Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Sep 1984, p. 4

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?teCaa*n Chunplon, Wed.. Sept. 5. MUS 191 Mb t lun*.P0. UB«UM Milmma.Oufmb LOT 4M HERB CROWVTHER PubUsine ALAN BEECH JIM ROINSON MIKE HALL a- s-sn*Ma-a ns-su-c - ( ý PsÀofnhd esay W.dneday by Meseofad PssOeig, Puleehing & OlteuigLUI. et 191 Mas Stest tan, Mlon, Ontario, LT4N9. Tlphon8l5M2341. PR4a. Sts ore 31Y inch; Hom i uOnoW,00 5bscfpton $15 Pm ser i arr ie, Ol5pe aa, byssa n Canada; l75ineIoteouassise. The Miton Canaden Champiomlàoneo thes Motml.std Pdnbt, Pubising & itihtng itd. gmoup o ut bateampant. ohhahcldsslTae AtoFmi Proue.The Aurons Bne, The Bampton Guaddes. The BurfingonstOThe .BoaintgîoeessnsoPost, Thes Eobasks AdnOn/Ouuden, isdsentoa. oOham Eoomssi & Sun. The MsssneOga Newsis, heNsmmaaset a, OakoiieBinin,, Oeisiis Peday Basr,. Oshawa This Week, Ohawa TisnWeekend, Oniawa/Whity ThiWdls5 Otham/Whitby This Waskehd, Richmond Hil eral. Thae25iiI Lissrai. The Scaboouh Meae. The StenttodllnTitsn,.Th Wiloogn Mirosand WoDdtitniga Liboal. MetroanotPainting. PubhnglàDrbnisa divso f Heflquin EnpuusLimitid. Phone 878-2341 Too-ntLio 821-3837 50% solution A special mneeting of regional council held this mormng cep- resents a watershed in the continuing story of trying to find a new regional garbage dump. By nom, most Milton residents have become inured to talk of dumps for garbage, dumpo for toxie waste, sites to store sludge, and sites to burn garbafe., But today, Halton wi1b discussing a significant lowering of expectations. The region is committed to energy from waste (EFW) in whîch garbage headed for a dump is sent to a plant where it is used as fuel to produce steam and/or electricity. The problem is those places where it should go like Ford of Cara and PetroCanada are very definitely not interested in burning gar- bage. Whaf tis means is the original goal of burning 75 per cent of the waste and sending 25 per cent to the garbage dunsp bas now been cbanged. Il is n0W realistic t6dexpecèt only 51per cent to go to EFW with the rest going to0a dump. Today's main recommendation is to use the regional dump (when it is located) to taIte 100 per cent garbage for the first eight years of ils 20-year lifespan, and then go to 50 per cent landfill after tha1. But will the 50 per cent ime hold firm? Thats what uls going to bring debate today and the reason 2,700 letters have ben sent out to interested parties advising tbem of the meeting. Becauso we understand the difficulty iflot finding a 75 per cent EFW site willbng to take the plant, tist newapaper cao sup- port the 50oper cent altrntive. But thee hne bas to be drawn there and etched tn tone. If the region is committed ta EFW, then it is lime, as the duxnp site selection date drassdoser, ta make that final com- mitmenita 50 par cent land fil. Way togo Congratulations are in order ta Campbellville Mohawks base- hall team whcb won thse Ontario Basebaîl Association 'C' Divi- sion senior championship over thie weekend. Althougb it marks thie 55h OBA crown for the club from Campbellville, its thie first since the mid-'70s and came inaa season thie club was not expected ta do wetl. However, despite thie poor season for thie club, Garney Mit- chell and Co. put il aIl together in thiethree-day tournament and ot juat one game (and that b y one run) ofthie five they played. Its