WAREHOusE SALE * a u eefl sia ble Piaarnts8756. haClitpâts &arckerpas As basaalsPrms St Dec. 1, 8&30a.m .r.. 41 Main St, Mlfton liaasfsoleoDessl Casi eltaaa -Mloi i rolnyr Huapil Cosacus ft 7555 htnaemsJaeaîbl anas Shep ehorneasta tlco est a sper Cane loyLasoCmM Ujfthvastan saeon essars. tiOsy po- ds.t ecossas.ded beAutomoebe Proec- tionAisas.test eaed bp BsllTsIsphtRRa M009RONT8ST SOUTH MILTONAMMI532 Issed Par ts Ofsec or 199 s99 95 s l, eas 99454t Rda 999 99 our RR 5 995 1we ave9ex 1endd9999559,housfr Ds9am9.rMRdeI, jTiesdaThrsda, Fdy9 a-9ap.m I::u::1a59t5aud,99y9 P951 CaDMARCH.876-1138 a9999595e59e955c599 CNRISTMAS TREES At J.P's Tree Farm SpuPnos Pe rR5$7-$20 WIth aahMss. dseec sleigh ride tk hesfe ld [>recti55 ons stMiles North 994051, Rot on9499925, Westaon 1lSde Road tobsh Lins. Foio tessigetRJ. P asTseePFa,,s 954-2338 Camspbolvle open Saturday&ilSunday Fs Sale TEAL Open to the. public Cusoms FerislteUpholetenlng Fese Etimatea, 143 Trfd Pd. Soei Ph.. V"8191 ldalty 9.00 a.ss-4.00 pm.l : Crafli la Market * 126 Cros Ave. Okst * * Open Every Sîaday * * d» ém al haMip cd 848-8341 * Oseaeooed hctieood 84/Saes 1199 Cclli Fssîsgs 878-5230 os-8784769 eATFMAR-eosRllent 999950 tio fh19 9.st 919109195 9509s950he e-s, 'Accisas RoSiR," tister Lady,"99199099 59 Ot.rho," ,Cottostalil Rbbis 5099Mu seum1999e, sigsed 909 soss9rtd, $0199 9t1t9 psoofs. Psloate BEAATIPULLY Homseoade Cabbase Patch 5864ls, 9a9S faces, alsoSohe9 and fur 999. 87e CALCALATO RS, yp99riSR-9, fkssale o se,tsl. Phonet t78-6962,99arris Statîosery. CHESTER FIELD a990 sosI roc oker in A95o99s5olol4rs, $399. Cotee able 9andbn ables, $250. 878-7539. CHRISTMAS Trees deiisrtd k yo dos, tor the Festive Satcs Reserse a9No. 1 qualiSy tm ool876 22eeskngs. CHRISTMAS990Speiai Looki 9099 in yous Christs5e o tî lt i a btaotitoi tas $20 off. Ai9o yoscan sl 11119r by Dssesbas 31, by Msn orbdy tosiso technique, $20 off. FaMils ss. off Total Skis, & Body Cinlsise7e CUL,1RTS-Galoasia9dssstee. Most sites 6" 48" kn sokLirgt-sires by order. 5999909 wmnaale1lable.St-atIsg fSor rnhsbe, oek 99iYs anld$salr trsadsSaiocsiedsel ashos 9.lt s/," 12"999pro.400 Insok. Eentias Wttci 99 Ltd9Pho519-99694091 6 SOLIO WOOD CHAIRS.....$0 BUILT-IN DISHWASHERS.... $38900' COCKTAIL - 2 DRUM TABLES. 35O?111 WALL UNIT FOR T.V./STEREO $23800 SOLID PINE BOOKCASEROXTON) . $34900 BRASS LAMPS.......- -..$5 8 QIL PAINTINGS ...........ý. $3995 TABLE LAMPS, ........ 2 pç. SOFA SUITE Rn, $129909 $9995~s $79900 SOLID WOOD CORNER CABINET WANTFINISH. .. .......... ..ý..