G" , ilfi 04iI.yMo - E-il. A84.179. SM Tdpi. Dl.y GikU i M., 0.44141Ahe- c461, Bowling Iol 291 RBt- 288Iig~ m A5& "9' ?74I445 0244413"0 274 World champs G.- n5 5r 0 a a teiseadia eam show 4144 bckgoun.d ae -Mlon JueJîîsuclub operato Bab Kranstz and ýCI- B i fi thie 1for.0 hich gase Can.ada the- norid ji jîl tille eceesgy. Sharon Ksoes. Mssing fr11441the Cenadie, side ar-e Steot-t,4oor astion_1a1eDer-sy tnosles (left) anid Marlti Goyette. ln the Us-t-ns Harold lhesstd, Dig Smih and JimLn go. Renîpaers TiYW o Football team maintains unblemished mark k C,Dga M foce E C.hDotsss football tei eans sltTh o 'h patans the e losa ted tnn .d -oe uot-t-îttlTt-Stanan t-l tyaelst basket attd ote flt-n rots'Me gerlsWeee RedyGibertE ioyfobl tanr-an ____________ togpeestl-celowîoyn-Aot 220e O I Tuesdey 2618.Meark Ctutuee led the leeet E.C. DIiury sports less successîtit sgattîst Oekville Traefelger LndMMiller pttints, Tomt HillIlss hed e toushdows tehile wth SANDRA STEPHANSON ot egb pottnts. The tinal score was1 31-23 for G (ati ri.1.&M Rck Femmiîng suceessfu.Ily kicked lIen con- iotleTifle-LndaM verts. Cac Mooeyad Coac6Sithare - Tte senior girls basketbail temlostte- their o- Ds C saltsfted ottta good oves-ll toeamticto-y lIngirsexhibtiosbasketbeill the junorot-games otT5tsdy IoLordElgin 35-3land 5-Y0Cxit- 579 Jtutior boys volteyball isoif toanexctsellet t eam beet Loted Elgin 223 Tsesdey. The Thursday Se Dekville Trafalgae 31-23, Jidy l e 5 ot-I ostb arecord otft-re-ososand one JyJ-f 5 osn E C, Dtury ovet-samseAclon t ogeises Io e laslMottd1y and d-fted MDHS .s Tfîsday ht-te gantes sieaigbt. Albeti ttnin ecadeVle Cbatpagone, Peut Steekios, Todd Thomson, Dos Vaodtenevi;1,Don Doeeed, Jay du in_____the_ Garceseand CamtMurray are alîet-edited for Mlto.Mil r---rar bter tînt- pleysg . 'Mt- senior boys losi to Adtos Tsesday eand MlonDistrict Tbossdey. ID W A K S L Nassir Hassan and Liz F-etiseocesslslly -ne t Btoto Park Wedsesday Vi Nassttplet-osecod ithe junior boys'odreeseseî2 s dvsisosnohle Lie pleced fîtst is 1he girls' \ Wth rbOAarKaYIIas1.2,3.An dl dvso.Al E.C.Drury t-iis-tseedeiseryisîimmodîaee Prîced es 10was5$6,645 (ptusft-eit& RDAt>,esîoy 101510 Y 5 U T08ER il7,18,19,*20 your choicooo o ethw îssîinng Hondes. Os meybe one of eecb. Athietes busy mm!! ~' on two fronts Allleiqees International Tt-eck and Field Club oss bssy on tlinsfronts recenlly play- iog hne1 Stueslay el ils iosrth emieal Core Cross-Country Meeti n Lions Velt-y Pet-bis Debodît-, and travellisg 10 Yot-ks Univer-sity Susdey 10 compose in the MeMastor iUniver- sity lnvileleo.sel teack and fied mett. Tiffany MeLaughisb led her leemmalos 10 the onte l tem ite is the mile girls (bot-n 1976 orlaeor) 1000 mtres race. He 4.523 tinefor fosssiplaetled home C6c-sty Hsselleldl (5.2.0 for 9161 and Cira Harrer (526.1for lsoh) Alss doiogsseill ossthe tybe boys (bot-s 1974-75>)tarno Joan Remskoglee (1616 639.9), Slephen Bryant (1716 6.401), Edwin Jessen 201h6.6489), Preston Skorey (21s1 650.6), end Senjey Erishoan (2516, 6.58.7), ohich lînsked tsse16 over 1CoCOn. Elizaeth 6Wilson fisished ight16in the atom girls (1972-73)rt-et-ote2,00m, osî16 a tise of 8.0.9. Is the bontain boys 3,000m tussie, Marty Powr int- oisbed eighth in 11.02.4, folloosed by Kyle Hasselfoldf (1716-11.32501 andI 10- year-old Paul Burgess (2516 120681 Tbey finished for oerllesa t-arn Peter McDuffe Skate Sharpening 55Main St. E. 878-MJ t WATER SLIDE 0-e 3800110-t t0019 unn e00 itele r ond Watr lide bone yosat the sie Mon. Fr.330100 - Satsfdyf010 *Family Rates *Party Packages Wiewater SShoppers WoeWBamPtii 454-2653 G/L'E Tiff G /l p f 0 ARUA~¶~FORSOFTWATER t S a différence you cen - sft-eteste and even e/i OCTOBER ONLY "A Ghost/y&S For You' TAKE ADVANTAGE of Our 'BEWITCHING SPECIALS" evings for further information cal G-oOeGtsrns Oakslle bA-. Ansi mm-,42 84-98 LONG DISTANCE CAIL COLLECT WEGIVEA SOFTDEA4L a"-- 0QI 0J DUIF D-Nric-u. HU/Y NOW FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. 1033 lS0eers Road QAJCVI OekvIIe, Ontario 844-9831 LOL2X5 GEORGETOWN CHRYSLER LTD. R.E. (Russ> Klopp, newly appointed Sales Manager, at Georgetown Chrysier Ltd. would like ta invite ail of his friends from Milton and area ta visit wth him in Georgetown and take advantage of his used vehicle sale. LOOKATSOMEOFTHE DEA LS RUSS HA SFOR VOL/I 1979 Ford Thundet.fr Stock No. 576-1 Nice and oen 4,895"0 1N3 ChryuieNew Yorkee Stosk No.8121 115,9000" 1983 DODGIE RAMPAGIE nn o..5 WM 1 4 k, .. ,4515 . 0. SALE PRICE $6066600 $5,79500 '4,895"0 SIsà~k5.~0~p.. ltet-s t att- *Etc. lIIaeyL Mses 874Is eThepunflUnt3 UtiPACEtU '10,900" *9,195"0 e4o C-,, ER eogeow OpdmimntClubs of North Haftan TV BINGO Naft" C"b.