LU The Canadian Champion, Wad., Doc. 5),1904 Enrmf0» ... . rundn1h." HRCA',Oý hopes to hold the fine Wator cool. blazo TeMilo ieDeprmen a aied tnthe sceecofa fiaaMitas Co-opaon Main Si. ns rein a ppo ieyl7p.m.hen a spark rom a heating appliance tced of ieinacr er atie ficiaisnemrae damage asna esutoltcorn Fatrasce rates ai psrka aiiisthue Hatas Reglans Cnservation aresaili remala fr use mont part sscisasged if ihe. incal astissrlty toUloss lrsagh wth ilis planned 1965 nec-fee scisedate. Wile a fese rates aill ieho ncreased, astsrity members are loohlng ai sesyn ta attraci more visitars ta, their parsa, la- cisdisg ose recommendation ta ffafn a almsct haif-price annaai pans, effective cter Aag. 6toi sext yen ote e rmainder cf uh sere. Athcrity memehrs ccied ta maintain the present annuelllpaon tee ai $35, hut isitars mnld ho prmitted ta prchaso the amo pans for $M0acier Aog. i. If apprcved, c shoilar dincount mosld hoe gises ta usoso ishing ta purchase a eeh- day paon, drapping the prie r trm $20 ta $15 chear Aag. A. Riing rosis incIorhng increaced niaif and maint enasce roqiremeots iii meae a slight gaie ncroane at Iteino ceci yeac. Athority members are recommeodrog the eekond and hoirday entrante fer hoe increaed fram $5 ta 05.50 par cehicie. Wehday entrance tees iii remaie an- changed at $3 par vehaicle, an iii the pedostrian entrance ire ai $1 par parnon and the traiter tee ai $2 pr iraier. Greap camping rates have aise teer revined. l campieg groapc iii ccc ho chnrged a minimrum tee of $10 wiih a cor- charge et $150 par parsac Eciracce lees are alsoadditiaaltintherccsîcofcamping. FPiremsed chargesmilremaiooenchanged al $2 par unit. Risiegaoparatreg costs ai Mcvelshorg cr0l menan recreane on the eeheed yod holiday rotracce tee tram $4 b $0.50 par cehrcie. Weelsday and padesiricnenetracce Calis anger Mlon Jaycee members are "cal vevy pirard" aboot telephose cais mode la Milles homes in hich maney is bing sel- rcie in the Jaycee came. Mrchael Ellirs, Miton ioycee prevîdeol, bold The Champion the catIs re brrag made by o lelephace soireiatiras irreempiayed by the Oahviiie icycees. He said the Oahvifle Cubbac a norghita came rno Milice and raice iseds, He odd ibere have bers compiaivis aiceady tram resrdecs aboutstrcngmaordv beîcgoved by the solicitrsmwhecresrdrcls eivsediagrgve 1 maaey. "Wr regret ihai the crtraec ofvilton have i CAR WASH SpecmmiWekend Rates-CalFr Dota" $200 M-" RENT-A-CAR ;ssoc SPECJAL $1450ý But. kel, 15 pleut' tf' kenî, Frictd ( lIîîkeîol Largebo 1)1xt frtech tfrics 50(0 i Sahîd Loaf t'iBruai. DECEMBER ,l /-%à- I« --~ r 0,ýtgo,ýq ýý. ý DENTI THERAPY 497 Laurier 1 et Ontario St Milton 878-4900 tees *il1 romain anclnged as wlave s e Fatrancetfeesa ai atparkailireach Ue carresi restci tees for crosscountry sis,,anme wshelu ceqeptian. Pedestin rates taboggcnsscnd snkhe. avili horednced tues use vekicie ftesoci13 ta Cnservationas acirty memehrs vsted $t par persan. i3cccp camping and frewsad nt ta change entraste rates ai tCravtsrd feu mil cisc ho ckangod ta correspond wlus Lae Cnsrvction Aea, an usey mere set thaso reccmmesded tac KlsCnservations Ibis icit. Arcs. Ite ausaority intends ta crack davn ons 'herewmibi ho anchanges ct Hitas Fals, thaoeaing No. 12 OSdosd ta gain trees encopt tar a rodartionscf pedestrian tees accese t a Iattenoche Point Cnservationstram $3 ta $1. Area. Entrance tees meforbses Mil go sp at cil it n etimated that at bonIt 20 par ceci ci areas frcm 61$ ta $7on aeekdcys, hut Mil the parh'n revenuen n tat ta thane cir- romain the name