Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Dec 1984, p. 4

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4 TheaCanuM.n Channp.onW. Dec 51984 191 MainU .Emt.O. Box 2M8 ê0n5 OnftaoLUT 4Nb HERB CROWTHER PublWmhr ALAN BEECH JIM ROBINSON JIM DILLON nie ..g s.e.- Pbi5hd nssy Wsstnssstonby Melroand Pnnneg, Pubéismg & Dfbueg Ltd. ¶t18 Mai Sicm han Mileo. Onano. L9T 4N9 Telephoes87&52341. Pice Si, ope 'e.., 91 an,e iver 0m9, Susisipimns $15 prosier nier, $15 pym bm inCanda 75 hot4c,ucne The Milto Cnadien Chamoýis lns teMenond Poins4. Pebslng làOison Ld. gumap ofi rnespaps soioch ncudsasTins Actne Fim.Pesm. The Au Ban-,sTh. ieen Gi,, an. The BuinPuni, Th Butngîon e eslnd Post, The Etesm ents a GuGeaclon. Th Geoeonind.csndant. Mai50,, [Ecemn là Stun, Th. Mu aesago News, Th Nýe Esî, OksieBswns, akvetsFriay Bosus Oshawa Tlh. W.,'kOhawa lThe WsnlnsndOshawa Whib 11he, Oshawa, Whlbn T'h. fflue,,uh CilLbiliTh.inhiLbeiSi, T humhemgh Miii Th. Se- tfile Tibun_' h W4.Im.M-.n,and W..b g LihatmMseeian,J Pi,isn & Detibun son ofmcllequ,v EnterpnseL led._ Phone 878-2341r Sunda ysilliness _________ To shop or flot to shop on Sunday, Thati s the question noce go- ing before the courts in Miton.'(ou Ve The grocery-store shopping question came to the forefront in v iM three grocery outlets which are aleged t0 be conductmng E M EM co n a business against provision of the Retetil Holidays Business Act. *'W minm mo e For some reason. Iis las, does not altow a grocery store to be ,, oe vnthough il is selling une of lfes necessities. food. By OnJN LER long vw ay the same token. f you dont cant food lu Lake home and cook, there are Sunday-open outlets lu ptease almesl ever whim and want. Il uuaid b h aier sre<liccp that neat impicaionssParenisîiest hois You cao drink as much booze as you want. You Cao boy paekagcd Preemie lur myecit ilan lu bohler ith a Ttink ut al Oie sales laxu i, tropical plants and fertilizers. tn sume tocatities you can go In flîe-month inhasnnofmy lindv trumieOie pu.rchase ai $30* Preemi and buy or refit vides movies. There are flou markets in almost Cudding the sufti otshunot outhOe Cabliage Patch Kids alune' every plaza. bu cao take in a movie or go and boy clothîng. aulid liMiy suture luo quel Oose maternai iongingh If chideen are lu lie conhîdi aomen seenulohbelilesed-it.The Lilieiaurtlc-lilie shouednît eapplc quality cnei' In fart, you cao do just about everything except go mbt the duiis ai the top ut many girls' Chrismas lista are tes prui en h lîdeen de, elup lelleeîifth supermarket and boy food for your family for dinner.liaed lu conne liy hweee. and Oie une ~im:,possessionuh ir esuihers, Giviug Ihees a chan Doeshatakoens1 il] b caddled t vun wiecif arms imiedialel, alîeliîrth hah peuduci The on/y wa y Ail for une and for ail. Or ta il, everybody for themselves. Such divergent attitudes were represented recently when a three local downtown huinsses decided against honouring an oral contract with the Town of Milton and forogo their respec- tive shares in te resurfacing and repairing 0f the Mill St. park- ing lot. In all, $2.327 is outstsndmng. Il's maybe nul a large amount and une which cont exactly break the Town. But il's a bad pre- codent lu set. As a result of these business oceners, the Toswn bas fficially critten off Use lhree accounts as bad debts. The parking lot repairs