82 Tise Canaden Champion, Weo., Non. 14, 1984 Lopsided 7-2 victory ban tams'- fo urth s traigh t k, Nine gant to N e seseanen, Milon fInt B eatty atants isenke lise .500 mark wis lieir ri11k in aoflise season and lieir fonish conseculive 10-poiter ils a 7-2 mn over OrasgevileSunday. Orangevilie opened tise -cr-g mus 31231leftin tise fini perlod wmite Retax playedsort-isanded. Milon apologlaed for tiis inssi 15 seconds Niter oa a goal front Patriek Penntan wtmsistaao Noisiy Mif sud and Andren Ciamopagne. ise line added iNjury i0noisl 10neconds laer forlise go-aisead goal isy Mifnud front Pentan and Mike Broks. Rentas doisnatedth ie second period and lieir efforts piti off aI lise 1.50 mrskmies Penssan notes- eti lis second goal wltis an ssist go- ng 1 int McDonoid. Mifsud added is second goal of the gante ils just oser o ntnte and oaisif lefi osien poci-crrier Doog Poullon tond lise oppostiion omay fron thelis e1 av isg Mifssd ide open. The Milton sqoointcroasedtire leoti oeting ils fiflb goal of lise fonte ise mntes inootlie lierd period on o Ireentas effort front JefI Clos 10 Pentas, and popped in by Pil Pontpkrey. Bock ailthe face-offlolcentre ire, Mifsod possedth ie pocis 10 PosIton isisobokjust if seconds 10sisd lus ayto the Oroogecile netand pick op lise goal ke koti beeo robbed of Brootks cînteti out Mitons scorisg bioge os ajuckbaod okol t ilb Mif- sudand PoUloo ssisliog. Oroogecilie, uoboard front for aintesl ino periodo, mode gooti ils siolb powter pay ailesepi ireaking tirogk te rooistogel thisessecond goal. Cosianti n sel foclise ictory foc Mlton ias Cris Nenteli. Novices gel 10 seni-finals n Stoney Creek lourney Mlton Ber Lise Trucking novices j troved on dovnlo Stoney Creek on tise oeekenti toc lieir icol tourna-s menofthe season. Tbey piayed Merriion Friday nigisi and won 5-3 io os excitiog conte-front ieiinti effort. For lise icol sesen miînutes of lh irs io perioti Mitons Trockiog seesedt i be stuckin irst gear and Merion went akead 2-0. Tises lte sis e period Sissyne Ferrier oipped it lto second gear on a pretty goal, se up R.p A hockey isy Fable PenN .Tisnm ils 35 seconds reniig Deug Janjelcis mqved il N iird gearr tNinsore lise lig goal.-a ediy Penie and Ferrier. SMitn rensained inliird gear for tise reof lisegante ils ImI unanswered geais N isetheecondi peried isy Chris Grirnswnnd aseisieti isy Cis Griffes and Demis Risdalei and Jases MCaU lasisted isy Jess Easonn. Merrilon made liisgs islerestiog lte e is e lierd pn ie ie sor Nconte nttionegolofLhýy isg and forcing overlinte. Wilis lie score 4-3 for Milton and Merrilon t lrealenisg for lise ie, goalie Stoven HunIer roisbed Merriien isy kieckisg a igbsisolin theiep coroer witi45ot seconds remnisiof. Ryan Cisrcis elisede Fejrier for lise final goal of lise ganet reliene l lise pressure. Toal loant effort mas lise diffejence ilhshsisiolt goalr lesdig io tise second period by Grog t Canteros and Clulci sasves lte i the gonte y Stecen HunIer. i This isntoved lise Beelinso b tise Cbontpiontbip division, Solse t day ogoînol lise sndefeated George townoAl eant T'Me 6-1core for bi Georgetown as soting for tke b tieeiiers tobe asbaned of. Gteorgetown, mea i o he over-o confident mas ield to ony ose goal tf n tise fict period. yle Martin spoil- w ed lise Georgetoonsuolin lise bt tiord perioti assisled by Jobs Moffai. Thse isntoed Georgeow nt oa lise Cantpionsip garnte oganstiSa Teal overpowers Fiarmboro Test In"eîc vepmrth ie _______________ Jefny Brooks led tint way mit, Girls ENhockey ta goals and ose