$49900 5 p6. KITCHEN SET ..... ASSOIlTED FRAMED MIRRORS...... GLIDER ROCKERS....... ASSORTED LOVESEATS. .q n (l AMTLIfl $14995 $1 388"1 $2891?05h A sERTA Slips-ets box ses-les & stsesa Onlulsng trame) 999Ry aie. ls-s, qtaaansaise. excelleesntdltlas. LadisSeake asaath, malta celusr- 678-$570. DO P5R tnffd cRs-R? Fre s-sasscalss. Celi Jast 870-4M5. FOR Sale-t pkctaseeledest.54 X 09,t1Ses- asti risse32 X8s0. Cala SiNon9. 6 PT. DISPLAY couler.,t1psea lti, esianst cntion.es-878-79»Seras5 p. GI1RLS Skatles, île 2, bRys aite 4, me skatlsg heissae, Oneais- tap shoots, sIc. t. 15' 56595 es-asetipsel, tîlteatncd aceassorles.Matai 4 drsaxe es isancd swilchais-. as-ownsia tia sie 1RRsetanyas.Il'msetal chîldtid1e. 878. Ho0 GAUGE, 32sec ollection et leocomotivos,. ralliegSstoRck, truRck, 59ltcht5 tauretabla, cIes.traessascass, eîctrîcnress-ss.etc. etc. sarcals es-Inecl. Cash astly. Eoelsgs aoss- 6 p.m. 878-1156. HOPE ClsestS-SAlid cetia rssailid pistenReps shast9, besotitalis tîcIshed Inleoldiste bs-au heprdware. A gaftt taest e LIftRc,. Frac, sain. LIMITEe-sdltlae 99 r4R-lss C-aa- Lake"by a-tst Bonnls Coter offrati Ber site by 19t Caecpbsllsllle Mots$10 aR. Contant Lin oti tbertsost, 854-2759. MATTAG mastsercand adry"r iaitl 3 pars Riti. SMdfor bath. 878-79M. MIRO stale, sice 14, $s0tS 5ea9s1 nutat th msnlso sllar, 9199 12, $200. Sheepsklsnaaout, sica OREOs9191dM trsilsi $298. Ose bax tralle-, 9e proaa 40X ', askIsS S17S.Caîl etftrSe..aie8 2 PIR5ALL mchinssa9991 disco gastas tabls. Tour sholeSaM$409991. See aiSyarsrlaritg, 310 Steoles A9e.- Miltos. PORTABLE 8 tRot satellite 9159 trellsp ssoosei f iute.919 s10et50p.For deSsus cauit PR 1RTiR G-Flyers, Re'elerS, etc. Raasoo9bi 9rats. Ccl iir9eLise PsIstios and RFËC r909199915895 Rsqoars yard, lestalleti RYF and 99,9 barrais, goarasteot cet. 853- SFWIRO2 Machines for sae, iresosdltlaedl90 prentoff. Ail trucsIs es goirisSet J. & R. SesiR5 Seroisss, e78-6497. 55090 tises, D7814,4 91,1 Aiso OR7ttA radiais 999999 Ate 6 p. m.a76-1382. SOFA., chair, 99r591559and temps, car9ms and UNIQUEF Chri9smas Gifle FPssiialed 9999109, 99a51095ry, plailg sirds astiRit- WH991Pastis 3299q.95l.busdisapproRlmtsctIy tongue & groose seder, $26, risc $24. t l999h9. "'6"& 8t 9919195Squar-e sotcaet boards9999 daiIlabie. 1 519-843-3295. WO00D STOTES, fratm $2909 IrtIgh s$10aofof 1199K Fat n995el19 5119 stosa Sas sacPetit Godin, N9901990, Versmont Castings 99640 990969 Custom f itepiasa tiRors, cRasas.s zerosclearasse, 11411999 lises, shlsssy, pipe, ait 91111999r19t. 999d ma9rries and srroetiS. 81911ksrrith9, ftea, 199rRand99aiInstasllation service s aalable. Heasth Ooce, Rosisasast, 1lm21 5NVSABY 9SALE 30 ar etîf saasl9l out fineqoclifr F9911911and Continetl cinhsaedart gapesiodkErCanaiena TOWNLINE ANTIQUES 0F CARLISLE 689-4162 Ber Burtlsar inBormatinl. 