Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Dec 1984, p. 29

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ymSafety pro gram introduces a new set of ru/es for kids >Two sides to touches bestncsml, ttr St r- fe I t TheessLoageit throogh trotfie safety mascot tbrosgb etassoram dowu ."o yfrant AMdU" ex- vr ter tSaey Elphant proteet chit-tren from oh- places thn "hasch cotinuum," M=. Sewrteplalad. uspbazrdanlaeaverisg aegatlve aad positive forb adeliberate fie Issoas tanglt by Merlana la "Jooroey f ront attespt bas been madeaot ta frigbteaelaldre. AM-U" caver dangers sot ussalty diocoooed landtheln stary in is simple esoagls, witb Merlana, the ctosaroo. A play dmsigsed bo mabe eblîdren aware of bersise, bensg sentfrom barbhomeeplanti AMU lAI] Mia- senoat abuse is part of an edocationat prograza mich ed Up) ta investigate "toucb". Nio nue on AMUJ touches cootd fisd lta woy ino t on arboota. osddtemason for thiis b idden bt s respossibtn for tbn Parens and edocatora witnesaed the ttUle girta ptant's nsmn. joorsey lo earth tram bher home plonot of AMU at Tuea- On aorte, Merlans mente a bey and girl wbo sen ber day nigbt at S. Pelras Separate itchool. Thebor-toag troogb severat eeosters, beda gond and bad. Tbraagb performance met witb obvions approrat as the capocity thn magicot pownra poasessed by ail residente of t-MU, crowd ladicoteif witb a standing ovation. Merlans assumes tee idnntity of a nomber of cbitdrn tt waa tee 7tb performance for thne remember andf esperiesces evnryteing fran laving boga te pilaw cst and teir at. A n groop of adtora rilIl bired in figlite andoa oo-tochy anrîn. Jaaoary ohm Ibhe prgran oi continue ia Toronoa SOe alwoya retrs te ber nsrthliag fnienda wba bntp obere il rigloateit. "Joocoey frons tMU" and tee eaploia tee types of toches and aame gratnd rotes. toltowop claaroom companeent othIe progra ba Severat soaga betp pot tee messages acrossanad lt Sptember. rearbeit 30,000 todeota on Metropoitao 'Toroato ince a' Merao o ktoceber d lkad berubs t ee rigbt Te pragram erolredtfroaacommateeaetat-ied ns tao yearsag000bp Mcraplitao Cbirma auol Goiffret-, Th fe play- dam aat adifrera aeaaal abuse anfil teer ta orvestigate eilit aboae. Projeet direclar of t-e com- .aspects of toocb bave beea eoplored. fins tee actera mttee and eo-crator ai "tooroey tram AMU", ' .defin"pae pre'a i a bot e fte r Catheriae Stewart iradarei the program ta tbe Millo toacbed in ara or oayo Ibet- dont tmb are right, Audence. 'Pbme oboolanded tee local performance and ta aon If ftaltoo Separate RoanoCoatie Seboal Board a i tasa t-e bth tîme t-me tbree freetosce actera performe Joarset- tram AMUJ". Lindsat- Colte, itefttiPaul tionnairer' fie aodieace'a impresaions of te play avit HaltoBoadaofEduatiomarelaoadapîbhe prageam yiad auee Rnycavopretradder bp aprviw ftlbteoror prtootfaprgrdaimdai bationeedbybohonrd o tenirninthi as arof curriculumirarnaity preparotiorowillbc prretiogthbeasexaabuoeacadldres fiheir prenîosperformsnces havenbeentieforn audienceaof etemestary eraiaatioa f tbeprogramThe