EXECtJTIVE FAMILY LIVING AT il Va % 4 bedrooms, 3 batis Laurier bulit home - 4lae lng 10046 - country k6,1,50e Manfrfansily r0046 Call me for the eotras - Kathy Track at 045-7122, rs 822-5717. CANADA TRUST COMPANY 44601106 63 Trafalgar eoad Oa.fsslfe 845-7122 CeIRISTIE 66WOODS KEAL ESTATE LTD . COJTYBUNrGALOW 38 ACRES PIJSLIrICI PARM Cal 878-2095 77 ýwLyndýh a>m "stree t Southi gue ph, Ontailo Ni E 4R3 (519)>837-1300 eo.- Il. 'f lv4445444.4444 4 446e, q flAd A Minital E zs IIT The Canadien Champion, Wed., Dec. 5, 1984 RE5 Board wants ngtwmrmfy ouropn n of Educatbon is going about Use qaiy of t. o gel ino Use public education in Haltos. relatonsbuiness. Tbe su ey wiUl be Board trustees tken fcom, a candons heard a proposai sample of pubie frottaboard stff[ast school ratepayers. Thursday on Other objectives of conducting a public the surey besîdes opision su ey in providing a Hailon inMarcb The "positive image" of ireZ.-11=1 su ey u'ouid serve, the scbool systees, 2 ~among ofsecthngs, areto povid a dat .-. as a useful bol îin base for iosgs-ange 5. 444s presentiug "positive planning, and tu perceptions ut ed dentfy cosces cato 05 theîb about public cdu a- pubic. fliou. Tbc teiepbooe Vofuuteer are be- II L survey, fabog esgbl iog use lu cooduct 4600st plan, cou- Use surey, ual Me. duct aod aoaiyîe, Noble because Z4u..4 , 6 wouid becaccsed out Ushece is a pubi byapoumel lu r relateens ased fot 20tee thoae s ao sof deeaed ces gucesi aiiutisMss beof th0 5 66 qus of Us sn meyhdi LON Nmloe services noAVE inDOO POOL NE on i0 C0O NTRY RNE 4 O If 1414 s1Y 114 1044 4444 s 1441414 b44l4411s14 tu ai lluilu spshcmus home11 a nLR LO ., homo,5 64sai .146 $ 122,0 11 0,1 vouoi M M4112 F 05O8OR L ML1644 144441 Dm14441111050144414f4445a1homo thars lls4465l44l4s04400044544t1354lly 41507fo M.12 ce[s clo adl atd cl'..ai upu, lue tsoop t610 î4414444146f. Ve114441401441 home,64 fermetres, inrourmipl 14164454415unie44 p.,l.nd Pna 1s eIf11$8,00 CaI oîo ITl 10144 emhu444y14414î1 te, 514414ctc te vus. WC6M135 te 79 0 Tu4 444460 of BOTeW685 A num443 beroo hme n44de Milon,4484 lose Il4 schoo44s and0devine- shopping1 Yeu vingt1l4r411 a N "'in "',bal, c44n11444ff4c1 4,4n514 urn4 mal living and dulut mme 064amnantueses,14 $00, uvote 1065 Vie016414 sinle gamogo suly Toussesseur, lograit4 as fe, Cave Ad $8010 f44p11044111 fer t,4d.te una1414 4~ 3,20t sq. It double41 me. C 04Wayn Csu4lssn enerfe Teîs ennemi thro 1144ia0.104W 1141415shome 004pe Louait4 444 $8I,90131 Il ur 1 1411 1411410 4141 100I441 111E7 M41 1411 1444444414 en 4044. 6 ,44 01 444 riul o 1 h Teck414 yard effets cmptera p,,04y a4d a5doc The ccmb,.Doc40411s11 d.44010444 , Reakor 89 ONTARIO ST. N., MILTON 876&1156 o4e Mortel1 676-1156 KarFinehOo 8661156 Paul MicSels 6761666 Puline4 Hobbs 878-7747 Wayne44 CasoI 878-0466 Eua 046,44444 876-1641 lJo40 Nicolsbon 804-66 Marion01 Hadlow 67-5334 TR IE8669 Eclilo o ir 878-6265 Bil ie M4 7-4844 D4444 Addison4 67670798O .U E866 J-.ý .1 QI I M.ýb.r, aý -.1 r... ,hm 4 brai, M- %.#y - a kh., -» D.R.. 2.3 $118.000 Jz Vg«ýqa 15191 11,37- ., nalle