9 An efdima *Psada.ilesally HcedDossa *Chasafrsss isatal bleds of finishas as 1655st lppcd *Vcsy sii9ab icéins Fre esssticits, piokpaindP etivelay, HARO STHPI'IG FussiuseiPesfýosaiatlpIetvod * loana Ripaisi -ChirutCodes aFrsas Estissatas, Pick -P & DOsses sies 197 MARY BERD5 Bit-US 'Wa Bae.le@ nHatisaga" 02 IM Prodaca P0URE Affllaa,exceltlent 99i111t9. Froc, i OOpas bais Dell9er-1119sbe eriesged, Ofise UABBITS Rabbisfor sale, Pets, brsedlsg and019e959stock.Aftertip.st588-581. TOP quaIiSy 9995955re99for salt 827 1311. TOP 949i5,19i99and95r99for sala. Pt-as del '999,19of500 bales osrsmore. 519-8asti14safater 9FANRRPigs andschu9k9, 9149 0Ki90999 Bsfr Christmas. Ms's11br994F55,,5Mlton. 878 W a- LIseBtIIock Box and Standing tlaaiis91liaite idîdiIFeadîing Pt99sasls. 3911,11111119419 TrainingRnd essos1forîhose and1rider. Coscg99e1t prgamme1ssfor os9 and0T94k. ishhand Western). (416 76-4200 ILACiOSMITR Steos Detoretss Normali ind corcisei5019, RR 5, Gorgetown. (416) IOARDIRO dOailalebox 4ta911, daily 9ur- 009t, lodoor iit99, $129 Isasti. Firetly Fa199, 519199 trosto.(19)564275& FORRETS for sale, tessalaS $40;cales E/t. FORCEO Siie-CesRoS 55191R9 19 5.95., 12 yearsoiti, tamstlyhIorse. oeds gosodhome, $58 B4rl1155905 25 219 cter6O .19 9tYFA Rold reg Istersd qoarter hoPse, blocroas mrshos eill, gasti blwlti Inem, eroes pr099999 10 vear aid qocptsrhos rel b-aoasmare, gooticonfrmation9,eed prdiRer, terytrecs.eibls. 876-459. LUAimal&e Isardeil rITAGEL Stables-Befler ttis excnellant îsailiSies. Asellable. hisltrs celncme 0Pet Stock -REF Popples readly fos adoptian, 1T, îsepberdhA .8 4, csolle, coffis- k tattes 9taepies642701. The Caeadien Champieon, Wad., Dec. 5,1%04 B7 NOWp Waemed m Hlp Waoted i HENGI! M Lcened Mechanlc RJLL11EM5Cas "A" e coea wafmmm-s Eoaoerlensne rra ith e-8eDeia FOMMRDiesel" nid Ceterpitaer Diesel. Rotetios 3 mo A ut bmanangt eltiBI ffeveey 2 steels, Mendsy ta Fnlday Spr, » lpn areh ssba ss pael8nn Aln personto: ea5odaspead *.LSgs Fanas loi (à or . N e. tuuwetna.po. COME JOINUC(UmscàUhi.> Wi'sa ttsoisg baek Ittc sMty effaded pe misesaandsMsanltss O e uie idivnualsasmi tt ae oiegntsdsstials. .