th.r.e wau se lbrary as such. WObo tae leutenaOt-goeoror Pauline McGlbbon welU addreoo ttee ait1he ilicory iloeday ai 47000 books, TM filme, 1617 recorda and 71 library. books were moved trem. Ohe lees hall buse- toek part la officllopeolag ceremealea 3.30 along wlth Mrs. Ceamay ad Roert magazne sabocrlphls 'teday. Osty a la 1071 the Ostario Menosa' Reatos ment towhat la now Ohe lawc e of M ut- Nov. 2. 1974. Chiet librarlas Jessy Amy Mochey wbe mao lihrary hourd chalrmoa fraction et thia malarlal coulil h. h.aaed la Ceascil recogalaed Milles Public làbrary cblsees, 1rompo and Rende . 1a tOears Itebok thatos reuaon te calebrate. wben the new tacillty epeaad. the temperury Main Si. lecatios wbicb wao for outotasdag des*g asd muesry. lThe aile the lbrory board tow il would h. esly Susday, Sept. 9 hba beas reserved fer Ibat An onniversery partp coutld n01 h. about 1,50 aqoare-teet in ures. Mca. Con. umurd ceaght the attention efthOe CRaadian temporary. celebraties asd the public ls lavlteil tt complote vithout e cabe and u t this celebra- wuy racatts upproxlmately tome0 volumes Architectural maguzine mblch pubiuhela The advsst et Reglonul gevernmeat in participate. Mayor Gtord Keaste, cll bogie tien there mOl ho plenty fer elalters. wereuavailable te Ohe poieir ut iatUre. Mteure os the tlirary that year. 1974 greully iacreusad Oie toten' popula- tbe attersoos event wli u ceremoay ut 1 Accering te Mrs. Amy, 35 per cent et iolias7Ts comblaed dt the tact 'me had p.m. It mill teuture u vides efthOe originul local renidento are memhoro. lct itumbor Wbss a sem library mus hoing considered The tacillty mss halt dt Oie seat 100 *iterallyirua eut et raem," led te Oie ces- epeelsg chlicw ci ho tllewd by a flm repreocats the Northt Americue uverage. in the eurly '70s, tbeeold Bruce St. echoat mas yeuee in miad, arcardlag te Mra. Cosmuy. Il trnhed ut a a passible opion. Recostrac- mus mare ta 100 Yeurs aile tut.Oie tirst A drastic increne e Ibe eldely populu- tien Sy the yoor 2,000 bue prempteil lMe Viclorion Order of Nuroseett fer o 'Seolticy ugig corne. Denîgeed fer ait oge greepe, lice fiveeveek corne te vedlei lloter a ouccesetul pilot prjeci eferedin Hamitoen, ccrdieg te lecal VON Coeyn Keyworiic. Grodeoten wili knevihvte cepevith sress, dineoee, retirevenl andvmeetingteutritieos]needsal a reasoable ceci. Ticse rean cun S ceceredvwith a foctuol appreacbt sneyeetfthce preilems tucing tbe elierly cennel bch Sniled ilS "pt Wierr de yearriegSis hogie oeil yeer reepeesiiilitieeddoeil de year respeeei- bltîee etweigic yeur rigicîs? Accrding te Mrs.Keyvriiciieeare questionfaced by tavîliean relativesegel eider. Thce coeteghofintg Wed. Sept. 12, coesrneerce oflparticipants and isset up te resoniltut hoe eedsofet iiose icoîneil. Opiens le insitutieolizoliot are diocusocil Ieecemmunity reneecen are enptoieed as voil as picyicol aide oeil adapatiees wvicci migict allev uheeledeely te tay le the heme. Mms Keyverlh hlieves it inlice reson- ibility efthlie individeal te "age aes ealthîly as pessible." Cempltiegt tis corne iii help partici- paets te tidfill lict roopeeibilily.. -We cever lice agief peocee, SaIS mental aed piyicol and vicai yeecoe realistically epocit rem il. Wiat ivii ielp and vSai wonlt, epoined Mree Keyvertic. White iiere are eSme dineoses tSe vedical prefessien con de uitile abeet, oSe euggenin lîfestyles c00 e holtereil l etoer ceps. Lite- style caniceithe cause oeteme dieeaseeand lice course viii ffer "sensible preventative Peeper nutiien andl exercîse are me etf lice beys le SealiSy agieg. Learning te cepe vuS estress viii lse aid in împrevieg general SeilS oeil la cecereintle ecorne. Percenol