dump view Milo Enefpamai uAdvisor Gresp Illaunuftloote lhat toile mute disposai ha& become s black and white lasso. "If IL ùsot bre," maay peopesasy, "1tIsa I Win have te go in Romanoaises *back- yard.", fTis ppeacs ta b trse osly boase of the initiai decisionseibat tbe OWMC bu mode abot lia proposed faclillles and selection f candidate sites. But filsmpiy isot trse. Il Miltas does sot bave ilIILdosflot have te -go Liesme other zomailrralstcom- momty. Wbat ls rue, ihough, la Oat tbe OWMC has refased 10 consider asy alternatives 10 ils pruent position, and il bas frmiy ciased the do a 0 yone t wiobes la soggest or prsot other solutions 10 the probiem. Conîder iis: ai teast 30100 0 per cool of indanrial cRste cao ho re-usool or recycled on ite. le fac, the ig ohemicRi compsoies are aiready uigg me of lioir cRoie 10 generaleeergy chirh la ra-osmi righi 0n site. These samne companito bave oaldi hai icasoporioeg asie la ioially ooeeesoary hcaose il osn e hdeal cih on site. There l0 the iecbeoiogy available for: reatmeel en sile, bhoibiihîtan0Ralternative the OWMChbas deciloolilo consider in depth. Connîder ihois here la no pemof h00 o cenirailooli megr-projeci, lise ihai suggesied hy the OWMC, 10 the mosi soiahie, the mosi ecofiomnic, aod the safesi souion oe dioposing of or ireatiiog ooic waste. Decentralised, omaler mollo could ho as safe, if0001 saler, priicaiarly if ihey mre operatiig rightinleindustria] areso. Aod certaiely ihey cooid Ihoeoheaper 10 soi op.i The iechnooogy for soch sysiemo eiista. 1 The Pasoma Ach sysiem propoood hy Bil Johnsone s one and the vali ooggesied hy Jlis0 Reed is asoîher. osih systos areri place sond operatiîoaielsewbero ai leasi as sale as aey sysieso propooed hy the OWMc, but h10 ioo, is a alernativeo lasandechoed t0 consider le depih. e Cossider this: ihere are ai preoeoi, casie c trealmeol lacililies operaliso on Sarnla, in t Quohor and ln Lecision, New York. They ace lireeseli 10 acoopi mosi chomicai, and ihey are opraiing onderw capaciiy. They colli ho realing the cRoie the i OWMC epecis 10 reai ailils oco iaciliiy.n Perhaps the prisat sector oa capahle ofl8 hanoling ail our toslr wasio and the Otarion fovernmen need not beinvolved. This, again, is an alernative ihai has d certainiy sevor heepully dealcih. i Meag masohors aeMllnMes k si it ar-f 1natives ibey tan 01<5050 lf tbeyaeoppsa la the OWMdC'e propsilaos. Boithlisad d cila bal the OWfC laent ilateresiad la alternatives asd bas aiiowed fre sediscusbsionof alternatives ili publie consultatlas programme. We have bea otsld maay mes: tise pubie mast play the gante by the OWMC's raes, or not utai . Suono maîte how straogiy citizen&' groupa couid prove ltailite declisola put the facolity la tht Golden Horseébae mas ast the beot decisian. lise OWMC bas pravided no opportanity for thtm lao argue their case. No mailar haw strongiy tht citinena, groupe coaid prave thai sasalier- moita loe in aildustrieilactase wll havt noseoaf the dangers and provobe nootof tht publie aotsgonism of tht preomot proposas, tht OWMC bas provlded ne opportumity foc thtmi ta argue their case. Coosider thia: la tht tariy planning Il mas suggtsted that OWMC abooid recovor ail lis cests, iootoding soi-sp 00010 lwtacb mii amoont tu ovor $0 0milion) fromt ils opocation. 