Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Nov 1984, p. 16

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84 % ThCa"eIn Champion, Wed.,Nov. 14,1964 Anuzkng Sockei ae eil mgain.1 Gergeswn baltled thruugh tbree acre The flr-yea rerp club added mucther penioséwseaal a avre. Juil 43 secandea tl ntaI to l&i grswlng hall lal weekend by extra ime, Curle De VIle hanged hume a wlnlg thie diamplenibip et a leurnammntlo1m pub tfram a reamnd wtt ye Hay- i Stomey Ceek. dar aaailig tleuu» Milton lIis leerware kn lIeoclub accempllahedlthe feat alded wtlb a dramatic fiish. a 1111e luck by wlnnlng bt te ami-final In the mlddle aame of te tmurney, Olak- and final gamna t» everlime. Aller beattag ville urged int a 1-t0 lead midway treugbi %Idton 4-inlate epener. Mileu edged Oak- the aecond peried. WIlb iemiuteu leftink ville 2Il md tam lGergetown i-0 la oser- reglalien ime, Rys lHaydar cembined lime. itDe Vile te score tbe lyl»g goal. Wtt sportscoreboard Central Ont. Jr. B G W L T F A P Dubviile 13 9 2 il vs 43 20 troelive]le 15 v 5 i Il 61 19 Barrir 14 O 3 3 xc se 19 bimire 1t I 7 D 103 99 17 Barisglen 14 7 5 2 70 67 il iltoln 15 7 I 2 59 57 I6 Vauaghtan 12 5 I t 461 60 11 Georgetown is a v 2 Il 74 id i4ohietvn 15 t 14 I de 102 2 Steamers resulea Mille» t, Vaughane 2 Mimes7, Milton1 Future Gaumes Frtday-BarrieelMeMitn,vpm Milton Hockey League 6 games W L T F A P Straight Liee 4 i 1 35 20 9 Su»dsleseTeams. 3 i 2 35 20 O Cenlury2l il 2 I 32 27 7 B.W.leaggarl 3 3 O 0 20 I8 SaperCbviee 3 3 I 21 33 6 WetEnd Bulls O I O i6 35 I Laimwekresili Siraîglit Lice 4, iluperChoîce 2 Haggari 4 West Exe] 3 ilaudtoer8, Century 21 4 Future Gumea Sese]ay-Ne garea sciterul Milton Indloor Soccer 1igamer WL FA P Cacdyilirîpers 1 021 2 Gordon Carpets I1il i 0 2 Phacioms 1 02 02 RaneresB i1il 2 O 2 Frarkel Steel 0 i1 12 O Cactes c i 0 i O Ramis c 1 O 2 o A Team 0il1t0O2O Laaimrrekasreaalit Cacey Sripers 2, Fracikeli1 Carpes1, Coachesmc Plianoms2,RKamisc Rangers B 2, A Tram 0 FuaurerCames Suday-amîscvs.A Teem,0945 a, Piatclrns vruRengers B, 1015 am. Caee]y ilripers vr. Corder Cerpela, 1045 a,. re-1rackel telnts.xCactes, lits Miltas Stemere 4 Lade, M Ii12 uim, an i P.r. Vaughtan Raders 2 16 W,0DiniVZu18 , H.9. îc sal anInocnmSblh-.,e Hcap i i»». Lisli îiaOii MimicnMxcnarhal7 03ix e ave, se Millc Bsixra t sxtta rvie cureMSm,9 51 Bic IS1 X» oi 173 i ltCton Sted ers H"« v6e' rn,,ila oi0 e i 7ac' i &a.-x.Luirr c Dw, cuM"'v i m ne nt Bi ai 1 e48 l ,o tvii le, 18sexe M ruuuita- .egavieuntae i5. JI( 3c oincoraiw,, r ,,-,,ula,,2 frex S 16:C! tea Mr a . ..pai ix ire,, i t nc m ý d y 3 3 ti aera vi4 i a noiccaM D yr e CmVaugha,-21 4 t Dl i O e condi Oridlrad c i viSad ZulaeuReiai i 1 a9 ands. 11:iSu. sanai5ark narao, Tiueî21ieroldm ci rCSraI.D, oad Phn ii, viN- Cal laie i cîrmo he .I . 