fli ThCenws« tpsim on, e.. nFdàý, sportscoreboard Central DOnt. Jr. B. 055a n 21 si 4 '0 a GabellBlades 5 % 2 Oli . 1 10 M 21 naîlanS S S ti M,- - lb-7. Sandutne Traspot Romaon SRoalty 2 i mi ia-in - (18 I 7a I i F - OO 1 E, S m - .331K- Bandit Constructions4 Mittos Wetdiog 2 naVSei.i>iai 1;,n ""inga i19 (linADISinea CliIR RLA-Oa.. . llî inlnl G slsOn.Sasdiyh Daaaa.niiii li 1,'ynnian wlferan62 san i iL luie> i O hal Mions Hockey Leg»e Cinnoala a i . 501 O.. .. Oao aa1nail ChaleaI vO 50'4, îlE n PnaUilVSad nSain nd GOneîetOwMGemini 4 .Wd t-&Endis i C oo lE>ms .,n0 i inno am -11, NioOand aek Cn othc nan Cn,» i i %Iidîn. lsia.y MaVCny R.nah, ,r.,i rNn.an 0iM 5an On iv ..- iii ' 0 15e 5>0010 na lia18 3 Dý.i ýD I m 1V Wlsie Oa"s Lngue pala.. W zL 7 FA PS P. l~ af 2 ili i 1 l L_ .*,. ,.m 3i Gin.o.tailee>.iat a.l M pla GG 4 i. COsizenin4 O. a OantooSIniiPo -yGaseul C«- Mae.ri. 1aNsanai% nanan on la Laensi on tob isa LyM,. 005la Sl G- ORCd ila Gokacu35 Steih dinoFonce 25 Pe. A lri~nOC ii Wii HOOaO J.h.aLeno li O li Laî nia on PhvlninnLiy um Joln i 5 8m Vainhei.n k. nna nin. 4n1; Ban -.:-on i... 1 en.;do, r.ir, n.piai onsaplanai can 579 isis, oannn5a1 [c 's nl.KkoSmo .Winam.on tinrias acoiiooOaI, ý, 's MCîmîl194e 0rxb anninisMi1; Caty Inn lin>, 05 Ssmo WainniMî on s 22 Il. ddVhn557il ii lDa. GirlshüChoe .n.naanassniial7. NiR Siioco anp 094. Cathy Vn V MaanS. a-iWou.o..SV ViiOen aLhyAiOoVn B"sn, ngk:Ge a« Sl. K- Oi» aion Bo. S e.7ai3;1.0Mi M4i . nalo 1,0.on», bsnCa In Ol..insgne. - Th ibM. J.n 577 inoiankîi2U. MLeBoinn15,le-By NI&.Onasè I N $1.--e - $4-3 FREE INSTALLATION Jo hoQjp cobâote Q3atpCabr qc fiM wiQQ isgtoQQ91 ___ O_ R IRSVCHO4CE CABLE T.V. j mm N OIURCHACNSTALLED;" M GEl lTH E=YBS SIN ENTEIITAINNMENT FREE ý4A0id EJke Mtiay u0 h Hakton Cable fyf temf REVISED REGIONAL OFFICIAI PLAN nAMENOMENT NO. 8 WATERFRONT PLAN IMPLEMENTATION POLICIES Councîl for tise Regionai Municîpality of Halton bis propoonil an amenilment to tise Regîonal Officiai Plan Watonfront lmpleerentatîon Polîcies, The purpoon of tise amendmont, 0>0w> is Revisnd Annenilment No 8, sf0o provide more tleoîbîlity regardîng funding and participants for tise Watertront Plan, Tis eoxlsting fînancîng provisions ofthtie Plan roquire tisa 50-55 per cent aifail lunds for the acquisition ai Watorfront propertins be contrîbuind by tise Minîstry ai Natural Resources ibrougis jie Hilton Region Conservation Autisoity. niile tise romoînder as contributed ip tise Regîs> Recentlp tise Region bas enLoufliernd problemn-securing tise necossary tonds from tise Ministry of Natural Resources as funding for Watenfront prolecis of ibis 1 nature bave timon gîven a Ion prianity Reniseil Arnndment No. 8 nîli provîde tise Watenfront Plan nîtis greater flenîbîlîty î ina keis amas 1. Whso can participute in tise implementation of tise Plan. 2.Wiso cao participate in tise financing aspect of tise Plan, Ares Munîcîpulîties, tise Fedoral Goneromont and otisers nul tison Se permitted ta parfîcipate nististe Region, Conservation Autisority and Mînîstry of Natural Resources Ail înferested cîtizens are inviteil ta a Public Meeting, nich isnll Se ield during tise Planning and Public Worka Co mîtten meeting, for a presentation on tise proposnd aindmont and ta pirtînipnte in an open forum of quesions andl ansners on Amonilment No. 8 