Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Nov 1984, p. 12

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82 The Canadien Champion, Wed. Nov. 21,1984 u Springers put on a show for their folks TiM iS" Sprmngers gyuietinS club weu a bon> desgned No keep you fit over limoe cold winier mon- paeti eeas parents front tberecreational pro- lihe. graswere imviied ia observe ibeir chidrea ai regareloseaiimdaringte weekt. The Santa CleusParadepla neeblngauposqc- OIf cisse sil gym- fýB15.Mn>ogerSpigesare capplng on dnrse- nistedut ohthee 3irfletCzDaANE CERKA f Sanie undeys effort as lbey desasa- seithte gyineul.ncariobeel their way ibrough ton oih niilla eider ihe weicb- fuleyes of paenesand ________F______ or aopporuiyto ve whatthe club girlsare ding, jobth1e Spriager's t 1the Milton Malt, Setur- coaches. Reguieraiion for the second recreationai 9g1m- day, Dec.ifm1-pm.Tepecoeitvad Pebp b otnautico seo aaa o pon u.Agern, as before, compeitive gymnouin mUt do thel ir ut N toenter- nentig k ,der>- mlli 1e accepted by phone. Regitration dateasr aisaapetu aus11ey airuiied iheir Wednesday (ioda> O6.30-9 pm.and Tnurodtusmor degtuf __ou rgisiraibo mot 11-doe laperan o oro ai .wbt e .niaia oeof. ti aUao staf t prad ol)ker. rm> -30p 10 Mion Springers continue No hoot bingo every other Wje lstrbed tig m1e fyo ae int teotd ynasti ru te> a Wetinnsday afiernoon ai Bingo Worid in Gabvitie. For tbe llotetei tter e-amion. Spesoger's prograns ctude Moms and any Bingo lueres wiahing to join us, te Stringees ii Joaue eSoen rdiatin ati emToN KiaUdergyin, Boys andi Girls Recreutionut, Teen be istlng bingo Nov. 21, Dec. 5usnd Dec. 19. Support asiedSpeincers'gym. foonti siillo on bemRec,oadoatemfiJJpMen and Woe insprgatlgeayprcae nst oc1the iountb ut bars, iaut, rings antid- unsftesFsrm i eal prraei Octobre. tbe cl>y elitr annIn voIl.yhil wbat resreational gymnastirs s labout. Fus. ut course and tiai mIis eatywai lley ocre doing. Mary parents ocre impressed i mtise improveti S e r tt g irls sixth in C up tant part ufthtie ktdeegym prugram astiome area coachsChere Frechas doc anexcelltentjob on. 'Me girls vollryball eust feo ce ie oet dvascisg su the Crocefix Tise managers are Dart league off to a strong stafl Tisursday Nîgisi Durs Touroumesis, miicis gut snderayor th is time Nov. 8t thseCharles H.te, are aready pruviof tu ba paputar asti cumpeti- tive! Ptuyees ro ust eisgtus, Bramptois. abcdte ast iltotn are pttîsg tiemetves agaist eco tier to tîndth ie basi ptayer ufthtie evening. Tise smo Tbursday bacc secs as ncrease su tise vumbr ot lady durs ptuyees sisuwsug us interest in the toursusetsandibacttg sonnecustpetitice gastes againssithi etr uteruierparts.I mut osty beaa mteruoftssstrbetrewe see atfesatesinglesusier su a Tiurstiay et rssg. G andL Ditibuting spaonsred tiseNov. 