4 The Canadien Champion, Wod .jNov. 14,1984 iSi Mn St Emat. P OBoa2 MUtn. OntaloLS4N$ HERB CROWVTHER Publashr ALAN BEECH JIM ROBINSON JIM DILLON Ch-it e D.u sSus Mrn isS . cnu 0c c. easbcr Publahad sony Wclnsaya by Maotolaeil Printin, PubkhigEDssu & Dutbalg Ld. .i1 9 Man StretastaMinOntario, L9T4N9. Tlephone 878-2341. ProSic orecpieu3 s We; H-oise deliey 3gi. S. schue. 5s15 pou cou' bs i-aner, $ 15 par isr be miins Cand; $75 rinal iSin, ousetresa. The Milon CndeChamponone o the Mtolvd Prising. Pub0lhrro & Dstvbusrrro Ld. goup of sabuSianne roapprs wch iS reao.The onrress-un.The Auroe B rnr, The Brampo ua din The BurliregtonPot, The Burfnlo eme kend Puni, The Eobouke Adumerts/Guardne, The GorsrgetownIrdpordene, Madlra Economist& Sun, The Missasagaews, The Nsumrarlist E0mwaki-iloe Boenme, Oîksilei-md Beaven, Oshawau Ths Week, Oshwa Ths Wnokosd, Oîluoia/Whimby ThsWeek, Oihawaitrby This Wekarrd, Rchmonrd Hill Lberl, ThomvSiI Lbuml, The Scaborough Mirror The SouM5ile Trbtie, The WriIucdale Mrer rrd Woodbtrdge LLlraml, Mnrland Prnvmn, Publishnrv& Diributire or advsio f ut H u q rEtrrs s aLrrrtd, Phono 878-2341 Toonto LUne 021387 Bab y it's cold The issue of ns heaters at Memorsal Arena is flot going to cool down despite emergency measures to get some heat for the fans during hockey games. Ait eight units in the arena, although less than f jvc years old, are considered fire hazards. They should ail be replaced, but the town doesn't have enough money. That money was used for other purposes. Att that Cao be dose is to boy two new heaters and use them to warmn sec- tions 14. Section 5-8 will be without heat for the reat of the season. As it is, those two heaters are going to have f0 do the work of four. Meanwhile Use fans are flot coming fo the games and that means a lot to the players sut there on the ice hoping for support during a game. Recreation director Larry Arbicsasys he is putting money in- te is 1985 budget for those heaters. Those heaters now are more important than promises for 1985. Theres money in the emergency fond and if should be spent. Waste of time If is amazing how regional counicillors can pass a megabuck item without a whisper and then font around and follow that up wiUs a 15-minute debate about guils. Thats right, guls, specifically Use Ring-Billed Guil. Council had receive a request from the Township of Downie asking for support from other mumicipalitics in deaing with (read elinunating legaily) seagufis. The regional planning and public works commitfee recom- mended, of ail Uings, the chief planner not onty prepare a report shotUis species of seaguli but go ouf and 'obtain more detailed information as well as commenta fron the Ecological and Environmental Advisory Committee. " Hasn't Use regional planner got anything btter f0 do thon go around collecting seaguli data? Haso't the regionat planning and public wnrks commitfee got anything btter f0 do than come up with ludicrous recommendafions ike this. What a waste of fime. What a waste of money. And what a reason for doubting the need for regional government. As ifoncae, aacailyilrizzleaset theusnetfor Oe pro- cocuangesl ow os roc et ailrceil civiiase, soe yoaeg andilaeeeli, sleeilalosgsideOtstsreeta border- raf Victoria Park clocb bas guarilcilthecMilles resto- taph since 1920 The suablue e t the previous e eb bail gises way se cleail Suilai- as Milles bel te Recembrasce Day ceremooy. A.tlbuugb saîtafli- ivaîli le orecember th eila frtrucSi Fral Weld War, Remesebrouce Day bas isce been alloed il lescompasa the cecos-ies ut al Casaiias cbu teugbl asilgave Siir lise