Ail sit mombors of tho otoss of t9to foom theoiod Dokoto BohSotin yer faioge antd iso oithin n tf-km ondins of the othout grounds. Kitholde gthord os the homeofnILaro Disson for o» fornoon of Tme sohontias tItI sttonding os Cedor Springs Rd. sonih nf Rritoottio reooettronos. In tho front 000 lfsstorightî rillodyt Wison, Eno Roodotithotogh t's nos longer Ifosse. Posiog for the nom ero nrryl70 Edmngton, ond Ern Watson. Inthe ah orS 00re00Bsrdgo 6onby, yoo sogo lsthrooamsgrnopssho ok itosooot foroa losrpitrmr Mms.t3totoo and Nom Nooott 'Tho ir formrrclosooootes re off 77 Mrs isonoohbmtttodtho photo forpohtblicton. Dakota Sohool class of 'l15 reunfites Whtfe nhool renosare00inrvogue, LuoruDixno hrnugh o rohoof rounîonoohîrh polo lmusl off otheor b rshume. Rerentfy, Mr.Dion orogooined o fuîtlrIosreuniornifIhe 1915 nlsof niDaotau hoof AIl ftre nI h r rfun mte ruer roI nnly rtîf lre, but lhey'reeolf fiing wthtr so rt 1f 0mtoule drire ni the rrhmflgronds -Wensw ornnof I ur e tntlr poon ary, " oplo/os Mos.lDir- on, "buole'reoffrttl hoeo We thoghtlrrorrometh/ngontrnord- ioory and ire lhought tr'd gel togethor and hure unnîher nohool ptroo kor. Jonrtg Mr.fl/xns 000Gladyn Wtlron, Cru Ediogror, Cru Wtt- sn, Burdge Goyuand Sum Norroîf At, enrept Mon, Edtogfor, hurelieod lhoîo 7lyoorr tr theo not re eeuMon Edrgîon ltrd tr Anrurîre for oatmr tefor mortrg bak to Hulor Regior. Throldrrchonl i tsr ntactlo lfhnught'snoongereoned. Iftour rerrmod SS No. 10 Nelsrno(Daotal) und inforted or Cedor Spr- ingsrRd.rothof Brilaoo/oRd. The six ntudentn ront thenugh rthont togrîher and dtd'f ne- purole urtlfaoflfr fthootghlh grade, rotor an forh form thon. Mon Dtrorreraoledlthe eooly yoarsofnrfoluand theittouher 'Llîtus MoArhur watour ne fotefruhor. hor tff ltving ord ou "BouS hen, nhe'd mohe abutf$000 a yeur, If tourrfunuul for fhr locher ru npeod the erentrg or ovrntght t the todonts' homos tafkiog ru the prents abutufthe nîrdeoLs. ThonsixtormeronfudortuoBllmuetrduanderiedrchfdeen. Al rot rd ltorool 1inhe romîrg yeur o hofd oarnoor totrhor rohunî on thecontinent con match. Many recent celebrations in rural area 'M rguareuhrea o ynB etreniSepheoMassao sevnyasiad Tuesdoy Non. 13huf ne tabfes un puay uod Jsia ia yk four-yers-rtd, hoth *the fotownîg pror ornoers, etty Dolhy, entetieifinso hi pca a MrfonsLeiche, Birde Heoffey, Bily bo . ag flonrtua sthor. eraoddys.v Couneyu Aorte Bush, DvDo ing Jcwtt ad,(neHrrs), oonofCambhridgeuon r Wîfhtoud DorenWilson;, Lotthons d By Ela Patterson th it fteir doughter Atousdo Lyrse * refir-f Alfred Food-5.a -oNor,2 inCamridge MeoiuffHospital Att orjoyahie ffrroon tous huf un Tpproore poty The porerilo of slo for Congoaultufions und hest trîshes lu Mo. Wedorrduy No.f04heo Mos. Cfff Frech tho Orugh Proshytror Sofuny Scouof uand Mos. Georgo 'iu'on ttther rdihng etetuted fredsoondreighousoto a Brthfy geeoongsundgondtnishesfl nutitresrytibistneeh. 