WHrOK AWEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1984 TliIR] Silver anniversary faits on the brink of hospital growth Itwoutd have been an deaoccasion to break the sod for the addi- ton to Milton Ditstrict Hospitat but ins mutl not be part of the 25th anniversary cetebration. The factty witthe recognzed for aquarter of acentýrynofheatth care service toda y (Wed. Nov. 21 > Representatives of the fond raising commtttees, hospttat toundation, bords of directors past and present andother invted guestvmttt e part of the offcia] An annoncement concenng the expansonis expectedtsom On- tarioMnstrofHealthKeith Nortonsvhossîttbea specialguest.r "The antversoy has extra meaning tous.ttts a sgntficant date inthstttrcy of the hspital t ilatsa ot muroeseanisg osthai r hosptal admontrsator. Snce Mr. Brady joooed the hosptat staff nome yeacs ago, ftutre expansion seemed inevitableThse prposed expansion was frst brought t the attenton of the ministry in Aprit 1979 bot serions planning dtd snot begos n ni thccv yc. s ago, Iltappears a predicton made althe annua meeting ofMiton Dtrtict Hsptal Fosodatios in Febroory mas ton optimtsttc. At that tme iloas hoped constructon of the addittion motd hase ______________________________ started by now. Accordog tsMr. Brady the sprtngtvttttttselcthe An open boune ilaI1961 gaI the vme to turs the sud. mmunity invoved inlhe boa- The $11 million addtionn s sot the hospta's first. The oiginatl0- [lie second blrtbday Olebra- bdtattyposdaseodforstbmethn2hds administrativeofice and hoard rnom, Hsspitat aostttary goît vhs0 , The move tram Miton Pri- oa. The operatlng raam wcs and a cenovated ]ah, htchen and laundry, That addition mhch was vaeo Hospitaila ibth new an ta public viewing. The first otttctatty opened May 13, 1967 mas compteted at a costoft t$1,3ytnkpac in.Dc sby ta be bora et the bospilal miltion. aiiyto lc o.Dc as Nanda Eamsbottam. The Mttsn Ditstrict Hosptal tooh oser frsm the.2O hed Miltton Pctvatc 4. Patients were bld farswsUl ung lady rturned to th Hosptal, operated hyttc C. K. Stevensnn and cont $30000 to huilA by Dr. O.K. Stevenson, caak, ins1959.Louisliystead, receptlaaiat MilIlY in Maly of1967 wbea the The pctce of buitdsg hosptals bas ohviosy csen over the pat Lorne Vaiher, NOurses, lire. >coud flaor addition waa offlci- 25 years as has the contribution enpeeted rom the commsotty. A John liawat and lir&. Ken Iy apened. Appearing withbabr ssecesstut tond eosng campatgn bas pot the totat at least $t00,(S Agnew. Bruce licclifab and sa lits Ledwills flefli wba was oser the $1 miltion goal. ard edo-chairmen ld Dr.) The addittion mttl be trger thon the entsttng structure othoufb N Iorman Ward carry lirs. E. Dymond, Ontarioa haleter won tstcntyicvs h ome Ibd hreaecret .J. Carton. The new baspit- 0f iealb.y 83 heds and once the expanston is cnmpteted there mttt te98, on a sbown witb e second of Beith. The dettvvry ot health cave in hosptats has changed oser the fon b isl artiatls cancep- yeors. In 1950 patients wece admitted moch more votnety and tian whicb was publtehed ia Mas> tpatents ove treated as out-patients or day cave patients The Champion la 1958. Acodn oteamnsrtr 0prcn fsria ae r tveated os out-patients. The ncrease in thon type of cave mode the seed toc espanded tactttttes gveatty telttin the emergescy depavt- ment mhere these patients are treated. oSevealothter departmentsmottotnosobcepanded and an itn- sie care unit mith smx beds wmut be oneo f the senfeotores of vihe tmo-torey mtng. A 30-hed chronie cave ontoit la part of the oddt- lion, creatbof 10 more pattent spaces thon orecuerentty ovootobte. "ThetIC.U, mthatttsspcia eqoipment invery moch needed,- satd Mr. Brady. New services moi la part of the expanston, MiltoDtstrict Hospital mttt ottev speech thevapy and oodtotogy, occopattonat tbereapy and cavdin cave. A hettpart mtttla addett mhch ottt la able toharodeairtransfers atter dark, Air ambulances can tond in the dayight onty at thts tmv s a pro- pevttights are ot avaotohte. "Eveepone isonniooosty oattng the hegisng ot construction," .1Mr MBrady said. Jf He basaonstantvremoodev ofthe impendtng espansoninsthe fornof eooryans he isepaesenthenSas ocofs ofcepto ot he ad tovotryathe bvptossdtsaydasthmtotbtoce o vtheontd ttntthave to sattsty those who vagevty omoot the opettog ofthe oemmting, in the erent whlch allractsd 500 people. A tour on Saturday sltracted about 400 and an the folaowing day clame ta 5,000 louned the haspilal. Eelaw le the x-rsy rooce as le laoked In 1961. hiton District Hospitai ilil more than double la aise whsn the sa:penaion la complote. rbis cruels à cMopiJonshows thé new emerjeney outranceswilh acosas rM Broseet. Ihe 1ogo ai the bottom nus hbauas made ppotelr thraughout ibis Ysar asaa symbal of the fond raielat drive which auscsasttsiy rgachsd biher thau il$ $1 million tergat. Eh. cerne above là ikely ta ba reptai nazi aprial whothe foundation for the addition la crsatsd. Ibis phatograph taken in Octobar, 1958 shows monanld machin«a i worIr. "'n 1> SECTION pli tic bal yci fat ag ho #p ,fo 1