'Mis 10la1se omancnesovtd lssue, bol if tht OWMC muet recover 00015, private seor iadustries wml eo douhi omdtccut their prices and inevitahiy drive them oui of busnass. Tht prisateseotor seemo la beho hdling tox c aste iretmosi ctaabiy ceH. Chat ibey tay la needed tb un agency 10 enforce thai ihit caste os iceated pcoperty, and thut il ib not ladlscciminanly damped. This could have 0evn a iroty ostîsi colt for OWMC hut aofortonutety, il110 001 an en- forcement agtooy. Il and cheoils ocv facotity comes loto opecation, i ilcli 001have the pocer 10 tensoe companies use il. Which way.. Every woodehichsvay thecýindhtloco in Haiton? tna oreceol report on the leaoihiity of and enecgy-frocn-waste (EFW) plant for Olalton, cosultanto compiteli a siody of which cay the cîvd comnes from. This cas donc bc- cause an EFW plant ciii have a stach and ihey cool to knosv chich cay tht faitout ocoulditravet. Using a site in Oubvitte the consoltants foand wiodo came fromt the: eocth 13%; nortbtuot, 0%; easi, 02%; sootheast, t3%; soath, t1%; mouthocest, 9%; cool, 07%; aod oorthwmlt, 17%. Adoheg cest sod oorihceui, thais tht directiov ce gel the clidoe-thiol the Choristers starting up Mlton Choiisers iii sr geing inO yone ieresied in îoiniog the local tune lor lias Seaso's ilre concers nexi choir should cal Mi Lander ai 878-7055 oeek. or Bil meser ai 878-1616 for more in- Rehealrsais ai Miton Dlisrict fHogh formation, Schoei each Tuesday evemong siarhing Mlton Chocsiers coUl presmot concerts Sep. 11, are ope te new members. in December, net Macch and May. WATER SIIDE ,O o 01 0 1 ftcng 0 rn 0ing cOot t -~Canada s col 0000 ,OO-cl WotrSldol Soc you ai tho sfit' Mon.-Sot. 210 Sndyl 6 *FamiIy Rates eParly Packages white water '~Shoppers Woril Brampton 454-2653 The Honourable Alan W. Pope Mnhiser of Natural Resources, and The Honourable George Ashe Mnser of Govrnmenl Servces invite you toatatend the OFFICIAL OPENING oftihe ncw MINISTRY 0F NATURAL RESOURCES DISTRICT OFFICE 21806fleavaraie Rd., CambrIdge B8o dyF I T? FALL CLASSES REGISTRATION l~e CLAS -U Classes Bodin J~ "L Wook of S@ptembar24tb miss ACTON FAIR COMPETIION 1994 sinner sili b. aligible M for the 1995 Miss C.N.E. Swaatlsaarl of th. Fair .IUDGED ON APPEARANCE, io wne PERSONALITY AND POlIS 1MWne Laura Jansas Frklay, September l4ui AT THE FALL FAIR Enletahassai: Famly Vuiaiy Prasatatio Two Runflers-Up Wil Act As Quens Attendants SPECIAL PRIZES FOR WINNER ANDi ATTENDANTS Doadline for Entrio Wed. Sept. l2th act 7 p.m. There wiII be an informai rehearsal on Thuro- day, 7:30 p.m. Sept. l3th at the Presbyterian Church. REQ2UIREM4ENTS MMSACTON FAU. FAIR COMMITSE 1994 Ai ero 1 [IexaaIIIclI ~UapU oronto lL«ttions.. O 005 R~S AMf: Hsrdmag - Borlbsgho-0 Anohrjb cetinpect fom Ontros$247mc in nomEsAUl.PUCHAIES COVUES @~yi Aceeed aitlWorsPrgram Wmfl!UN-YUAUWmm UAROAAswUVMs s6A,.il-s« hou esedol4, sa0 ,dsu eaiw so»01o ebmàsflaas aybe tO5as s a "si @~aies tja5iPff ____0 nsco 051er AUa ç.flhç3flSUNDAY 1"-, CIc Moy Georgoe Mnsler -sus asaes ODMIV E-.- -usas. - rxmLOTS OF MUSSPAUKOGO cotooat - lartymot - Pme1 FS imme Ce ut I Gess Gres osd Saturday i aoa.sum ueesma -MIsbwhw mmoiw The Canadien 0«gtpion eo.0 IM ~S SatwdY, Septeinbo29 Figurines Royal Doulton Kaiser Llardro and Coalport 25 Hummel 18 Kt. Gold Watches Baume & Mercier, 30' Jean LaSalle, Longines 30 Swarovski Silver Crystal Watches Seiko, Citizen, Pulsar, Loros Up to Gold Chains 1OKi, l4Kt, l8Kt, 10% 30%of .Up to 5 0 off Gold Bracelets25 10K, l4Kt, l8Kt 25 Pendants and 20 Earrings20 Genoîne stoneas et in 1OKt & 14Kt Cultured Pearis Up to 30% Off Sterling Charms & Chains 25% Soldered on bracelets f ree of charge Ail Ladies' & Men's Diamond Rings 25%/ Ladies" & Men's Coloured 20%- Stone Rings 30 Gienuine and Synthetîc 30 Wedding Bands All rngs sizd f ree of charge25 onIy $99500 L lmtedquantities 878«31 8764W3 (m OMe83121 0112 40, i g aw ý ov,ý,5wTct - Il