-& -1mt - peaiase baslalag aestio. AfOOU5SEO - srong RdattesastSceillekia - a desise ta t aaai 5 otsescsl tiesa: MaOPOtnaer fitra NOW tanN.Ptonzc, APsitenoxanage Miltn, Ontarie LUT 9Z9 Canada Trust f CAPIL FORD SALL. (MECHANIC) Requires topasiescen MechninifBr eoareasaly bosy $hop. Aunomatin esensmiesian eapertieasn 898890. G= oo n pany besefits. Pleis. conetact: Ms.Rtas. Stlamasae 877-6928 sc9 EXPERIENCED GRAPIIICARTIST Rets nmpesy te bes stcted ln Mitnriae sss a prduction OsaphiciR Ast it eRt'pedaseni le scemptlngosig n ilge 5e. Tha poitone 0011 equisathe pessos t99 ston le agtaphis desigeestatione. dixosaheCaadies Champion 191 MainSt 5., MabRe, LFT 4N9 URGSflY 856050 Matrr te se fortdtey9titlss cae niiltisse le n9staesl hhces.MiRtonECasspbillollle ,a.Ce, seqgIilss. Mastday -Faidey,9ea.-5sp. 6370780 TrooL OR MOLD MAKER G-S Muua.wksg lanc. *asasaeearnasa. N. 877-3001 44ý WANTED Clsatay Compaion. pant-tase Maie Street location 1 878-620 For Fisesids Leenga. Bell tisesF Apply ln ero MOHAWK INN Hwy. 401 and Guelph Linee Caaspbellville F SOOKKEEPER Permanent9 909-tiss position9 a1laUit. Es- j99991190 9950 95999091 t95e19a919 Abls 19 5195919 passsi t199 99k1s. Compu4tr ex 9911a,14or501lin9nes t9larn a01999999995515 11,1 1,10 SUIS1 psfaîsed, SRd1copets 9setoR Boa 1166 9 cle Tha Canadian Champien 151 MaieSt.,.MaISon, LST4N9 RELIEF IPMIT11ME) DISPATCHER or Ttte Tovmsa Rto.9eFi. 0.persciat sa- ites. aReleft Pers 51cel Disacebet. P-96 ide »oan siack tias. rslief fort ta dis-i patbh cliea. Ttte shiftsg are t2 haeae Ulogy 0099 similas asta di eJalycend Aiigost $ anti Isssgalcs tt99assthsas8tthet st aot the C App6icatssmuehave agoiod klesa dtgaaot P Mitoeandtte sr9sddnsae dacd e confiet tstphomange Apply ta the Fiss Chet. 4M5 Sseises Aoe., Mil- tn L9T 3G6. SEOIETAAY-REIIPTIONIST Thisiital prtteassi991et isepatdk sesesalir lu indvidul wt4excellentp5d99095009 proesltg 90999S195 ce. at e90999991s ioh I edmsîssi9a sspontîbiltes wouasol b i idsestailffoa. Seso yoos ssun olste Bas 1166. -Tht Caadien Chaspioe. Tt 191 MqBilet, Mihtn, L9Tt4N9 le, -RNS AAS GRAUS EXP. NURSE AIDES HOMEMAKEAS Chismas lsory ntar,, A Umespetwth thosehoiaso dtcr, L Bybacotltg caslng"COMCAREELF' W. setulihave opeelega for Bull ima easperlanced WaitaniawuereeueI & Ceai. 575 Ontario St. Milton ibelsltd 1m oct i ERJOY htIping sens?T ,Sne nusingg9kilis? A fleieîbIe pron viro 0959951i91va9iet59 Sec FAPFRIERCF0 Caeerisa hein, full ornart FULL 511,1 stable hel ps9eq4îed, Milton9re PART TIME R99kkee9esRs eperies11ed. Sessd k 909 o gox114, c/oTheCadien9 Chamspiîs, ,11 Main St,, Miton.L9T 49. PART 51,9e boskkeRper sequîsed for land 99aping 19195995 Musthae o 909 sorstatiR9 k Mollt.854 97t899,15119 PART TIME 999,55999 999555, e999r51R511 preferred. App11 91 99rs 9Rsad H99999 878 TELEPHTNE Inierconneci Comp1any reqslse9 eRperie9hRdsales pr99 nfr letonc e 9,1tR591119PieasRts,99asdsesurne tk R9x1167, 1949 The ,1a9adias Chamlpion, 191 Ma11 St., WASTFO P1911195#0 play15for s1911 Milton 119991ega1i on.1For1more 1inform1ation c1ali e78 5tc tory9ositionShift otk,149i,1e9 Ap9lin1 999909 59 Plicsî19 F155,1Lsd.