7ricFi Cd a m o Ci ta ecdos icaîi Dxr8li10 5are , » iwoo13 cou .. d o.doî 2.i ci iii OiShannon. ai O em iJ 3î Slai Csicmrrea anacicc-co'cuiW.o dmia, vil-, e lvI vrron s icsi IcSiioeii cîl lv aleuit sao nc ric vile ii ooÙý) bothsL2i15 a nIdeST le 29i5rBi cD.a i 13 1 RaMpC1, ySefrd ,V e ,otare 15 oua r --il5 Oxr 5si 3, v L i Shlaannnuax exM,(U ýbilOcci i ûoT'lyBa m umsa m RmeO iera )i, rai clicani, M. xc GWu.Treatea xK. na Iit K1,B-i v Jnnf, (vh Nc ole Burnett 46rainoOlBrera181 n i.-I 4z5. xc Cucadiat civcxa 13 s-e Wrie. Rali 76, ru riir Sw. miiroc c1 cuti .redO 157, u0a1 nadtnix, o , ,b . nrM,, 23,I zuaceta S oc dken f t, uxu gat horeix MHatp Rosa Ouudi.x ig -kZII dA iailtu cxcxi ree432e .1 M andBre S liM bt -iMS 11iM x omac, MMa7l12. n i e i tplc mi MM and cuiJmg MS bath i ve M . iary OS SaMOoo dM ai i Sueni- cedeD-, vAnm,- 1.i cm ueso i M-ie -îbP.11O.. NI ct-ra r , lxcclxrte mis .Clus1:V i- r- l ea. n s 16 a in O yic S c n 3c07; JENNY BROOKl'eemaS ài iD1eFon 4 CîDy iP- deii.ii Saet Dacîdeîda,,mîiieh cmci, ,utItru, a elt i Otcticaore 1.eI-u eil.. ig n 67 cWI A9 1 e 3,eue lli Ma ts'add to their sllverwa re aRep AA hockey - feu mtuea gane ta entra limes, JeUf Hay- S davcoerSfrec brter Rym RHaydar and De Vite t e nid Milaon tlente cbampen- * ubp matcb. Ln»tte epmaleg gamne, MilIeon urged itai e -v lead aBer Ime pertedu mnd Ibe» taugbi là hacb a uleady cballenge frec Bele»p. t30rie Gleser avoeS wimce fer Mille»ncitt Dejeb Hater mnd JuIf Haydur addtag in- aies. Krb Kemnedy, Scett Berteti, HumIet and De Vile plched ap one asit eacb. Theiteleady gealbeeptag of Daexy Lmmra and Jas»n Atin», whe nbured eqully the dalira, mre intramental fer Mille»kn las champie»ebip lrepby. le Tri-Cemnty leagax active Meeday aiglal, Georgetoe cerd a messare et revenge cilh a -0 ie ai Memrial Aoita. Cornet»' unbeaton string hita ight gamnen with wine Milten MeCuaig tee. majer midgrta ex- lraded il ealee string tlerigbt gamer cith wdec oser Ciguareesyand abilir. Mike Dei Papa ceecerird a pate freec Ed Mrgaeonihhepoereplay witheour m iute rrmainieg le cicr Mille» a t-3 deieioe ocre Chieg. Milteeeprnerd the eeerieg in the lirai prriod cciii a foir aKesie Gervia aeicied by Chrie Trcer ely te have Chîag ieil ep ietore the peridedde. Inetheaecond periedMiltoneiek a 2-1leve] cith captaie Steve Seaveeli acoriag teom Croît Polira. Ctig came arkie meke the soe22 aller ccc peetede. Thirty secondu lai e lt ied pence], Trcer made the score 32 acalird liy Morgan ocly lu hase Chingcgl 3-3eaminute aire 'is coaraer toce] op uxciiiDri Papa iocif goal te gise coach Boit Smuiderr and his eev eerrrcd iiih soneeaoid golircdicg lrom Aie iaccueti. Suce]ay ight ai abvilir, mth Tom 1h11l teero te pipea, Milltonpîche] uce 53 Milce opeerd theeoring ai the 1 rmue m ark. Tire Blaehaa]rameoedlfrcm Scanerll ynd Polira. te thesecond] pence], viser Oak- cille hed ied the amoer Mlton came lack cihimwogoalc. Btacaearcore]hicvsecond irom veuve Cameron ande] d Morgan, folooce] ly Kevie Gervais corieg un- Aller Oulille made the smore 3-2, Milice acoeee]lcice more. LeJohnsonearorrd irom DelPapaand erviai ihhiecond] lrom Dri Papa axe] Johnaon ahilir roucde]ouitheccoeiitg 53 Neci