assîsi. Oliser scarers mere Carrie Gale t3ibo, Ckrislianoe Trentilis scored Imo and JoAnn Hontill Cathsy Bradley goals and Kelly Picard ployeti on and Jasel Basronm itisone eacb exceletlganteingoalas Miton Jefoifer Bascont iad Imo assiols lied Oabvilie 2-2. anti Siseiy Poosaisad ose. Cirisly This lie, cantiined wilisa victory Picard scorediser firslnisalool of rîver Mitsfonoe Hardware and lise ycor. Bortînglos kepi lisernandefeaird. NeescontecoRies Hagas, Carnie Frasisel Steelers rentais (ltant asti Margîr l'ariser bave aodefeaoed in tsternte<bale play. playeti enlrentely sorti Thet âo Early Bird Mtnpig, Get the Gyniistics Chili BARGAINS vt l inte f ilic Eanabian Registration for Second Session: Wednesday, November 21 1GA1I11 ~ 8:30-9:30 p.m. 011 ThuradaY, November 22 WAHT 1:30-2:30 p.m. Wan312 Alliance Rd. 878-2341 L Milton SALESMAN' OF THE MONTH Murray Wilson, MURRAY WILSON PONTIAC OUICK winh"to congratulais JACK PARaI foai hoatanding obpero19ac4 canyccîs marsofor heles5 hýecson SALEUAOFD Jack Park 0 0 Murray Wilson Pontiac, Bulck, Cadillec Ltd. 409 MAIN ST. E., MILTON 8782355 CAN HELP POTENTNL PARENTAL 8*34 M791 24 Heur Telephone Sersice A MILTON UNITED WAY AGENCY Miltions& AA Socks. Mont Beeliners slayedslo ciseer Sckets isefr 1-e overtime Cantponsipvictory. A21er playisg in tise tournamnt, Beeline Trucising skaled ie an easy 3-1 eictory oser Georgetown Sunday at Metorlal Arena. Milton opened tite ncoring lttoin thsefirnl period on an unassisted goal by Ferrier. Juot 18 seconds later, Jason MeCail aino ncored anassistei. Georgetons scored ils only goal in thse second period. Milton finislsed thse scoring lat in thse second perind on a tisree-way play mils Martin scoring front Eason and McCail. Strong defefsive play isy Mark McPisoil, Pool MacDonald and Rois- bie Miller iselped sut bis Imo wis isock 10 bock, Becliners record os sow t lree minsand Imo losses. Atoma ntumble looing to beatable teama Milton DielCentreAtont "A" Milton fuel Centre atonts isd o rougs meekend losisg isoltgantes 10 leomo tisey sisould ise iealing. On Salurdoy aI Mentoriol AMena, lisey flI isend 3-0 in tise licol period 10 Oraogevie. Intise second and bhird periodo, Milton mode a doler- soinet effort to gel bock in the gante but sere oniy sble tb score ose goal by Chaot Perrymnt On Soodoy, Georgetowns ployed one of it. stroogeot gantes of tihe year andeolledto a convincing 6- Mn islishe ooly goal beungscored by Dovid Jewley uoossisîtid. Woit'l sent weekeod. Neot konte tonte s 4 pes oagaiool Ourlisglon Satordayoat Mentoriat Arena. Keç OId Mm a Wtr on the Rtm. Feoluring Exclusive Electro-Touch Snow Contrai System Lifting asti anglîng is aI pour inger ips- makes snt plowîsg easier asti faster. Fnger thp controfs esasol rigisl an the tiashisoard or vanssale. Jusl a flici of lise ssilcis rases ar iowees tise snoon plant assentily in seconds. Touci Poseer Aseling Cisongos tise angle af tise eoldisoard esilis lie saetenase f rantfu left 10 foff rigislin secontis. Full electrîr con- trai asti ponter angiing greatiy edures fatigue ast inosmoses off ici- escy. Sofeoiti operateti naines elimniate tise seeti for ony trouble- sonte eecisanicai conîrsi voisins. DESIGNED FOR ANY MAKE CLEMENTS MOTORS 878-2328 00000www- Ask about eur Extended Warranty Program. PrlceelefffcsntilNonel7.10*41 [~i'ù'iP'Z SATURDAY NIGHT IS FAN APPRECIION Over $100000 in FREEF-Thankyou- Gifts why nSaudayNovmbe 7 vr fpaig gen lamisin tMohw fatsi R Egif R g .600iPairsioT euday. se IO Aad Adovvica1Admissi'tos Corne or theexcitenen55o