oNo Op Sufnmg MAltI-On. 0008878-,80M îProduos Fres arrn Te Feres PORK b BIEF Gros ciddtcuMroidfo isod aloces Cg, oroppsd a etendlix -î to S f- G. Ustrergla,854-267 FM E IBOK JO Wu cm 5009 o- boit -dmofe CANADIAN MOBILE SEED CI.EANING LTM. 1416-775-994 A Ololo f iApteCett-. HAI t- ram fot- ale, large ct- ct-t-t-oit t-ints, Oit-ny oneoohoarenen 77 4557 Fra Eqslpmenl SNOWPLOW-dt- Sot-rs. 3 ac tt-ot-r ngle. complt- it mit-t-gui. nitee,. Wekdaîs 20- e445, ot-et-27 t-est.827t1401 oLCtKSo ITt-.Stecienerrît- Nroa no-od coret--ttiven ctoeng. 5 Georgt-on.ct-n6ot-t F00Rtate-S---toiat-r mit-t- Sone cnt-cnt-At-ce 2 cng St-ippt-glknnoeiî0874836. STtANDARD bredtrot-nt- t-atpninng t-o t-rettfor- t-it-t-tg & t-ct-tg. t-t-ntioling nn-- OFAt-TItAL t-et, O8oneco t-d, .t-ne -c t-c ENOLISO t-t-ocret- Seat-o i--s lit-r-at- ont-t-te nocellenot-Pndigree.t-aci FieriY 0000 t-et-ometryhml edd-c-u-c-t ntct[o--eg MiltonerPet-tt-t-Lt-et-tri870 2870ý eUt-c/ SeEPHnEno4 ct-no nd, ct-mot- netet. eset- eabast-c-o tenle . t-efte e eeod hom n t-cd n ncnit-n dcg t-ccir t-n6et- LOOKING ortnt-cle ht-e-nla t-et-gentmot-d t-oie eg t-ct-cnt-e-d trier croes,cnt-i etct-a ncd ext-t-nnie t-ced ct-t-tt-ctn ct-t-tdoit-87ieOct-Oarttt--te t-LEASE oet- t-c orttttcnth, nt-nect-gin La ot- dertcnt- Cn t-t-ne -t-nt- l o. -nt- t et-tgtn, ored yard.t-at-t-tg t-c-t--t- t-ty Mncscot-go t- .822 -7i eentgc. Hlp Woeted EXPERIENCED ExECUMTVESECRETARY Wt excellet-ott-tttg. t-t-e-tnd icomuAnicti- silAi g t-oreenor -ta gt-e ont-- ntec cest-bt-tctct and mait-act-rronfncetnics and criot-n-in -t t-o Mtlt-n, Oakiia- BfnIc ct--gt-S-to Seccoaixin- g-ticannt-utt- flu-n t-tcin t -ct it-gesi acn-t-iot-n Wit-ot-st-t-nect-inniyyl At-n t-st-ont- Cnt-ctint-t- Ont-tstintt-St-t-tct-t tSIob. -o aInt-Sie-ct-ondstcac-t--et-on--îk-cen W-i t-tepot-dit-i - --nt-lo t -t-t-cidnt ft t-t--Ct-t-t est-i at- nd-t-t- t-cet at ncelnt ict-sacnc-ion oni tt-oCt-t-nt-i t-t-ne os. icnm st- nosoott ct-t-tct-to.- coCneo hat-os c91Mn Sat-odct- Ctd-.t ;MILTON HYDRO OFFCE CLERI< Oel l ime Pemonst Peelolco noqiremontn 0Garerai1focen noptiencen inciedina etheoâofe n-oct beonnet5 maci..oand t -t--tg i72wct-m isceuateini -loossarttophon ongooo saler,- to b oson eet- esece. Aplci8on. mw t eum@, tn tadmioen Orlyo. the attonoion eOte Bit-ng suen Cloino dato:eni 1, 1984 F» BOX Jet 55 T540MFSON R). SOUTH, MITON, ONTARtO Lit 4N9 SWICNBO(ARD RECEPTIONIST Eoraeii pwoson copotle tt teodling a bao lowoef cle repiosed otiig îetitnd toaMliton Compotr Ftsaeo tend rsama in cofideeio Bot Oue, cto The Csnaidle. Champio. 