reaolto of te boards tbe anitial olep,'earbera, cooal staff and prafeasoalo hoontchidreraiTo rnto.aaseomeae eper 'oinJaoua about town 7 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5, tOM THIRD SECTION Halton Social Planning Council Discovering the gaps and how to fi them Ifarcertain raoaio tar ilsta at-rorcyaarg people a il are lot-raaffritat-ir barîga ii t-e cameorvaiiabic andittacrees itervie ilicaac Thibîa ta torder btathet-r itotarSaotiaanin- Coancrît aiaîer ata imprare the qaaiîtt-ofaieîlebrrr Tterarecsnneftheibcarcabîebich arut-bc aarbcd ta otabe attrabettrfre itsr ecîdeata, arcrdîag ta thegraap'r carralia cirecrtacr uanGoodmoan, uFaiîtiioft-eaoraîazatîîîa anradateir n rramiiag and arcirpragtaasuiverissaeasriralin tbr ridcryetm aroyt-dpeople, trbirdabidrer art adri' ta It i raitîit- ara rgariratiar braagbt at-rat tbrgb tbe amialgamaroofipann- igcuelinNortb tiaita.rlcirgirnand arka la regioaaiig therpiaariag graop. t-c brreerîiîrig t-rtsiofatdirertars cemaîrci andrere irakt- up t-c cegioalo t-rd Atbaagt- st-e caicsescefîra, at-cra arc apeiti t t caina eroa Some charitable SUSAN GOODOMAN decorators Th fi ot fmen so Etqia Pt-i rarorit- tare reraltîd tna afreat- looktacrt-e itchea and meeting orna ai fie Cen- ire, Among t-e deoralora ai teMat. lFacitit- tari Mon- dot- orre Laraiae Barber, (lap) Vrginaa ltr ihntrm lf) and Wlf'rnomtea, 'T-e large t-it-hnapronider aoce taorr moerl prof rama gearrif la irîbera. White t-et-attend pragraaîrot-iet- norer parent- tog, lite rt-Ilsanad Iboar derir- cd ram inereriaof t-e par- tiipants, t-ere eildeen are eredtfor by ralaaeera inîthe prerebhoal.A Taradat- onou tg pragamoaimed aiaerring iroatoîd aamen tant-e rural .ra reqairer itioleer driv er. Mari lents aofie C'entre reitoithedonatioao ime t-t-ca ring people. r ru i T. '1 ley t-r laro t-rer langer.tInt-r noarlhtIet-arc rai aso ieveord and tere are rame gioriog gaps," ex- jpintod t-e drector. Fitîag t-are gapa roi reqaire ertalbiîrbîg mare serîicea forect-idceo and teenagersanad deretopiag "fie lochkaof ffordable t-aarîog ita rlyta o re srnom pratobmi taalon. Mli ta prlîcuaey uniqerbeaaeaofteeaaumlaeaî-ofugîoamfîr Elserobere t-re nd rilb ltt-ret deriy ad siagle Pepei," Mr Goodman raid, PT-e icol aiep roi la la tgel rame correcte informatton ond figures ltoct- t-e evenad t-at riti requirerrort-îg roit- moucipal and regîool plamnera Mca Goodman oadisappaioled roten Halaon Regian rmenat5 coocrileit oprapared hot-oa iag alody, a mare mbach roi mat-et-e panning icouail'a job- more difficul f. Non-profit honsing, spaarored by aerrvice doubs or ct-orch groopa andt co-operat-vee tooaîag t-adi mite Igareroment asitance are iroa alterenat-ver at-e I aggerla mayaaive the delsciroct- t-r regian, " Mr, (Goodman eaplaîoet. Perperroaare ta troable andtvent shrttleem rt-eierhat-oeaertheoaee oot-rdîiîîintarger cen- tres. Tisrreamer campeods peblemrorabt- ma o avoe accena tarsupportserrices, arcocdiog la Mr.Goodman. Arnemprat-temrot-îe basorarfaedarrr t-erîor few ro cocsayaat-ovempbat-meol. 