'Me seond godoting Graode 13 lors of Asoootion eprototosfronlfs, Sharos Demni, flir Mucntyre. troifi Murtyro. Doris tftgh Bhootio Brlngfor inotodoot fise Miton stodoots oho mhien- Sohofisooser ond Looroenetir. od Ontaroo Ohotor sodngs. Thoso oouttadisg sîndonts insiodo TASF fahri Fabnickond lias a great colectonn of snphiotooated Evoenng Wear fabinco Fashion 9 your ownopecîa creation from ur wode otiection of Pure Sfflçs, ChiOffons, Crepes,o Satins and Velvets. Ail thio and mure with 1J4oy super saviuigs at ur low discount poces ïOi4r The Bet în Selecixn aund Pnice Any here i~ ..That'o Fabnicland i PRINTED SILK CREPE DE CHINE Hg1fcm oOOPorO h Br. mgs lV.x FASRICLANWYSm lIETA MATE 15586135 INT & PLAIDS GEOROE DONETDEWSRANTUNB /4SuLKISENSATION 1 5-homosrds lt5om fttn. 115Bmmsofds. f5Prit.llBomssidn. oBmigosooioigwýso Bfofy flosolgnsropeuown nog&doopsohtes 5 of&&oîlOoyohbstracto, maroaoyf tripso, fohmkworologOt in solido, @tripeso& gsmeossino& sripso ioa&ptaodo. Tho e nnoengweor checkos, mmo& match. inHolidayolonir. iomfoheondoy Bog.frome.RR-R.8R9 8 .985 Reg. t.8-12.98 Moi- 1-.- -- - - - ý a. '- ' & MTALLI Jsrosy/Bnomn 80 1500 ommoof DnooBng, otimsriog ho.fy fo tt Tho Canadien Champion, Wod., Noy. 21, 1964 C3 WE'VEGOTA CHESTFUL 0F CHURCH SERVICES MILTDN ALLIANCE CHuRCH SaortieronPublir ncoun Pmstnt Errol OsRemot osudop, Nomhr2h/84 1:00.- Mnrnrtnto.h, 6:30p- EvoorîruStuiro N umrorForilitoesoet orvices Chrort Ou, Ooioot, Sancifier, H0mb, and Cnomm n &MI LTON BAPTfST CHURCH Pason KolinF.Mot -Bordop Nonombo 25/84 A f 00-o.r Wnrnhip rotuon tl fOur, SnruSor fortrho Wrn/.Poror 6:30 pori ralor0 ipMoeting,314 Kroooo0V Nutoey foofoblo MfLTON GDSPEL HALL C rrsrtir i/o atr,sf oitte Na outthre Lord Burdop, Nnovemhor2h/84 1:46a.r .,oounrScool 70 pm. osplfSrviceo 7:30p- ProiotordoBto800000in T1111 roon r on'rTro t yon r,0rbnî,ous trot joorn s mt:Chriut, TOrS o ut Sud.John 20 3t CHURCH DF CHRfST Mno, r rnCun 87805&q6 Sondop, Norombot2B/84 tl 00 or, Moire0 Worhp and rtheLoto's 7:30 .m. -Ptsonhirng fthe ospel. 