M8 ThesCanadienChampion, Wed. Non. 21, 1984 Auclno SlesFor Sale AntIques ANTIQUE uakne soui dereri al8 stc ___________________________ 87-31 tuti iloltitt Atîtiqtorsi DOrot .Acloo 10cu ncou narper? Free vattescles. Ca-I roe ALEX FIiNIE 9SO str lntr mrachine, Bikv nett, 133 Mllt L LRem wmo ev. alanNun. ONT cro. odS cabincî, s2ut un boci oncer. So1 Fo.,Hcchlu.Mlcrlleroarra Anti- ELECTRIC pnrer, 24rlrelecnse ur, or n canticue$, pinetl. beok tarifinsr, cilh, qa. c.ralsceru. u, H.P., 110t-220c, oe1/, t-r11 e :2 ri tttcriup. t1" trou other rotlariobvs afoOrcdvkl. O . arUnd, 224 aryn St. prions. FOR Sale Appe rtptrv, t disk drntes, prietr, Mocrdehcosccocccloaom-Siapo.m B/ Wemonitornnth ppertcer,Vtstat, 0.. 5oaoeoon -5p.m,. mvicrSer cou Tirrn othr Porea., Int. gaces. lOPR.aoauctllé.sluctflt r="t .4 Scie.aw Scie attt1$2,20. -Irowana Fnc tz rraa13.Eaéi. u e-f POta~FRIGE & elréctven, acorenr FuvweIhho 10D E t$300i j settrt.rrOe 33-947. 0 Friiuae Oee 300 SALES OF ALL TYPEOSODEVAUTO rNS Loue noerr, lies siro, eteete tabce. arc. Provcooocu Ornc 13oo L Tel (416);S878-2576 0884. Choqur.. errer al klcuc rof fitotsci ýD12ý GREAT Cheita ins!or Perneco playng s tioappod oeucoeud macnhec. Cott Ltn Prntlosort Pare0i ecacrnchnalc pr. H000052 ot Wrstnhuersrce e leuue., Fr"aaastimâtca, pick rp and u.llvrc ar Lest or Slru>red r3 Cnu rie, 1o0 r7 11tac.80ay MALEGeran Sephrd ast eenin Ap rocre mec to orz 4244, chreome erilor Z.t MLE aiore robn tat coi&ea colAerb tcle rins - ro e rs cnnct Ltsees tnu roente Rewrd nrt toc& $4n5tc Su.OBocer 0t 30 /pair; enoers btkr. 0 5 Praduce ________________________ 2 O 000 tirec and etauo. ste con S12. $30o r ALt0ALPA-Tioteenr ned ernt le, rort I Walpdnot. Cote o7-612 oor n ey sctraw ftoir rote. Menenbonk Eceot. cuR OODcc tere phone u orree nOPE Crecer Sontt nedre ntor teerin ope Mttn oie-6237 esimt n iu h J.w Ronsn LiO. noper. brontoitrol enosOer tnntnuteq Oeooo PURE Atictro han. irom $1.0/ bote dctoneec 0000al n 51ot t 9rr 2290 raeenetgo too9) ors-3e59.Ohardwre. Ar git rn larr o Lotettno e ott no0.cn ce ocrtane Officennnr hoîe rocs455 NIAGnAACynt Masagelr ine.ordnrce . TOPecnrnenhl ndn orrr-croraertPee de Rttn 53 rorreneerogl OESMOOE 'noenhtn0 rnoctoe & rer. whore, retonrn se MO basotr noe. 5t9 85M 9t4r aiten ForSaeoppeor. 