Public support keeps A mity working Dy JANE MULLER Ch:anplea Repseter' isrlaa4'st raite siidMla alsiii helaisepiObataapedjapeemployed. Amlty wlais ppauli.rlgis rdlets on its ide, ise wsrd standa for a service waich iswll ha 50. years-oldnxt pear, pet itla latle= new ln teain. Ilie traiter la a maaned dats centre where Milleaiaa.a cao dosate gant mset lothilaa. oys, sp- pliantes aad amati frntare ta Amiiy, Tisese dosa' ton. are cleaaed, repafret and labrlet by tisablet woseiseesnla a bge fhee'itmr tactfity il alton. An.ty ap= tes fiveestores asteci carry te retar- biseditamor sale aldisconmîprices. 'Thse whio maris ai Amily liisely asasintlbr in tie laisoar force iil merenI Caor iis lacitity, Tisey are people aha are emotiîaly ii, pbyicalty ne men- ialty ianicappet antdmisa reqire a' aeteret sel- ing. Came "Iinatte Aaity for stiejabso in te tammmniiy ater tieir training misle tiees w*111e mais as productive orisees in a business tesignet i. Tiere are many lacets ta Amity. Witiin tise atis of tise Hamilton faciîtî th ie ianicapnet are si ci dist fenr she ira. Ma3 titic cet, Ui Mns tise teag ii "La! off Ct tutur Oak% that Amit Ma platE plais sh crei tir i antic Rase Whs sait tii whisît danat imita " AM IFM stereo radio with digital clock e rallye wheels 0 console " dual outside remoe cortrol mnirrors See dealer for details 5-SPEEO TRANSMISSION AND 2.2 LITRE ENGINE AT NO EXTRA COST WITH THE PLIRCHASE 0F THE ATM SPECIAL OP71ON PACKAGE lncluded are such features as AM/IFM stereo radio with digital clock e rallye wheels aconsole a dual oatside remate contrai mîrrors See dealer for details BESTDRUILT, DESTDACKED! Bsed on percent of recalis for 1982 and 1983 modelyears for cars desgned and bi/t in North America.- or 80,00 km on engine and powrtranand outer panel anti-corrosion. See dealer fordg&i- Sm tem i d te imii ed ae piai aîextraîast PLYMOUTH HORIZON rear wndow def intermittent wtpi buckeî seats 0 Goes the disttt tle gas e Hatchback desi easy access throL Compare wth Fo Chevy Chevette,1 Feature for teatuî beat the value of Horizon. WiIh thi transmission opti thîx besi value is froster ttg Oit a ige allows for )ugh 5 doors rd Escori, Honda Ctvc. e yoa tan't fOmni-anid C ýspet ai on package even better! oOG ON w The Canadien Champion, Wad.,Oct. 10, 1984I SPo W"miRu .- fFwW& " Lynxa::R* -P- .i " Tanp II FlllPkups szauitRENT-A-C AR *Ea&q aLTD ~vemu *T-rd a -4p- 8.8 Club Wagaaa 21Y Vanwfth atiatbd. I oaaMNaTEtiwmLaaaMî~ToS7*2 ans.5iEtu abiiae sr rie eeyha r~ttv Rachel Rosen eisp Randy Stinsos fondastruck sith aocal danations bssnd for Aitiy Rehabilitatila a and radia repaie ta maintaneace work and dry Centre. ithaagh the types af jabs avaîtabie ai Aaity are If yaa waatdni't gioe tinte tingi ta a friead. tiere vrse, they ait rety on te rame tblag-daaations tant gise them ta as, " saggeste<t Mes. Ferrîs. Amiiy is a regisiered charitable arganinatian with )mihe publite.The donation centre herela naoneiof Mes. oscan tidai tannasabaat Aasty aatii shr a olnateer board ai directars. i aad arond Hamilton. appied