AlMod t i e 2-2 Blades dampen Steamers enthusiasm Blates' lerard Ciinsi tu thii ie punit pari Seamer geatîr Pao oiiaa durniig Oaitilles 5- %iSatrday. Blades have aquieitjuip and airadv iheraieletorcnaaut wit te lragar. Titreagitheicexhiition season, abt- servers of Milles Jr. B Steamters wcre cenderitsg hit he crubait cd fair againot leants frotlils oen league. Now lhey itent. Airer wiseteg la fielbe oganses, Steamers gel a lasie ef the slrosger lana n the divisios as teriait lied Strcctsvitle Derbys 2-2 Fridsy and lest " 8te the icague's penteritueac Oaitnilte Satarday. Bath gantes were ptayed ai Mentriat Aena. Altbaagh Steamers hane no rectos lu bang in theirhads ini hante, te nlab piaycd wadi in bt ti aigs, te earty indication is taIOakniie s the tuan tolu eurttis ycar. Stades banc won titeir irsitaur gantes and banc aat-snared titeir op- ponents hy a 3227 nargis. Wilh srcne larwards, a ntcl-disciptiacd detence and te iest goatie ic teague, Stades atready ressemeni te t981-82 Stades wcat tst jast irce att peur. Oabvîtte tniited taulteni n w ing Wie Stamersliit aatengood soring chanires, Stades' gpaie WaynreCCowtey, ptrhed up front Georetown rone thte siuer, nas sîrady in piring upblissecond shul- oiilut fte ycac Cowlery ptayed the ast years i Gerigetownrbol Oas aqared ontyon a wanier ibeceby iaing hbu a "free agent" ai te end othbesea- son. Ce sbopped is tlents acoand No contact New-look MHL kicks off season Te newlookitnocoolarl Mlon Hockey League resceed actiono bas yeac otî thelit clganies ote198n- 85 eaon Oceday nigitl aI Milon Sprts Centre. Oulsîde of tbe change i la tc Iis year, te league atro bas a tels naie tcanger and player oe mnns Iis season. Amng 1he changersoinsponsors are Charter Kigtîr, ubici Se- renier Sapercitoire Cuntlry Mar- huIs, and Rentas Seally inhicit bau snitrbed atiegîacee leCentury-21, Sadrtose Transpert, West End Ouîr, Sîcaîgitl Lise Penne aad de- lendog rchanipions BSW. aggart Crane are att art niit niant te sanie squad ad sanies. Century 21 han andergone snia<c mtajornchangeinîtrstîne-ap. Jiniog te leani arec naie Mite Siepierd aod dulecemno SelI Patîerern Iront Charter Kigit's. Oter narc MHL resuits coesare JerI Vanod nu c ottaI Ell iullt, BStlWailrs, Atto Nicholson and Mach Mullay. r'e lurbirt perrd lte seasan ithlba 5-5 lie u'îlh OanonnCeniory-2lIs Mulaly scored îith 53 secnods refI ibothecolesi lu pull outl thr le. Ilîber sacmrs fon CenlOcy 21 wr Suit Baker milS lin aod Pui MuCano and Eloare Stark itne ~ea .dsionc iscnir7 focued wîlb Jury Geo rie sb pîrbed up ion assîsts. Jîim Newmnoirud 100 goals cwhite Sos Armsrtrong, Mite Mnaban lieb-5 s4lt$mq*5it8 rbys) and IC eateeadded oeachi 'Meealiter tuan tleundergo a niajor mchanger lte oea Saper- choice wirbîropped an 11-2score lu Slriagbl LinPene.Superiteire hldthe scoreto 4-2niidwaylbhreagi tesenond period beloce Seraigitl Linercas away e'ilb lie gam ialt seven uanaswueed goals. Er Eliron, Srce Elliran, Don Ilabitiri and JuIl Sanlord iced ta-o gas apiere for Straigtj tnna-bite Bily Lyos,'rrry Etsood and Saddy Titunias nelird une racit Janiîr Cone and Larry Rannig ceplîrd toc Sapernitoice triinitbas eîgitl sec players le te MCL ti lente oiber gante etfte nîgit, West End SlIr gare B.W. Caggart a roo focr trniney butcametoutlon te short end of a a-2scrire. Haggart Crase urored true geaIs iteforetce gante cas