'T-r panning comit roila tmt-îrig ino te lt-reneof i t-e roern ter,rwoart-îgroiît-geaprrot-îet-mylaatableîa ert-iaar ertobt-rt-a ew roeapltaniil, Th't- derriapmeealoaia yaat-empiat-meai service i roder camîiderot-o Job apprlairr sfor ot-aalt-rutlbcaoag t-r items tocladedin a cammooitt-nedsasorerameat errrtliylatog corriitaut bt-oeoit-op ond eammaoîly deret- JaeRlOmard, 'T-e t-rîno a port-ime empispee la ror th te nrrt- esltblishmentof i t-e fie5stoicein Milltn 'T-enrrt- iHalbo ' eammounit-eaardîa aireroit-bc ere are toy aroeebrout-îthe ceaI of ber t-me aprol ai t-e Georertoan i afiter JANE RICKARIJ 't-at offîce prrrîaaaly aered t-e enire noarl oreeoandtbosaoffrt-ociof teplanningeaaactil 'T-e Not- Halo Voleer CeaIre, arserîice roie- motcemvolooleer ott-ageacima roicreeqaire t-cm, aIra receatit- nopantet uilsrerîice ftraagt-a part-ime office ia.-illon. Mltora anoServices Croire prarîde a omore for bote argaiatiolias a els omre t-oc id att-mca. Fonda are praride tla t-e paing caeîti t-y Ballon Regioo and t-e rartoar Unitedt W'yr ta tee regian. ta addition ta dîreorerog ad ollnîoplîag la saalîfy nedata Ballon t-e planning coaocil affera oorlmlopa, lit-na rerent arier on management tac roîuntee agencîns. Il prodocer a direery of ser- vices tant-e regian andf brepsa adateat-onkt- tî-infor- maton about haaaîag andt a breat-do of t-e1 ppouaaion an tersa otage and empbat-meol O 100s Molly Maids are Santasn kanaro S a .aqal'ssi'o5onaing he ont eeesO j fiir cstemes oitli t-ange loonver bat their frotes otît an theet-coleneanoand nearrit- amm lya from clienats and teer rmsidmnta oiahiag la con- tibe nhae n bya oil adt latee Ct-esmbas jat- of Ichisdren ab Milon District Hoapital, Georgeton Accardiaig ta tarI Chitonîl,oner aift-n local Molly Moif franchie sithte projeat oaa omît aap- prtS lost yar. "Thle respnsn sti la to tieaa gond atant t-aoc Ieasse wonhborna ol more client," at-e ex- MOIIy Mida oill pick aup t ram homes dt- ydo nst cemn as w a tsae dt- isil reguarlt-, chydml ishigLtacontrilate ta dis prolent onccl rs hle t a8 54-2682. When Ed Segswotr i eaSthn Fermeeraof then t-ma ard at the sassai banqaet of the Haltes Fedleratios af Agrirslture Sot. Nov. 24, il sarprise oas sbarcd by bis father lRonss Oegsmsrth fosndcd the asoard ohic l a glanta a fariner selected lit a Oive, memheracmmoîtee«The reaoioftliir choice issnthaoosnoîti tbe hanqueti a hetd. Agriculture 's pro blems are the farmers' to Àbear Fancers avoe tltir opstal lire about t-non doyoand erea t-aitaa frerrfaithe t-car t-ar toaogre tiogoocre belier t-ce oa Ira yeorr 0fr. Ed Segaroartboadritird being reragaioed fort-iracieements i agricultarr by Fao peero rereott- fr11 gaad.Il oasanoinapiratian la thecmnro babbrraash obrpperfaornaorertoan 25ears air laiber, HRo, roasponaars te orord obacet Fito surprise abra t-r diaravred ai t-e prreotaraa ceremoot- roa boi en arirrird by trth oiltreabeofth toaaFederotîaon aiAgricuture. Ed araeiredoadairyfraroaed bt-igrorfoîbee He trîrd ait-cc labsoutaide ai agricailture bol didot nottem. ii toaiemeal ain araîag gaeo beaond