safety inclading Saning technqes and maetanng a secure home envîenventvwillhoeaddensed. Prepaeîng tee reticovent Sy vîedieg dev and plannig ativiieslvo Inae ye feel ueetai can hoorcit these vice face tues cangeile i/te, accerdieKie Mes ilcyveetic -Wecneed te'be needer' sSe said. tn adldtienIoeieteematien cuppieil Sy the 305,reecorne estreelees, elderly partiel- pansvil/ be ealied ce te thace cencerns and bnlp acever questionece1mvyeeecem partici- pants. The meximev cumhom et participantes 20aalamge geupveeuld nt al for itiivate centact," accrilng tethe VON. Tbe ceurseeeec teeom 7 teo 9p.m. Wed- cesdayeeciege [rem Sept. 12 le Oct. 1teul Mlten Public Lbraey. Te regiotor clt 878- liencý caste cdicted t emillion doiluen uand the fatctlhe buiding mue tee largo lad te ias demelilion. Miltes Puble Library cao iuitos the site eftIhe old tone acheol but entyautior on cooscit mus conviecei ef lice nee oseucb buildng. "Wetfett ceenecd Soda rigict te vont the neei eplisei,' Mes. Ccemay suîd in a receai telepiconeiterview. liicacpmusargnizil a liltoas. la 1855 lice tirst Mochueica lastute andl Library Asocation formed haro. -Tiese institues mre the foundutionaoetotdoy'n public eystom. TSoy mere developei sae woirilg man cold improvebhimself byreadino oeil self eductie,' enploined Mca. Amny Miltee Public Liiccory is locoteil ai 45 Bruce St. Sidewalk said needed Contrctonofa idwak log Hghwy Out ac usn s sprepaed te.ctt 25na hsolmD.t mrv eyfric v o hec s cîllers vere ie Yeoungpedestrians, sbealdhoe csideeoin îrved last veek. cent.yerc Tevn budget, one Mlten Aerepertiby Oepity clk OBilRoerts courtillee bas eeeevvended. tcdcaedlihelbheateiattempig te cul Lasi vicier Ceunclier Rese Harrisen ceins and Ibat MeDenlils Sas already saggestedPemier Theales andMeDon geec$5,00 tleads ivpeeemeteeofthe aides Resaurant be appeeacbedtefor uds o l iersectioen etHigicvay 25 aed MamrketOr. bud lice sîdevalic, sîcce macS oetiete Ceencileor H amricen replieiltSe macler businescemnestfremlocal yoeîbsvtuevaic ebeldiieo b eetered to eesyear'sbad- to h e o rresetaiuratundmvevthatr.. ge. CHURCH 711 ï SERVICES MILTON ALLIANCE CHURCH Sac, She,,siPlc Site ebee Pasettr: eioeel 878-9584 Sacday, Sept. 9/84 t ý00, c, Moineîoshit 630p.m. Ey.noeSe,c Nurstey Fcltites et ail Servicce and CecteaKng &MILTON BAPTIST CHURCH Sunaoilp.Sept. 9/84 teocüa mc,-WohipService t,1 me , SudyScheltetbaWhele Fuiy Atfiliad mt thee aetist Cnetion ofetOntanteri lice Puisic et Si.Gevrges&t.Jehn's Angicue Cba bh q p Ror 0eyCuaresMase St Jeohns Guelph Ote b Ne. 10 Sdeeoe/ Sept.9-9:3e/t v ttlyCeccsce SI. Gaeoes tGeeph Lceeceth fDeyRd Sept.e te 0a.c, SundaeOcttel Sundat Woe eeu Octret et Saerosettied Eett.og Thee Ftmesd Land" (A Study i Fet oat informatioee ocecatctbe estudy espe,a eteeerps,Phontse 78-4384ac OGo lulTo koamChisett and MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 OntaritS 87-2022 Chitt,,t,,os Gtlvtod tn The NaenC f thes Lotd Sucday, Sept. 9/04 100ac, esueakBead t dC5a.c, SaedaySciceei 700p.v opelScee Wedcosduy ilev Pteloe to TheeSeces "Fol.11 hae sced, andeveesht oftetThce Glete eofed. 11e. 323" CH URC H 0f CHROSUT Saeduy, Sept. 9/84 1 000 u..OS/ibe Seiteol Clams foc ls/igee 730 p.vm. -F,sesitcoetthe Gospel. GRACEWAY OAPTIST CHURCH /cdepenest-Fudneal Patet WaterH. Isaak876-229B Saeday, Sept. 9/84 Weouece outoetvotectun et: United teel- wocee, Cool,., 407 Pns Steet (est te Mite Lbary. 1000 o..- Soday Sciceol 1100e..-MetieuWenicip 6:30 p.m. - EeeelouSevic TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH PU0.Btee596, Oattntote 4272 Apeleice Lea Oas W.E Pye634-4879 Sucilay, Sept. 9/84 945e c Btble Scheei lamesionreeail aes 7:d00 .