gaine ic Suoeay inv Gererocc mth irai place ocnte liner Comelo avnd Georgetownc mil derierirai place cilh a ey maieh-iip Oaeday vn Georgetowmac Fermnere allow juel oflelgoal in a ppir of cornfortable winx MiltoiSargent Parms inmeemie]geta im- proverei re cord lu i9--1 mth tice acure mme i actionx atai crr. AMire leatiiig Georgetowne t-e, Miltona mlled veer Du»daa Agaieci Georgetown, t3a»cy Brume sceere] ticie white Phle]Cllier ave] Scott Pfilcccadede]nteapiece. Seuil Eliccave, Erie Caep, Drug Drreae axe] Cllier piche] op aciala cwliteDeisPoulie playrd cel lirimeel the pipes 1r Milton. Agaicat Dacadax, Milicnbeieirlore trer goala lrom Wayne Riversanaxe gave Dueitaa a race ofithe blues. Hilaanncelie]a pair cwhterJason Pascor, Pal Butere v]cande] wodadeddoncracli. le lie axîi deparimeci, Hileve led the chiarge mîlli ihre Pasccue aedca paie chile Traria Cole axe] Cvep adereone apîree 1armera leavel te Bramptun Saterday lie forreeremuigto meri thertougli Oranevilre eîe]r Sucday ai Memoriai Areca. Davideon, Janjeaeich. Dero hot n LegiDn'x 6-1 ovur Oukaille Mlto Legio major atoma uppe] their ueitraircstringito 1Igarali ylieaîeg Oak- velel6-1axe] tymng Ctieguacouy 22 Disrgaiztice ace] mie] pases eerthe oly iiglligli of te gamne iii Chieg mliirl n ru ,Y. id ht th OHA JUNIOR 'T' vs. BARRIE COLTS Friday, Nov. l6th 8 p.m. Con ieQang $1891 BRAND NVEW 1965 MUSTANG x Incles oal teandard] taulotanceplusipoer is»b arsu, premiau »aoudee ntr lenad p twealpeba 2 UNEE ar FRONT DISC rg BRABME 91BRAME l ta«st mm wm SBMÇE SERVICE 6 95 LIFETIME GUARANTEE - SHOES PADS 70 M"*n tl 1e# ,cul M5 MincLt *LAR 7-3J eceded inaà 2 les. Mille» jiaPed tlena 20 lead rmldmay lbreagb te firaleteid e» goals by Jacate FaJJealch maailed mnd Dunay Ewtag n-»siuted by BDI GilIIes. Ibame goals camne 55 d neconds apart amd Il neemed Mille»on vuo 1- tek may te anter vcttry. Oitagbhad ter ldeaa, mnd mit 11 tege anthe second acered Iheir lirait geai kom a el cramble ai te aide of the net. Mt 10.23 et lte Iird perive], Chlst a u given a penalty elivit. Mire Bennett, playing geai for Milten, 1- gui a pirce et il e» hie etickbubalil mumI. r evug anmd the gume mus lied. Milten came lte pay ihockey agateel Dak- a ville eb»mhag mby tbey aue ta iret place. e The combicutie» et la» Darideve, Jumir 5 Jniesicitand Robert Dem mrere jusltee mach fer lhr Dabsille defeader aesttere ltree mmhtad fer leur goaulsanmd ase assisaone» ieighi. Dasidme gel hie iret et leur mt 4.4e rematat»g in the Birai prried, frvm a baauitul paeby Jmjrvinit. Wilh 11ieconada lu go ib e iret, Dacidave acvred agate from Jmnjevich and Drrv. Wtt thre minutes gua e ite eecand peetue] Mihe up frocm Mihe Breuccersanad Jacques Matais. Milicn e meel l muebagale eaeiy in te treirdwe Tyler MacDonale] amre]mih a liard acrerae]ci hut (rcm te pelit Broumersanave]Maltaixseare] axiata Dasidsvea entre]hicstird cf te aighl muth o 2remaieieg in fieal perice]. Janejecnde Deeue earned assista. Mike Beacrila hie] toc c huloul ma poiede] mt