42 The Canadien Cham",on Wed., Jan. 25184 pvd - .~ uice Tab, Suqar-Free Sprite or Diet Coke k 1 lb. tub Iisch mann'~ sottcqm oi ,rgarine m mLîmît 2'cases asored venellies 80,80dso olse 1ci1 - 99 ~Z FSec'fabric concentrated 36 59 jM SVenetian Vaniqlla uson ice cream Ne.99j Roal .1 *75 gcelo ba ýoedSlow 3ply NOId South, 100. Florida 5orange or grape- I~SttfîfuîtJioe *RIDA ly lý849 v U':re product of U.S.A. ~c nverted 2 kg alifornia grown cloobag 2 mados Ir E.D.Smt 3/lflfl pure jam Dnly 158550 iff> 1l30ft e Coeo ca75005L05001Coke IIste- [1:%br,, reaI 20 a alvres 1 75 0 > tl 89 Hereford 24 .59 enîp'n r 2.49 syrup soya 1.19 1.29 OId Duch amna 1.19 EWue poiah 4.21 spec ual bulk fried noodles M.% 27 "101.19 special bulkju jubes ,'10 S9l from our deli- deli slced assorted L ziggyslectron sffAami aveabe in sfleded YLobams stores only in ail stores Note: Loblaws Y-9eldy speciale are flot avallable In Lobis iuperstor WdJa.25 f0 Sat. Jan. 28, 1904. Mores reserve the rlght to oitI quantltlq.- M zi Kraft cr'acker barrel pure jie 4.29 1.09 iiera mushrooms Lawett sauce Royale facial tssue gi0880 1.09 1.05 MWWý-- - 7 .99 1 is .99; Pianters peanut oil 1 L botde ------------------- Mix 'n Eat cream of wheat raspberry swiss rolls -1