Chrsmas Shopping at 91 Main Bo* Shapp "Books for Everyone" O Spacliii1 cfSeChâdea F-, nsaCcan GM90 Titia ALSO The nCaadhen Faay Ta S Day e '4aLita ef Canada Z Fae, aponsaMblded Gaas.laaacdUaffl i *ew Sdoeun Ever of Shiu Pwm I the fi FuoBe Sm. Mwam nugg otsutc dme e ndh-4%Of et aclifeant2040Y.Off 248 MOM St, Mka NtW*n 878-7M ig Thursday, December 13 Milon Merchanls wiII remain in I 9 pin. everyday aturday and Christmas Eve owntown Mlfton Christmas Draw Dawntown tos ismas Draw 25.00 GîftZtese )ycne manyniennan i Maa S tatannaisb a&M a if ±zaa.#--ue ?14olo CEK.1 %-6012. P>0RKN.6 AT I 8 -666 CA4XM-t ASL$ o5.75 12.75 Z.00-o 3.00 ?O 7-75 15-75 - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . d, L~baqn N* me am b. <au è.a- W., on e M nOt aCnt ENSru glal7 Set yeuc festve table in style than year. IPtiI*IIao NoakeFornt Chie,, tde toOpan Stock. 09 -Pta Sattineand Sataf F. noua afa ned for gd gvegncheecce o nec l'rO% aadentuffeed Yuo ce aerac Naltk FakaPest Chca.. ~ FraeGiftWr U tourti 78-OSt.MUt )oolz Cahbage Patch Sieapwnac Snts bp Gcytog ~~fm (te7 o14)M -s osh Gs70vralsModo L trd MILTON GLASS MIFRROR CO. *Resdeetaf aCommereial * edusa aGass&Mirea 24 Hecr Emrgenneyand Boac dapSaece Art. t .u 0.1ra yro q 2~eOFF AM Dacacat Femaea Wash Down A tS-year-oid Milton aman escaped serions Injuries feiteeeiag a single car accident on Matn St. cear Bronte St. tate Sturday afie,'aoaa. Balton Reginnai Police said Bruce K. Le of 214 Hesiep Rd. crac easthaand on Main St. chen lie tst control of lhis cehidie and ideswiped a Bell Telephone ple. He cras tater charged coth Inpaired driief. Police esîccoate damcage te hie 1980 Cadiliac ai $t6,M. Krantz blasts policy of setting programs Bg Brother' (alias the She saidoshe watoed te knoooif provincial goeremet etter thrprograntcrrquirtog regtons puy Up i lt cats HaloRegon f0 havera dental hygtectst te rstute ceto publie heatth amoneg other thtoge e ano oder prugrame. ooyo Miton Mayor or foota recmeeterdatton, Gord Keote Earlter, Grattant Plttt, Mr. Keat astu erspueding te t-toooe ee erdteal ottter et Ohilrcouueciltoir Jocir healttt, tld thr e cettete tht Cutmorro question ocnehettrer Balton e eeeetdrred te hc te the regienitoto o thoue hoit do" rviolatione etthe provincialrerg poution orIwithte preeovil ltoeeeghteee by t havteg geernnentfor hiring adental adetaltvgirnteton staff, hygientst. Dr SamrGree, dtretor et Sire Coltere and Mc. lcontu the dental dvtsion et the hralth ocre ansuyed tlcat the Otarin e pdrutmet, satdseneior staff ie Ministry ut Healthis reqirtog thr departoetre arre ontpletety the regten te start neen pro- retroted toeaue the rotettry grocneand providing parltial irloay -rllrngatous. tundicg tor thent 'l grlth1e 00e-fore rontthe "Wr shold tell Big Brother mntetry Ttrry ask me, 'ArroIt "fhee ht puy. tue." eaid Mr. eoo hantrd thaf this or thaf Kranle at regtonal hraltitand pregrore nt oct ep ie socil srvees cen tfer Hallotee mrretng. Bt Dr.Grreneoidtif regmenot Mr. Keante oued the rrgten eoeerflsay thrfcralth deparl- ollen gelseitoooch pregron t tmretecannet haver this pregeont. therurgtng or iesiutenceofthe "Itconlelrr'trhfhal province,. oheh iitilly pay, 55 The reentreendotten for a percerntofltheeeosts fr rtenring dental hygreerot conte fronta the prorant. buteretOtlly heafth deparîmnt receorn elr places teenmtre burden on cmoiydnityporm Haltes. eenotydnrtypure Mrs. Ceituore asked regiesal The hygreeret and pregram staff te larily te ninisiry' would cest about $28.000 lu hune stand unite -Cre Pregracen ten placenerot yrar. New Year'Is ring-in A opeetal Nets Year's Ece front the oayer. and thers, gatherteg is planned or tcMillon Erete Buchnece,et the Milton thts yeux te mark the concluston Hritagr Centmrttlrr edf of Bteeetennial Year. prerterce ettrralo rcth a Theughil t oill lrhely Se the tinte capsule cmeenntntrating last suehgatherg at the Main thctetnnialof Ontarioeand St. TeweHall. Mitton Mayor tr Terce etMilon fr tnstalla- (lord Kante atd hecitopes ther tionnin cther thr ,atts et the old trodtosaf Self regref terce halt or thener owne-eHalt cerrrntny ortl continue toc Threvegrets arerhurng yrars te eonte t the hsorie co-rdreafrd 5v the Milton site. Herlagr Contnttler and the The opeetal heur long Mfe fonr pregrant llcom enee ait Mlo - nmn 11.30pnt rcth nmusical rntrr- Mirtonercouicrlero preoroîrd lainntnleatring "eld tintr" rcthfthpregant agreed te seego. cakesoand cooeoand prod a grac oft$1,200 tu hot cidereand prsntnatne'support thr ter-ed proeet. Run Resist Beige j YPRICE WITH THIS A OHM uenpamu Lnt encaanacStock Onlyl AUDRÉ/14EFEDIT- DMgce C&JTRE 0Mna st, a Mton 87&1303 MiltonFe AnsGallery ieriee peu to thed Jelceaesees Ehbtionee f24 Milton Aereee Jan. 18 MILTON FINE ARTS' GALLERY LTD. - Wlid. Varl.ty of Unique Christmas "Perfect for the Hard Te Boy For" peccon on your liai Wa have 1 j ~I8~ ,tc keeol 75MWY8t8764198 Newman Shoos 184 MainSt8t~S7 PALOER OELS 79"OF A .Mai our" &idat 378-4402» Innovations Federal Miinier f Siate fcr Finess and Amateur Spr and Hallten, P, Ota Jeuinekscested, viited the Mltonc Ciamber of Ceommerce Saturday ta sc ho,, federalacnoney used for the "ta- nvatincaPrjet et ithse Chaaaber licbalac; apeci. Fece, lefi ar:Innvation projet aanager. John ,Cacise; Chsanier presi- dent, RcaClarke; and Chaaaber manager, John Lawrencce. rASul OCt BE 87M- ThoCana"nCh&mDion.Wed..Dw.5.lM4 7