1 91 Msio St. MillioOnt LT4N TOWN 0F MILTON Pub tReuctioa Dspflnoa<eff PAIlrTIlME EMPLDYMENT OPPOIITIJNIES Tien FPekit.ond senadon Daponot ir ii ho *csptleg oppiice.8O800for soge ens mplot- tiilnt Isèneet-lo N Fabhesry 2att, 1984. FF JCATtOPlSn lsdsslrabt n oi moandai Ci Apphocani met pnnside to racesonrt mifor pnoora trtooporta6ioe to ond fîont te location$OfeteoeiigspeognIeam. Ashe m s h kod p m u aR-8"da Osnuo moinhiM*Tem HL 251 Mât Forfu s lonticé 877211 et 48 PARTrS PERSO2e FORD 5-EAVTRUCK Solaey m18 ha corn -aaooe th mtope80 Fou Ceoat- nybeafh pckage. Cotat lon Thasso. Fra fM.aSp- . Oofalinaor Motoni Millio. vSi.3 o r mtSOS ,f Ili OAKLANDS REGIONAL CENTRE Rquios REGISTERED NURSES Pert- ime/cseal nursest-qeît-od fer oct- Hoclh Sert-iues Dopons- [mont. Mit-t-mnt osyeae eot- once je g hospitllmt- sme omph- eis it-n eoret-moe-otfte flloicig at-as, ts t-qirod: Pet-lic Holth, Medicine, Podiat-jes, Psy-chialryt- Emoogoccyt- Knooledgo of gromth ood de- nlopmect asc cou os knooiodge of ceesatioo of montliteardalion aod it-Ocrloled probinmc, ae a defi- ctte eceoi. Muslt-eetle te cerk mookords, deyîs, ftneeceecd nighlc s s-t-ohas 12 hlucoshiftc. Pleaco 9erd ful eueIno: Sutpet-tet,, Pet-inor OAKLANDS REGIONAL CENTRE S53 Bco,1t-t POt-Ontx 545 S OtEt-ILL,QOtsrio LAi tB4 (416) oaa-i6a MECHAN ItAL desigono-/ttratennt Wr tat-r va c et ot- on nd id -tet-ondtate meelst Ptrt-i oct o pott-ieto molo desinot- dsrobie. Snd resue or appiy t- iMaid Masters, 23 ArmsrogAee., Gereatown LiG maaiodar or. b40 M inpet-no Mafagef OSt. Cair Palt & Wsip*pr, Miltn moil. THE PrueotilIntereoco Compant-y At-on-o at anopot-toit- for e Lt-e cnd Oen--tat- Itsrocen Agn t-on Brint-oioandtr Sit-tt-n Eperent-eran rsabt n oitetire. Pt-acet-t-enwilliam LCrtmnt-,Ct-Lt-st-t-lis. 64-3433,.onico 44-7252. t-tItEOSAL Stider, Egint Late opratet- at-d t-.c.Lat-n cpratct-. oit- rcpriennod cnet-tionn edapaol. 35 t-rtsmnmm Set-resconeor at-t-yi oatxd Mastr tif., 225 Arimstr-oog Ae.,t-eg-etownn,- Li4S e ci-n- U IOENTLt- t-oded matretful t-me n sd prt t-t-o ttttrs t-ggo toe ctiomerohomes. Jobs at-llabeieonatlatouet xihaveo om ront- oportoioot-Colt- t-omams erv sices, 37- 70,tat-m. t- lt-m. Modat-- Fridat. WAITER/ WAITRESewntedtaiilme. deys.' C&o- e-22ftr 2-es pt-m. Heîp Wanted' NEED A CHANCE? t wna drect af beig brait enad thon oat enp ctaitice ta enter thes wldetp expanikon lltlae kInduatryt t ewond $40,000eMp fitetfus enotlh.VaisCnM t"o wth mi y tMeot- No soles etipertence necestsery- 41e)863- 0109.