Docroge hon becnpegged ai 75,000 bib tis Camptelînille ire. A caone hbonsot beens ien- iiOrd, orrordiog ta Mittas fireightera. Fire takes everything O LIsl)hKIRoI efot f h frtgl rhocwrerforcrdîto Solf Bierco tendwt e l cdioaddrrrandrhlp- Na causehas rondeerieora bla e eyhs. crt-ch gurd a rionce tacmhnce one Guelph Damrage ta the homse han $4en rsiatoid Lire Tt-rcday aterrron. ail $75ion, accordîng t aolnd Ferrer, Mltonfiretfighterrcateni cure t han ecer Miltoan ue r peentian ohicnr. honra pttiog ont thehfr aîîth e hocrrof Hrraîd itîcmtleiy thet-crilerhroc .tndy Jencan. ocaird a ct-net dstance noriha t asdtebae of Mhaah Racecrat-a icnr tetto Neither Mec' Jencce 0r her 14 ta-ro-nd Along crth thrertrecre coid, hirehgt-terc daoghier, Dacanererat-ocrenatthecîcre noft-ad the added prahtecr ai the ire cpreadîrg t-r tire $ietea the wcrott f thehomse. Fîrefîghtern nere catîrd chartit- $4iare t Snne ai the coallcere rîpped docroin pcr. cten gad aîîthe racenay nnîîced adrrioputaoutthehblaze. iacreaccoig ut- tram the rac ai the Ttheanouecran caerndhoyinrnrance. t-once Mrterson aaîdthecrotheroand danghîer Biirry caidtecrpeeaîarect-acrperedîthe areritayîngcîth relaoives. of Norit-Halon nse 24h2 TV D7F INGO Mon.-Fr 109 EnnenTotnle Son 105 nEt t-Open 7 Dayo A Womk 82 Ma DR. R. STROHAN OPTDMETRiST 878-5882 Houshod Hints 1i i ,Sp"i. j1, ih i i ,I lot ni i ni i ai tshoýst,îltioy.i cii ,,,11 l Il,îcsis ro t-nI_ oo tlol ninasal a 'Thse 7ssndicf hnmpons Wed Josi S ieç1M8 Oppoirtunity to help kids earn and Iear-n Dp ERIC BALICINU Principal MerSrlietnni Oheai Oece ta a blue moon Ibere cornes along a ceai oppetunelîtulabcbg togetberllse world of thechild and the corîd of wrk ansathse bg cansonmty êre ta raine tnds foc or local bor laddition ta gotng tb accomplisb Ibat Ment- cbldren aed yoong adoits cr111 noon fiod theemelnes factng oaochalenge on4ere, by msini nwleolge and skitl in od intise acisool mo ib tet- wtt)banelte satisfaction of nsahlag a vert- significont contribotion tocrards the hispital projerf. lieren hocr ce hope tbtngs relit norb out. do the renoit of o joint pia o rkredouto hetaienomnaogement and staff aitb7e Champion and principals and ice-prioci- pals of or Milton Famoit- of Sbools, or yong people crut be mmmcvd in tbe dnnnlop- menf of a opeciot odnertining sopplensont to ibis necspoper waich crUt $4 cîrralateo dortng Edocation Weeh 1984. The odnerfinesnentn, crbîrh citicatitor Pomneroy to get car of his dreamns, councillorsdecide IY CHRISTINEBSTANTON Onrge . A teipetnt-a-eapnt dehate Ca ei a dcied h ovrthe necr regianat chair- regianai chairman ahauid lrare mnscar cran nettird at a crid-stod Fard LIt-.I[n reginai caacii Wednrnday. discussionsaith Fordaver the Chairmnan Petr Pnerycruii eiiergytfroacrratrrtndy car- eeiean atininance ai $4,982 rentit- heing caîdacird by for the year, ta gel crhatrcer Ration, Mr. Panerat- kind of car hr cranta. negatiaird the leasing of a fuait MreForeroyasaya hecriih e snord Fard Mercary Grand drivng aFord prdac,crhich Marquisaprrcaiosy daienby a oanrecanccendedhy concil Fard eaecntic'r aot oasppart far the anneihit-'tMte carraaid hann caatnmare niant lacated in Hoitan, thon a aid-ruze LTO rsoMeý Thatacrannt iasixoper cent