Steamers bounce Toneli-umname Hudsofl la a move intendedto dramatcauly ubate up Milles In theelaysfucetu tiraplaco Strectuvlle Der la1cn endad43 after tmo bal tbey see i ui wacr~a enn udymaS Steameru, lte club'bau fred chi Ray Taneli asd byn aecdulgla Cugaru, fîftitplace fui: guera onMa 4nee l isn fravràyo esn 9dec Oiw Gr uaite chose Aclan Sabre ntAlerna Hasit mîidway tirauo lietml Mfemaaucddtclt ain é w " gal in rplcdtmltirHdn trameerpallalhhepatnt fin lati suti e ne fte ans rdeaungu Ie ucbts.g change wau made Manday atternoun narsnx.AtrBr rm t ulottepit noe eleeled Malonu Gergetown and Mimicu teere Mle eddja ormnaesla t a l atsenuu..b .. banleurte -ds nrkgwe a]lf nwa nr-- t ýtnWre a ted .Mlsnî furmnu&t elo the asar saalestn anueene pny adtio.dfneu patc badeen ntiiel Humie ScannaI!, unes!ftce clubs aoccur, saidtce muse mau made itte intentions o! gaining sine mensure o u suat aiftceur. Steamers bave iteen te mort club lu'te Central Ont. Jr,.RB eagie nvcr te lat haIt atfte ucauonspasling jest tma ie an teir lait la game. "Ray jest didalt gethUe tee tarucd acaend," eaid Scunecit. "Ba've itccn an a lideutinre Christmas. Be dccided nul le it itaur laits bitleen aur lcgu and ay il as a bad ycar. "Ray did te hat job ha rotd btlha jet caulda't gel te paletialot soafte idsse tinkis tre. Lat ecbcsd as te ast strass. Lasing a 4-t teaaa agkmst thc mrt tcam i inte icagar situlda't bappan. Hudson mas iircd, saad Scasicît, jesttacrte balauce ai tiis asasn.Haeiant yct namad auy asststant coaarhes. Perry Capata, Tanenias assistant coach, aisais gasc Hadsonsbas raacbad barckey in Mltas tar many peara aI lita minar hachey taet l.He starîrd te seasan atUt Actas Sabres bt as rctaased res- igiteda asntSrrmbar miten Actas andermet as amnersip change. Hudsan bas fliiaaed Steamers sanceltaarang Actnad aad ailbeped Tanelia aer te pauttrieclaes. Scasseil aad Hudson mas enaaarc faay ptestiat chtauge astiite mas reacited Maniay igiti. t"Iasai sasse peaple isay tiinit Gary mas ace Ray's tait bal aat as mt te case and te irs( Gary assa mofte change mas mitea me calleil his as( iMaaaiay: na ghtt, ad Saansort Teisarecainssaaiaeendaofae regaseaama anil jast tbece days etare te sat aifteplayatîs, Thte taritmite dram' mil secMilon pay Sacrae n a eeiatraofliat yrar's frsî-raand papailSteamers taasbditeyear iaia9apmaatsa n 1ISmnsadlitre iesaina40gassesadinaascaîtplaceaintemaire- cuis COTJBL. iral serins. Att playoltuserie areabit-af-sevin attairs itMI-~ tan unI Barrie getting uadacmay Tlturuday ita 7:30 pi. ulsarl in Barrie. Lant pear, Clle mon tce sarles leiingte isai tour gamin ater Milon bad mon te itrst tIma Four gamin ent ile avertibe. lieseucondl gamin eUcserin mwili go Friday ai 7:45 pi. milIit te tird unI foirtit gamin arbeduleil tor tae saine daysaunI ime tetfoltossisg meat. Steamers fiiisited te uasnion aa leller nota play- ing a mrc disiplincd stylentofahocy tantey itad insomine ima lun a playofi prcviem Friday aI Meino- rial Arcua, Barrie itctd on tac a 5-4 isl Inte final gaina niftae uasos, Aton ratlicd train atre-geal disadyaslagc lu earn a itard-taightl5-Salie Saturday lu Arlan. Thea pint pul Atos ino thit playattu, une point aitead ut Tharniit. If Arlon itad telt, Sabres andl Tharuitili moadd hava sccdcd lu play a tie-breaiter Senday aItl1a.em. n Sreclaville. Againal Aresn, Steamers rame ait fying asd lad pety mi frthelierstlmaoperiads. Stamerstled2- mtRa toisat t rainte poit fmedte mark. Baud3, Parcella made il 2-0 lter in te trame mite s e"abtrain jist oulida thte sot etudcd Aclan goalicBiçk Landry. Acton battied bari twomiclutes lter ta stase te illes une but second-parlad goals ty BR iait Muanad nemeonser DateDourian put Miltan abead 4-1t Achuat y, Milles coul have ted ity mura. 'Trevar Erit, Rirbard Grîffitita, Muarkt Hasitl and Dorias aIt bad breatiamays but none mouid arare as Landey made a saveral gand s es. Batling tir teir playoti tises, Sabres bsascad harkt miRiIssugoals lavaminutes apart lter n te pariad anal aurged inoaUthend wmaUtw is acitaltis eary inte inalttrama Hasbtt aaengadbhsmsssed breaitamapu mitn ha made a prctty pay an a Imamn- une tainig a pass lefore taciang te parla inta taecor- sec varaled ity Landry. Steamers mare stan -statted in te gasse.Thte tein's teading scare, Bah Landry, tntf Maris aad BradBWarden,ltird andlaourîhitram scrag. mccc lleggie mas playig burtanI Claude Sertran lta- juredihi teg ite gaine anal mas putont of action tac halltae gane. Against Barrie, Steamers jumealtl a m4 eacly secosî-periacl tend]itefore Celes boeeelbaurt mii turee goals'for a S-S IraI A lte Milles goal itrougitl Milleon ktole ithin unebhta la lat-minute nurge fait- cd ta nt teuscrer. Sroriog tac Maltonumas ILasdry itIssu goals mitile Tressre Reitaid Prcuella, pîsytur sain of bis beit hacktey ofthea pear, adîcd singles. 