6Oecr ota. $20.87 17i 9 riecenar -i7p.e For Sala LtMtTED erton rfa40 peite "Cectirr Grod Ladcua Supplies Lobe"b nrtiotrnoentnee nfer oerecefrsl M Gadn Cý 3lotctrctrrtc -c-o-t-tc, ent Coonnbettrotte Sconer, $10 eaCn ContteOTTLEOte tentut and Ro~ ottrrbertsn,n854 rireý bran rcrnnor ptnn0n, wotkbeOtrden cine r BRAESIDE tý I M ETAL nn to store Imtione eteeptone; t5 0700. toto) t 2r3 6398 W one granide poot, ettee and rOt cesrs TrOYS frMes1r On-r d a on notelar Accu-ton M Farci Eqalparont lrDEAsUA~~5 . nd 4 a o d o boysrtrze 4. Poneoi rois eeMAtr FeiMotet MIL fl 50 Stesleflceue lag nrtique rocoty, antique pro on ion 8' partetter and0 trototer etlntetnOt and $v. Ult3, Mélecj encetllet cndirtrio87 son0 orehto trert fnornee ArkotaSIIoriO e er ;CWuasmallacaW ëfF,. Pc. 0ito.- Spia.e . MO GS oel reto Donble ced nomh coxt netec r00 oýlerep 'n 050 rO ~rienrbnoeIrtroew) wtototrert MAOOY Fee0usn n35,rnnnrerderet,nex Set 10ta. 6 pini. drssrl u O fer fprne, enteniti 878536 cotlentconorot n O ret e c to r rai si rira9 fr cnruooneduboataapoialtctrcinteabej flEED portr or rer-ice ene maor oppooter J,,io ~TonkaE M.n.l; battteesadgtd Evrt Saudy Cr00 MA n o, etc 1908 78S5 Lloeetock (0iced iln condition -5tRt1 OLOtfhore.,otetrrooongrd cuie $75 II ORSES 5OAlDED tecoallabrortirl rot suot, . een Antoersuote turotBx ne d Stnrding retoh avnrrble and Aericn mogany c nece Sutte Ondtoodort Fr00,ng Ptortros Payen pan-o ntret.Arnotsnrtleoanc , Tryto rairning andnrnrs- luoOcr, a _54est *e& dmonte ocra, vre',t dtrress to rnteaor, adrerCsioctpogmesfiHs ltt of antique chairs$2 oroncoenne H nta n Crroocnn veoo'nno on Steiler Aoc i ortoy Satronerond sonrsurdcn, Or 'n. tnetp- 'nLAC5OMOO0- Otron netoeerf N r'lndt m SMCK ~OSO HOr'osO v otob etnew ot K irr Wner ncrecetnvesoeing, nR 5,sorrct'n (rtot 4" x4"14PeaawTea Renynterotinctnms or norfuetonero or 877t617 t Wei or4rid 1"tllsMUM n$9.9.16 trMai. Stcot o E,86331_ LUE nereostee qurnooeecreor gdi, WWd.uud1lt PERcECoT Conditton, Sintr Stylort Sewrotorionno otred Anntttncr reortr ntt Bot uet go 1: Raid Oeil Mchnet cabntnoot'netsNor3,ni anrtor ' ane nerdnra oecc Buretotn, 639 Woc.dvcdlWitlh 811 itofree r'n.oots.oorS00 Cral 5î4 toto 07 Atibe, e àq*y letOo-ptqnt, Maor andr RcO, rerb, sol rd B0ARO5U orotoctIe, box rettri, rooty toc cOeery, Hepcteuscte, Chsterteldan car.00, trout inor retto $t25 mott Fiet O tFoURonecc50CTrrS a Breeoenc, reeet. 878 or3o Frot o5'mns rot AcTrc (519) 85M rtes Perur -ou, TErt t.; eoom r pe,$8 sesqurueyoerd, ontree QUARTRt Ono retroori Mort motL Cal De a 0OTHF0S, tF OT \3 2515 40> no neiforf0000oee t. Onu~oad VOtrl -n 2A. sFR rrot.e c uon toto sorte 1 Pot Stock -- $15s.t rte Ocoppe pastel soven 'nodrn toc FREood haOOomt18.hImal rt 's ott c., style aronnoo, $13.ro wl rruepotree 05OtrO r eoco cooe Îýxly.