for the jab nf maaaiag tise Miltas Ceatre. The clasesi Aaity stoare ta Mittan, aatit nei Ncordag ta Amnity admiatrative assistaat Wbea she mas hiret ta8asasibs aga sbitentdthe opeset an Oakviite, a taocatet ai 136 Maie Si.E. ai ita Ferris, Milton wnatd hase been an tise itioa facilty ahere tie donatians se epetscotteet Tuxeda , Hamittas mie oationes esentuaaty but i appearet bere tan îaaid lbn processnt Tise toal traiter ta apen fortonantions seven days iy 19t2 by eqaest. Mayor Gord Kanatzanad Colas "Yoo gel a certain feeling tram te people tisere a amis tram t 30a as. ta 5 pm. [or tlanchse Hiton were respoasibte for ae- Yoa tant belpibuit eave ih a smîte," Mes. tascar Tiose ahoa tie iii bave a ciance 10 toar tise ratiisg tise tîmtaisie. ecatted ram ber vsi Hamiton taciliîiy maite ai 225 Kiag WiliamaSt. ra. Feris recalis, "Tise response waosaper le Amîty desetopetdaring tir greai depreosias as a Toesday, Oct. 23 ai 2 p.m. aad Thars. Oct. 25 ai 10 ibegiaatg' "meas oempoyingthe mayaio eee work a .m. Registrationsamitibe accnptet al526-8«1ianil st receeaty îhen dosation picised op agata, aett as proviag aifordaiste osed gmtds.Oaeîag Tisars. Oct. t8. s. Ferris sas censerraaiout a tacis nf aaare- WoldWa Il oriers goiito thear effort. ; aiout Amty and lise bisg iite traiter eisia Amitytlookson a nen rote afîetise mar, nmptoyîsg mail Te fatmarssthe edtofgarage sale ttsabied veereaes isnadatmeisea may famîtîrs move mas "Teytfet tieyisad coetribtedt ,sometnig and lia isaaaiiuluperot saggested Mes. Ferrîs. bat bren aiste itotiitis lieir tisaiities,' said te is cotceetetaisout atter mostiso sayîsg, Mrs. Ferrîs. 3st yearaweiisoogislae wootisave to lay people Amtyias cotîed to goand oay prvtes Wr dîtn't scot tu do tl aot appeaiet to tise aorb, rehaisatlatios and sulppart. Piysîvatty dîsaisl licý edpol r o ntemnrt n hs h r itristîoss paure to astdiepi tise orisees mexialty îlt outvomisee tieas, accordtag to Mes yîaad thestores srised. ntesot tootdistant Fnrrîo. ire,Mrs. Feris said asoe wilbcropendin "Ormansgoal ixtuoossess,ltratiand gelîpeople. t. sie, Teeaearatytiotdonationsceatres la bavislin thlie iori torve, tomne seulrase andsoanme tvîîy ant le Stoney Cremisant tarfintagosatd t'ittsiayîina setered exvîonex," sissaît. in Grmsisy -Ai Hamlton Moaslaia, anre Mosi Amty empivyres are refereet by ageacîrs y oiate in 1935, tiere are lister tube Voativeal Reiabisîtaîîoe Services, Worer's asnedntio cenîvtraîes ase repiated aasaper- Cmpensation toart, Atuit Protection Services, .reveptivies, Mltio's bas isene masset by Aiteaiet Voatisant Canata Employmenî Ceaire, set toscoanAdtera Thoamsone Slaveit Oas Wiee isey are employet ai Amiy isy iave tise ýe ieen beeit of a six-memberetearn oai eeiaiitatuoe t'a rewrin rti usn, espetîatiy aises yaasecrspeiaixtsandl17speesrse pte aisi tome in and donate,- Mrs, toscan es Adesrtionefthie acivitueswi taise placeoai tnt. aise farîtîty reveais tise maey traîiningapporttasties n eel taa apers 'ueserve a lt ofat iere Tie frsttmeisaaboses tisrmainvstoreeaetis i tomne tome sih ckîl