_______________________________ _____________Th@m Caned>anCinPýo. Wmd, .Nov, 14, lI Il' Ileles Bila(i-ght aGrade i2 tudens i PE. Dcscy 11gh Behasiwas sueprlmrd fa sec haf tlie studens a lber wsed processnggclnas sere aduis. Ose of th e e ceed of saldesi It's back to high sohool for.aduits seeking skills Macla Pickering dido't realize how enjoy- she woaid lake more course if ime abe high achool couid be unlit sue came aiiowed. Math, Esglish and senior acli as an adidi studeni. secrelariai case have aise allcacled heiaoneofseveraioider studeaisai E.C. adlis and sent semester eyerai wmrn DrY Higli chooi, iaing advaniage of mi he pari of a welding clans. regular courses there. 'We recogoiae iis ta a commaniiy ochani "ITgoliaid off and feit Iad tdo sone- and everyoneisawelcoeo i," said Mr. ihing,' explained Mrs. Pickieriog. Richardson. Hall of ithe ord proceasnog ciass she Helen Blacki, a Grade 12 studeni ai Drusy attends each morning ns made ap of adli didol reaime ilere wouid lie adlis in hec siadenîs. According 10 Phl Richardaon, clans ai the start of the year.Plie feels head of the hainess deparimeni the course comiorînhie euth ber ciansmaies liomever s vecy pracicai" and poduces vernaile and in iimg tle lcp them when ihey ash for pee.assintance. "Today you oeed someiiig lihe iois and Adulis are advioed t0 lahe imo courses per ord procmnsingeemnîto bheieayihings emener whiciienahiesithem 10 e ciassed are gomng," Mn Picliering smid. an fidi-tinme studenin. Thece isnoc charge for Ple as nervoun abotgoingliack ioiiigli coure and amosi oolimit toithe types of sliooi yearnafter fininhiog Grade12. Nom programn offered aiilie secondaryurchanî MDHS band àkeys up for seaeson The Maic Deparimeot ai Miton District iiirty. This iii mmmiis of stodents romn High chol iin fnllswing tlion ear. The Grade 9orles The Milon Youthlband wdi teacliero ruooiog ithe maie programo are lie piaymng ai Milon District Higli Priants Mc. M. Hopkin and Mr. D. Smith. The Christmas Maic Criebraion oc Thrn., student-eiecied land enectce comissco Decemlier 20 Pal Tyhursi, Pcmsident, Don Feailiernioce, The Clristmas Muic Celelralion wilin- Vice-President, Momeca Haler, Serirvary ciade theie mure Muir Deprtment. The and Colin aul, Treanurer. intermcdiate Band wi li e piaying, an weB This nommer tlie Muic Depariment as tie Intermcoiaie atage Band. lon Our tayed active wuh ilie ommeromnssioni of CncertlBand, eliachlpayed ai Commence- Scaciet Fever, or snior tage band. ment, wiill cin atendance. Thie dynamnie Scarlet Fever pinyrd ai tlie Canadâo Na- Scaciet errer milhc liere as mel an many tionni Exhibition, the Lilerai Nomination nooiîts, doris nad enmemles. The enior Meeting and tlie Hericage Dayso encira- Brans Quand mdwilie piaying aiong illi hum s.Alun, tliin nommer naw the starting oi Teicasan, te senior Sas quartet. New thin tlie Milon Sommer Maie Prcgram, ofiered year are tlie janior sas and lrann quartelo. 10 Gradms fiee tlicoqgl i ghl. The Maie Depariment i n raisin g fandn New lion year in the Milton YnthBand, ibis peur lip neiing pure Onario honey fnc mil cehearses ons Wednesdays ai four- oly $4 a higrase. MILTON FINE ARTS GALLERY ine o osacaitsh el nino THE JOVOUS SEASON EXHIBITION fil thAtis- 2.4p.m. Naîsishss17 The SeondraAccml iJoyeosSeaon S hou aan a ou te r ttcf 24ofaMiftonianstartistn.Theaok iclmidenpaincoîlmdi atr colur,. and acrt/le nsclpture; las, cottr. aa nwod nOirîrun wilI ieuran ecepttona art cf tehniques and meda L ! Enhibuci nussa iJaasy la GLERY M0B5S m-"b 2d00 main sirééi 1.9 sMitse,Onaioi si 1 .87-59 MILTON FINE ARTS GALLERY LTD. FA M!L Y DA Y AT --Dinner..* Children eat (12 and under) F E 'Fn-st Class Family dining is now affordable! Children can choose from our special menu including Peverages and ice-cream i v-i f 2f-e h, Id,,n el' , .,p,, du Icl 1 RESERVATIONS: (519) 853-3440 iecacd .. "Canada'Ly Largest Leather Store" the olde OPEN 10-10 Hid Hose SUNDAYS' <z,49 FASTERN AVE- A(TON (59)53-103 Jack Tanner's A niir (,/ he man as opmu j LEASE EXPIRED .SAVINGS'2 TILL AVA4LBLE SHERMAG GLIDING ROCKER JjýM $138" A 1 ~ ' I 1"'fv 2r" 10W0UR TV $5 ~8 STORE HOURS 10-6 p.m. 10-9P. HALTON HILLS MnTe.,WdSs FURNITLURE & APPLIANCES TssF1 352 QUEEN'STr.. ACTON 853-0211 1 4 1 - uu 1 ----------