in Casailas As 1 stloain mtSicrais calctsiog thc cerccusy, cy clil caderedi o hi iisig chut mas being trams milteil Sirougb Sic midilofuthoSinsallesilasce. Remembrasce Day ceuse ameShiniféntlteotl me, whb was burs aller theslrean War Oas il isil l ci- laSier mbe esîsaledi ohservice sn the Seconil World War. He sntis Sirce liler bXuoers lu Europe and welcccilîuatao bacb. TheSecconilWorlilWar bas deiesei te icopporsusti- lu aee l eenageil bru Or caar noea mas. Wdorcs preensil creuShe astbe ccsolapb, Oscr cinsetorcedeonce more torelive theborruor teyen- dured ring tosoetigltl year. Teircminslper- bapsa aiapisg te tbe preucal, but insalll Siual bacwruad iie wben Canadasent lsbestyourg men and socen acrs SicheAlantic Ocern Alae analîcuilasce acremcesrand aitSeca abo sen er sons andilaugblers overseas only to rece a colilnoe iturcisgShecuofthse rgbltul evesl They acre belly youg peuple, Ose beal Canaila bailleet- fcr, anil Ibri-loob Oeir sruse asil Ieir ilaugblera No, lite st fair. Norcmaybeilueusl reully presesil lu bu Auuosee large gcoep repreesîied t igblisg mes abo acre lacby andildi relars Tbuugbrs oft Siie tlles cucrailecoce burilisg loch. Qali the gi-ave utfCil, Sic- Oisb, alioceil lbec lu bu bere le receser Caugbl besaes Ibhe pcl coar baby bouc aniltSe veters e mre cen andilcenstee youg barrv-e but st yousg esugbthe rececber ilall. Teymwere allin Oe youOs, udrsaoiig Ose ramiticatiornofthSe mars, but tortusale Siir youOs iiilot calt Oern l u pt Oeir ise s nichelise. Anil Oes Sieeacre Ose cililrcs. The Rroir ndi Cuba, ts oueng soclt utti- uoileesasiltOe ceusiug ot tbe day. Tbey sandsincivousely aailîsg toc Oe rais lo go aay soOsey caawarc op. Il Recembeauce Day bas a billes ceasssg, tl s lu the youOs otoiay. Fer cure Oas 30 yeara Casailias base bees loruale vo oea cililorycrcsse base becs erecdinisar cecetarie Wile Ose ilay is te rececber Ibrue mbo laililuo Osie lise se Ibat me vas eaîuy eurfee rcil Isa aiso a ice le look at tbe vblili-es eft luay anil alOsougb Oec tbe ruai-y of a Iieetfpeace. Tbere a seoigbec value. our readers write The barrier esr Si; Asa relaive secmeeete Iis cccruily I bearral e ru vierenruopiionaboutla calie ablvb appears-arehaveleaucbeilescryusembuo reiies in his town howver aus emho as involvedinvthe isqustinoetbe ileulbs ut Cirin Relies and i sie otbcr teenragern I teel compellecil remake a f1cm censaboutlthe aricles mbîcb appearedincThe Caoaiir Campio usWeileilay, Ors 24. Frelyiuamsot the Mr.Walbee sbat as roter-cil o ibe article by ioila Kirb-. 1tac uer sure micb ami-ce cade tbercrumest about the eartachte eacciilent bruugbt in the acîlîe fthie cbilreo but it mes ap- parent Ibat evecyuse at the îsqucst certilly fets Iat ibat mas ts tact Oe caue. T'hee baa becs a greut ileal utfilebute buti ithe papor ail us the tcect about tbe veceaîity anil eamnablcses ut avig crusaiug breters istalleil Ater spealong wdb oseofthielaycecn tocCanailleNational ibs orcne lu cy attention Osas barriers arc tustaltei t iouble rail ceouingn. 'Mere eunsfor Ibart ib at che sehicles or peileniriaus re nieppeil maitisg tue a train lu go by once tbat trai ban panseil bece i. a icsilcîy tu crosso the lracb itouui maitig tue the signaut ligbts toto faltseblg. Or une occasion a umalchiil muNhkilleil menshsb allempeillu ces a set out racko st realiziog tha a trais as cucisg the other mBy us the seconilset oettrark. bu.fIsccaiosale appeau tin bu Ibat pedesîriasndusl olurinlu dB lbe preveuleil truc eteig onlo a ccissug cbeu Ibere la an unpecceiveil danger cucsug frunu looliiocas and depecaios." Witb renpect te tbe ftraliry micb ercurcei