>, sisto e.re r'nOooe $15s. - Antique 878 8303, nu Oror aore dre bufett beootirttertot $290 Atiqettror -df-al an-res-Autsel.5 rab rtre corco t orott tteer, cro5. Antiqu MLe 00totcoo~c ts r0 50 PINBALL - PAC MMN ARCADE otrerýeero Maonote, etenteotter tn ceoneorot nok noconet, $1000 0,0 'noke ecelnertt O Cr Opn ' Bloc Riccn 0cr Unrooming oit COritma oSUot Cal ottru 3847. crd rorotin 217 Mon Stý 87t47or re 7en ci-, o, folre, gorils SEMO noLLrw etentenri tr wuh ce.Ler 9653 LauPcb.. $5O.t Paueita-too, Greot cnnrwnn Colcoison,___________ LOWprce'n50annO mtc ercthtoore pence, iontoldcr tw- o ar .a0s cres. . Ucodtiotnrt 87846 aror 4 30 0oermT& seautro ainsor s alue, treonOtoedt 509 oaC nt off At maciesote rocoteedA J. & R enerorcu. ri, r Scrcteg Servicea, 87-697 t.Oi tari ceotocc Pino, Boco Wotnot, reinorter oa ecntoe oa norgnal ceaor. $1r50au THE CORPORATION oc8 735s. 0F THE TOWN 0F MILTONl tanuns e l q e Lcnar,$6 rPpcnnet08 FINANCE DEPARTMENT lto .4"re & 8rnnro 50, Oon Suae cul crRQIE neard noctal be 1stlva843r C HI 0cDSOV re tocectone onsrt rote. Sone H EF on 'nrrmoetr HomeneHardwre, 305 Stercts saAre. 878 9222 ACCOUNTANT 000D OTOVES, traio$9 oorotooOt, crOn e JOB DECRCIPTtON: This ycrororn .,oot O or ne. Orne prceton totc serre Sr nrr etit sprnrnrotr thoerdacta danrneoroonto r tebs c'cce ac- onrr.carOl ro ointsrcoran, Ver'nont LCtinos wor andomptfnarncenndercoot The ork ttu due ccorecorundd yAuomobiltcec sonner. Costom tiepeors, cnoli trrer inonrtstcofsuprsonr nrepnroocntofronio er. oc te oocadhyelltTitiebon. zerncearane, .'incy lioer oU o'ney, noce tnnatt'et noc ornn 0 500 BAONTE ST. SOUTH 1I essr'orie, 'oone a cit snnurnsonca osoor noonnnt rorol ontn tast MILTON, 878-2325 o1 n srerncer orotoctle HeretOcrose, Rrob.,orr Thr prsan totO aise Cebtel takn orhe Town'r t s19r85 4100, OootooftFinance and Toussct, SttlDlISsStRS. FleEWttt auRsNGER Wasern o nr lriroon, eyr, QUALIFICATIONS: Theonnoccsoto apntoorno UorrorrnedrdwOotd rroootecro nrroeecsiOocorrrao6198 rhou Orne paonsnicpa ionaneeprt r Cr00 Enetocro ;f Garaga Sale - tentooyoane Urocreon 00e,,c -tiornoa rOrnodce, tl-5236 or t78-4769 _ troity ilnconae i. v theoon rplnnnnontrm mnnooUnrrcoon ooou,rnoamnistreory Piano cigSalel! nar.n ireroa Sac oer 6pianoc OIEMOSERATIOS: The sérr.o l0V Oc neontort.o Acouel Sratch Et Oaci Sale TOc Town of Mo Vters , -noo forgtne Rcnial rtUno. Floce modela.neo nocr Q~~Unr tord onohooants re Vc 0nVie Ion t b it a onti c DeoMOnstraitos GARAGE SALE denta ronsrneor pntn n c Savu Inc $211 ta $10M5 offK" karna _ orete rennercy SNnc'br3,iU tao Pl VAN GEEST Houm of P"ue GAR4GESALE of TiaceMtt rau Scciicd