6 THE PRESSYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX, MfLTON 170OMoai.6.,E.878-0086 ChtianduOtCOoOatoittO M m.OOT.OOOO Soodoy, Nnnsmhr25/84 9:45urgf-foni'o hrShoçott tt1O0A.M. -MnmfrigWooahîp - JuorE n,tosondoatsChutohScnooos - dultBoupried Nurr MIB WEEKAC'TIOITIES Trio., Non. 22/84 - 7:00 pom,- intrument 800 p te - Senior Chotr ALL WELCOME GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH 317 MainSt. 878-2411 BT. PAULS DF THE UNITED CHURCHDF CANADA Surdop, Nnrsmhor2h 84 t1:0or- Wnto, ron:u - St-rr .O, Mrstrosrothornuthe Fellosr,p, EPIPHANY LUTHERAN CHURCH Non Tomao Otonho,f70-2562 Soodoy, Nonsmbst28/84 10:30 o.r, -FoiryWnrship Litsrfuc?"TheoLuthoror Onur' r on uro nuo ,C.m..nttr..WtU GRACEWAY BAPOIBT CHURCH trdtpordort-Purdorntot Sordup, Noronhor 25/84 Wornooryourtuo t usot UritourSteer irkors Cnrro 407 Pin Srsot bnxto Miturn titro r, Suruorrrrnut t1:00.- MutrougWutntrr 0ý300,mrE.Eusrourototr Nutsot Provido0 NEW LfFE PENTECDBTAL FELLDWBHfP Mrru0gSsrmoeat E.W.FootrnîPobic Sronu 32OCunnOBtiO fbrrosLurierEtChidsOr.) Burday, Nooemr2h 84 r1000-r Surdaou0rnoutIoossg f11Oua- Mutgonrnsrîpý 6000p.or, nray Srtons EtTuesofonBble Stud00Oboldaiotf2nroDr EMMANUEL BAPTIBT CHURCH 245 ComrcalStreeoot, Mlton, Otoru ,LOT 2J3 Pastt KKen Compbelfi-Photo 070-3542 Lords Dop Bre/cor Burdoy, Nnemhr25/84,-FAMfLO ffBLE 0000 - la sforoo lot aofftait t1:00t.oM. -FAMfL OW0000f OUR0 Moote:Or B. JohoArstong 6:30 P.M. -LIRERAOfON oastuieofnionrg aslvtodor Spontol Spoakot: Phifip Ohiflot Choptoîr ni The Paèh of SAMGOS aS 03f os.Mor nirPraonm Renoo, Rnn CharleooMiet 5O X oi, ~ ~ n 5O10:lZ X U& f O30 m, Churh SnhoolonrIftsNursery Sondoy, Norember 25/84 SO &V50YOf 7 20 Of UOYof TRINITY AAPTIST CHURCH CHRIST THE KING SUNDAY POu nox 596, urtirgone S. Johnso Guelph os B&No. 10 SBdnrad 'SPECIAL FABRICLAIDDBONIUSDRAW" MMNTNORE UNADVERTISED 9851896f..51 ALLSTOp.E9S 4272 A0065 Lins -Aospsoorrotof Rncoosilmst CABGEPTCfOL WRROERt, usE. PaynemOOO.ASOO St 0"@»o. os Gulno sortS 0*0000 Rd. SCABAGEATCOYOLL&ABDOBESoodoy, Nombeo25/84 t BDOA.M.-AtoonatosrriRotRotnstont FR99 oAutTRmnotiroolcmCofn ~ rfa abrbST u19:4X5a5., . -tol SohontChomsiorallig Ou, BoostSkr Bpor ot hit Choho, ae Tho ffo FREE BEHL DC 584'I i? A M j 1:00 ao.ZTht RtOoial Tnonhoooron Marrie OGr Walsh. Hoeo/fl Bn proohong ostho toorc w & wrevBEBEOe r.1584Fon/tmit. "fe Chooso onu Tho a." No 7intseihmnoF., arr informtornororn ibeSto tdy 547lMinSt.E. MiltonI 7BBptrdnrm ootnoonpn g rd onoral mnros o omoot. gouph eo No 4InfniRooi'mrr themCoooont ofBGrec.. adoo se cilineetao. ulte bv 3880931 The est In Selection and Price Atiywhere Toms. 7:00pom. -TdintoBoist rflsolb.h .b Or ol -fTnooChrs and Wod.8OûBp.o.-PraoorMoohsf&RihfbtoSto samoieHmohowo." )N M0- ý. aâ-