senen mnuates aId. Babhaggarl, Dan Agr. Pal Caggart and Peter FSaa needfr H-aggacl Cane wibteMie-rye and Ed Gaetoncceplied for West End. and gol a laker len(lekvilientiiihan enterged as Uic powerhoofaIlte iasp aiready. eincded ang lis Wins ntas an 11-0 sitolealoaiSircea- ville. Mtadles ntarcd lte lace goal of lthe tiret pertoad ten foiiantcd il sp cit two goals 52 seconda apari cary cilte second peroto leseaUi Stades added tca Uitrdlpertad gats. Steanters itad a fent gead snirleg chances, espciaiiy 1er a one and a bal inteospanrta intaetird perted ntien ltey itetd a temnsad- vnlge, bttOakinitlircieso peri- ally kiltiog naapted cithCanticy's WÀANTED Anyonaîinlarestedînemnaginga Rap Basebail Team for 1905 ploaseaîend yuaiappiatiîonusa M.M.B.A. P.O. Box 221 Milton, Ontario by0coaiber3l,1IBM c aENOIC oA aPlC Metng 0 th Li sloady goaiig iteid Sesamers affthlie itaard. Seamters deIinercd a couid effort Friday agaicol Srecicnilie ccoring Itogoals in Uic second periad ilapait nul a 2-2 ie. le a faolsit alig canlesi, Derbtys piied in front i-0 cith te oip gaal et thc opecleg periad. Hoeteer, sxoienultal intah seccond periad, Sesamers fired Itao goalstes ltas a mntelaparlte laite l ead. Ken MDoalad snoed te irsi geai freni Date Dace and liont Pollen. Pollen scred te go- ahead geai frant Date Derten and Dace. -- 1- justlwmcaaicutes nto thlietUifrd periad, Strenlanilte kittled lte score wntU a paceejdlay tatiy. Slrong goal- Mog hy Paate loZialian for Milles ced Mite N.caslerDeritys itcid bith clubsesorrcas lte res t olte cap. Notes: Steamters lraneiied le Vaughan ]est nigit lTuesdayl hefare hesltcgMintini Manarcits Friday ai 8 p.nt. Steamters Iravcilet Surlinglea 9atueday ced Sireels- ovitleseat Taesday. Amnieglte notaabte aitceslees fer Oakitoite Satarday cas farmer SIca- nier RoinaBourbonoais wci e r- ring a supension 1er facentasleeg. OHA JUNIOR .-Ir TliSE MILTON SFAKI-t s aianimiiat shutwcase tforssortie of North Aîierîc as ilist taîletdpttin iic,îlie and mtîares. Haciuess rat îîg chini sait litattouer, whlîî hlds te Militeuîirettîrat of t:57 anad the sînîtt Sîik Stutbiiigs are Icua lustrîius pasl wmiiers of thIts race Lasi pear, Progratiied arîscît lu Diîag Broîwn, lazed rtoaicrvin I 57 t Thin pears Milieu111 lîgihies iîîtluale Dancting Alitiaiucsî, wtîîliîas wonîîini t:54,3 andîi tas lîfetîtîte earniigs ext eeat ing $4050,000),'Ottartu hred A inuîr lot wîîh oser $300,000I i prse îî uîey' already earîued, plus te speedy t Maclyti, also a $300,000OOwîîuîer Dontîmtiss Ithe enccitîcli t thîs Sîtiday tight, as top flight illics an nrs tuitei stuf thli1e MiîltonîîStakes wîîlu $75.000 uon the lîîe. * COMING UP AT MOHAWK* t RII)AY, (ICItiSIR Id The Ontîario Sires l'aciiig Stakes fite 2-year-old butles $95000 (est) SATURI)AY, )C SOCLR 20 Tite Ontlariu ires Paîîî Stakes fur 2-year uld cuits aîîai geldîî]gsS95,000)0(est) SUNIJAY, OCTIIIIR 21 -The Sujîlutître ( htiiiîtrîsht i ai. iîg Stakes fur 3-yrar- tuaIs S75,000l( $7690 $16,990 1983 Celca GT 1981 Saab Turbo 1982 Firebird SE Coupe, black Automatic, air conditioning 4-speed, air conditioning Ser. No. 14091 SerNo. 08599 Sur. No, 52399 $12,990 $11,990 $11,990 1983 Celica GT 1982 Scirocco 1982 Mercedes 300 Coupe, AM/FM, red 2-door, stick shift Turbo diesel, wagon Ser. No. 25073 -Sur. No. 53102 Ser. No. 9455 '9490 $8990 $29,990 À1 TUE IL 759OO0 MUIS TSIKLS la-.