bn Ptano Tehiens roGE AL c.o n raoft Mclton lIwy. No. 5ces 416 SIGNVS Mion,.ti"4B a1 West cf Wolocdcnm 689683 cRs.. aFcit Garago toi.e %ng ac. trou Dattcttii9p. ni, cecurcas advesearvcyacBâleincthe GARMENT PRESSER Oroc Cnabrat (inampoon Pcnttme,cTaqurcinatobg ryCaca a, 87 -34678-8941 .2 .s FACTORY ~ ~ ~ l DULT aaonwetoa5ap.m.oco SAL ES PERSON Acto Prcas Coete . & ---J uctocepansatoe. o manucurere or Win- Acta Prcas Cucret Li 66IT7 CtAFT GARAGE SALE dwDcorcttn rouccc ba ce oparteg fr cSectank rab lme Sot Nols 24,8aom. -Zca c2 amc 8 on otto ctco le pcrsab. Eopeicen PCswr& drae i ft n 452 Wcecoan Avs pc.fceecu brcut eco otrai ohutcbl &Pct. T c PVC are cotn pope & pttates Clu. vet of~ creuia ml,4 Appty 1o SULOOK BLISOS, 136 Mate Sc. E. e Sodeaul &t Poto stobr r ubrs pcrng blockr 8n"! 529 ;1ilV RatrotMNserWencu sectonr onuhi nrrt leioin-ceoctucFE A lENOANT 803cc. rene ect0e pcoi c er erar FUEL BAR IASHIERS BICYCLES crne tiko ncu. a toutcsStandaru Pm rtuiCoccaotakooah SHOlRTÇ0 E c K tap*rdece"trecauaaccwltele Ioarop- - BLt o are, Ccol eocrnad Oreotoec Joaiprsdy a ccocwcc ccac r Ray. MrieS nera 4', Mu; 4' - S',$M Cal j ~ g $1 aro Mý- e.d gcowteg ccmrepcc. 2ose 12rtcrr L1-onpn cr ar n ic c. oeor ApplpIln Peron CRAG E Paic hinrCnoIc. Long ctt2 short cS 10.4b. - In cowne on Whte.7-81i Ï ar 4at ChWbcdliOr.Millon p. CALCULATOOS, typcre for Sal o r fici______________ cont. Phoe 878-6962 Hcto Storonry A30us 00 i COMMODORE 64 Keyacn-tset dtc detec, .IMMEDIATE JOB AVAILABLE CULVEOTS--Goteaetcrd sitl Mosot cooc 111 *P=Ocr.ccoacoamlly eastocou uectculeeay. 41r' lu stock. Langan Sites . ocer Scetu - lo Apl Chair Carling Wi rro n rote wieA 'the crofecotonao LotO toroan T roiecearottosta.. Gnaulgtachesc vvato Fcais Estimait«. PioS op b De.inocn appotnfrnnr batticr t41 X o2ppnc . 40ttln stck. Euert MOtta MARYaSEE13S78-31e 873-1671 - retuira Lîd. Phono arc-856-4091. utc141* Sole lfa 02h- .a arc., Mluip Wanlsd Llcsnsod Mochanlc Eocoerience reqcird in the i.Dt Diesel, nd Caterpiller Diesel. Roatl 5591 eeery 2 weeos, Mondsy ta Frkd position. Applin pertiaonto: Maplo Lodgs Farmo 11h UnsWst, Brampton (WlulusClralil. 14mnuf SerllillesAvenee 3rd Class RefrIgÏratonlEngineer Persan requireto twutrk oa srotatir shift. Muet liane o minimum ot 5 yec erperience. )Nppiy ln persan, wi resume, ta: Maplo Lodgs Farmu BIh LinsWat, Brampton (1(ntceChurcllled. Y. men orltof SteollsAvenue URIIENTLY dEtEsE Moîtuoorocero Or day ime crspof briaren -nreera' homres'Milton etCctpbcttoil ae.Car req rired' Cal Humenisâes Services Moud-don etOySe ere. p.. 637-0780 TOOL OR MOLD MAKEA G-S MeutectsrnghInc. 