RE6 The Canadian Champion, Wed. Nov. 21,1984 How Lierty Mutual h#ls you Save oinil yourinsurace. inar jnu ancý You lda 3508l Coerce Coutrefymktos Burlington, Ontario U7N 3L7 Il 839-8221 r LIBERTYA MUTUALL WAVe going tobe d= ir yvou _ROYAL *~TRUST bdmb. a' $17i,9.. Toronto Lit~ CopoatonofCnaaReltr 400 MAIN ST. E., MILTON 878-188 826-970717- LE LOT LESSI Just CUSTOM BUILT FOR O0NE CLASIC WITH WASMTH BEST' UT! E.E'S WHY ..4 FAMILY WANTED Great pin filal bit futher, 3200 Brick, 4bdrm. centrehallpion. CvvouryStone home. 2 of ..a.L5l bdm,ideal failhome en a o fhild,.,avfev ad.dv vvnsLvl4 Miutes inca fromHwy 40 bd,ms. havn high b»y -i Paor k Cut.ClosCevn nkichn4 bdrms.paivI îvfivv h.,S.Askisg and adjacent te privat' golf d.wvsWall maintainesdyml.2 fnhvsgdkth. Avd,,,vq iara DENISE KESLAKE club Tv va ew i ce ON a vks fn 0 king ,vvv. ailt, ont 000, Pac Cvi oqie cAN SHRLY HBA NS 78818buiding.. Cei SYLVIA $93,900. Ca11 MASO SWAîN DSA LOGIEa87a188. SURSEY 878 818. 878-ai,8 IMMACU LATE NEW LISTING WHAT ARE YOU WAITING Large 3 bd,, home.v Main FOR? Cons out and ses this fi--, f-a,.,ssfh FP. ensuite bavolif.l 4 bd,,v. hon,. -ith off spavio. vastar, bdts main fivr fatsiivvv.bErvet Pris lot, fsvoad yard bicki on kitcheR. 992.900. Cai 000. C.1 MASO SWAIN 878- SHIRLEY CHARAN or DENISE 8188. KERSLAKE LIZON 87-818. ~ COUNTRY LIVING E LUXURY CosPinviny ranvvtd tn sohovi hon.. 4 bd,ms. 3 bv Es. huga livina & divisa ms. on 'A acte. Mivtes front 401 Cvii EO PSOVEAU 87M GLFAMINO CLEAN DOSSET PARK Backspi a irs on a v l vvpbvardn Et msoe RainRo Cvii CONNUE REYNOLDS a8S- RUILD VOUS OREAM HOME Excele i.tes for foot hooms vr isi ta,,, in MiiftonCasp- beiiviiiv ar,5v 5 vcres, 10 acres, orS 51 crs Cvii ED PSOVEAU 878-8188. MOVE 5085! SOOM FOR A FAMILY Spaciouo 4 Sdn,, homeS on quiet cre.505f Large est inkifttavnsaperasdiing Et lare ivt. Only $85.988) Cvii ED PROVEAU 87a-a8. MEETING HALL $19.000 Lot 42"x 66' in viciin of AcOon. Sotail .vsdsvia Building vvvds rsvvvaina V tue in land. Fer dtails cal SON NORTH8a78-8188. FORMULA FOR FINE LIVING Tvks 5 bdvn. hoas La. sep, DR. Fao, Son, Hollywoovd Kif, 2 FP's,3bath$,place on 1are lfot ifhingva. pool. Cvii CON- NIE REYNOLOS or BEfTY BRADîNG aiS-af8. f0 ACRES-Svpert loation, ovdvd otith frontaveo0f 479 tesf. 1. ar. 0f lvag honte.. DENISE KERSLAKE LIZON Et SHIRLEY CHARAN a87-1i8. STABILITY, IiVTEGRITYAND HIGH~PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS Thora's an adventage fa wbrking with Royal Trust one af Canada's Iaading residential roai asnta brokars. BE1T BRADING 87"4718 ED PROVEAU SYLVIA BILRSEY 878-103 AIJDREA LEAR-COSIKAN 8784151 CONNIE REYNOLDS SIRLEY CHABAN 8780815 SANDRA L9ÇGIE 878-1881 SHN1 SANDOn DENISE KERSLAKE UZON 878-1736 ADN NORTH 335-152 MARGARET SMN >1INSURANCI MIUOR@Y Your Peruona Asm ls Alwa s At Your Service a AL PETER R = NSURANCE ALH M 55YER DRIVE E MILTON, ONTARIO 8784774 INSURANCE BROKERS 110. Ià- V 206 MAIN STREEr. MILTON IXSURRJCE 878-7217 80E ALCAE O Fp aiNSvHgvop 2085 an vt E_ Milto O9 N8 Ri9-M KNIQIIT INSURANCE M 3 BROKERS LIMITED Don Knlght, A.I.IC. a7Wiso Drive 878-8459 MilowProiAetE lwv tYu ev 870-1707 854-2337 8794M Yow pu»" Agent le pjwa" At Your Servim