a credit toalal concernied and brings back memories of the 195sS and 1960s when Campbellville teama dominated senior baseball inthie province. view Point Sm thoughts Au t write tis, Jobo Turner s the prime minister ai Canada, the fProgressive Comservativas are the officia] oppositionanad 25e cisil servansuia Ottama are itooy sbcedding esesy bit ai soaSoitýve materiat bnoamata By the tîme iis s coud, the situation iSl hase shot- cd, atboît asoffoiatty, if ailth2e poia tn aauat labo cor- i-act. Wil Im not exartty fearfulat5oug notin favour, ai a Bries Muroney goverameat for the sent four ta fise yoacs, ibis elertias bas shows sucb a great change ta traditianaf Casadian potîco ita notemorthy. Sa bore are smme noten. Tise Conservetivs, aiter fighting foc su maay yeacs egaint the Liboral strongbotd in -.Qsebec mlerb bau guarasleed their bld an the statua ai officiel appas- iian, samowfnd theesetsas oisg that Mame power base ta their adsantage. We nom fnd ardent Quebochers andi Wsterners ia league ta send the Libocats on 2eir mrrry may. Wite mach bas been said 2at Casedians moot a chage, it'a iatorostiag tbt the iggast shift in sotise patteras (i.e. Qurber) sa't for change ut al- tt t for rantiauity. Hasing a nativeson as prime miister s becoming entrenchod ia the Quer m ay oa ifte.This st ta uay thats t'a rang. masbo il's jimia roincodenro. But sicMackenzie King bîd faremett ta Rideau Hait, Que- bonces base seraed as primo minister in 25 oifte folt lowing3C years. AthaugI. four douferont noa-Quebckrboavue bora prime miister sînco 1948, tbey didat teast long. John Dîeionbosbor tastcd lîso yeara, Lester Pearson mont fonise years, Jas Cark tastedss t 2an a year, and id the patin botd an, JonTurner miS go dama is history as the prime miister for the shoctent teagth ofai tmo,ine moobu. Another obseration- thîs mîtl go is istory not as the campaiga Muroney mon, bat 25e ose JonTurner aost. Ctearty, daspîte att 2is baoney iramn Mulroney about change, Turner shaoed imsof to ha tasa than prime mmnistenial. Ad 25os mas the guy the Lîbrats elostesi oser Jean Chrotien itesame ho was elotabte? tt kîod ai makas ane tbînb 2at maybo Chrétien and is dream of Canada mott ha brought bash for a repeal prfor'F tronisatty, aIlt tbme Jas Ctarb stabborsin-tite-bacb rame ottmaoog good. Thoy putted themseises down ta the tevet ai snobes and then came out ofthiis mitle tbîsg ltmkiag protty goad. Tbo look a moer (Clark) andreptacd inmby boobarbyscrmbk, sth a siooor t Mulroney). It sort ai sho you miatsralty impact- ant an Canadoas patîtîcsa Au Visse Lombardi said, -Wining isaloseerything, i'th2eonly sing. Dutoaidus mhofe kit and fahoadle, e sor 4allaiiance boimeen Quehor Premier Hene Levenqae and Mul- roney. Lesasque, obsiosy stilt smartiag from is tass sn the referendum n 1980 (mtocb the federal Lîberats betped amcure) gat an the Mulroney bondovagan. Canityo seee 5next separation referendum ain Que- besdacng aPC goserament. Tieremîttlbc John Cros ie, aattered ta is Nemoasdtand hast, oui sampaîga- ngifor Canada.ts eaaughlaomablesen thetleastin- stîned separtist vote Oui noxllimr Yousve gtiahand ita Lsesque though, ho deoomk aut foc is hostinta toresto first. And inalty, me hase te siuation mhrehy Pierre Trudeau bas supptied tersapa in wihstTurner has basg bîmiteit Not kboomsas goosi triends. Trudrau tofi Turner oitte tome tasatit thoeteciion, lhrra in visits by