os Mach 30, l984 It a apparenr Ihal the lîvely cucpano tdhc youg peuple isselveil le ojur nacb loîsîccoucheecfltocuaandin trIoru- tiibuleil le a mcoud ef chilaration, Loas ut celer cetrol anil cuoriioio happejsa urtber oonibe intoxicatio peces andîbhe eioroftlheîteaî Ii-eerceilsuabuve notlesas tlluma Wilh cure cvece intoica- ies Ibere ta progresse Iosutestriîselfa- ceatrol becucea uilecciseilandi Iceguati tiea et beastour appeur. Ecutionsaot blaily, ailorn or selI pity cay gais tbe uppcr hbcd, or there cay bu curbeil iritab- ility usil butilisy -- lhe coud oetshis gcuup ut young peuple cochineil cith the ettertu ut alebol cay hase camseilose or cure ufthOe victicu tu luchai-e inmoi-s Ibey moutl olbecmise sut behase. 'Mt sniniicateil hi-ie tacs Ibut tbis vehicle mas secs lu pussan asuler sebicle prior te tbe impact itb the trais athIe crussing us Dccci- Ruail It ta stemorîbi- tbat il s sut suggcateil hi-the ltecature Ibat dicioers milI bebavc n o tututîfirraiosat cii-s but wdît cercl ti-sinstbeymwoutlu tbecmise nus du et certain ci-cia ut icpaiccesl. It in plain that ia Iis case it mai- bu that the i-eeg drivcc ut thia veicle cao atecptig tu cross the tcuclo prierinte earrivai ot Sic trais. A me noum boum IhSaas sot a reamonableex petatios asibe tice. Il thatlas in tact chat bappeseil, une cutlootub uthe ther tactors micb mai- bave attecleil the jsdgernt ut the yooug driver. Il appeara troc the cmenta Osas t bave reai u inse Casadias Chamion and the e othe metofetthe CoanaiisuTroaport Cmmisnion ahes coiilecing ibis isuSe. Hail such a paichlegicut barier beenlsalleil t tti se ofthis cident, il cai- bave tecu use factor chîcb coutl bave istluencei te course et evenss lehai-e a diitercos resuitt ta cces bukocteilge thal the loched due-sandsoi miiles cbich ce bIt coeete tort o i-forour acarti-are ceceti- pai-chotogicat hariera thecacli-es andin lu tc asyoe eautsngtuentser yeur hoeemiltl do so ny es etmlvithatauihg a lurbeil iour. Il ta i-ri-easy ru get msrueuses bornein spire of a buccumnera pcecaeliuste the conter-y Ili nosesaggeateil Ihat barciers coutl have aloppeil rbia veieetrumc rauisg isto the ide outhIe tracn bomever it is a factor micb cai- bave pruduceil a diliteceut resets We dili beekoum. t cas cuscerseil Siat smmembers ut the public cai- tel that the ienltoutcrossisg hrricras ibe letntchapler lu ibis iragic tale. oue shoulil bu aisiseil ihai aI E. C. Druri- SeoniarScol ere bsbniica program, ntituteil tou cuate yieg peuple mtb respect lu Sic bazada ut drlulossg cil dici-ig. 'Mis progrBc lu bRaueilosa prugrac initiatedin the Unitedl Stales buocn as 5itudesls Agaisi Dcusk Dsivisg." Hopefulli- aucb progrmssio Ose fture dIt preveni soudlar siuaioss froc aisisg au Oai mhicb uruse us Mach 30, 1984. fThistallatios ut crosingbariers ai Decci- itail coutlserve to proteon future i-eeg peope andi indecil ther drivers chu mai- bu tempteil te rrosa ibai ae oftîrachu in Ose future. Fs-uc persunal esperiesue 1 heoc OaI Sie lemsptation exists causeaoîhersertons accidest. It ta regretrahle that te a suceti- prilsg tacît ou the rigbtss etfidiiiialn ru patini pte sn the poitical preces thal a rec- conduisesofetIhe coers ajury mtb report to a cossing barrreriloes 505 carrycmore aetghr than il appaceutily il. LEONARD A. WALKE54 B1arrlr-at-Las French issue TOfcleuvng tcia lerrer uddesed Io Habrron P, Ottc Jclreek. a ci-y f ohrr3rhue reefrled urrh Thc Caradrue Charecuefcvpublication. Dear Sie. Dectng the pat sixteesi-caca, Mc. Trudeu did everyi-sin sis power lu cube Iis cous- Ici- French Srat and Esglish chere necesari- Asa reut oftis obvions