lt's a thriller. Reoplseon f tise public lu te biios United Way rampalgo ba urpanlong eves te mms anoguise iopes of ton lnvulred, Catopolgo manager ieater Omit mode ber flet depasit tis yenr of more tas $3.000. Noutat rnay sot ntis eeilgl "Or coovosacro thiayear mn iioe edscated about te United Way and Lte>de a btter job mies taeyresnt -lise oor. "I thiis tey abs fort marismore cons- lurtabte about misaI lise>'are cdelag,"sise said. flobattaluerideoce bv the recuits af Inlîs sme day tast year, te first dqatsit of tM neuday duriug uhich tce tounis uncas 60,15il O foa lt e reacied4ad isspefpl uas $M75 voosed reidetiatty. swrpassed hy thse Nov. 24 dl of tise tam- Itts a sgo the 1984 campaigo lu remisg p In oneoesn of Miltas comprtslsg 210 P51E55, roses. ~homes, the ranrassers ucre abi ri" r Campaîgo president Erole Taylor uald hie $360 lest year. p in u i lesroaeaged by the remponsue bots seiog Insthatane areabîis yarcnvnis U eSEEEMUE and sayu h o oed o defloite locrease os the rame bock with $t,180. part of the pubtic of amrens about ubat fie good urus doeuo't stop there. f i UnittcdWay lu an otses. Mes. Smith uaid it touks is Mitton o r S a n tal "t thtok me guI tarîrd earty tis ycar aod reideots areemakisg sure teir at-the-office the momctsm is juthidiog," hie said. eontributioos at johsmout-ofltouo are bibg Yoa couutdlu a pshalt usuzard and blet MHerety did a coaiothe rural area r-drerted to Milonus . bing %isaClans lu touns at for soili $1. BlonaCsmmmlty Crédit Unin.fias becs gives te Mitonsntled Way CsmImmlty of Mitoo whcrc he lires. Ne made $t26 ibis lu the lfri eyr of the rampaigh, about -,Miton Malt Mebasîs arc endscllog s Leadersblp Aard. fie honor rame lu recogsltlus of prus'ldlsg free office space for te year and test year-but Iis ycar lie mode $500 mon reluroed. LasI year it wun(,Sn. raffle Its a pinblat machise wIlsh Iroceeds campalga for te paslt ree yars. Feom efs are: relfriog HCCU geserat masager, (eetro h01 amont of mooey bn jast t0 risite. "And Iis ycar l'm eopecriog more tbao golsg lu bellpusdcrurite tue ecusses of te MrLeod, (tord Irasîs, HCCU persident; Prter Bumotda ohois tisé iscomisgbfCCSJ georrat Mrs. Smith ood pubtic koowtcdgc aod $10000, she sad.1984 Mitton Sasta Ctaus Parade os Nov. 25. masager; andErsle TaylorUited Way prcsident accptaucu sboog oo res the deor. Me.Taylorad eeryoe asocaed wit Tickets are $1eacb mnd cm iscoblalsed from aoy rmerchaut in the mal. fie ioser wt l e oosouuced Nov. 24 at 4 7auaBtm u 0TG15 005$p.m.ubcst the dram is hetd. WecnDeIRBoUTIO Jo nears end FL05 SORSAM LOSEVE 0)05 super strurture toc the twtooisg of te a r e sydoy, 000000 O 5h kyayBrdge iocopered to bcrmplte tut 10as$35,per hî tard. Ptant manager, Biltl Tyaosolad tbe tnst I shtpmest of steet mUt go eut is about Imo j&Mtroand Communetly Nowupapo - Servng Mltan in 126oh yearýCl Alan Sooch, 878-2341 ueko 34 cHeuaid errrtionofetthe steet shoutd lu cempleted by Noveother. Frooket bas VOLUME 124-NUMBER 20 MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1904 34 PAGES-30 CENTS sepptied ,550 grole terces etfssetl foc ibis preject. * p ~ .Toxic piaSs Board and teachers resume contract talks Hatoso hgh echoot trochero aod Keith Ruphe, prerîdet et altons the Board of Edocatiets hcad hacb te Otntarto Secerdary Scheelt 'eacher' the oegotiotiog tahie this vrch en an Federatise. District 9, eaîd the ttempt to resotre a statemnate i te archers' aod bards regettattog ocu otract tatbs. tramswtt smert Threday aod Sgt. Dave Eadlie Ieaving atoo RegioatPotice Staff Sergeant Roy Teaguer hs te Segeont Dore Eadier vîS hcteacirg reterrty verrg jrGergetown. thc Miton dirîsiote Frtday. fIctoocat staff segcat, vhs has StaffetSergear) Eade retsrrs te spaît tusood-a-hatf ycars ir Mitttn, ttabveftr anoraberre etmore bas acccptcd a tarofer te the Oab- hec tettteyeotrt.e Mcbas srbed i vilte diisio. Gergetown, Srttrgter ard Mittor e ml lu rcptaccd hy Staff drtrg the irtereat. Frtday te try te conme tean agre- Dr. f Garda, the tact fluder ap- yitted by the Edacatio nations Cmmissionteofer mediation