benefitled everybody. Whiule the in- lent was to improve Use climate for rethil businesses. there sere several businesses whch dont deal in retail and therefore dont benefit initially. However, Use long-lerm benefits -ensuning a viable dosso tucen business cure- benefits every;body. Their respective pro- perty values are maintained or mncreased. And, steps akin tu Ibis ailow Milton to maintain a strong downtocen and a strong central Ueme for Use tou-n. The downtown oif Milton is something aIl resîdents of Milton want le see continue in a strengUsened masser. Wrking tu- geUser u ne for ail- ta Use only ceay to go. Contact Thanks Dear Sr . pn lehal uoftihe Bard ut [lirecetrs ofthOe North Haten Csrese Cenree c Gergeown. t seui like lu cxpress oar appreeiatona toc the reeperaten or newspaper Sus gccn us ipuliciasng mc seeed e sew vcelmiers fi talies agrea mny daeicdlpeople in ieaintain a2uhounr service to meecthe nceds uft hus n shOicommmîîty mhusisli herendnginformeation orrefcrat ThMans tn voie assisance. a numnlir et triesare ^tlending Oic aIl] ramning mdsion madi u qaifid te mnOie phone Seoe long An article is cye.eatchisg and ne deeneil sece morhulide. W'e gealteeo one hctp i ecachîng these cancencd amd imlrestcd Ire,. Malare, Enenutîne Drecter Nrti Belttes l'ntant l'entre rsmental enate oer ce her cte heur r mte o This imprused relatiinship caceo heae childeen senee crasher premalare in itsefanot iu cutmued cimse rcuacitueorihe irsi oneliasuttercd tnlicnheftOeuofsaîdutîfsprieg -tis ie..drîg materctyt]cave. Nem sai shîs dehate renceenis mure vouug eumen Oae dentedthe same typecofrelalîcnship mvseit csim pieecausehecau'î getale, hîcce eumen nue have acres, lu efetielbhrta SW'ue gulten Oicm inie lie dli, cunlrul methuls, haicg chltdren iseot amaiicrnoflact thienursery ai hume' bult ofhieîceione areueon oerhnihe malerna eaer- Tecemansufan infatewilb ning nshes are parte striclicn, arrîi un 10e sets ut sheulcens Nt oty o s ere Oe physseai sacrifice made lil' respnnsiliditis. lieer. mlitcl meotes minte rourse ni penreton. mccc a a i - atone. . time espcnsihily. WtOgrenmng numliesnotwmen Se mustdoeatilie aniuoprudt ie urk foreshcrcaruoscersacificesleocunsîder. and shat iceiodes iueling aller hi Tlereumasha ieewen wmenmaechuireit e v arices havcemadecilcasiec 'fluet moeres r lu hu gaintult) empius'cd.Maientn icave chitdren hurn elceatse muilies ha, eusuheard out Tm-mcume tamîtieswecre ahlnstah tum cunlaclîng German mcasles. rare and arangecofpiysicai disabilîiies Caadianueomen. otheOicahit em e eceshavebeen ihruuglia simplecination. llesseduesth17uccli malcrmty ]cave. DringOial 5'hoieaiis cares thtilewasde, imcsthccreeiienempiucmecl insrancchuenefto cllsuofaneahuriteîm"htum'Sne ieaig icempoyeeiOi"her saar lep a lrem- grepuofsu-euld pru-litersawhu pucary repiacemnei.eir disored beliefs dowr ur hrou Ill*s nuahad dea. espeeiaiicewhccamle loksoenhetof île ralitorlliem anditheî eui thehuorder and sec uumcn ighticg lue thcsame icd of addessed inhic spacc aianoîec ir deai 1tend olookulacrmei heuoccanluoSweiecamhee 1lam preît is soechîgi1real meeare granted paienity ee, dae mavpass il along fl ask m Il iulivieuis ihal couneire valees the irreplaccalile stanceshueright resurcc iOitheemuofhmachuings Thcadded in- Perhapslcead dragoutioneeof ceclîce or perhaps the imporance ut peeerealiun is upeu ehîch i