cly ise micutes lo golente gamne, mite an Oakiîle ieger rohe ic on te right ide mie]let a chut go luatinîcide]rte ierlice duit maageal lu lip xcdeete gluce of Bennett, Wit caly 46 secod eemaiig, Daidon cmeedis lourh gallfrom Drrceeandiacierich giriog Mlna 6Il icloey. Ecepitocrte goal laie lante lire] pence] Mite Bennett playee]is esliaigame outhle yrar makigcseeal gond avsearly inthe lirai pereire]une]agaei iirhe coce] Daie]on cihor goalsandee]aaait ae] hibis totfesivegame ci the year. Cerih choute] go lu the choile are toca ice per- Medice making th» leagu» ick with win aftur win aft»r wjn .. . 3 Milice Minir Alom Cecsanave]Dets coetituee]lheirciaaiegmwaya laxi erk.The leare chut oui CaBsille I-0, deeeu xc] 6-1andiroavced Chicgi121l te Cukilir, ithe leama mer eeoiny manhre] trougli, cccperlode Milto mac1 f abîlu oigo aitrad ky mcgoals ity te re]d o te seconde] Michaael Ruukopecee] te cmrieg w m ut r 32 aecoads remaieieg in te liritpence], t finiaig a play 1-cm gualîr Reste Gale ace]f Jeli McReazer Jasun Ccir put Milic e aitve 2-oihlutlrierlco minuesaremaieicg inc lie e cond prriod. Chad Wbsterr dole te park aiteOahsilie zmer ane] Coe ac ablie lu put lite relcuce] home. The hire] perice]t beluegre] lu Milto as Darryl ieley, Rce]y a ilymmerrxrachscoreduance. duialumwecilu Mallitere Cemeu Ceig Burnsanmd Webter. Ryae Seliatterervxcdre] valthe avurieg n muthtwio aiorlhxcdrd, uaacatîd goals invt the final imo minutes. knaditionie lu ce stonMiloca firai goal, Gale leree] i aaiee1il aheilie alida lurecord the saitoul. le Ducdaa, Cecsaneue]Denta role] lu a61 il vccoey. David Marshalluopeeeditheracoeieg ai te iallccay mark utfte firtxpence]. Asvsta meci lu Rîit Wrren ace] Michael o Bfrer te ene]utfte irai pence], Cucdascc lie] tescore, u Inte amure] pence]o Mcerejputl mu home rore Rua ndace Sccey Cardillo. Schailer acde] a simgle mt t onecdr emaiigioricgltescoreio4-i i aller Imo.t lunte tire], Snialler cumpirire]thlitetliai tichnooicglhroolyiccomarerruîintleial t irame. Jeli Cerriewaasoid inonet,ieureiog w 16lof te 17 itooiut fharm muay, At i Mlo, ithrMedîcu rolie] ocre Chicg t ih Galeercicghisasecondmwieofltemrrh iteonet.Rualee]thhrmayihlfour goalsa 0 and imo acaitla icitaller hue]titrer, Jasonuo Cera pair, mîithingle(aliesîruegiatered hy a Marchal, Jury Peduila and] McRenzeîe Warrnaacîird on llieerofithelomecîdr C geais. Marshall bad twoassnataeamd stngles ment teodCoe, Ftaley, Cealg Bernsanmd eMatthem Demni. 1 Nexi meuh -ose heteua travelling te Dwex Soumd for teir tiraI teimnum i fthe yuar. Realtors out-shoot OakviIle 36-22 but faIl vlctlm 3-2 Ese» teeigh the Mile» Huma» Beally micur banlem clab valehot Ouhtille 3&22 mver thuer periede, il mn exot eneagh us the ixcale dreppe] a bued-fvagbt 3-2 game Sut- urday nigt ine absille. Rylr Haaaetteldt pat Remue enthe save- har] ai6.20 et the apentag perisd mbex be liieue a tree-may effort mit Blephu» Snitalteeand Mark F'rencb. Cabsille lied the game 38 aeconds luter aa Taie] Mutar acerredhie