8tourna- meut.Tieresassonne ttermsiiug gastes playedowti hisgisscores ad ast stinig trust bts tamssTise uinr fthtie doubles cumpetitios ocre Tsm Headi asti Suob Sustiait.iîe tise rusuers-up oece Paul Lests asdtims Colins.tsntise snge sal, Tsst Reati trust aicîte ieat PauaiLests rust Mton. Dace Bouied otMilto onthseconolationtfinal. Dants Plus sas tie spnsor tur Nov. 15. Dure agust, copeititce fumes ocre playeti itis tise remts out Ciaz Hggsss asnd Nicis Thomas mus agaist Sias Hwarad GordovGotiainsthe dubles isal.In tise sngles fisaI, Mise Thosts ro ustBrisgiouiet Stian Howard rustMilttonInthtie consoatio doubles finals *Subisa"'astiAlvio beat Dace Walace anti Ris Ltrhietti We iave sus turreaseti our duet ibordis In igiti tiereture urcreassof our capacsty toc players. Anyuue sineresteisositiconne dos 50 tise Cares Huil etbaieeot7.0uadi8pst uonasy Tisa y. t WATER LD Oe 380 fitoftistc5. Canada s Watns yeaSr Mo..dWte SfcLSe a y, Satustiytti1 Suvdyt *Family Rates eParty Packages Shappers Worl Brampon 'YOu! PURCHASE 1985 u DOG LICENCES NOW Save $1000 Dog licences toc 1985 are nom un RAts sale ai $1500 oasis By ISsu 87- 1977, s umestiet, recturos tisai AIL dogs in Budtengtov mulSte tcocceti on or Sbe Jacuury 31lst ut oucis your or tin ove soucIs ut Sescg ucqutreti Dog lcnces are $25.00 par dog i psrcisused or or aller Foisruury 1st, 1985. notitistusditg aey pesai- ties or icous whis migit be impseti isy the Courtsspun scoviction ut un offense uctior tise Animal Cottrot By-Issu S0, BUY NOW AND SAVE $1 0.00 SENIOR CtTtZBNS miss are 65 years or uttier, spot trust ut ugo, wjîl be cisargati a lictence foo ut $5.0 for te a irt dog asdthie normai tee for any autitiosat tiogo.' DOG LICENCES MAY BE PURCHASED IN PERSON OR BY MAIL AT BOTH THE ANIMAI SHELTER, 2424 INDUSTRIAL ROAD (335-3030) AND' CITY __unlm .sntae atg FLa ýottttsstio.LtsS Cates Cev essa 555itu s iai OAn P1 otrsu 33'3 Lieso u îssaeti aus t Pets d ere. 8345Bras Stre car Enc appuic S' prepar becatl STIH DEALE si Sam ulteerats etemestue> sctsoot distinguisised tisemuettes isy ptucisg sistis of 24 teasoistise Ottario Csp toartament over tise weekett inluBarrie. Tiseontursu Csp iriogu 50- getiter tis e ie eemestary scisools tentise province. Siserratt'sisoys team atm moade tise tressp Htgistay 400 but tuiteti to ativasce out ofthtisej poot. Tise gicts sîde adivancedi frsm tise tirut rousti iy tinislting sctisa 7- Srecord iut tieir pootloshicis mas good emougt rt eiird ptace. Tis ecars ieat Sundertand asti todiar Wetts (Chtatisam)scisoots isy 2-0 scores, lied Bayctew Hei- gis (Toronto), Warvscisa (Bar- rie) asti Cesteustat (George- tows) 1-t, asti tost 2-0O o Joisn Mceae choot ot Scurbarougs In tise veut rousti, Siserratt's girts ba St. Stepiscos Scisoot of Sti. Catharines 2-0 isefre tusing 2- o o ILeaiigtoo ohics etim- inutet ism trom fuctiser action. Tise isys'toast issisiseti ith a 7- trecord inttirpool aus wrtt but finisetino tourtis ptace ant idt nttAvance ietiser, Siseratto sboys deteatet i. Stepisets (Toroto), Ftastioru- ugtt astiHittrest Barrie> 2-0, tied Qoeet Mary (St. Cathisns) t-t asti tout 2-0 to Wisitisy asti Gtasisus (Ottawa) 2-S.Tise tons tu Queen Mary se tise second gaste ut tise mates speltedth ie differe- neet rousti. Augie Jutes and Siaron Whistt- Tetwouteams wilt vietforîthe sicisohtte Gary Souttsourthiss Norths Haltos cbastpiunsip tise coach. Thucuia>mites tise> ptay Cesses- Momises ut tiseisoys trust are niatiucisoot ut Actot HfigisScisoot. Steve Bruoc, Steve Wodwaurd, Mestbeusfthtie girls team urer Dug Mtes, Deug