trendl, 1ealuatel thc ic e secparti- leaders is erier lu beit deterse cbicb cighi put Sic luoguge issue asile, andl place bta ecpbaaîa us pro- ductsg Ose bet possiblefiloanctal impruve- menteSuartse Coutry utours. Wbat cuscerseil ce greatll i asaI atMc. Mulroney-coutl continue wclOstrusg ern- phaso Ose language issue tasourisg Qsebec checeser possible. Cunvecacli-, i teliOsai SIc. Turner coutl bu coutl iteli- toe teseissue die docn clOs bis ftai am beisg Ose imprusemesi ut our ileteioraled i iascial posiios. With the abuse in mnd, altosugb I bai-e Ose igeit regard tocri-ou us our repreuenloiie, i bail su alternatve bel lu svole againal Ose Progressive CoseccaahveParty. Allocheil is a lspplug trsrn SieToronStuar ilateil Maember 2n 1984. idaia tisai Mr. of the past Oné eVer Ago Fr,. Sie Nas 514,lIMisue Fly$ng can a spoclal hobby for RaymoBnd PaihioetMiltn, He mas the praul ecner of a8ntra- liis cehie il apent myia sarr-usuig Mton. On Sunasai aftes-aau, Ose 38-yeas- ld man mas klamJintanili- chen hOu belght, mulOi-cloaroil alccrai clippeil a lolevlson anSiason the ruotbflub ome andspniluo Lucal cors grBerd are rnaig tcom $50utu $M more pes- tonne for Sheir crop tSus year Sanu lasi despite laie ptastibg. In 19a, a hampes- ccep intSe Uited States held prires te as tom as $us per tonne lu Canada. flicUsuted Way ut Milton caepaigs te date bas dune 3$ par cent bette, ihanst Isal ie Cacpeigu casger HesSher Smith sail the ud bau cale $3,00tmore iban last i-a cblc she describeil as "a direct ceflee- tien utfccemuiti- cosfidence anil support." la a lop-nouicbfigure sbatiug performance, te shuters froc Ste Milieu cub came mithin ose peoi ut iuisg a team cernpetitius as a coul lu Kencich Saturdai-. 20 Years Ago Fsoc the Nos. 11, 1964 isaue Miltes Mai-or SG. Childu, tour couscitturs aond Orpeti-Reeve Autao Lcdittb dlil elliieli- seeh retclctiun ches Miton volera go lu the poilu on Dec. 7 Witb noctnation sigbt toc munictpal officen ]cas tIbe Sicr ceehs oai-y, Thc Champion cuniluctel a sursey ibis meck anil tearneil ibal Mai-or S.G.Childu mii ecb hîn eigbsb tesrn an Milto Mai-oc, asil that ceas- ciltuca ilcian Best, ChareFui-, Chartes Meacti- anildccii- Aildirsnundl Depuly Reeve Austan Lwtaimii cilttseeh anoîber ternluinhei- preenut municipel positions. Officiais oetLtaltUnion 1067, Usutel Auto Wrkecs, anssuoccil Ihat seguliations leadisg te sec agreceen t ilcommence Iis ceh.BosuStSe local agreement ilh Otario Seel Proulcis, Milton und Sic master agreemnent ecbracisg pasts at Milton, Chaham and lOhawa are lue su expire DIte. Si. toaainegsliationsn iii bue bell uithlIe plast levet in Mitos.flic union segoliating coccittec cl conit oftocal chairmasMartin Cupule, Local Preoilent Robert Farrell, ice-presidusi George Verbe uail ose tecicun- cittleccus froc chichever ileprîccot a silnes-discussion ut the ice. M0 Years'Ago Prom tbe Nus 15. 1934 insue Pouttri- ibieses bave buis uuseulli breyin s Iis dilstrict anil seceral cases bai-e becs repos-led te the police. Eatly Moslai- cecaîng roust robbecs pll o e ib ote trcs ut Roi- Elleetun andl George Disos, Noels tome- ship, andl siole a large sucbec ot chichemis. Thiese atsîilei J. Dotes tacc, neur Dunilan higb- cainlaNoelsntownship, und stulo u lrge secber et caichons. Thîi-oes aIse violleil J. Dut's facc, acar Dudou igbcay is NoelsnTownship, undI allo30 trce-s. The trcecn are up cn arcs oser the vameroas ccaet chichensteliaf te Ibis disitrict, andlareguarding thir property aitbsholgens. Roluction ut ose-haIt per cent intest oun loasmade hi-the Onario Agricutturot BaId mas anaeenceltaslwecbby Premnier