avistsavcoetîeg ta toppet an tise secont by tise administrative oftices Elizabeths ant William Dign oa ilton are omas alias tiere ta ietp lanster tise gos e aiencomputer training s ottered asd a cafteîria please ta aonser lie marriagesof tir daugsîee can eapaivvieetiey are ging andl5isat wilt aieretfood servicestcaabr learsed. JrssileElizabetisîa Richard Lawrence Forserein meotîiercontribisonas.The thisrd looe us dediaiedtotasortîse,' vîanîng Calgaryon adgsti.7,1984. Tise groom dotare caonnus aisout isere tl gars,' Mrs. and pritieg textiles and iouseisoît items Training Jaycer as nsonlHggins ai Por falin, Tisidad. ansaî îpoîeuiearisasiesso thetvaiier ThecoupleiilterideuncClgary where tise bride ia hle ttating itva eestar doations, vFereus te addition lv ioeing on daalet applîaetes, a genîrcisairalenagîseer ailis Gulf ii and tise gromi iee ixaliaysa great nredlformea's and radias and tetevîsîaes, teaunees are employet iaafreiance jasrsaîiaî, res clotises, Matresses, bxsrpings anditems tlihseaabicntaciaaeblearm oatiditusties. - sisoaul b taises tatise dump raiber tison tise Faraitpce ixrerfieliset, apiosteret aed repairet iE a u SO ilne testrerareitiems Mes. toscan andnthier at- os tise iftisfCaseinpreparatias for Amty stores andt h K enio ft dtat ainta ae.casianes ebo ase tseir oms pintes refarbiabet " '" e t Mi Auto mticDoublei 1985tDodge Omni and ÎE g(l o r e l Plymouth Horizon hase the * IecoIp n S Pfeafores thal make ihem CDip or 5tShe vlons:bet tast NO ronCOSt. ldose ihatthas there is. ___________________________________ klometres of actuti dnivtng AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION AT NO EXTRA COST 0 Loaded wîîh standard cqaîp- WHEN YOU HUY THE ATA SPECIAL OPT1ON PACKAGE ment ai no extra cost: powser lvcladed aresch ari falres as22lir engine 9 power ese bcdkes. haloven headlights. - ýKntuckyftiedCick -mmmMVALUAdE ECOUPON m *BUY ONE DINNER I AT REGULAR PRICE I GET ANOTHER L FOR $1.00 * 3pcso a i ass I%nflickyftiedCbicken ----- VACOct. 1COUPON -~VALUABLE COUPON- BUY ONE DINNER * AT REGULAR RC * Kentucky FrieclChicken v"Mif 5 Çiea e Cale 51aw Milton G oldn ZosaaiFrench Fries Oanaoaile KÇetuckyftied Cbicken Expiry Oct. 117.,1984 -mmom«VALUABLE COUPON m mmt mm et Canuecw Sf& Miaon 878-4171 is ad is for ail those who ever'wonder why your company runs a United Way campaign. W heine s rg h cow a deSat, vou'repîaisiy the bta ... y- cmpany sfor 5a5Sîeg 1..laid it heUnitd Way com u ityt eppeople. Sa iyoua, tiepeople youmorkt,s 5500 eve ned tiy o or ri es, iik day raretatmly c.eiaheath ars ll b isehat ttsa help In t sherea-ata ofsaaands t ted W.v sapparted prg msan d se rvic ses iies and 5nmsîî.s_.. te unryThat measheIp i ntsby %*hereva.synare And ,, p, nkms that coldatin the diff .ce be s an epng sis a a ua bsi emplny- Tisî. s yey issgnAd that s wy they 55k nna ta is. 84asaa..thes, tiay tomea day wes of Milton Mâlan LIT 4N9. (410> )M25N1 ucky Fried Chmcken lultiple Savings ,Lup on savings this fall with IREAT DEALS on. finger Dood chiùcken. onel's secret -nakes it the Ling chicken