te Queen and theto Ppa foc gmod measure and sirtuatly made il impassible for Turner teoin. And thon, me are oet it mt tiis image of Trudeau, ces- surrecledtram ite dead. rampaigaiag forhi o d fii ends and draming cromds larger titan aay ofthtit hre paotocal teaders. Il's iton a sampaîgo mo2out issues, But seriaioty theo sampaîga has beon fîttod mit personaltioos tbe ihes oai mbhi oe arr uolobety ta arrutlte orsi genraton our readers write Test case Der Sir, 1 t as mth great nerasi thait 1sarted roading yoor oditoriel f aiAsg.22 titted "Test -Caoe." SBy nom Milofsa reidenle are geting preiiy tiied about yet arsotbe slry in Thoe Champias sammasting as thte crrent situa- lias ai dnmping aue and taoro ein025e lama .-' One sauld intrpret it taOnbcetcemely ocsumptuosson you is imagine for esen one momentitht e0 otsrme ste siuatiosn fottawed hy yaar sewspeper is uring toi rendors. A suggestion is thet yaao essorage shoafd asniinueton One ppraprately pfeced as thetlead story on thefront pageof es-ry issue, in rder tua ssig. the pinniy titis issue deervs among e signilleani portion ai Miltos rendenle. Porbepo thon. pubic amarenens regardiag ail tome mwate ises wuld b ncresedsiceeil so dorectly affects the ivssof thousesds. Par if Toma Coucils egai aciisiy .. or f Gta Jetoae's attentionofreinsthe Fedral level oneIB insieamesi riait le aisidens ai mmudd bave tleasion why sot? Tihat eosld onty On boranseeof the lecIs af intoret irens e majorif y of yasc ceadershf p mhlh hbu bees demasafreted s hs-sgh pesple ot mabhsg ibemssolven heard le on ne rlei ny ofthOe ac- tive enti-toni alr mule ap 9groulaifts m àfs, throsgh nalosteors, ar-e glvhsg both tiime aa5l money toi oppose Oe sites eloefl. Oi Oie asti-toud te ue groupe, OUT. and Tressalne-BrlOOusa have bea ictie for seene lime and ps-learly roprent ces-mland on-ile csideale. Ilise Mille. Esalononesntal Advis-y <rosep tME AGO t oonat primaarrl of esban Milleon t. le In nubr ae, al grosIpi ceetitte tol ,e=aastedim sucb ai bydroegnlogy. bain ithe boss way ai t cancernesi Miton reidens ncen betp. Attor hati so- iribufing time. Speakmng ai timeî 12 ithte ane-mantb deley reparted a ydurlatliesee(editoriat and fronf page), the OWM*C cold still bring dama thoic decisias as mineas Nssember. Ater ihat, the time lac oppotionsin abonosor and whet mil e rontders buse dase. Wtcame bocb icom nommer oldays , Gise mep Édaln nosa urbon Miton.. and a contribution. the Milton Ensrosmestof Advsury Graup, and the thers, need yan. MEAG c a o5374 Main Sf. West, Milton, Ontario. DR. DEMSLLE Milton Applauds stop Deer Sir. llie Halle. TauhlForceforfa the Prosenitas of Semuel Abuse ai Chilsren epplandu 25e Board of Eductiona pngessive fiet stop tomrd the denlopenent of e presentoan odecation pcsgcam for our elemnentacy nebot bilidres. At tO e Aeg. 23rd Board Meeting, the tutenreadlly iceepteai staf ecommenda- nulles nps-ng, udO Oie iepis-ale Bonl Osr tubnk oce of sotasteer prafemnafs and parens, uder the auspices oi the filild Abuse Cosaml, buha&cbred dlllgently ainIe Mayeof iB a leiepueblic emirenimof dnild iemail ah a epomue sdoelogono f premeontîve ieoouron ai mou on treaoent; and inl preparo a prsponel for e joint cons- monlly neheeli ponacreai poigri. a wu Oie comnsity-onsadbi proposai, OiaO prninp- ted the EBoasof Educties l de lcothOe preblo n d lsesduational implcations. Not only la Oie tank feseo hnord by tOil