Mtchell F. Hepburn. fli isiresi cn uture il buest- t our per cent, cempae iS sthe previou caleo futa nd a hall. 75 Years Ago A Mitoulas gui borne taot sigbt troc a trip lu the present cal ot the lcack ufthIe Csadias Nor- Ibeca Ontario Railiai-.This la noc 24 rnles norSi et 5eSmruil, mbicb i. 30 cites nortb ut Sud- buri-, andsi miisei-en mies ut the cagon reail froc the C.N.R. le Go fledu. The teurisi put up for ise days ai the houae, in camp, of a cn icacior mbu la mithin imu ceeba ot flisbisg bis Siree mies of icacti, un mhicb tbe "end oethie steel" ls nBmenues-ig. He met asd tlîed ithOsprospeclurs chu meýro rslsrnng frorn She Gem - sain s naotrs bave -maae su me teossithe tracgt UKW eNvme aI, are mma m r prlmary facter i the cause ut tise occident. tstsucerepnblty erwatau uuuarsee .tact o i and wa fartunatel-, ilos bears out ny concerna slated otf supplIes e chich hadees Ornkng h ad t tuIt de.nu anu ureadi- happenel la not really the lauue but Certaisly lhis is the type ut situatiun Ibul lis ilde tarange Oral cn cummunicatious brouejit serlbward trum tatalities. il la meH rerugnizeil tha t te raîher the cuncern oftIhe public Ibat a siuilar couscs a driver le esperi a dJttc-esil set of Mslit dii-ceua Sellmouil in large ruw huas, suds une tino aicuhut lu any pors no malter ftalili- lu sut sepeatein tu he ftusre. ci-cumnvascen thon Ibat isilicaleil by the cîster chu casuel adequalel- cupe mitb i the ue i ubreu chai Iheir age reducen inhibitionsa ndi arts as It one examins the pbyulcal cuosruction et tlauhing red iigbtn or rauses a driver lo ques- thelo lagsg.-.TVermillion river. a deprcnauut un the central servu nysteis, barciers wbicb buse becs suggentei Ileao, bu lien the rellablity ufthe sga.Apparenly, Sic French influence te ram- Mla ur iltrCu Tbe earbier effects are lu prouue inebrialion ucen immeOiately Siat Sic bars-leru Siesu- Lastlyil bihsiunuat abarrer mai- buse ~ u c ~-~r m-u beld Ibelr tiret Bible clasu cornmunty in cunjunctluu wtb a percelsel selves coutld not preseot a sebicle froc becs a delerminallve tactor in tbe curne of ponl in staa u e ustyt ee r meighin Siir club roumn tuat t cubitaration ndi escitemnt. crousing the truchi , evesîs un Marcb 5mbh, 184 huweuer Sic tha he peuple eleclel tu represent aus werc madehe uevso fMs in a psycbiairy - test esiilel "Orgnl Thte barriers serve Imo purpaucu; tlrslly, lu primary factor in Ibmhicident mai- bave becs Country- cichba hua general acreplel Sic A.C.Ruiddy. The boys wcrc ut in Psycbialry: "Me Pncyulugical Cusseqauscen draw su Sic attention ut motorîsts ndi the consuspiion ut alcuhut by youg Peuple. busiudus cml of bOgualsm. oc asnd Sic meeting wun 550si of Cefebrat Disarder " ilIta nuteil 'peruanatlity pedeulriann Ohe tact Ibat a trai n ap- il lu lu Ibal issue as mets au oSiers, Sial the Pienue d o xetta-eaeas av ucsfl tactorn ndi enirunntal tacturs are bu- pruacbissg or croauing the Irachi ndi public cescer soulil cuntiue lo be directed. duug o epoc saI ear aaluhe ne nucc aeohe hv perlant aI Shio atage; llvely cnrnpasy leadig s ecundsy, lu art au a psychulugica] bardier lu flMc cruasiog ut Derry Raad la rertailuli su h otymstcorsndiFechnl. becn eilte danùsg Sie pesi muo usually lu buoteru riseerfûhicea, mbere au a peraun sempleilsu cross Sic Iracha. the ont- location in Suass mb were au es-cor M.P.tr coulE wereupni lud esc oa noe re.. th alcobul lahen alune cay iitecasy teelisu ot il la tI latter conaideralios mbicb sbouldi n juilgemest or youtbtut eyblarallos couid Milton wdît bu su mure. . ý - ý. 1 , . ý . ,ý ; ý.7z7 1 1ý 7 ý-i viewpolint No value with IKE OYLEhigher