-u TIu Caean nChampfon Wgd.Nov.14 lUE' S WOOw7t AM abou t t@wn MAJRMo A t Pagwa is the school,business androad that Hugobuit Pioneer of the north finds his place in Canadian history If tbe days of Canadas pioneers wece wasing by tbe ime Hugo Encansn came 10 ibis country-tbe native Swede d is het to revire tbem. He bud neyer woro a pair of mttens antil ho came 10 Canada onPebrttary, 1925. His oew home as Pagma River, about 200 .mile orhbmeto Timmima. He folowel a Swedish lriend's tonîstepo, lakong a job witb the railmay but doln follow Ibat polh ton long. The store owner uithIe smal settement mas having inoncial problemo and owed Mc. Erison onnme money is debl mus pid hy sèlhnglthe young manohishbusinesnaa reduced price. Te sore carried everyting from traps and canoes 10 dry goods, grocerieu and hardware, while also serviog au a trading post. "t tried 10 do the right thmngand paid gond mooey toc lors, " ho recailso 'lite Hudson Bay Co. mas is compoition in the etlemeoi of about 1,000 people.Mr. Ericsoo soon homme multilihgml mad aut tracted French Candian rapprs by spoalong their lunguage, is clienlel aso, necesitated thrtarg o theCree lang uage. TIbc 79year-old remembers ose parti- cularly good seaso when he bougbl more than $100,000 oorih ot tors. His main marbet osas n compny in Nom York noere more mosey mas otîchot for the rupprs' ares. 00he memories of his yers in tbe nortb were stirrrd recentlyby Jennifer Hues, one ofvise graodchdldrev 0he vistedhim ai thebospital oberehe oas recovering from a mild stcoe andbrough icîlber a numer ot old poiograpbs and a neospapor clip- ing. tronifro tboigbt ber grandtier would have time to orgaxior is memoruhilia whte hecoas laid op.Mr. Erirson's dorlor Ib te ylloosrd ewspayor clipying mhicb SALE!SALE!SALE CRAFT KITS & CRAFT SUPPLIES WHOLESALE PRICES FINAL CLEARANCE FOR THE CRAFTSHOP CALL 877-1858 DO SOMETHINO NICE FOR SOMEN E.S.... ï Plan ta attend aur naxt BlaadDana, C/mic THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 2 p.m.-B.30 p.m. MILTON MALL and pleaso.. BRING A FRIEND Ilsa ane gift ysa ant give et thse office. *LA$SES BROKEN? DON'T WAIT WEEKS... COME TO MILTO<sJ S ONLY OPTICAL llagnErlrsnnmayhanesnldthehssinessheoaesedînsmtheen cumparel sonne ho anderomis moce thas unycars ngn ohes ho Ostarlo 10 retire here but he stili bas a plsneer heafl. This trois telird handords of trees tu croate a enad 10 Pagma Rince fenm the tceehassntarescapedshehlteothlssamhtade, as apelcot Oece osas main hlghmay. sntsolachy.Remoslngthemfenmhishachyardisasimpîesnsh sent 10 bis patiesl noverai years ago. singo-bmdodlycroatinga road from Pagma Ibero osao oowbece clone by where lbey 'tOto man anderbiscoremasfeatoredin on River 10 ibe maio bigbmay. Relore ho cas cootd attend sohool 'lite prohlem wasn't "Il bapposed n Canula" piece. The grnpbic relate the tale ot carvisg a rond out of Ibe loog-lived hecame Ibeir tather hulît ose sbomed a mm chopping treon and Ibe cap foresi, Mc Erinson must lotI absul bis Aller conlracîisg Ibe isnpocloc of public lion gave as don of Ibe robot ol Ibe moods lamily schonls for the area, ho and mme helpors mono moch. Ho nnd bis mite Groin bnd lhree beganiobmtdlhelogschoolbome Titalmas Mo Ericoon osas gîson credil for almont daugbiers Whes lbey