Herse, Matt Issu Hjetm, Trace> Logan, Barbe, Dace Wmssisger, Jefi Deassa Castecos, Christine Dut- Zammîtt, t7tris Vassuytec, ,tett oumsie, Sara McLeod, Wusda Vasissytes, Marcro Mata, Jasons Ezeard, Toss Gbourse, Jo-o Bomen, Boy Joues, Chisi Tyter, Lettesa Martin, Iàssutoits Oseeccru asti Stetiou Styiaoous. stun, Jesty Verge, ERets Bect, George Cosuiu tise stanager Tra ey Ziestas, Dense Jonstos ohitte Jsst Hatt asti Dace Toder- Dnnsatee Wlsos asti Ciseytcis are tise roacises. Strong Burtington team slips by Steelers 3-1 Mttos Teat tuteciors caste up against a strosg asdcamotay il thisrstiay nstht anBcetigtott rls hockey tise lsues 3-t in a juior grts _____________ isocisey faste.____________ Tise grts ptayeti bard as Jo Asv girts isstkey. Hastitt scucedth ie Teat goat afier Tise grts oece iadty spaci isy a seramiste arousdthie ses. tise tosut Margîe Parker tntise Jastie Picard asti Jessîle trst persot Sieiscoieier tisustis Bascum payetioell on detesce andotis e out ofactiontforsix asti Vuterse Woodi paýtio a troug enu ,TisS causeti tte juggling eftort uter missisg secerat antitise girls vcer quitsetîtrd gumsntiotn Jessîter eeisrsuuscd thr toue Milton goat trust Amautia Miltons Frasiset Steetees sut Gtlivier aend Chisttanue Trestîttu tecedt ieir iest setbacb ufthtie Ketty Ptcard stade srurrat bey ueasosmies tisey tot 4-t te, suces tu tiitt Fastioruugistoutn Ftumisoroughisnsistermediate ty tour fouts. 1985EHONDA PROU 1vJ MM G MST ERGEGIBTN T EM 877-R6286 /ON0F OND OAlet ODCTLAE FONEYINUOUS SUPP IJ EC FMFARM SYSTEMMEN I.~~~ ~~ 0O RD OTM 10542 !INAPPRECIATIONSFYO - 7 "N£ But flot just anyone n seil you a 5TIHL: @ch pesr, STIHL rejects &bout Imica as mmvy àcalions $rom potentialdaliers as Ihey eccepi. Sora aretsiurnod dosen becausée they are not ardto, carry an inventory of apure parts. Othees mus. they don't proeide service APTER the sala. IL /S PLEASEO TO ANNOUNCE THAT TI»/S LER HAS MET ALL THE REQUIREMENTS FOR SELL/NG AND SER V/CING THE WORLD'S F/RST - AND FINEST - CHA/N SAWS: EtFrmn EmpnmnLtd. Ail. 1, Gowaumetsn" nai M71678 WhY net drp bY oon? YosaII diecover thet t'à net Juet a Place t. bu ySTIHL chain eawe und poweer taule ... TS ANOTHER RERASONI PRIVATE SKADM MILTON SPR-INGERS GYMNASTICS CLUB Fntaurigpooausnse r:Muse & Tnu Kuisses as Bys & tiilsRes, TaomeRocEt MILTONd SPUGNRSGm 312lianeRd. MU5o. O. H.A. Senior 'A' >*HOCKEY "MiNO ràHOCE Y VM Hr 7 DUNDAS-HAMILTON TIGERS 'VS. Gooretown CIuyslerRaidos Fdiday, November 23Md - 8:15 p.m. CORDON ALCOiT MEMORIAL AREPiA *Adultn * So .eni, Stuans. ChUtaOnMM, Raie/oe g/vaSPucàd sa/ra 9 ToH E K E NTN ERS CATERING" fSc ttsek saq7pmfor fh/s peain1eso htd<ey npI, MORE SPECIAL NIG/TS COM/NG $00001 ADVANCE TICKESA VA"SALEA T 5nnu.- bm 5 ý m.m 1 m-r"' $ 9 I ~Asaboot our Extended Warranty Program. Prices in effect until Nov. 24,19841 Clirisma<syoucari ý 84CN C 151 sW '83Ititsc lA";i. e Il a Mm I uatquaau lesuw 1" aSiemguIêmmaiaiosmvoI kcmv 1uldtu£k51 st F~SN lii F CAUS liai.17 laas s. R tvpje.aW Ciel I oylu biRf Oel i I lU iI5tI5 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (a "0 Wa hl issbemt ltiS5y & is 84S-16_ ('i Il I. -l 1

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