detifutie prceised ber ampiîied htas sortutfgusermieeî cununiîmcnL el t is sirange liai evenewhen IfddcdicaiitluOiehecntiuationcouthOe speries ine o daddy wasc i arounedMen are sadIN sentimental a cause turgenrmeci. peehups Oie tise me putlichaitOey arc qulte adap pecs thalpruteshllbc shuuid cesidr teieconnc Palrristy case-ouI mealn public uprear le dcmand harrees aI leafii lîghLt And yucanlic suretngh seliclistedenis uuuidn'llhave oganued apetiionaeidemaed %iengeancefretehictuns. tlueuidlhave'eln slicaggd uit us just annsher wneotunaeac- cident- Bes udt hu boys and Oise tOiigs huppes.cli' Bu %bat the barrecpropoes seem tu be saying i tail i agrmuty eunfir te aitue suri cnvelnerabie larges astfeigit traito icross the paOt f rvees hu mmi ce ignoreflahi ing red ights. Tteresnoching uTongwitshaing a bhue ni siatling une as aplacehu for suclian enoonal isse eudsýet aperce deniteeorsiiac larriers te liclemandel ai ev'ey singe irarli crnssmng mic heprovince and the cmltshuuldmiotneediuhuhu brnelie Oic radrnadsnor thetaipayem. Ifl] thOic ienage Is-isers mnSMilton ucce ecditeeonnrliae the price ni a case ut hee Oicy wsualpenlialt>pay frtnrOc lamece Oicmisels. DAVE TOWN!SEND Syer Dr.. Nîtîten Éig 'Guy'S iiignt On Abortion Dear Sir: Dear Sir: Waib1e ChlampionocaBe a vchey nI Ue TIe gencrat publie is saidesci and put- uitile guy oser Ue htg guy leditorial Nov. 28 ragei aI Ue senseleso totaag of policemen bly la t5% ?5o ew Sast nh le ,K IIB L~i~d&ius ( n res.poîtile cuit- enad bal Secam. nofi rrespaestbte dctetug aggravatei Sy reespnnsshlc proisni aenbl tessors. ltia dtappaustuag h. sec Dto Jefitiel jump- ig os the aninagon tebliame Oe rugcdy un il s.ntce of a brier lThe attitude Oai we don.'tmmat toneeUti appen again-(ai- Uott nofeose me dasitI lietrays a refusai h. accept mby il bappeisci at att and an ad. misinos UaI Use crash tseNiset ini sercci us a lessan h. deter suine dessers rne lcysitsg repeat t I Ue driver bai ,ttssed Uai rain amd in- siead s-so a ced ligtt or stnp sign ai a rnad intersecion, btIannlher nar and bifed every- boy nty t. iltUere nanti barite bave een a Atmsg 660W0015cr Soin ecriycar in Canada. Yen, monthi-nt justnr 7-mc liy 'catinat" pi-cens. ils tramnei proei nats i detesce. Tieir ente delence membs. Coemene, thcgesra pu desci ne nuraged. tcený npread the ragi ces, ano eerynlice enatoslet An seliors iaby kiltedL nergense up tn Se a pel bondy1 Tli kabout i ,n Seings are liited Helping Hands Deor Sic. Least spemng. Ceisu e ciîg Candi n'ente te ynu le adlinnuielge tîl e ln0 acreceiecd h-cm membeen ofthîe Cristiane Serie Clise larmng a onnday bliii. Wett. Ose'ne dine il agamn On Get.2r. il ynung people, mndcc Oic direcin o A]Cttys. didseasonai main- tennmce ssnel neasyard cnrk and iedin maulimg for 36 ldeety amd disablel in- isilmls il e Cattn Ils and Mtiton aren Calme Cetlpmng Cmdsisin te Oeproiese ut lrying te iseshe des'etnp H sOdd Jtel Seusenal Manenmnce Carps ni enimieen te mci ons-gntng reqnesta toc Uisty1pe et assistmnce. Thchelpmcl ave rcetced fhem île Christian Cenrie Clureh grnup lieu enaled us t O i l ulkofthesspring and tati needi mnd ft s n mcare eniremely graicisi Anyonne tecesied in cotmiteering te hctp itiilperîmlic ne nn-90iag aminance wmol estoir repaies sactn us ssal appitnce cepaten, carpesirs nc ptumlitng jobis, & sasaatmaintennce îmndnmmusing. yard wrk, snowmnhvectigc iaked tocal] e'ta-64e3 hem Mndiy te Frsday Cees . 