877-3001 cas . ni. ch i .mt..d-d" IlC.MILLING N.C. LATHE 8DM GRINDERS STOCKROOM KEEPER EoPansco . * r a p.'cds5.rsi MACIIINIST TRAINEES O,ùcg .08habar i-dil srrassa.si ckca Mold M..i.m. Lui 233 Armncccg A^.. O.acoeta.ont1,, RN'S RNA'S OflAGS EXP. NURSE AIDES & HOMEMAKERS Chitmrras o ooery oear, A rimeospent wis hooe ubooarecodear, Come bolp cote for athurs anti Oeip yorselt, Bybucomi sacrrng COMCAREELF" CMCARE 273-5220 454-07411 Mliulauauga templcri CASHIER Nd iia.ot.. Ls'.PMrcCs. Wa,. ssu - las Cati 878-5031 SALES REP tend reoume lu: 1426 Wallace Rd. Oukeilte, Ont. L6L 2Y2 Dental Hygienis! Wart croog hgrrnstrtntrtoturnoto.,ntatirr m'ne ' ronnr en avl nprt n'no2 3 trys pet rect, Verevnnotrortie lry te s rr tn n r r r o tut BOX 2344 467 Sp..,R,. tkctttcll, LOtO3S4 MR. SUSMARINE StAtw hrinullrPa r fe r,,halp. Trcaintng andu rrtirrrrc 1tib. peoidscu Apetc in pc 429 Main St.. Milton SENIOR COMPUTER OPERATOR The. crton ngronaot it' Fot rUe os i h ernt stages rt tttnlrnenting rn in-hrorn compuntetr tfotrtthe ertstrisheentr .o.ty .ntegrtrd tecrds manageennornsten computr der Oosprntand police ftrtr sunnontrsyootem sonq rVAX 750 and r VAX neo'reo nionrrnsernrtoentn.ltr a liontfVAXneq...on'nt Ernnnrc nnotor' -cantonsnroontttent rtandspriotrnskifs n1tetoeer sup erie the onnr ttn of rtta roce s rtetetornseropetrtong ororad unes are rolorr. eand cor staredsoand HERiGATEiNN cOlquies sonpant-Orna lion Pecc-imo ity Moecr-c oaplaecued peoplc cO appl cncpar loi CbW*c or. Uni OSNoeereeuECE. Teavcer erqoitnoi ataanassistcut b thc Teauhrc of The Etsnderare/ PreoceiscetaitRe H-Ictone Watooni Scet ten Corpehrttottt. Thts tc c parti ltmec Potitn Re Rple tne untito 0Me. D.0A. Cillrc, BOr or4, Carpeebcttrttt, Ose. tOP 089. CLEAStSG tady,ecprpcnce, pat-itec te Miton, flecxtble horc, ptcose att 876-4a73. COSTROOT proitre catrale, Rectietot Ccmenttlor. 3a rere ihutrfleiletchomes, Io tot 40 homes pcn ucrk. GattfitioRq cc rqmtced. Ecrlle sinc te anacsesr, a, treahno panrurrrtopeeeend oroaiiotr oih Musti h re te rok rpoectbty ond n n depettuertlyAppty n Onrotitegis Norcth Hlo AMR, 62 Peck Arr., VGeoreown, Ont. LiG ESJOY etpttgsgrerrt SonceoonursingOttor A tlexibtle.pern Whonen ocsarcoetSetecn erEXEtRtECEo ceetnngtouryreontrd, FOLLrd repactO'rnes,rotrnortation. crLL or Mrt cmr es onantEentcerorr Cocda, OcMlýenter atot osn ia or ,.Iu POTCHEN elete rlecd.Maturer,eperene hn peferreeObut nrtessentoc ie.87rrr4 ,iOe LEOAL Secetocy, porteltoe, fleie ors. Miltto.Peor c eair 788ut1 MATVREh arc eorcantre r 