-Ev.pe FtereeacoieSot NEW LIFE PENTECOSTAL FELLOWSHIP Ae,/,atnt t/lite Tee Pataeeetal Aseocliet fCueudes 106 Wakefield od, Peser:t Res. 5side Alita,,87-3358 Saodoy, Sept. 9/84 945e..b-Soday Schee/ teo i aece t10 Stuc,- Met-inets.hip 6:00p, FcttslofetPteee Tuesilay Friday 7:0t.m.YthAbctivitîac SPECIAL OLD HOME 5ER VICES N SEPTEMBER NEW LIFE PENTE/COSTAL FELLOWSHIP /Forel,ieFhwaGosel Chutch/ New Lte etacestei Fe//eshtt te tttes t t tehpoaryquartiesesetfOcteSe,, ecd me theeoehaegspsetualsies ons t ha e//cmtsi dates in Septemer oreouetialsevices intheso Sepeee9th Weid Christiae Mtst,,ec e Toc, ot(Beis te LCommucst Lands ,tih aefimi ReecO0 ODeratchbEtOe, DO OIt etsvbet 1it eeviai Hec, Lades Ttco et Sepeavica,23,0 ee Leneld Cowcdet fIdaho, Bibe Feephece Setve, Stt30h -Oas Marvte Chistteeset Fs, Faste, bt Feaede, Otha, epoctuls etil Sa hapeat ,e duîingme snaervices. Ai ie-tasEtbfor-vetvevbersadhatctts Eb tedseoftheachuteheaeecmedteoaee aed ai et thano spacals te calaictute athus Furche, /informateoneiab/e Sc caliltes87-335 ST. PAULS 0F THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA MaieSettJaveSt. Oas ETJacke,,tch e7e-8om5 Savday, Seaia, 9/84 1130a.c, Cttstch cheei Oeestîelee 111e/ev.. MeteengWetehp Nureryva/tAeiabe EPIPHANY LUTHERAN CHURCH Roerte ealdwin Pabl/e Scituai, 180WisenDrt oas. Themas Pacelu,, 70-2562 Saedey, Sept. 9/84 930 a.c. -SunadeSccai 103a.vm. -Fuvle Weip Lstec te Tics Ltleoc Hour- en Sscdas 8:0 a .c,. -0eOC 1ttM; "Ceeed GoW!th Oai EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH, 24 CmimeiSeet,î Mitn, Ontario, 17-3642) Our new fail fashion coloturs are arrvng daily and they1re hait priceil Choose from Canada's largest selection of instore watlpaper andl desorte every room in your home with the latest designer patterns and the seasot's I best savings! *off the regular price elsewhere fExtenlor IPanm mStM n C AiU Up to 5001o U_ EctectAcI 71 -cie u Ex7eiaOr AlkYd Sc 1/os Glesa und Sec,, lene c200/o 237 (cavel Whie e40010 A559 CMOiEeaedueLowePr e $29 98 - CM iEvaL c.e $te25 98 Our F/test Exeo, Gloss 2 0/Eterior Sec,, iolecWhite 2 CM çveecaetLece $e2998 .CtM5E rc. L-P-e $25.98_____ Interie,/EetOee or P ,enumOsaittjSelidHide Ltec FlecPent 20%0/ 1918 &Sem ,-TanspaetStain 251)/o 1 CM yeroaccL ece $23 98 -CM,cc,,,oLe, ceS$20 98 Our Reinet Etet rAceyic EteirLatex 5/ 5 Latex Satn Plt300/o lp1IF i 20/ 16 CM Eedu ow Price27.98 CMPot-/tu .rcpc$2098 naiv Label Eteect Exeoot 01q Rua Lutex400/o 959 Stuto 50%/ Iviavior LaxWall ltavueSemi Giete &ilng euint 400/o 1077 Lte '400/o 1 ÇM Ewraay iuLw Pei$17 98 CM EEssdyL- eci $15998 & THEPRESBYTERIAN' Il30 A.M. FAMLV woRsttv HOoo D, Ch.oooefrommun.y decortorltea eee3 onL 2rGaw eP i.c$1.39 , CHURCH IN CANADA Chrls Sa/denepccer KNOX, MILTON 700 P.M. CHR00 IN THE PARK - Joh t70MaSt. E. aoMtoe aescetian Gospel Cocatt - oosd pcovedd Sesa The Re. TJ .Lacu ecvetaceccîvntocar radicinthe a ue l Park Sunday Sept.9/84 (40 on te AM dal) à Sundy, ept 9/ 8: 30 p.M. FAMILY FILM FESTIVAL 'Ocde, Cý o rI » twM tOila . M,ingWentcp- 'ly.y te Stas",cnîthEmmneual Park -Adut Supaolsdr Nurnery -tee he/f-hou, fsture fims refatnte u ns n Mid-Week Acticitien fic etvicie mythe deeiatcg tse teauhicu ofIun~iU ae6 Tes., Sept. 11/840 2.00 pvm. - W.M.S. Roert etorigieepuicliscolendnsoc iete soAse "Thea Gret Onotous, Myste and Hoetîe -uth Le/te "Th WoldrT0uîPaisicad" 5 ONTARIO ST. et LAURIER AVE.. MILTON 871Î111%6 800e. W M. S. Evenico Det. ALL WELCOME TO ALL SERVICES, o oa amttmStea9..epm Hosels- M,gscet igue AT EMMANUEL-mo.t i.8m 9p.Smdy9&.t 6.. AIIoeoioa schurcehon thceo o d - ___________________________________________ Aging course starts Sept. 12 1 1 -J