Regional Councîillos, Staff, and o ropresentation from tise Haltoni Region Conservation Autisorîty wnul be present ta replp ta questions. LoCation: Committes Romr No. 1 Regianai Administration Building 1151 Bronto Road Oakviiie,, Ontario ime: 9:30 u. For farfiser information and a capy of Revîsed Amendment No 8, pMase nattant: Paul Atteck Davld Varley Senior Pionner Rogionol 01erk 8 2 72151 639-4590 Oaknlle Burlington TH4E MEGMOAL àMUNICIPALITY 0F e - 1 in hockey action Hflo, oe wins- 5 a n-m la ioeuomr yi d h ooier "goa ne aihe 241 mark 1 Home Haardrd i t1. himmede o f 1the second frim J Walesu.4 Onteriosen .a oey A uiu. Fllsehieoiuh scorers woeeed 11 Cornme on pW&y a tou Miieuohvied by lain Heberi 011e poiled ome f s 11Briperled; bouliand il wsed wlaa4-2 bkm for ome in1the second; and ose lin0the Ihird, 1thei Milieu, ladtUge a isased. Kelly 59~11W> the01e milieu markers ce fron cmuiieoher marker for Farneborugh. Gesby in he leaiwih 2.32 left onthe clock; Fortunee osded l e oid" nlaier amflosec There's gold in London, Jody MDffe and Kelly TraloP ug aib and ;a aUner modal witis felson shter Jouis brosut bock gold medals hfer1theidiato Zostto in 11111. Filgure Skating Clb ol elowimg OaiO0kefld E tce Junior Bronze frec skate Flgbt A e cnmpetitioo iLndon, Ont. îatq ot wite> Iere non 14 enrants', iey, and olier members of tIse clubi, Miltons Tino Kiddeberry nos second in theE weeattendiog 1the Great Lobes Wmnter troc siate and fenIls olter figures. Skoting Festivl, and opus compeitîin. Jody won bier modal in thse pre-pelim- Asother performance of note in Fisft B P inary. troenigîc Figt A division; olit easNancy Mconoei wttooas second in tise Mitons3 Jennifor McDonald placiof fosrtis fr00 skateJ n te 0v001. Ase in pre-prelimnoary free skate was In Fligisi F, Kelly camin ni lhe goid Witis Am ber Wilson 0110 tank a silveor inFligist G'. MIISC oater Andrea IleFranresco in Sleiann Hcath nis a silver in Fîgbt H; senoenti SIerna Wrgglesworth aiti siler in Figist heee wan oilinr ton for Lsa Marino, who L; oiys Scoie witis a bronzin oFttft L; was second inFighttB preiminaries. ad Oleenai Wrtigeorortltal to tak a i Figtt C. Nataie Ctarke tank a second bronze intise ladies' pretîmoary figfras. S EMC IIIA 0i R 8n 87-22 MUSTAN IVNGGOO SUiTE ON DiîlILA SSO Sais $ 5 1 mi Salhoft e 401 0 17makeh ore . W move 8451646 MILT0 V8 ON SToE piAMERS Itre vS.kN one md Haidware esertained "feadteo- come nos a mark beiter 6-2. Caroline Grmsby gelbu geais, loein hi e secondvnib on aintfreinude&laLesdi; and onein thliserd on an s" arnsifruGis Bacon. Gteistianne Troms lget a paiin h e thind peried. Thse irot, onsasise, came atth11e 6.3o mark, and her econdnwas et3.05nllit an sauin BmShedsLeach. Oliser marbonomesinoee lla L«ea i th irs col ~d and D. Tys in tise second. o n n la Junior action, Milten F'rankel Steel pst iegelisor a fantastic tonin efforinsie 0 irst place Barliogton 1l, 1-t. To the fBrai pccied, Kimo Lee scered ber rocs-once geai on a pas trom Jenoifer Flanagan. Ibe girls nere ail 00cr lise Borlinglon playero. Borliofon fat a poner play goal nis Jennîter Otoccers in tise penalty bon. Brenda Jones scored frnm ber loin, Gtondaý Standouts fnr Milton ocre Hcateei'yas, Jenny Branks, Lanra Koottarba and Sandy Woniey olso inJunior play, Teai Industries lont a 3-0 decîsin o lOiakisote