- MODEL MAKER logesetO fedsteit for onSonnple5liapin engneerigpttyesaond sampéet- Appgnt-ieoNmuenuhavaeoleet ositl kig aos xxt eat-aieoc nla shot motel totriosOce mtodoend tsnhona, ntoiirp opantrog otrclotad mochnrandosqdt-nt- SONN ion rssueady -emoxont- gos wooteogcndStoent- enda s emetice enoc andhosotlit poan. t- DOM#4Cft-oOtiLiS LIeE 135 Fourlh LIne OakvIIIe, Olt. LOL 5B7 (OaloviIIe> 845-3883 (Hamilton) 601-0921 I-sOIFWAFJTEO t-t-t-en heit- reoeired for Ator Office. Goodoo-lepono t-eoxoiitcendrt-teg ee îsired. AconnAoxeorlaien nportil- ceot recisttie or t-ayabls an ....t Electie tporter cnd ciculao x- t-ati toce tt-eeat- wt-m renspnration Cali Mrt. Dlooond 853-2230 Bteseen 9.0st-m. ta 5.00 pt-en *WANTED* Fifty People Who WsnI Ta Loge Weiglt Andf Mate Maney 4168)83-0109 Pant-Urnte t home Wei--slet-ished mariketingogrgxclze- toc rqites neigeina, maure people toi codeciioiphoeoiteiviews oc bot-cl ef s naio-cide retait drysotmenl store, Trinig la poidedt- Ccii D. MS. 1-416-441-6773 SCISOOL BUS DRIVERS WANTED MILTON - GEORGETOWN AREA ACTON - SPERSIDE St-t-c -t-t-tg t-ot-t- 'E'Licotrt-cooed For otre informatoin TRAVELWAYS 8774448 WORD PROCESSINO OPERATOR A Bcnlîgion t-ctut-nc co eonxot-s a t-tsitlt--t- t-etletllet-or sa Wod Pt-t-test-t-g Openelon. At-t-ii-ets thocid haeo Wod Pmtcesstng soperienee- nteetat-ip os IBM Dspley Wciter o Syslom 6. Ws f alnun excellt-et-oitIpa-ckge ccdettct-e ct-tk solicg. inciedîng necneticccel (et-lit-is. t-buse smt-e-ilettsuto Personnel Departmment THE CUMIS OHOUP Pt-. OX 005065 0OALINOTON 175 t4CS CAcRPETER-local t-at-mît-t-do renentioot. tetat-,rtt-ct-ceon,cet-font- et . 3 0tes- et-et-lt-tce onti rot-tact-O Centt-tetiet--cett-t Mosaitn School of ltatoring kogAiot- Matloonoiist-SceoocFt- caet Ttpiog 878-5095_ TV & RADIO t--es. t-ttort-oms Cat-t-t-oNte-cOctt- ct-t- t-cevtet-tg tocmetrcit-t-o St-oct P-IANO tract-et- ait-at-in for- hginors t-t ocenntngs. eonaet-tr tatet.878 544F tttoc ct-cnt-octe, temnlarysIot- t-et-tt-nt-ir stttcint-et-cntitrcal end -gi-nerin-g ctrtt- ct-t ee--tet-t-at-t-st-talicet-C tai ctt-t- nCareer Troleleig UN NSTAM EDCAIONL auS ANS SF CANADA h V pao re 2 or ass res alal hi pou ndprach ta e orsmelvet -e 4wiotn eslàeo to-O ortedhei, itg dnoi. Lt nsratatha porent trrdtC.1 oe 4e53im BICôKiEPEi/IACCOUNTA ?trox backgroundt14 fer Biigi*ta/ Managorrirt pootion, In omoil Goargam/ ptutaig/ aooooigCo. $77-3121. E2CFEOtENCEOexotit-.*6-tife and part- lima. Aiso Ixl-tIme Orocaty Maégot-and Cint. Appiy 22 Main St.. Milto-.0M-44%. EXFERIENCE0 etctr, fxi-tImo and part- ima- Aloctoll tlmor part-imeGoerc Crk. Appip,22&Main St., Multent076-Uta. FULLTîME mltrres/motes montog. Appin pot-sn eioe3p.m. & 6pt. Mcddp Dock Resttacrant,3M0Metiet An., Mitton, Ont. GENERAL machiniot, ropsoience nenaoaerp. Appiy ln oritIngt- BO 1062, c /n0Tho Canadian Champion, 19t Main S., Mlon. 6000 homo ln the contry procideti fer tirai. ladytlothoip cat-e for derly coue.a78.250. 416H icheni Stemitor anitrlal mort, a6- 10 tcust mentit. Muot ho doparidahie k, oliing to moan. Contact Rot Colier, Gllineor Miro. tLt.0878-283,t a... - 5p.m.