Faiarrayaaidiirrailddpayithe crare thon the preiao chair dîfirreace hicrarli cran recrîced aso car alla- Bu Ba lnHatc -illa Cooncitiar tac at year, ecea ihaogh Mît-r Acrastrang ahiected tant Jtack Raftl asa a partiîce cerh csaying the chairanos chaircran ccrcuting tota hecachaide tenderdikette Branle Rd administratian ceai ai naitan's fiet hauilding tram Bartingian, aiîe The $4,982 as the tatalillw Mr Faeroyaa a flime ac o h es n ding charan craminng rm ilae kRIET ain St.,Maton 2% MILK CIGARETTES *29 - Srnatf 1.68-. 2 94 litre a Large $2.01,,... PEPSI b COKE b MOnTEra DIUa pEMroi ET COKE POTATO $119 ps49C"I-:49" CHIPS nW.eo .c sacacavaîaw WOULD YOU BUY SA CAP-,. FROM TIS MAN? JUSTA FEWDOF THEAMEAUTDMODIIE YOdCWOPURCHASEFROMCNUCKREUOA' 1901 PARISIENNE 1982 TRANS AM 1982 CADILLAC 1977 GMC SEAN DE VILLE SUBIIOBAN '10,r495 11,l895 $19,995 $5,295 :rx1;ock,ca ',5 5 5,95 $4',y795 I $3j,495 A VAILABLEFOR IMKIEOIA TEOELIVERY Bilii McDonaldl Murray Wilson Ponltiacn Subit, CadliIs Ltd. so-s7si 409 MAIN ST. L., MILTON 8178-2305 Tm 82"m attention 10 ment- of Usebuinae nlar essasosmitt-, cr11 te decreEaped estirelt- within thee nboole. Il a, ae ai pao rend ibis article, lettere areon tis a ean d r111 sborflyrive in offices, shepe mnd factores ocrons town. Tise letes wilt offt thee cecelver tise chance ta bnp an advertisesnsnt 10 a nery speclal sopplement. Bet-ond printinganmd maleclal conlo, ail mont- catntd, tocladlng a ignifscant bonus offered bytte nerespaper itaeit, cr111 go inIa tbe hisptal's enpaosion imnd. Wies conacts bave tees etabliibed and tbe advetising spaces sold the yoong people n or public scboot systees cr11 go te worh and their sklts, bnoocledge and creafive abltties cill stasnd tberns10 good stead. Retsearch skitîs ailît $4 oeeded t1, identtft- and andecstond tbe lin f o) crnchtnhicb mont- boansses are eogoged. Witing sAiloa cr111 $4 nneded 10 oeder 10 denlop snoppy, ttention getting sttensents cricb titi maohyoandsmecrant to reodtheoadvecfis- iog sateanot crth ae For everu riental RAu msrchasec v y; ~ -~ - ire ( 1 u DENTURE THERAPY JCLINIC Jol lvd 497Laurier 10ORexdaleBlvd. at Ontario St. at Kipling ý50 Milton Etobicoke 878-4900 741-9500 trlcasein d d&Mtieg abisii 11shoar np flan tise vinsel detailnof tie aderetine- moet epianned.Tise tme nf spics, lineu and design rehlch are developed lscoagis seteal art prograosn reltalan te pst 10 the test, -as adenta, rin theetelp of)lacinas, figreot designnsreiicis cr11do the joh mot. efcittivei-. Tise 1densocratic preene n11 iste ai wrok stoce, sE course, a namiser af -ounngstecs cr111 nubsit dasigna toc aacb advecfiseesent but onlt- onelIt te chose. lneaecis case, tee f1mai adventiaernest cr111 ioclode a ccossection of tudent hnocledge and atlls andahes printed or Yt-nn pesple cl ses otociemsseves inb cesoits of Ibelr crestine teinhiog and pcocticatsbilLs. do theecoosume, yt-ns r esîf st han on skilted or stodents donb$4onoce thet- are givnsao mal opportunitt-. Or t-amipeope wiii dota Fost rote job aod 10 dosrg ai thet- relit tnarn o greof des]al ndlthey wcr41 ois mobe theor own vert- npeciai contribution 10 the bospitai gcocth. Once agoin, ce tii$4 oaleto rer that edrcation pot-s! Pakiýg A .d»blé r R-, ýf St-