aI' tempte fatted te peedace ar agre- vert, sebmttted bts repart last wereb Negottatter prosedare cots fer asether tab at ngtiatirrs aoSer the fart fbrdcr's repart lu uabmtttcd. If thle teachegsaand board de set toeoan agrremcst by Friday, the report brcomes public, fier therepre o fether 15 days for bth parties te afatr try te tegtiate os agremett Afler that pariod, Me.Nupiasa uid the coachers arce telua pasitionte t ski the board fer itsfsnaboaeffer, mhicb ato's 1,t25 igtt schert coachers cao itbcr orcpt or rejeet. If thecfOral effer ir rjerted, etety bher vitt a sribe rote cattcd. Mart'sihscheetteacbcrs have heer eitheiat ocotract sisco 1982. Cerret ergrtiatioos inctue odc eststarditeg isses rn the 1003-04 cor tract, as velt as totks or the t984-85 certroot. 1' fieboy rstues en.h 198485 cotrartctre o nnotory iocrcoscs and aai cass sie,andveorbtead prvisions for teochers. out of date group told Ny JIM ROBNSON Chaompiosn Editor The Ontario Wastc Management Corporation le busing plans for a toxic waatc treatonent centre on technology which la already being rcpudiated say councillor Brian Penman and Halton-Burlington MPP Julian Reed. Mtr. Reed anti Mr. Penun were part of s four- member pael speokito-Wtise Federution of Univer- sity Women'o Clubs nmeeting on toxir wuute treat- ment, helti Thuruduy in Milton District High Sehool. Ase oo Utc paon el ec :Bob McLcao, of te Otario Waste Maoagcment Corporatio; and noy Scout A Labachise, presidetote t MdoNotroesa Avseyapple days Me. Pcomao, whe askcd te ce- main seatett hecatter hc hod mert"s, atd he fets "Dr. O t 19 2 Chat'eteogîc ie taserd. He retcd that Dr. Cthant Or Fidoy oîght asnd Satardey premîdrnof OWMC) had on- merniog,' Oct. 19 aod 20 Mitos ttotty statctt 30 fret et ctay base District Boy Scouts witI lu te the mrtmem dcpth er whech hrtdiog its anouat "Boy cout a tesic trcatmecentrecrutd ApptecDay" Mev that bas hreo rcdsccd te Oc PYî7day eoiog scouts wsil 20 fret hecaese tce depth bas buctselig thetc apptcs lu ploazas set heer fod er someetfte and ther pubtic places ltuer caodidate sitte.If he cao 6.45and 9.0pm. reduce te depth Ltit ro . en-ocs ocSatarday, bth cubsanad man saed, the 146 sites deopped Smt ilbseinape n by OWMC shestd lu toohed aI easvt uscls ptst agai if hey aveclaydept of these same locatioss as mctt as agaiet te as tyde f dose te deo nthe residettat Mr Feomanseatd the aces ReChern ptaot ir Setard at fie tards that arec reeteed deetgtted te eperale msch sntce fer Appte Day are tbetrîhutcd camne styteeof the plaot leog eco bacs te thc groupa that porteti e'teaged hy the DWMC. pated teso tbe cest efthIe opptes. Me. Pemat eead aosmbor tags aodcanss et ctîppiogs about te ptant frou a Settîsh ocvspapcr. fit ee fin unde arc asedt heO steries ttartcd utth questions greups to huy cqotpmnt, about Ihe oittty of te ptanlton supplies asd other speciat verk cerrcty.hent Uere vos moîeilt l op tcm portici- a beadtioc "fie Day fie pale and esjoy the Scoutisg DaisteTurocd Ntsc" fottoved movemeol. by tories about iluerie luittg fibe suppart of the pabtie held. ubesnbchy soc ose of osa' boys A mate frem the audienoce lu- selisg apples and from sbopa lu tereled sayîog te NcChcm attomug tce boys ilu sdI the platt s lîog ctoed tbts mecis apples osîside tbir dooes wuld becase et prebteme assoclated maire Milloo's Apple Day rery ot il. successfut' Me. Peteren rctated tce or liton by the o .l datec to ad- 0Shoutd you have aay frter datiso ewti l egat henms oct- questions, pteasc ct Bob ing snteUt tovo's bohotf, a fui]- Bryn, 0878-4401) 1984 Appc See GERMAtO. page A2 Day (Stairmas. inside today's Champion. New Owneirs Thfrd Section The Hauques Gatlery bias ucu owocrS. About Town.....s ..... Ct Loolttug for somnethtag îsboreslîsg lu do, ci~ First Section Insert Touetsm Sludy ............2 Dommnios Farmture Edibortats .. . . . . . . . .4 Letters . . . . . . . - Votes Age.ý..... 4 Ertrtaiemeot O....... Se condSection Here'sa challenge It's apple time Dtln.>« Hea àt oe Aag At' Spgoa SepageA.4 See pagei CI Reo Scepage .... ....e... Rec