renchol school ago o 1945 and milbm lise yoars Mc Ericson realized ohen hi. daughtera were aid ennagh ta attend high achool at Hearst, the raitway enalda't he relyed upon to aflow weekend visite. Tise thoagisi of being able tu ane then regularly if there was a road jolning Pagwa River andthe main highway, started him on the 10-year project. Aller the Minstry of Natural Resaurces completed a saevey of the propased road, Mr. Ericsnn as lef in1 construot it. The project cost huitthousands of dollars and btmdreds of homr. At limes volusteers would help huit and ie lired laboarer. occasionally. He used axes and sawn and west trougb nvera pies f ahmvng eouipmesl duriog the course of the con- struction. He doesn'l begrudge hie invesmmnt hnwever and admits "il paid for ilseif." Transport truckss more able 10 detiver goods tobhiestore at amucit cheaper rate than the raitmayliad oinbe past. His dnughtero got theo bîigh scitoni educa- lion and each oftlhem completed post secondary progeams. Ose, Jeosifer's mother, becamse a teacher a E. C. Drury Scitoot for the Heacîog hopaired. Itlu that scitool which inadvertantly brougbtliber parents 10 Milton. 7%e m oas Grela's idea bol one cootd bucdly bstme bier for waslîog a more modern enviroo- ment.In 1966the American radar basenear the setllemeobmas closed and wtb il 0001 hydro and telephone service. They had lîved wthoul Ibese Iucies hetore but Iis ime tbe pioneer spirit maso't Ibere. 'Me selîlement iona gbost Ions today, altbougb tbe log scboolbomse is sh11 stan- dmng. Mr.Ericsonso coud las sîilIbere Ion. 'Up sorlb Iber ere ncsomnny tbings me bad 10 do 10 gel alosg. At the hme 1 bull the rond I never tbougbt the people would die out," said MrEricaun. Wbes tbey dAd, a triesd obo 000s bcool lospeclor recommendel Milton as tbe Ertesunsnembhome. Don Kennedy, woo as insrumentalio slarting E.C.t)rury ochool, mas Ibat triend. Mr. Ericson lived wilb iseoife anlil sbe died eight yeurs ugo. He shl hves in the homse on Wakefield Rdt mhicb tbey bougbî 17 years ago. At t Ltn-Alaff!' M RGIC 0F CHRISTMTR IIEY KIPSI 'ENTERTINMENTI W&--AAL - -- a&- MA@ acruc Iil c uon: miss the Piagic ~ 0f Christmas ut dE Milton Mail rim ll-.,-. ov. 1 5, 16g,17 See Professor Plumm work his special magic ta make Santa Claus appear before your very eyes! PHANTASMA! SATURDAY NOV.17lat 1:30 p.m. MEET SOME 0F SANTA'S LITTLE HELI'ERS FREË Balloons! Monday ta Friday: 2 ta 4 p.m. and 6:30 ta 8:30 p.m. Saturday: 10 a.m. ta naan and 2 p.m. ta 4 p.m. FREE Santa Activity Books Far Ail Children Visiting Santa (Have yaur pie-ture taken with Santa: $3.00) SANTA CMAJS AMRVIS FOR FAST PROPESSIOI& MI.SR *Repairs & frgnes ottile you mait :Discounts for seniors & chlldrenl *Lagest seleotion of tramtes eAR prescrilXion or dJuplioahons *FuIly lcensed - 14 yrs. expesloseneMl )Lcael '1 Optical Monday to Friday 10 to 9:30 ~ e t.ACRES end ACRES 8784553 St.ra 93 t of FREE Parking 88 Main St Fý MIb. 56ua On:30i Sot. Thur. Nav. 15 7:15 p.m. Phantasma's Maglc Chrstmas Circus Fr1, Nav. 16 7:15 p.m. Phantasma's Maglc Christmas Circus Sat, Nov. 17 il1 ar. Professor Plummn and his Puppets Sat, Nav. 17 1 p.m. Professor Plumm s Maglc Show Sat. Nav. 17 1:30 p.m. SANTA MAGICALLY ARRIVESI Sat. Nav. 1 7 3 p.m. Professor Plumm's Maglc & Puppet Show