j 2 Theai Reg foi Tmir Ba fer- a report ifte Tewn et nesawe respective] Tlissue tertion diareveret ,Accardink are appt-o eraded sec rive te ,121 nel aI liseY ln , îsr, comapensati respeasisît Toc's inat obligationo tests t-ampE cuiter, ise proidiag a tect-ests, eauh. Canciltor On Mnta taite Si. residenta wis ave to aiet et frac tise Raglan isefare tearnueg w5 itttcatrlisate twardts t-e ot water set-vit-e tatrala ait thisr ýpraperties. se was raaied driitg tise rat- ef Bt-ente St. cran Ilt aa . the waler pipes cet-e taroded te lisere replat-emient cao tet-esea-y. tan to astaff repart tise servi-es oimatety ta-yeat-s-old and tise tctien cas ouaid appt-oxaaatety rt-t itaide efthlie praperty Unie andi repart te crteittars, Tocs rator Boy Maie satd tise issue of ion a-as diacussed cils lthe ,r Halton Negian aise at-e le fer lise cater systeci and tht- isarant-e t-epaity for any lt-gai Mr. Maie empisiaed tise ut ofreplat-iag tht- catersevc tlety sailith t-eattet-tet ptopett e iti saggest Camcit t-ensuit-r a -oie-tte' gtat to assist wth iinated le ise appreccmatety $51W tltorhever vott-dint to assîsi iay evening lthe sttuativon as egain reiiaced talawieg a requeet isy prttpety oaens Law'rent-e Hitet et $4 Brante St. and Rien Anld et 98 8t-nte Ra. ais e epresitedth ieir disalietat-tianitmilitise tetest detisiait. -t teel l'es eg impaneti upas uits a respoaiiility tlat stnjantitied... il iseiitg a Twnt prjeel, tise tepniiility isald lia eiltht-e Tac," said Nr MEilitai. -Mese peaple iave paiti taxes tirever ad aday 1thiaisct-esuldecproamise," said Coamcittar Rose Hart-mona ais had prevouoaoy aiqpated the idea te help oat thse te-o hocaoers.- Site added tise Town sheutd reasider assessig the tcsat SM ea-ltand piking upithtet-maiadet-oftthe-ibill. Hot-et-r. Ceancitet- Btll Jeohnson tell sarh a cuve cîgitt se a ptet-dent lorft-ret pt-uit-vis "t cut-rytionterat-,If îlotselttis kind of a pt-tt-tdent ce cay have te retcharse se-el titouanad people cite iave tlisatype oflgatoante-mcttai." Ht-tht-n recmendei tise disctssioa he laitten pendtng invtetgation e-Iv tht- Rt-clos That rerommendation was tart-led and it s esperird tele-o tesdests e-ilhaut- en ansut-r etimentit Councillor raps 'Illegal' tax Regniat t-unuîl- dsrussîng the-poleîrvttm nuttorcedtouse ciller and alsu a lor wittteday dt-ate revît-t, itua landown g as setpurtankuetr dîd uhat one t-e titrîwtt-otuusesa srptît' t haut- a ottahrpartin the- numiters has att-tady tank but hav a seýt-C-- lepitot- ine in dehateletarteg a con- lt-tmed an ilt-gaI tît- unetsg uog frotofutmvu uuu t fitufntrrest at hittpruperty ice eutl]it onreg me Despîte Mt- Aisu s rto-mute v shouldusonne t ue-the fine. Mtteiuts pro- meodatîcolui t-t- usoe bc tasnilftilt- hat dits i ito an m tes t-vîtesuin îîrtoftheruater and uumrltîng tbey mat ilegal tas,- hesatd. runvectîc a sa ut-uer utîlîly plîci notn('su Okilît-rouet-tîtor revummendeil hy tht- tl hart-a gau tîne t- h-ttBird, chair- rummttletocounrîl Ont- sect-iourails cîttuîde,my houve but mas ut tise crnm-tut-adoption. tut- ludouners abul ting, but curt-en t y runnutrid te at-ry setr system btbchat-gmt fixed muvthlb tas *'in uee t o teHAIR DE. availabiltly utfteD RETP I vystem. and raptal D REPR rosIs uftheliteti-m prt-uently bt-îug in rut-t-d bhn vro-ioe tlt- uîthout suppot lt-cm thrbeueitttug ratepayeru m a' Burîintolonoil Muiori.u Walter * m . finane comitteeBY APPOINTMI TLJESDA Y, WEDNESDA Y TV CAL DINGO878-1 nCit e yita at Ile Oaisille tivilanCubo ea again n'es etN linger printing and pholag ithing ehildren tor the The- programis part ofania ita projetst itIparen LRIUS ESIGN <PLAZA 'PECIAL ENT WITH SUE KTHURSDA Y OR FR/DA Y NO0W 8637 LEA THER 6SUEDE MloMa]CAR COATS 1149 enssflda Canadian-Made in sizes 6-46 ted isy HUgis th&«olde Hide House Buit in 1899 wîit half o million bricks and massive wood beams, our1 / acre store houses a outrent collection of over 10,000 garments. Naturel praducts are featured- Mens and Ladies' Leather, Suede, Sheepsin, Fur aed Woollan fashions and accessories. Oner 95% of our marchand- ise is made ie Canada. Van savea15-30%. Our tom nverhead and acor- mous volume- over 350,000 shoppars annually allute us to offer you genuioe saoîngs Everydayl ' Renwilckt ~j Genone Leather $99 Brie fcases OPEN 10-10, 7 DAYS A WEEK 49 Eastern Ave., ACTON, 1519) 853-1031 HIde /P2ŽŽ THE SHERIDAN COLLEGE PART-TIME AND CONTINlJLNG EDUCATION WINTER '85 BROCHURE WiII Re Distributed By Your MILTON CHAMPION Carrier Over The Weekend 0f November 24th, 25tb REGISTRATION BEGINS NOVEMBER 26 CLASSES BEGIN We Look Forward To Seeing You For A Great Winter Semester! rapn- ..d .1 6r.1t tiibt. r ni. H1-.d Pt-1-. Sheridan College i GOODI4EWSI w Ti me to improve your heating sysÈteém? rnu'qHera's a boeath of fesh air from Union "G O O D Gas. Whether you're finally convrin fion il to natural gas, or replacing your "UWDNoupesent gas heattng sysemn, Union Gas aews for those who want to Act between Septomnber 15 ad November 17 1984 and look< what yvu gt: ee Mr aanre rUk« OFFER lonacteatApil85 IODIW~ EXTENDEDF -' : 3 eae.~q.a.peaeAnnan a ccaaa.MiuaetIy<M tcialcitent tise h an.plM bitJ,.e 1 U Go sifl the GOOO NEWS FUEL this winter. Cail a UNII GAS PRO toda>e 1-800-263-8831" lil[iDfl Rs Canadien Champion, Wed. Nov. 21,1984 b ipm . . . . . . etdm sidents must now wait )r water service word PM 01-4