- LICENCED Clant A ment-stuc reqolt-ad lm. mrdlaieit-. St-eldt-aveonot-nmcomit Tnytor MAINTENANCE Prso -rt-gît-na lm- mediainit- Mst ho mnct-otiCalir lclnraf, have a tnoedge o omaîl et-ctic meorsand cavone en otiî sk sa-tl. Aspyit-nipartor Seperwment Ond,S9MartinoS. 878-2311. MATURE protort partilmi, mest o analialî for Il st-lut. hoolt-t-Tt-m Hittit ongi. 575 Octat-le St-, Mlton. Thrteat-I& Frldnt-,O9a..tt- lo t-t- Daycoîo Wee Care Daycare Centre (44U04 Ont Ld.l 258omemrialhSt., Miltot 878-7552 Fulit-nn-rnhlcncnnct-n Agscl1en-i Ho, tnct- dtt-tIer s tnt,ncittsnacks. So fclites. Lotgo moleipt-e-d loîennnd. Opet-aor t-conncda t-o-tt-day ct.6.-t-- O on tnt ccnrinc d--ct-ttied t afontt-tt-t et- nt- n BA RYSITTING t-t-t- oe2e 2arc andop-t DA-tAt-E eait-n en t-tt- ione. Lcaret- Woodward nt, Mot-t- noSt.-a o o -t ert- tct-mit Agit 3 & cvent 870 4017. DOMESTItC-hnt-t-anilobt- nnt-set-non ioonn te iak cae tnotfc-ttct- drno oot--t-.peroanatoretart- t-noe.At-ce nenongi - cnkeodt. At-Igîtlt ho-enctildt-ntn yasot-ent-87950912. HOE Emient Wanlool 198Y0F 111EN WEEK 6-nylle. ntroat Or power n t ereoing. e pradi ot AM7IFM.Stoo aNe 4923 $9,495 St oNtSt Milon 878232 BEVSLESO S1ESSRIMOTRSI 6liAPne Sip...lton878 179 lois nsICK Cet-rty Spell, 6 ct-i., 3.8litre angt-o, p-., t-tbt- t-tnt-deoger.tado, item paisttgoodcooditiot 2eent00t-est2n72- 1982 CNEt-Moxnta,- ledy omeed 04605stoek 077. 1982 RolistiE crtMo, stocek 005. iM0 AMC Spiri, 0430, stient SM. 19t19 Tt-odet-biod S525, tck 5576. 1i80 Mon Capri S0515stient »83. 1tt81ce pctop 9430, socknt 74. 1982 odgt Oilpiosu $7502stoent tilts,1tOitDtexe Kog Cab tIna-et-12191t5, stonk 602.1980oHonoda ImmaneloOn S4395, steock 6062. 1977 Chat Monte Carot-oer ow ilefsoneonnr, lstrioed- Geogtoion Ct-rt-er 07-5108. t964 CHEVtmoais SS auocce, poenr stisante, power brakes. moag totisîtbeco neais, 2-douhot-ip. oad. 5100. 8i-2ic. 1902 CHRYtSEliLe taran, l-cfro in t- die, caSa. RinXceuent condijient- Only 30,00 km. Oi,NO ceritied. S1ti6t- 1974 PLYMOUTH Sot-eutto aoondcondti-ot-no tires. braket, noedset-ut- met-t. Sot-t-.oins.335- 1900PONTI AC Part-ienn Brogat-. 4 det-t- 305t-air conitnoiootAM/ FMttnron sc0ortt PRIt-ATE eest-es 055 t-ntcleo ot-t-st-t-! t975 o rt-Oconcamper, ail eoit-ec sot-ont-;t-rt- Ct-et-rot-et 2toeetrt-cet 1250;,i9737otae-t Coro la a 600Dot-con . 5 .1969 Oivet-t-cnt-pen t97it,1un7 Dodn Motege ntateon casent- tt-t- t-e tntaton megon,- t-t-iOidsroct-t 8,n0070 angiet- toto Oldoonot-lîn t-ot-o0, 4ct-otckt-tt- t-Ml lontoandot1961Oetar fort- ts-c-tct etchiceta8t-.;- lt-i6OFord cution nood o t-c- ,l969-Ferd E-noocot t-, oend t-tr-et-t- hcten$300. 