grawiog corn,oaoand sa brara. Ed t a dreltor of tbe Ballon Federatiaonai Agricaitaretbe OntrioîrFederataonand Hoiiaa Sait ond Crap opraretacat AssoaionarHe aIra beloogo ta tbe BollaonAgrîcot- tarai Adriaaey Co citiree He cariderbtrisparticiatanaas cammaoty srce as well a praridiag eduaoa oppariaaities bt-aintasoameroaysil ran la irartrarrng "'T-r poltiaicarccr o oru sownro aocliag," eaiied t-e t-eH ei riat tfthergavrerr'o'rbeop food paiicy." Formera aceed a berce priefor ibnîr prodocti thebshort leem andt oomr thing ta hpt-rpibagb tbe iaagh timer, aceardîog la Ed. 'Phe prageraire formera are aofferiog and t-eoearo are1001t riaeiirg ap t-e areso wt-ato pradoce tetood for aou fture, " bc roitinarceal intriew aiiWalers Linfam Evnwt u ayyaso xerecE n teslk i bore bren borîrg prablema ain rcenI ero. Her la tter oft thon sonewbo aeb eer"-fareedaouat-fbuines"-oweeer, Lean reroamie timer bore prampled changea ta forming prar- tirer, tbeltypesrofcrapr groanodthe waylbrpo re marketed -Yoavaertooyltngîaiarcweryar input," Edrotif. Frirta theccippirg rire ita amenater, ia197lOt- oan lis braith- taw asoraoporinr and eopaaded t-to operalioa by 50f ocrer. Oniy55acresor oaaiealedoandreprereolltheoaeae fbrn borne lorm. Ar o leorer ai ogriroltorai lanit, id sarer aocoacernofaIother a-oaueilandaoaed by derrloperrtfor foemiog.Operalîogroithbone rebt-yrt]carra duesaootre farmersthe iocenare toiorerttin the land robîcb iaolreody soaroîg dimiatahe i t-mIt Coservatioontillage ir a carlly procera provîdiag long leen laneftla Wbîle id 10 ariag lbceerailsacing terhniques on bia w tardit ia pplyiag t-cmon the more t-an 1,100 t-e and pacîner DanoHeeryp]case. "if roncoatit gel 15 or 20-year leors er rourainvealtanlt-e land, bcrraggmsted. "Tbe derelaperroarer'lroorriedoaoutil ie goermeal doeoa'î reern tlablawroreior thepif do aometeing aboat il. Il nermate forming commonîty are tbe mît- onra ro are worried," id ex- plainef. Tba &l eeeffao 0f varions-agricun] rrot rganinoSaons le bopen more are teoraisg aoualtee businss. "Aa farm tond diaappeara raotît lfond and boo mat-t-ars anfîl ýeare depeadent an oteer caolnrina for oor tond, le oondnra, Har mnt- t-mm lafare on lacomne a ThîrdWarld country.- Derpile t-ta cancersa, itnt rsady la change tea Inn ofwoark. Bia 3-e-abd rsnMttenoba a t-ena interml tanfarming, alîboaghhli tIn yoong ta t-lp operate dam lage machiner5 ofthee day. 'Ple coopte oso bann a 15-yaor-ald doogle Tero, ida foateer, 500 reired, visite dam fars regularlt- bnbping rolere t-n con and affering oell-seaoaedoadrncn. id'r otte Dianno didtot la steing about fsrsing amtil t- momret. Ste saat- say fran frs tebour andltonte ater tdu boosinstesif. ionpîsg isr et-m on tdu figures bus mae ber iena- ty aoore oft dame penny pteching times atAgreddas Fanas, lnaodditios to isa fait-Ose job, Ed a a parttime liefighlier aida theliortinglan dnparbiaest,woarktng outof Stations5algllliridn. ...... ------- WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5,1984 THIRD SECTION

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