patterr you thec chîicî fersyoi croatîco sewig- P mbther you arc Make your SE Millions of dollars are pent eucO year cn Wth lis arcaing methua 1 Ils look ycumant. guîckly and eaoîly cu hîgO crîces Lcck beautîlul, receîoe compli Ijust one 5-hour show: SEE pour fliing robîemrssocloed cith ease ana acu racyi sDSCOVER secrets that designers use t0 create fachion locksi' 0 HEAR ysur guestions ancicereli by an isIry prnlessilonal wmI n ossuthe ansmersi il LEARN hum 10 estîmate labric yrdage 10 suie you money DSC000ER a etrua lu sem for oltilaren-toddiers 10, teeco any shape. any sîoei Q.SEE a custom-lît pattern made for ursember of the audience' 0 FINIDUT mhy commercial patterns don t fltand 0dm you can c.orrect threm 9 HEAR eractîcal sdontcuts that wlIl ice yod, garmerîts that rolessionul look' 0SbEE aminilfashiorîshow and acluallfashions on dîsclay in lis eocîtîng 00dm' Most valuable seminar ever The Sure-Ft Designs- methonamli shom I om lu lo itdr shirts, or ederni body typeeveery ime hem for 1001 to rapidly they grom Sem mens pants-coslom it Regi dîscouer thc secretscof total 000y it You can saoe pecîcL Save money on your lamly s clothîng and avaefun doin WARDROBING! n lhis fIulooo smîcar designea (or the total moman 1s ardrobe Yumill be able to suoemoneyand dressing o a nem grment mOn not Oc cure tbat it lIlit inId your conscîous omac i ftoday choalli know hom 10 put 0crY andi maximum eltecI (uacy womec aleady kniom thece s clothes tOut creote an image m 1 moulct. Let me shodm CONSUMER COMMENTS 1m 4didîterenlo izes n 4n >Foksemnar Trlîrd accorted places For toc tl-besîmoneysuc ope o im ac ablerIomuke Hm cn go0d 0iting ciotO ng wthout -Hme eaoo aey frctration'Ta -Homemoker YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO MISS THIS DYNl Eperience il for yourcoif during the Ost 1 YÏeurc 00cr 1Il ses cars in Western Caciadar Maue cour receroation nor ClipEE ç Occoupon. Wth rogiStration rceive a FR soi ondvau aitbliadsigners toil. ossectial (or pat scdomasesWss.~a~.e..s M ,. i IIN BRAMPTON-Coc l 5 Semn ITuesda c t 23OSaturday Oci27 W usosî Ccl 17 if irever waStE 'money on comr -ns that dont fit - Nom or thc irst tm opportunî'ty to dsconer a c( ou a lfetîme ol pîoblem-lei PLUS con Colt youc somîogt CO The Canaditen ChampoWsd. Oct. 1'O 1984 Region declares Week of ilim sbus decisred Oct. 20-28 as Week of ereeted, wil be accsespssied itysasmasilai- titeilid. que notng tite cat of arscie ohn bas frocs ite regten's Sspport tintackisg te et te musesan. c ms eescscsdedb ith ie regiosieattitand Funerai Help usiisrie onttlee. Regiasat ciaiemas Peter Psmeroy wdl Nsvmcbecl5-9 Wlil e Engineering Wesk in officiafly mrilles tetter taskisg te Town of Hulas, Milton for te larR's participation a inte . Contractu ueraI procession iteld for Metro Police TzaysE.Coe, a speechit ierapist, bas Constable Dacid Donnante. bes mcde a catrsct tu provide speecht Tie procession mas casdscted in an titeropy tu eiglte ias-cr aientS astil asfislert-upted asd digifird maser' ity Marcit31, 1985 on afee-or-s-evicbasis. the tocon, Me. Pomeroy said. Karen Lacelei nstrliinisl, itas becs amnrded s contracI 10 provide sutritional Ne inl services in te region atit Marcb 21, 19,Ne Sin s and a tee-lor-service basin. "tton bas $82,900fr raffic signais bal il Honoureol beter maite sure signais dont put te ced A namiter of regional emptoyero ere igit t 0tlie esirosment. boasurodity coascil for titeir sercice.r'Me regioc bas been inlormed by te ltetiring 51 lite regeos ere Dorees Ontario Miistry of Transporlatiqo sud Com- Browseil, prioing;' lor don Filman, plant munication lier mony can 1e sned or nes operalse-; Pearl Moal.' beallt care aide: signais or modernizing old oses. and Jasepitine Maie, ho semasd. la addition tu noting t1e money cas la spent Reiring rom Hatos Regional Police (or asytbisg vise but trefileightt, MTC wcre Carles Parnons, Costable First regiosal director E.J. McCabe soîrd aIl mas- Clasa, Jacke Petraraca, Costable Foost icipalties must met te requirements ofth11e CIscs, and Alexander Teretl, Icopector Esiromecal ,Assessmest Act IKEA). Warning Sign Mr. McCabe arned Ibat ooy municipsl Coasncil bac aslborized as agreement rctb projecîs micb iote 