1073 Ocdgn Celtiort-et-st--,t-et- 1071 t-cocai mt- tct-cie t-t--tntO t-ct-or t- raeio cr rot-ndt-ctrt-sat-s-1t50nCoalict- t-SEt-canes&I ruckstortntsot-rtCt-lt-Sot- Rera hnVlicles Toloe adoantage ai ttche i PCLRPRIS $NOW $ALE!! net-otol. 8net-e at-esr65.--tn--stttt- S- 1070 t-N ec tet ct-ext- et--r & ki bes rt--t- t-h ot-e fit- -gcd t-oct-d stn r-rt-t-ntt otct m 'aBooleeso Opportooltî , i6 ýRENT-A-WRECK A oPRTOBITf TO AD-ON PONT-A-800CR TO Y000 CORRENI 80SINESS o1t-nt-otosncennetr-tte aiet-eh. .t-o- t en tt ---t-ý, t-i et- t -- buessaoita h 0. W980raoo-Oftn5Ji BUSINSS o TUh PtndTy Ietl NqdlodopSait FsteSe leaseplostani DonsLLFRm il.,utisioha .. tol-atooi. nte 4 occeon toe rtn t-o n e- ren oth m an Furtfa dm ot-on-t- t-rot orlct--ses FnREE-t-e-cn- 8012or 3 se- -c- o t-nie ran t-e t-c fimt-t- Machiot- ocot-nes rcntog -c--dnta- GAil peeenest cat-nont-ogetowt-n, oest c oishe i4e tond i9i2t-ctst-t-tat-c,-t-0s-t-t elox.ra3'0i n e renioeet- st-ent-o fc-tt-n- 15, 1984 efer hot ri g teenoooo ocnosen-t for ale.Coul easil sa- lot-fuol o ie Mahn, oup ies ox enyte ncetoCol WANED- tet-oMilt orcotirot-t Atudee partin , u lo st-ant-oe bùestea- riai. Preforaheo o s cndo o tefreAt-ti otbu 240h5 momofoer h atethata e atro ut - rdim O t c-00o-it- tiit-,870150 ofier cpml The CanenotChaNpon, Wed, Fgb. 1,.1904 87 IAV N A PADLE MPI 4aseOt-il eetm, certfîs 9$2196 or b nl I roppie -oooCh rach so nt-un1Y41. I ».,.sAne.esm ue.T o8eM .I 9072 0005GE Charert-.auftematin. 210cor, 6 ALANO, Tho 8M gni. clifitder. 225, pemer steting. Excellenft con AUSEDedstratdi For ha*p coolt 874Mt, a diccoS..Cortitisd, 8782M.. 55 Itonr ct-lsis ira erwobrsed emoota".1Me e91 , O06 Arias S.E. ttat-snmagtn Wtenot-o Place 1on on«Mcoeh otoiot natto, tero, go coidtltn. 05,00. onolabie for obsad Mema and ttrott- otritroot Crtgiam-zcao.' ln Mtion Region. AIi caol sartoconfidentiai. 1t-os IOEOt6O 24AW00km. V-t-. 911,200. 070 ALOSE? Cati Cnd'$rt Lota Datitrg Sot-- allai.-. vice,Ben-M2t. 1973F000 Grend oi-e.power ttestieo. SiVE 604 actionne. Tel. rayer Lino 894-67t radio. 4 nom tirat, rabt ioriie ien 25,M0 (24 hoiit-e. m riiaoni. AS i,t$50t. Cliie78-371&fier4 P. M. LOCAL mot-t-led mat 48, proteotlloixokIng 1,76 MONDA CIIc. gos rnnning coditiion. for encalorai mete ien ladr 25-5. Pt-O. bhottottmertt,$1OM, Cert-tîtte. 070-4755. Bot 454, Srentnvlie, MîtolSoauga,DOt. - i17oMUSTANG Mach t, bositot-e. 8g8.-s4t POEGNANT-ard naad hap? Cali Birtttrlott, 1MssoiNI, spotm2 doit-.caliot- nexcelent gsc 8251216, mloage, 37,00 km. Immnaînlain Cnrtlt-tIn IVoeils For Sale S5,00). e78-6781t 1976pîcKut- Octon, Dodgn Cub tCsb. mat-t extttat, e o rod et-craioi olt-. gcndcor 1 a e n fl osditiot, certîtlrd.078-2501.0e-o078 7857 clitr i