Poltvoflrtstep, butls]ol*i n nindleetion le Oie nsonnuy OuI Oie isisel boaerdsare m teho ihisledir i eqonlbililly la . Peronilve coponie in dild senuat aitoe-spesificutty the robe i presentian. Preveniion is the mostitcibat rampanet ofibeitrenpase,oif oe aeserisu about tapping abuse. Ad me are! Gicen fasouable esaluatian aifte pilot, me are aptimistie à prevention educatian progcam iti commence ia the srboof n hy the taaif1985. Sncb a pcogram raomptements te nemty deselaped ieeatment andspport services preentty opatiaf on aur cm muaily. CAROLE HOLMES Chairpeeson, O#kvsllIe Boycott kept foerSic, "Boycott is bepi" (front page of thte Champion, Ase. 22) shoubs I t OuIs, On put imos the proper perspective. I1eand Mayor Miler didait boycott the Plaooiag and Public Worbo Meeting and the npeciel cooreit meeting heaase the BayaI Bolanical Gardens man tas facforootatotrasel iAtec, 1tcasebted tn Municht ta Inspectea Liqwd Hazardous Wate leciseretas-(tutno col le oie teupayers) 50 t meeld hardy Oinh Plains Raid Loo far ta 1) in lonesestel or c"onats. 2) Tuere mem no vlld rosasot holsi a speelal meeting t Oie R.B.Q. Nent me milOnbe viag e meeting et Hamibton Place hecause the Hamilton Phlharmoenie motso mre osonoy. We have hWl ope"lalnsetlmgs la Oie sorOi mmd Oie soutIs on limon Othatapplied leo aerc«" geogrepbir lunettes mithia the cegos, L. huonig, pli&eand queasn. looedbn, nergy fron mate plants, etc. On thin occaionsthece mas ospesic iesue. TIsee alreson becarnsaarenlai Oie outad meetoh ofWe aioyAOIgnaa mbes ftho RayaI 500aaicab Grden cequetesi. aditlîleal Iodue. BILL JOEINP counicler. Wacd 1I& . Coverage great Iseme Sic, OOnhaf f utthe Miton Jaycees. I manita tbash yau foc the Champions caserage ai the Mitton Jayreas Meef-tbe-Caadidete-Nigbl beisce and aiter the nigittt. 1atm wast ta titasb the citizens and candidates mho ai- tendesi the meeting, adJ.1 paingine for the ccomdiag ta tanse woa tuod titraugh the meeting. Thanb youa atm ta tthe staff ai the Hilton Public Library mha assisted us in the prepacations fac the sigbi, and my fellom Jaycees for isole bard morb in argaaining a rammooity osent ta abow Miltothe ioderaI candidates andi their paicies. COLIN BEST Chetenian Milles Jaycees Mont the Canidates' Ntgbt. Patronage Dour Sfr: Daring the ceceal tetesised debote n French Prime Minsler Jon Turner imptied thet the'natroae.ennointant etamre made CorruaptIon aîdasecespt areaise ens me. in i reammsson sofsMe illea tse LiOns-el Party. great Empire la mideb Oi" BRENDAN KENNY Onlase. Tue masque mu o-nve Joyce Olnd.,Millen pst la nobter usue Oathe aone for -, iocis Mrs. S-ahey hon 80 l tersed I iltle ccout. *lle oaeaam haiptneetç li,~ ~s Lotites-sthOe Editas-, We do, boue . 23rd u<t. l eeJajt l)I' reee rocglst.oeodt, revlisadre- Wllllemshad himtaes ea are calied les r.oro i lattÏeer lle ho e toms Mr.Or7B Eejected. Oie rter of tise tler wmlii ho Eoiarsi Gîrtîey mews-ormsont tteeieed ad the cemem explaineil ad hl ie b We aibtbat aul LOttise jt ho M sipmd and tee adiro the wrle Mmd and pianoteaclng in the tetephomna a buko h Ielul Ms- ammo. JW . ny Ustsj tes-s Ul hob,0 ejehd. Dottrit irevellgM 1 . Syor tOs week. I - 'E..