450 p.. , nccs.5OeanS ot t kille ons purpoeR o a use klited arc sel ea Sir: itUs eapns-ne TIi'eRoL , s Oseme mthen' expres Il uliismiosad- lyOthe Sa s media does ni rneme and effort in -gned"penplec ans ent iE .Sy ahries di pesple, ang 'icenu-or amy- ItteryCr pivtlegea DON LAMIBERT tertasnI. C Mito. peased th. alugOthe paraerute Th te ulals aise île lu ha einuli Laum ndunI D Cenite is unupecalien piing eîghlleaclors ftei We aoishithel'analiar luck ini their l'itm pion Clui ken licepeopeoetMilton Contact Us [leur Sie: htc'eare cncnen parents The RBlacta Shlforlue dicappe ie Candner.h, preposa]t he Oic inistre leansierethe senendare sei;o E.C Drury Sehool in Nlil l'e moulu le le adIse th enssiinicelventue pso Tiliuieofetltotn unI Sa@ ,icle.Iliat consîlealion i moi e bell prograes le Lta Ilfcou are net aeace ot MOIunuand are ocencd.p FR pages of tlie past ------- One Vear Ago Fuson the Dec..7.590 Issue A nmasked bandit made off witll an udtsclosed amosult of cab ailer rsbbt.g aYon Campbell- "Wlleteen Frtday slgbt. fHall,, 11.5,0,1 Police sald t5-yearbld waon antsm way ta make a nlgbt deposit nf the day's receipltsren a eariety store wtt.. o male saspect lomped otont thUe aide ef a residence and demnanded tIhe cash. Fears eoncerning Use demise of BocetsParents ti Miton bave liee reieved by reaffirmed cnmmitments htaItte organlua- tiîn. Ctairman Doroltea Donne said renponsne tatthe group's plea tor mure vcuminer bellibas bec, excellent. The ient tew days of the tnurtli annuai Haiten Cegionai Pnlice spot-checks pengrase liahe retulird in 171 chargen againni ne acointn flic majority nf île ottences deai milS seat-le Drmli drivern camse mIal carnage on Cmnada'sligajsayn neddieodea ith the prlin, a ceeding io Dr. Peter Cle. Cal on's medcai olficer ntbealOi reccently aonn support ton.. thc hel liand social nericqes cemmîie tue a package et recomeendalions aînsed atin-e crecsingnsanctionn againstipenple whodrnk mdnd&ice. 20Years Ago Frc ithe Dcc. 9, t14 issue Nannagacucya l'umcit recicel ;cds in raihing ktdh uone outhOe greaiesi veten et Ifg inieoieie cutters confidece possibileons Mnnday ies' Ihis Chrisîmnas ahen eler eh ctecd Oie cuiepetr curcil t unmTownship red a cummitt attaieh tue 1965. CeeeWilliam lEsperimecîs have Celie. i)epaty-Ceeve Dr.B.D. ey aree'ccdeu-tou Youeng acd comeiteens Alan tee luOcgt aquaiuted Parsons. tRoss tineden acd cdc pmsitiverttfecth WilltiamMaliuc acre ail ce- cli lie reiuired lit.eeteid lu uttire blisnuhantiat ti tee mucles ut ite plcaitites. ah, shhuld mec be Milieu Dirict Hospitliout 1 ih Iheie chitdccu ictals arc paîîenîiy ateailing ueeisutffaorki1 aurd un thete ecqieni lu Ithe lic ce, h nt Ontario Hospitli Series'ie Cmmissioun tue a 50-lird addition teicess heavy ahen totelicalihunpital.i hCemly sThece arc sonne Cumeil lias atceady licen gîcen are Oic cemans apprvato a $4,000per lied grapt temard tle prcposcd addiion ac a heailihy chid ehîi n epeci te essi mure îerseit. Medical adt than $600,000 ik ut aIltIhe heallhv Au archîlecin pans toc about ve heen prevceid W,000e rthciofutrenecatiens te Profumd lcatess the Mitoln Teown Cati er havehbeen aiided resiewedby Miltoenrouriiiuehin a comiee meeting thal cas uciuoped trues ecig clened lu pres and pulieî headline-geahhiug Monday, trel iliru cee raie )as claici tecare, 