11e KEA molli fiod CP Rail for t1e instaltiton Speration, main-susidies ittheld by 11e province. tenance and repair o a proposed speciat iterconsecled carisg sgnal on Guelphe Hr AdFr Lice snCampblillîrHr A dFr TYeces Plantrd Wayc to ire municipal employees citt la atioscitt puy (or trees tu bc plunted spetîrd oui in a lIter rom 11e region 10 1the stccg 11e cewly ceconstroctrd portionocf a0camumoicipalities. Steelco Ave. cnMlton. The egiosal adminstration sud fiance This and asolber proecelin ates Rîtîs commutter bad asited for su opnion os .ilcool 1M,40260 tlobe completcd. cluitylag 11e ltaso itltes 10 mat bas Old Coat For New come tb la calted rrosgfid dismissa." A procincial coul of arms bouced tuth11e TIbecegisnal soicitochac coslecred wotba allon Regios Museouom iEwooc (race the pricate sector lamper and 11e resslt as ewlyebudl courtbouse and ail wbiobmill cotained in an opinion bssded 10 o ocil- be sed asMilton'ccewctown hall. ors. be counillorae in turnasked itgo 'Mte tous mutla longterm, and cîbec tothe aresamunicipalitieclfor their infor- ewing pay off NOW! HU S.9-9 R e 9 e5SA ; - ýn FAMOUS DESIGNER LABELS, show 000 bm to doplicate aco lashonO ustomfii loYouta afraction dl Ioday ments Why? Recause rour clothes lt l xCi n c r e s a s s s yu w rl o tashion desîgning She os a itting expert and international lecturer wt vetrcc 25 years ol ractîcal, educational and roîîssional s e ing ecceriencc Donna Is delghlicd to bl,, 10Canada thre Sire-Fit Designs 'mehod lea . sIl scla offered! cre eevdbfr essessiiirts, jackets, punIs. jeans andauy3,94 odalcîs through tecns no matico hlm inncî Id adoanced scamstresses a3MOTOLSOCREU DUPO os taie and eliminate cdstly mitukes ing il Prited maierial is avalable ii sho100 ou o odeoeîop ybar own 0 '0cr best ilbeceasier! Whon you sewA ararobe acd ecthance Io,1Te cosl ararobe together for micmum cccl secrets YOU CAN TDD' Lock greatuc tcertslwadbinm 0oitl Desinng tat usea d to k re 4 to5 ours ih myEuropean ýmios mcthod no0e takes 30 to 40 ýcher minutes iîtO the Sure-Fît Designs' method.Tosnsoyadofbalor -Couturièrean udesormat, 'AMIC PRESENTATION! roorBsizer . s sdwv .000 Oave ttondoli Sure-Fit Desiges' ninads hns us REE DEIGNING STYLUS. a uUnNOEiquPeCASS~IEED ieccbsewing.ÇAlNSlT Hait. your ressvîanew e - O . - Î .UIs1J, W ian * * * t estnn s e rau nîCoe anoM1SS1S ,A n 1S' I I isýto i s a uinnii r e o uscooce iinoc "10O ci I) Ë"ý- ýl the ChiId at the region Oltetsdmisitra.îveoff.îcer Dnois Pelts bold tite c l sth 11eregion has hsd "in the ares of 10 orongfol dssslu es. 0 Il 5h11 appears ta.,te appropriate I meltod 10 enssure tat few employees must- 1e tertsinated, and that when necenaary NW ~i cause cas 1e proves, is diligence in the pro- e cesses of recruilmesî, job description sud esPectations, management, job review and the JEAP prograco. lhesse prevestive measures provde a emetitod of redtsrisg the couis associalsut v 4t that portion of emptoytoest law relating le terminallons which bas itees c Ne ' iven the misasmer wrongful dismissat', Mr. Pertin saili. Best Foot Somne regioal emptoyers itt 1e aitle to put tbeir itest fot lorward providmng titey dont spesd more tas 175. Couscîttors bacs recommesded 1the ceg-__ local supplement, il pays 10 reglosal em- Mounds ofmift ns ployeco cequireli 10 mmc safely loowear. 1e iscrcased from the current $600te $75. Titer 44 pairs of mît tens represent a lot of koetmcn lime tc Docstby Lcsgheed Tihe Thes policy alloos 1the nubidy of Sp o $75, Haresosy Cosrt residrot dosates ber sort to bassars lkteoe o 01betd ai iaitos but if the safety boots cont morsetas 175 CenteiaMaortoday (Wednesdayî (rom ilsa.. to2p.m. brn the allowacemwo' be pad ja 1 INSMBANCI 0DIRC@Y r10Your Peruo 8 A lAway s At Your Service .ns-MLi PETER R. SHERRY INSURANCE *AUJ 11 * Ait CiA4sweffat55CflCIl V ~ 8M SYER DRIVE * ~ MILTON, ONTARIO 8784774 AUSTEN OBE-A NSUAANCE seOKERS ITO liRNW C)J 205 MAIN STREET. MILTON 921, RB5ND 5757217 'EELAL CLASÉ OINUOANC'28 M-S-et E , cOr rit l zas 29 fyou've KNIGlITINSURANCE RKRI.D ed time BROKERS LIMITED 'MI. mercial Don Knight, A.I..C. l»K l- STOPI ~17 Wilson Dricc 87-85 -S gO!e z Milton 888 5 ic methcd, ce ttting and ky e-n gn sAwy tYu evc ime in hall.