at $300an eekenda and camventing the gatohoano and use Acilncity hlidapa. iii ho praeeeding ailI a road alamwance Senior citicees iii cantinuesta enjny hait- dlonne next yen an moU asno-parking prrce ontrasce tees toalai parkatasn the s hyiams on Appiehy[ose. Conservation area. 0i1er was 'best to date' Catncedfrnm page AI Mayor Keanto sard he mas "vecy pirased" mdth the noie price of use prpeprty naiing the ecncmyver thrlasiifemyears has done lrtOla r ecrorage developars. "Sicce 1981, the ecancmy hasnont heee the best le ied someane rterrsted in spanding beimees $2 milbin and $3 millioncena projeci," he sard addrng be espects Mancat Dhevelpmrcts mii easiy npand ic thai aerghbohohad le compleeiheir plans. The aiiec mos the mini ta dato, thccgh i tobk the lovt ixc meksri lcthe imo srden le arieaI a moloal ogreement, yard the Maor. Hec vaid the Town eecerved an ciier tact yeor fO a deveicpe ai$500000 0r the Jaycees bera srbjecr'ld ta tbrs r'ampaifc, 'Wr fird the candcof ithe lelephose servrcevretired by tbe Oobvile ioyceec la bemaslabjeciabic. "O Ocbebali ai the Mitas Joyceesad Jaycees ia feceral, I moid lire la ectersd scfterd verbal abuse ai thebandhoodf ibis services apataors" 1 Me. Euls caid he haped Millocransa mcld undesiaedithe local club mac "seamare of tihrvcamparîc andave acedas qicly as possible tb pot o stop la i here rc Milton." Herad herse eqoestiog avy rcideîm hc reevsacla repart ic ohrm ai 070-1535. DR. R.N STROHAN 14ptamint . "l'e didn't really have an aaking price hecaase me mere rnterented va retaining site planning contrai:' said Me. Main. Dependingaupoe theamaant andnatureaof the nem the blockh s eapected ta yield a minmmmoa $12,000 ta $15,000 net laces tram an especled $70.000 grava tac hasecaid Mr.Mainc The Tamn mût ruse $350,000 tram the pecceerla ai the sale tamards lthe $2.t mittian ccct ai the eem laonhall, mith thse remaiadergarsglal he Tm's captallevie whichtmiacced therpcrchaseaof 17 Martre St. Whrle the ccc bacc hall hac esceeded irtal csi ropeclatrans, the builing mifl cal cecesortate a debi le the lame andits laspayers, said the Mayor. The final hardie rc the transaciains valves srgcrcg a sortable tena te ote pcecl lame nhall. Theagh Halce Cacservatioc Aothcrrty elbvroals peavided a verbal agreement le a 10-year lrave vemmevcivg April 1, 1985, marerbaoe yvacafv,ilcnaaears the Avlbvrly may cal lobe op resrience ai the Marc Si. tome bail, soid Me. Mary. tieioaicg la elabaraleote as issueMr. Marc said beis cinbte mrddle ai cegoaabna vvrl tbe Autolbccy and ibal bcexpecîs a decrvrac by the end ai ibis macth. "I vvavld reafly likie la sec the Autharrly in bere,"said Me.Maic addrog hemccl ibe tc sec a gavecvmeal ogeccy ccninueric the building. Farlrelaosrgnte eothcrtycould men bndrcg a tenant inone mclh tccmpiymrlh thecagreementlmith the develper. Dentur KEEFING RER IN UNE its scmeahrerg you may hove ovecheacdin v one frfoh cf ail Canada's homicides. but wciil seidom hear discossed. Yet t's o Cieariy. physicol obusc cf aoy ioad brutal rcalrîy Foc cvecy yen, ccce womoo s ogainst the ac Violence oginsi %vies icae s obusci by hec hasbood. Put dcccv rs espccialty repugnoot. The chidren in verbaiiy And broîco op physrcoiiy ac the these homes moy grccc up coadriored te poini cfuaacoscicusness, hcsprcaizatioa accepi abuse, or renecc thc cycle by or dcoîh. la foci, ccfe assaulo iivs overd obasiog ochers. WIEFE BA7IIERING: If T'SIME 'W)BREAKTHE SILENCE. Foralcearvmatin rc ,BRavovvucSvcENC±E, accQees r e o auev nýM7Aa N3 Main and Commercial Sts. Milton 878-4171