5 e r Ag imeý Fraih e tOc[19r.4I.iussor ilyrclu, and sonne Mucipal nominationn laie is Ihat lie cieciies place thîh ycac un Menday, lace llct. Oie ltent date un miii ei od liahe duls cumnailonsean helield. Peiiing, nng a mmmy as a iftacy.iakcsplaceon Munday. playîce houstaIhe tac. 71h IN iackîug the prac- Si MePlail. agcd 20, son ut talie, Gordon MPhait. Eden Mallin,mas eg way hahe attaclicd hy a hallitn the barn- - yard on aleclayithe animai ceeshicgte yeo unefmacn's body se hadly iilliils liraI Ihat il mas louirdccrssacc tusnh himieo lie Cenecai Hosptal. Guelphi. ehere an eperatten mas per- trierd He is duîng as mcii as can lie enpectcd. and hîs macy trîecds hupe ter a spcedy itaci hu Stîicu A ce-ceganinalien meeting ut mk Fred ,rnold. ut the Mlton BCeScuts ai Oic tome eden Ettuipmeul haIt un Sedncslay Dec, ilil. ait8 i and ime te sap- pieý iltshepeda lacgcnioniento hin cs'cni ctîaens, semg andeild, iliturn îcl'Chamiotn gud out to lcet a Greupl'ammiiee t irsimas Fend Ste hacti lie e rganinaîlun ne ihait nvil noet ici ue ofthle TownetfMilton.A Provin- cial Fieid Cuieminninner and Mtikirtcdniih. ther uttîcenh[mm Toronto miii arn Cilb nf Milton lie Ilce 75 Years Ago Frac the 11c. 2,1t909 issue The British Clumblita leettun s ofteer chidren ic cesutirdin a lriemp tocrilie the Hcarîng Han- MeBrîde Goerecmeni Consercca- i are fîgliîng the ive. ut ofEdaratioc te HH Wason et Vancouvcr, mi pregcam tote li tumcriy ut Milles, mas eleced ton as a nupporter efthile IJeernesent lie parents et slud- lu the generat satisfactiton etlits 'egrains. namneis. ' man otdtfrîendnlherc Hcpelted igenaska ot Belle- a very large voee s lieiog gîcen te ,A Party ut Teronto men liane onden taikennosension oetand are ofthesc prepesed ramping in a vcacnt hueinmOie pieuse contartimenc'munis near Spcystde. Tbey liave ýRAN Mnl'ALLUM. degs and are Smnitng game mit Parents iAsse geseralty and irapptng. Ttsey Great M ayor aslilsg IthesOwner of the homse h. iiry Th nk.trar:c James Meiiat.agen82ycorn of L st edeesday eening Mayor Keonli Actos mus perliaps ftaoyuttp on r: cas ineilel tu attenusAtt BemîdCeedmand Wcdncnday eennag,Othe 24n. Ste tary Clus n Mîten wmmd ltiSe te l'mada -'rd l'eccmnnyter he 1th Guide laC o a a ilte oedding niflits n app-eeta inofnthOse hocst Ind mh ad theie t tMilles PalhBendern. dugliler aIIthe homne ni dadren Santa Clous Parade l'ommilteein Wcpiust wasted thiepeopleof Mtnt&iknm MeAlpine, near Eden Mitin CHe ng nne ofthUe lient parades. T ie ue mt a mendertai repceensaie lie is fome eteil 10tedes, omtlip erndots Us tats nseeesaary h. prodiote soahts ln niMiltoen.Ce lsiy partieipalcd in the suiotnsng concussion ni Use 1 scnnssderale amd ne mmi iltose ecenimg.lietpîng le male il a nuecesso and the bliot e lc eiding paety mon ad aIt participasin to n UstaIil Gudenassd Poihhinders espeeiutiy enjnycd tranninciei in a sad galhertag ymiseS appreercid.hacing hionihece. undîmesbtakeop. otey CloS nf Milton cosisidees ita Thants 500 Mayor Kemis .Lasi Wedsîesday evnsmg, Use -mad an basasse teonsst inautUe coI- ESTHIER SHAVE, PAULINE KOLOU Oitle lo ithe Miltonoys- f onatonsdoring the parade and are and MARGUERITE FLYNN AilicCllubh Ieti a meeinag in to onnoosce UsaI $2.170 mas coliected Milton Girl Scous teisecloS rois, aI 8.3e. M. our readers write kàâl- K -

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