2rcooet00e nOotdrecn tni n LorOfomrsebeectn Od-tos. scOWctOWner -n fueo ,c. nte torfor m - shwcengr in ,,Milton 4O6tor e r BA ra-ooccoeru ovaleti nc t onne. Laurer siThor'nrnRder or878 sors BArs-SIt TER 1NANNY rtr ok altere35cee scoonOnOoOdreetn 3500ayr percuerton yhm Locrtion otneyOeTrnsottihorseqr MootryS1tTRreor rn oysness6i& 9 MonWyoFrtceOnOroe ometr 3st5r 5,n0tor DAYttA ErorinueFho o con for1 n 'n Hertrp Iunr onte, LorOforotre dulies OAYAEnroe m'oonrMnot Fridoy, Joc Otvr A& WiUon Oc ucru Me nATtE ecqocer bo byr.toer connencnor Jn.y hnom coniPt Or r onthsO rtrMrte ro r FcroaY' .0 3 500 ecerecen te 000 rne-R tAe re Octrea. e7n or09 RELIABLE nofOe utOt cocnot on hOreo 1j horn e Ato nyai eucone.Neao ertcBaluwnon BoorosEPNete Se.rices o tonte on ns horne.ceuronocte cotersOotlO tort09 $1OiTper urck plu oo cnd on rdcmAtro on ursoneutand ovrcnototntoer onooocte Cleofong ltoper c6 ercc onne LH oto toorcoot EAEUFe etoubie r-it rononco tory serkr secretai eertotoost pnrrdon n MIono M AS prO reldro ticketr reëkebr'ptiynenf Mîstilon Schooil of lItoring Eos0ors, Matbcteosna, S.cac. Frenchb Onetes 878-5095 oo TVà&RADIO i Newomen &womnetced ftrocr ws0.Sosn Isntevieos, Conmmrrcale and SporsAtotourtoo nrainng Pa ntfoO u]t bn SpcnicRdio &TA Setuoroouac otr bnoree t 960 360 6 TnT vn routoce, eenentey r o ntnert y le enroosng manth, pOyscsnOCenSry, jIzPeraccal Divorce AcsitnceccSerccs $u 250 pics ncoss We Orssntcoyocyot n prrtotofiguand seo - i noftdvoreedocntsr Oeog aypoint mnsava c 0reby pmnntteno ont0 0010 APOBLEM? D et OceaCbu-ch Orne foo25OoppoyoO, tfoi and ponte lorr. Urrton nctototer 267A Adrlitoe St, WOsTTroonto. CltoPecc (416t 0I7 39295to dn ALEXIS MODELLINII AGENCO Oneercororsono raninsgcrand uenoy proo rtont ork intrasOonrsowsr nOotogoucOy Asorrrn Cool foreftee brohnre &Orpesonat ABUoSoo and atratd? Foc Oelpt00 i 7cne55, a 24hu rsslitefr tc bused ronen. to Wom ntsPleînr or e 'ereencrosete ovaltable tnr bots o rnthdsrtOeei hlOrn orn Haton regior Ait oel s aocecnfietuntiel. PEceosmeroand Neer tete' Cat i Otthctgce envCctC Rrauoings aConsulttoeter ete ont Kactees, Store.876ie28urso ene 1m263o c eîîaFcSala BUY 0F THE WEEK 1M8 JEEP WAGONEEt 2 heecl/4 rrhccl dive, V8oroooatîr, power uouowrccll hc.aAM%PM eocooe, e-n '8' wr e oinrmentin tee cr600probantos io Vndoig terse cmvonsrtenctetemni HmOOVO cegoot Police F00 O - - LOmki.OnO ttulooLbJ 5L Attenti0 V0ooonTe nrdminioooator wà cSmue ey wp CLEMEPISMtRURS 55t 8 mscot t, Mmnc M2328 ForYou Nxt u.ait UsciCar SLESSOA MOToRSI "The u-st à l.c mWn y ueocotsrotoe 17APri ZMm 88-1 -T