Karen MeFadcieetfMlite u il b. onecofet tace ieeclhlag trom aàae andin, signal cytcm deslgeed taaalel tbUlad people rsnclthe9.intersectin ai Cbldt Dr. and Otario S. lite aytm wac latallcd talaweceb and pt te il$ "tIes rt Mceday by Karen. Locicg on are Cathy Mcrtii» from tac CNIB, Milice Mayer Gord Kcetzanod Jolie Mattaes, dircor et Public WcaeecMilto. Plaques not og a 'are'-BetyFisher Thl= rvlnclal gvereta idudo. ta de e e d am pu prepemaIolanu away wtale ia.$11 cah award frtee(aarie aelel -c i.aumfor Ontar. Scmear d &rm 'ta lqa R . l but ad ii l ai te <alrI Bardeof Aucatlee clirmla BettY Fiaber. betfor&a detUmleemarks,aed alteIis Thme Gergetown trusetee l a m5ee lihe cueeseatabever. raliereabcaddldme prepe a n Unr. Plier laid Mme Champln la t of aalgmeeey ad net tacleg lthe mater caasesatadmla waat l ete r leir lîs ead on, tram lie povncial peint oet bleu aad tare the ae ue.trse. twe or 1fr.., er m1 ai er treaaed mie wuaeneklag aa mr.e mm an indviduelanad waa not eecessarly Whle aime empliaala e iela et agala preaeeting the vlew ofth1e allier trustoes' tudents dolag 191, lalielllag Il eemd Howueer, sieteeas1te ceaIl iaue la ahie", aMe dems nt th" kIl igit a seondeor taird Uime aremnd 19at the mark aeiuddha Your number ,eoowbte wbarogwnospcn- ilte doem net t19m atadela gettlag 00 per for em e gency t eor. aller the ral try aimeld ha la for er ergenc t-heaame ' beanci>"a19. ho e 8-y more Cbefuedabou wb lacatiIf 9cr.la lie Geergeteown r.preaetatlve saad aie foeed proem, read cave-ie or a tre. cernes recemtly lcarned the Mlaltry of Kdacatlce dowa on oa r rond alter regler buseness waa osdrn on aa ihtecs hoursawards ei>caaae 1ey were hecemleg ee.jd- fic Ton fMlten cmergency namier la cius of tac igla nember et acimtaolarsi 878-7141, but it appeara ne lecal realdents eetyas are net awace oethOe apecial nember, wniolelo re Fisher oede the plaqueseare a listed l hemta cilepal drectery and th. 'demi>. OSh. aaya thoe goerimeat ia aylcg bloc page ef the elepboeacdrecLery. beep te tattue.quo, lat give out plaques Toc tn, reidents are callimog the 'owe aotead oet rney. Hall direct or tac Wrbs ep~artrnent aed Oh. teela tac ronisltry in. aUll comnmera- not reccclng an acamer, cocecillers werc tmng nommeenc eue ey teed de.. net(dnaerve recently adviaed. et t ueele Tomn Admiistralar Roy Mai» Infttedicd are talbinotof aie fthtcr cooaoilora tcth. 878-7141 ooatoi>r coa- mouti>e ' ai>. aid. necto ceierwita the Centrai FIce Hall Sre Fiasher aitait. etaoeght about ta. Ditpoci> Centre, abici> taenepasesm tac Ontario icholarsiltuatioeven ietoecit mas ernergecry te tac apprepiate depacornent irugit up i>potac miaaltry. flnc moue Fire Departmeat la cetlcalag au Investgatien la- laca tire ai tac Cardfftresidence en Guelph> Une, soca> th f3 ie- meadl. fic blaace hlch eccurredon flaersdayafticrnea resuclard lnacpproimately 115,000 damage. fibec ause ofthe clire bat eut ycilicendetcrmlacd. (Saff photoby Je.Bergatremi 1984 TOWN 0F MILTON WINTER CARNIVAL WEEKEND 0F FEBRUARY10 e1 e12 Corne oin the fun ALL WEEKENDatRotary, Tha Park, John Martin House The Mill Pond and< ce-. Ml/ton MemorialArena. FAI Activfties for the whole farnîy to enjoy include sports events/contests farn,/y skating, sieigh rides dog s/ad rides holicop ter rides, McDonaid s Balloon Releese Contest, Mutt Show Log Sing contestandmruch, much myore ________________________ W/N TER CA RNI VAL BROOMBALL BASH ;WIN TER C )Pti'cal ITE GRAND OPENING STOREWIDE SALE 450%/ OFF ALL FRAMES with the purchase of prescription lenses. LARGEST SELECTIOrI of CIJRREI'T DESIGNER FRAMES LlrnltecJ TIme Offer SOUKS: 88 Main St. MnTue&,iecd. MiltonTha.1. at the corner of Bell St. s.