liletrlîtHoiall Assoclale Buder" brick we beeceuhees oM th e lbasquet carsmsttee vl e 00obspitai rccently. Fards came from s s rassand lake sale plus te assai sid-sp ban- quet beid le Ailes le Ocloer. Baeqeet Cssrsrtlee Chatrosso Katiy Gabrath, roeitlee meelr Esazath Bled and secretsry-treassr arceSsilys Bled presesled the cheque le te Hospital Carapalgo s service clbsaad organisations ebstomas Sam Nadalitolet Miltoso KetoikyFried Chiokes franchbise smasager arb Cordy mas givilg amay srssey reresrly. Osnlbaif af tir Coosel ltarlasd Saodero CariableeOrgasisatios,In. sibe dooated 115Sfle Mlesn District Hospital EspassioFosd. Earb yeor the store dosstes s portioofolis profits to amortbmbie oalcbarityand tis year-the Hospitala tre e laeOicry. Brce Disse, Chafrmasof0100e Fssd- Raisiof Coormittee, aicepird tir big cbeque. Fund now near., $1, 162 OOOrnark ByRIOYDOWPIB Althosgk the caospigs ofllctatiy msded Seit. 29 wth a total Motfisthe Mtonr Disltrct Hospital expmnsonefund continues te gres. As Moth"a eek il lad reached $1,161,MB, or 16 per cent above its initiai $,tt0Oit goal, reports Bruce Cloison, Csrepalgsfbhairtms. Mach Of thse aoey recetved le the past sx weeks bas bee= s jeted eoo, be oaid. Brick oales areecttiootsg, wtih abot1,050 olintsdate. Amog therecest dosors: *Thbe Optimisi Ciob Mf Millesniras tsrsed avec $1t,250, lheetottstproceeds et the 1984 Clavette car dram tiat crrisiiatcd at Milton Fait Fair. Thicacr wa dtsatcd by Rictardson Cbcv-Oido and tickets werc soid by the Optmst Cub. *l MilLoss Club bas doaled a for- tlar $1i,000 antop oM tla $0000prescstod cartier frees thedalbo bosse dram. *CampbeBivtlcand District fLore Ciab lad piedged $5,0ot avec aimeo-pear peritd, bot the Lionso sest ose latter. Tbcy raiocd $6,682.tt8, and tiey did it in 00e pear rses t variety ofooud-raisisg projecle. * Royal Caredias Legits Jsc Waters Br. De6 of Miltoontrad kclpcd kick off thc hospital campaigo over a yer agt, witr a $7,000 doatios. This fat the Legio merlars setleiltiat total tb $12,00 witi a frtier $5,00 donation. The msscy s-lI bc used to furisb a wrd room * Milles Festival oM Coostrico dccidcd sot le rso a fatl festival tris year, and cicaoedoutlits hotu accountof M$,tte le mabr a doatiolti tiopital. A fracture roses in thc cmcrgcscy departmeet s-it l e toolrnimlii tichegift. * Milton Pire Department aod Wsmes Aailiary larned over tic proccedsotf tic 1%4OntoFirefiglilers' Convcotions b thc boopilel, tb fsroisb a rosom cas rmry Mf scocral tonner fircfigbtors. flic donsa lio iclsdcd a lacby dram, tic assitrarys soavenir sales, o sosvecir program andl gescral revenue from t heconvcntio, suid Pire Cieof Jure Coiso Earlicr tiefsr department bad dssatcd a total of $2000, brssgiog their overatl total 105$7,000. MA Tkrifltbop spcratmng ai St. PaulIo United Cbsrcb cvcry second Thsrsday msrisg bas becs a real moscy-maker for tire 10 colanteer wmies s-bt ro il as a coreesssty srvice. Tbcy recrctly dooatcd $2,200 to tic koopital, bsyiog as lraaaud lad. Ovcr thc part is ycars tbe grosp bai dosaîrd $12,070 ltictheiospilal fror e csale of good ascri lotbiog, Isys, hoosoaod ws-telclpbasarticles. * Millensotecer Assocration and tic Soc- rer Rfcrces arc alsot spportisg tic bospital cxpansios. Hcls-ccs 00cm and t tare at a recet gameinm emory of formser stcccr officiaI Werner Baser, ticy lsrned is 00cr $400 le purchase tirs ovcrb- ed taleinatiespansron. W A Baiceof tic Rock Basds" aI Milles District Higb chosl brooglit in a profil of c $W4. Janine Cbosg represesteri tic orgasisejs ta presestisg a cheque iast wcek le tic bospitals oti Comeittec Oairreas Morley Richardson. A s-cekr earliir Mr. Rirbarsos bari vistcd thec rboos tol reccmvc a gift of $100 frses a 0 busisesso dam b amburger dayl The rom- iscd effort kosgkt ts-cc $200 bricks. A W Every yer Coloel Harîsori tasdcrs a Ckaritable Foundatios give a portion of E ile profile le local commities, ts-osgk les Kcftscky FriedCiockes stores, This p yer tic kospital mas the sisscr at Miltos store manager Bark Cordy prescstcd a M cbeque for$520 hospital updato *atsrrrGayColtor mon a8*100 BMXrcn hk eadraw at Cicoses Mils otlads to te ecarepsigo for a second dram. 'Tickets mnr sold at North End Dtosntirosg thesmosor and at Milles Fail Fair os 00e Sept 21-2 meekesd, raselg a total profit Mf $43. The bthc was s-os by Mr. blcGire ofCity Wlde Caterleg, Milon, forissnScot, ageS9. 3 Halles 4-H dle raleed esoscy ai their atossi carmash, bake saie and banquet and wcre abile fis-s e ver a profit Mf $»0 taoporchasesa bospitai brick. Deeàrhunt excellent There are plesty of bealtry deor ta tris are acctrdisg le reports froos huniers participalisg in tic toor-day esstrsllcd btâti lait meek. Doryl Couso, a cotract biolol mtiti tbe Miislry of NteraI Bsones, maoser HIatoo's check station leratcd atitHallos Sportomonso Ctub. He meigbed a total of 73 drer crcasses fror e e ime the statios speseri lait Moday at 9O sm. selil il ciooed for dayo lale at t p. itiey sercoseeisg a lot of deer, ble sairi of boters s-bs brosgbt Ikeir kils t la s-igbcd. Thcrc mccc 450 buntoros-nHalles ssic biord by the ministry to lobe part ta tke iftr assaI but. Addiog le tiat noser mccc 75 tarmers. Agais tbio pear more boters appîrie participate tise are altos-ci for. Mfr. Corloetimatcd tbeeoseilar of deec takes tbis ycar s-as sligbtly igber talsot yror s-bec O1 mere bot io Hatsn. He called t os exceetirot -ccbfor bostisg, addtog tbe rester s-eatbcr casses decr le essor morcasibcks csmc iotorutforîthemaîlog fIlicdecr arrbeaty. Wevebad acouple of mitd iters andl tbat reafly belperi Obem, the birlogiot esplaisci. Some micb mere tabes is the bost mere qsitr fat, a ronrdiios caused ws-es decr feeri hoavilyconccrn, accocdiog to 5fr.Cosis. M.