Birai t ofccafor the Teeacond trame evm Remuaxbreak amay from threffts ane] Grrg Marrkt put Dakoille ahrad 2-1 ut the 5.43 mark. Muisc uvîrd the evrnuli imer heu min- vtes ater. The third perlidhue] Remue unce agate pressicg hard, itumpieg eopeettvcaily meil aiueg lthe ards as meS asin o pen ire. iliaur Hrutey coavt ird kmttgoamtee ceacuor na greal passh-emi cottMcLeod to bitîg lte Remue aquud mithin une goal ut 10.31 oflthteperce] Miltun mac ait aruvelte Cabsie net darirg thetact ftur minulc tesbtuldte x gt lte equalier Noes:eThe teca lu Caksiiie givra lte eluh a ý0slitlontetrlalt fuueuigastiey dumpe] Flamiture 6-4 in a comr-frxm-he- hioe]sietury,e]cmree]Slrererilei4-0 beorr imîcng lu Chicguaccuay 3-1t Thte Remac crem rom spert a4-t-1mie- tocs-lierercord asitry prepuelo meel areit ecemy Geoegetome Tliurciay cigt inxthe Norlth Hallua homne lielue piyiag havi lu Burliegloru A-levri clblialurduy ai 1.30 p.M, Optie eplit four gamen loeing lwo by juet a goal tuaa lopuy iersy liibmt emr eh utfactern, Milice Oplimista mmce peemera wnccxc e Clunlthe ighi aide, Oplisatlilrelasile 31dae]7-3 ic Tri-Ceavly action. Drthe eut so-lirighl aide, Opîlu tuai a elitt-hxcger 4-310o Osawa AAA cn exthiition activnanmd 2-1t.l Cinguaccavy lu Tri-Cexcly. lu lte 3-I mie oser iltreelaville, Milton re- ece isrcg offensise productionx 1cm de- leccemue lunelRlia ccheumred lthe tiraI Icco goals utflthe game mth meli-piarue] ats iror e l ue lice. AMier itreelsite car- rocce] lte gap lu a single tlily, lhuy ltea terre] lu l lteerire linthe Milton de- terce iared a ilerelatsie player e break- accay. Romeer, Milice guatir Ryav Peedlie mae a liritiase are] Mihe Cex pichre] ap a loocarpueliand sclein leextheuat. leodre] itreerracllr goal acorieg lte lner- ace lally. te Meluca arsecnd mie user Strexterlille Optia irepemer ccav eperutieg a» bt bar- ars eue] enly guve] gexlbueping prevexted lthe amore tram gelteig mach higiter. Trer Brandt, Tud] Malley aie]Cec netre] cccguals apie m hite Gie Piazza, xc a nce pes lrcm Behiie Ceecce, added a single. DamirenCubirenave] Brmidt added mco acaitl ape cu hle Pal Henelerry, Carid e] euIte, Mulley ave] Mike Lee hue] oee acli Chirg are] Milice piayrd a peeilty-ie] coe iraimîltodic]amieglthe lhues shere il lthe pealtiea 21-12. Aller Muiiey samed from Russell McLeae are] Cuhire eaely in lie lieu pprme], Milicenhue] eithculty tinish- cng lhitrr playa arome] lthe geai. Chteg lied lie score mie]may iliroughthelite1ai perue] and] ltren won ilcith 2121 remateîeg deapite lie sircag gcaiherpîag cf Prier Drmcs mhe caa leflionhiacmenmuetofthecigh. Agaica Ocshacca, Milice spelird lte vnet cors a 3-1 lead aller icco periuds liai rallidlu mct ltesuore wmut javi 1:46 remaisieg. Oshiama sced mt j uilst 3econds seliecig rn lthe dock le mia lte gameë. Brandt, Cea ire] Ellît cere] 1cr Meitonmt aseieta lcîrg lu Hecurierry, Brandt,ERie ace] Crowme r i . lm , ï 1 . À a r ý A 5lii ý]i ýe4,1i 1 187M191

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