>. 9-5 INDEPErIDENT OPTICIAII Mike McGrath Complete OptlcalServlce 8 78- 0553 Laboratory on Premises PASTA MONTH Dining Lounge AT Cmânw uwll£m u LA RIVIERA During Fabruary. La Riviera wuII b. fteaturing a fobUi>ian Rasta menu.iocaddition tccowî ragular Continental fea A CHOICE OFSEVEN OF OUJR MOSTPOPULAR HOMEMADEPASTAS. ALL AT *500 FETTUCINI QUIRINALE Noodies, Michrooni, Spînoch -Ccon sace EGGPLANT LASAGNA Spnach Noode, tggpant Cheoss - Thoe,, ýSauce FETTUCINI ESCARGOTS Noodjea, Sniiie, Peas, Ga,lic- C,,,,Sace~ RICOTTA CANNELON1 Cneaofilied with Cheess-TocSecSauc FETTUCINI RAFFAELLO SPiah Noodia,Hmn, M.o.a -C,e.oSauoce TORTELLINI Psaooffed wrh Chisken-Tonato Mohom Sauce FETTÇINI Mg. NÇG - FINE CONTINENTAL CUISINE ~ 478 Steeles Ave. Pimoc878-7203 foc reservatlons Open JOo ne. f4ondain ut'day. CMIJMdC*w 4 p.,. med OPMiCECMEUS-MillPond, 730 pm IIEWORKS DISPI.AY-Mii Pond, 750 p.n SOMiE b FAM.Y SKATING- Mil Pond, 830 p ni pARAEIRITE DOMTTGMiii Pond, 1230 p SPORTS COIT E E15T1 FOR CILORUIOCUTNS -Roary Park, 29 2 Opm SLIGH RIES-Roary Park,120940 pn HELCOPTRRRIES-MrtnoSS 1hool1200-400 pm McOMDALL111M RLAS CORTEIT-Rotaiy Park, 1200-4:00 p m. INMA 1111M ACS oary Pari Tm@ApMCelgrO1:113-6tyeis;200-Ado, 230-5-lyer, 300-8-0 yer330- 112 eano POLARISA OMSTRATIOM-Miii Pond, 130 p.mn HEJCCPTU RUES Mtin St Schoo, 1200o-4010 pmn TUBOP-WAR- Roay Park, l:n230 pm M MCAM ULL11.0M ONELEECMM-ZTRotary Pari, 12:00400 pm MIIT SM-0WJohn Marton House Grounds, 2:00-3:30 p.m. LOS AIIIII0MOTEST-M#Ponrd,100330 pm DU KIM TAIM onPark, 1230400 pm Thoughout te week mach for UTTI fie a WKW ARI BR Local Mus: GYMi A TTRA CTIONS ejicenteceltTon yer w m., m etiti e i.Oene MLY PANCAKE BREAKFAST AND SKATE, Sponooredby thre Rorary Club «fMoiltonr Adults *3.00 - Childreo *2.00 Lions Club Hall Memnoriel Aroe Saturday, I ar..12 nooo IT CRAFT SHOW AND SALE Loca/Artisans John Martin House Saturday, 12:00-4:00 pr. WINTER CARNIVAL-. IOOMBALL TOURNAMENT Kiwanis Club of Mo/ton cai Sereice Ctui Teame - Free Admission Milton Memnorial Arene Satorday, 7:00-11:00 pr. FEATUING UPSTAIRS BROOMBALL BASH Oic bp Pe tdge -Brampron Clown Band Pree Admission -Oness Casua LLBO Priviieges -Pood Avadlabie Lions Club Hall Saturday, 7:00 p.rn. 1:00ar. H*~ Siqapelthe a m.uCadei caudea hy atuiaéiduIeROOMIAU MARI FAMILY BRUNCHI INASTICS DEMONSTRATION Mi/ton Spningeoo Gymnastics Club (French> Toast, Bacon, Coffee, Juice) Adulte *4.00 - CNIddren $2.00 Springers Gym, 275 Mein Street Sanday. 1010-.00 pr. John Martin Noue Seturday. 12:004,00 p.m. SiÙnday, 10.S4:00 pr. FOR DEIAILED INFORMATION roly upon the Flyers behig disUtWlito eery haine bis »Mk «cl Miton Parks and RocrnlonDopokenontË78-7211 Ext a4 aWINTER CARfNI VAL BRO0MBALL SASH e WN TER CA RNI VAL BROOMDALL DASH - WINTER CARNI VAL m 2 - -- - - -1 - - -.- - --- -. 1 - -- - I&M