- ýýli ofth e past One Year Ago Froni the September 7, arn ison A plan by Jlm Snow On sibâ àO briefof nfhie owta the provincil commssion ieeklng à elte for -A new domed sporta tadons bai buoyed hopes of Hilton Rqlan attractlng the faclly bhue. Members of a npecial ceglonal subenmmiltee studYlng Possible locations here mu tald luit men the bigOt profile penslneta cabinet minster mould bho mb- mitting a brief supporting a loca- tion isn nrth Gabsifle. Hont, muggy meather over tie Labour Oey weebond baanheu blamed for a slunp in attendanice at the 23cd ennuil Steaas Era show in Milton. Accordhsg 10 orgsoizern of the event, total attendance this year feIt about 3,000 rons font pears draw of more thon 20,000. A ltaltteacher han taIsesn p the challenge oi TerYFa'@ tegccy. Oob Pecora, of Sien Sherratt Sehoot, le organlzng a Terry Fo Ras 1 tahe place In Milton, Sept. 18. Mr. Pecora mid he look up tbo tesb aiSer- learnlng o cun mas sot ptannoed in Milen 0his yeer. 20 Years Agb Frnm the Sept, 3, 1964 issue MainS ?t ooked a icone front 50 years ugo Ohis meek. Eserymisero people dcesned in hand-tse-dsmns or homemade otd-feshloned ctothes and store windows reserted to scens of the tsa-n ni the centory with displeys of antiques and foots of Oie tride from earty days. The tow tender of Colt Con' tractiag Co., Scarboro et $575,118 mas accepted hy the Hilton District Hgh Srboot Board Wesfnesday for as addition on Oie Witiams Ave. High Seboof. lTe new 1t,000 foot, 22-lnen pipeine toiring water frsm the Ketso mett ta the Toma of Mitlon ii borconstcucted this Oil atla cost of $93,348. Car-mushers and tamn and gardes materers cas eno fl11 use of tite town's mater fecitition once more. Coascil rescleded the som mer mater srestrictionn, ef- fective Tuesday Sept. I et Monday's asascil meeting. Restrictionmore lmposed on May 25, limitisg renidensls10Omsw boucs of hase ose pec oseh. PaltKernighen ai Margaret St., the top Grade 13 studeslait Mitton District High Schsl Ilis yeer bas heen amurded on ad- mission schotarsbip ta Nom Cottege, Toronto. Peut, son ai Mr. and Mes MS. Kernighan ni Margaret St. mas as Onario schot or mitb a par cent average ai 05.5 mhte ahtainingfirt-elin honoors in each ofithe 10 papers olach hemwrote. 50 Years Ago Frons the Sepensbeci. 1i34 lIne White drising a mamer on Oie Doodas highmey Fciday, Sewart Lawrence mes it by an uta- mobite and tassed oser the fonce toto an adjaining field. Altbough both the car and the mmor Oece budty damaged. Lawrence mes unhuri. About tmcnty papals ai Milos pubtie schoot are sufierlng fs-sm witoopiag cough. Wben tbey are ahte ta retors ta sehoothOie srsl- ment for the iatt tecm mib regisier 295 pupile, about the same numbor an lent tecm. Tise enrotment ai stodonts aI the 10gb scitoot is sot yet camploted. Dan Attan, Mitton, the amateur horsemun, mas tbree pefoon at the CNE, Toronto as ilams; lad on Roadstec braod mare; 4ts on Roedster foah, and lttas yeecold Roadster. The tas rate for Traialgar township ifor sent ysaç bas bees iixed at 3-t0 mitîs, a reduction ai 3-10 mitts avec test yers rafe. The Labor ttay weekesd itcaugbt with tl a regrettable liai ai accidents, Enen sllppery, ra- soaaed ighmeyn do sot offor n aufficient excuse fac the deplor- able tait tahen hy mole Icraffle. 75 Years Ag o Frnm the Sept. 2, iI lsse T.C. Ltsingslen complan ita a quantity af igai pipe bus bons stalen fcam bis park thet n numbrorfainicandoeent tlna gIonesbase alsa beau carrfed of and thers whlcb more out of reech, hase been manionly brabea. Mca. ,St. Lac- Strachey*s "Masue o f EssWOI e as d.

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