- 12 9Wallace Oaycats CHERISH PVWessChEd CuStre oItIERTLT REOUIRES 876-4365 Isterestad in ySas child's Edaceien? EXPEIRIFRCFD MONTESSORI PIs 91h..l, Teache, i ovi19,1g1 an9excellent 11 9599991fo9 95S asho9iass Comese e iha. lsîae OpaeigskforJanuay 878-116 BAR8lSI TTI NSavaiidblin 1999home.LaArier IL19199 ThmsnRd 9,.ae85041 RARYSîTTER 9999R9 1in9,1homte, 59999991k FsîdCay, for 21 19995h o919g9rl Re5ere911e9 DATCARF sequiscd 5fori1995 roid, 599999, Fr ida y, staslîslg j a,,9as1Caiiallers5.30. a7e OAYCARF aa9iabe519,1 hom9e, W.i.0,11 DAYCARE psoîdtd 9in9,1 hom1e, 5991199,1 Fsîday, Kîhstigh Court5asaea 83656, MATARF rspniibie 09b,1issllr9s 1199e lslsedidte,1in91,hom9R19:30919 599999,1 t9 F,-iday, for 1 y9995919 e8e89119. 59059if ,19499941911ke a babyittîer whit1e 1109 do91Christmas sh9p9ing, 1911 Giad 9,1or 590119R 9919he919 994,1915 1in Ser home9 9 RFLIARLF. r999999îbl9 ,1995 999-an11 eeit 99,199,e p599i ,99 1in5Mlto, A9,,s S p.19 are MEmpleytsieet Wîeted F5PFRIFRCFO Ciea9îso lady1 91alale r 9 99995a99991-59sithR999meR99 994591 Mlton AORDpoc,159119aFd9 999 l,159195999,15let19 9199 par 9999k 9lus 59919a9,10 Maso A19 911 Clea9,1,991991s $69per hou.. Cou 9949se P599 i.fl TaIile Miton Shooî of titoring REgial. Matheeaatios ' Sciences. French, TV ilRAMI Itteinvîswe. Commrale and SportsA959oR9R' training Pa9rt orbull fine Spesîal9R9d9o9&1Th Studio guidance frîbagines1-99436164 r TUTO R 999,19919, 9191995595y1 5949149999,1 Science, 5999591991 and0engineering9 9991995. 1999 eie5Renta1,1 Social s9iences.Cao 99199n, I» Persesal I4AVIPdO A PRO5LEMS Drop Ins-Ra09.99 Alaela aAcesystes.Tea. &380e-.. ALAPÉON, Thuno.8F360e-.. :FREE 120 page CatettGide shows;hm t99trainst tareeteorec2n5 sp-ptayleg. tullanadtpan tis bROsee l BIs RibAst 217 M rotît.ai l 99o 2352 404-0748 AIES MOOSJJNOAOM dinfing room ................ $7a.9&U . r1 Maitt St.er STti-4stst7 tranin an h gn TABLE/CHAIRS 48" Help Wan8S hý m alfrirsbohr tpma BO PC55sU $8888 --a' AIways Wanted Te Be A Nurse? 04577 3 p .TABLE SETpcnvesser,) $8 8 ..tl~tr at se taCt...C.a.... cts 7f eueAsstneStsIa "11PLUS Mý éÊB NYiolmg Rom BAGANS 1985Mature stdets loe. zu 0 nSetdciý - PASM5Ip ARlU 99e assist po en psepe ncafo, letg Mnd sei- H TO I LSF R I U E& A P AN S Raqoled Im datsetlaal fr pan-tassat aeek et 9199e lo dW o ae s te 9ent . ennpoit 352 *U MaTpp aa tt a is ^eMtp eP U 844-5588 =.an Slat (a1) 53021 l e Ducobon. ,-" s"* 8784411 ou~. m ----- ---- ------------------ 1-