0ff the trait: Steamers aeocrned Ibal Ken Scbaeffer bas quit lita teain Radared la a limiied amaci t fptayaag lame, Schaeffer itecame dises- rbanted avitite riand qait. Thte asty Mltan player ta play a fli 40 games titis yeaaemasRie Sccatini. Ladryman hslernngcrace far tae tece. For a camplelaeaodnsswn, tara n ta spartacaraitoard an page B4. Thee masser aifte leagar scarasg rare mas farmer U7'lSandstone blasts away lCrtling laugird i ront alte 'ansliae tisaiare iaggurt trsard Masly Farrellnitregrastadiand Rogear eots dacag Saodslnesstanorisg 10-1 usetof he rrvousý ubraenltaggart cub. Wheeleiý,rs on top 2-O Qaîtîr andl efiarcatly, Mlice 1:11h aber: smali bactiaas go aboutlthbr i bmtnsasof:îiaavsg barbes gamea Wieers grabbr:ta 2-0tcclitcld as tear besto-i tiar (151'li Geogeowns mth a pair ocim :os lstslmeb la the sectes apeae. Miltons ga pai fltingoaula hi saicagea a6l-4 m'a atarday in Georgetowna bcicre emrmisg la te ramier table crfisbr f iMeacriai Aesa Sanday andl arnisng a itard-aghti TMet ird guise mas ptaye l ast sigiti îTsesdayinasMltasnavitite isarlt gamr sialrd cer Salura i n Georgetown ta the apeser. te tlacclubs sa tetead seeaaabarb andlorit actera i maes brimrerlassa Pascoe acred raS, Rab Bissenmit jast lac minutasairmaivauf la gise Whieetersa 5-4 icad. Dame Dilon arerd as nsrance goal avit jus usve seconds teS ta oseaap te in. AtîreGergetoavn apened te scrisg mit the ]sue geaialte lrsi periail. tiaetlers batied art mit tirer straigiti sacasdperiaal tale ota aie a cammandaog tend. traitPlales, (ayne rlaers and "mclitHisonasccced foreMMltasnmit lbimg taesas pmbaing ap lava ussisîs and BeesGervais earnaag Gergeown ciaseil la ili a toiatie as tha irame'anaIve lascard te scare a minte nas te baird perical rasis Cl uirpt (bier lrm barbîatothlbeead aîte 10- mAsiamaekit bal Goetnmmt Cd te srore ailtt iseisinates ce- maîeîng Ic seltte sage tee Pas- car's isinggoaltjasa ibree min- aies lter. ta the retara match-ap aI Mcm- criaI Mrets, tae riaclus piyed iavaiil peridsaitaut a goalibe ngacrerd, Hcaeer,ailtla sla12 seconsl ofthbetiad periaditaeoe e ieders galasnite boardl vit Pollen paing baise a goali ram trennan. Tithrer mintess ter Georgetowvn lied ahe score balttear jap mas siotri aeil as Paumoe ugaîn eut- citealtee nasg geai mi stitan a miuel rta pi-nide Millesnmit temargaeaofsiclcp Strasg goal- itrepavg rac Aes Ganneoa and gondl detensiva mrk enitlGerge- stusaiffte hordte retoth ie RaIIy stops Oldstars Bellesvie capitulas a n a saccnalperanal lapue itp Millon Oldara avit three geals tu eurs a 5-3Sis ana l eiminala Millon tram turter actios in a ici tailles tac a -I lea easitg ile tht midlile tresse, uwtits, tW ville aruagitl ire in te second paninal sruring tres goals le laite thec ed taera addang a iti carterailit issu tas laveminutes remainisg la seul te in. Aller Beleillace pened te scaring, Racla ODsnnet eaescd tce score it a geai ram ert Brbul anal Dama Del Papa. Saeny Osorne pst Mil- las ateal 2-i tram John Hait betace Larcy Mectan tllicd tram Gave Par- bain anti Gord Bell fr a 3-t tead. In entlier gamin, Miton belt Manitiam 3-t antI tiedmwit Traen 22. Agiel Mritiam, Ai Joitnslan notrietetcirt Miton goal tram Pie ee anal ODauneil. Ttc seconalgoal wmuscrcd by luctue ru Rai Bl befufe Del Papa cacpietcd te srorang itit a goal rac Jahustan anal Mecitam. Miloe goaia Dace Balard played me ettmeesn te pipe. Ista seconal gama, Milons am teir 2-1t catiesal mben Trentsn eveecd tearaoreit lins tasa minute teS intaume. Osborne ana l aPpa scorcd for Milon itassista goisg le George Hiriten, Jeinton aval ODonneti. Guaie Ricit Houle prfurmaI mdl. Hagge Saisetimes, anvng strings came ta a qaui stap. And titan titere lte alter lamesmites lte1 Cam e ta a rrasbivg bail. Sarit mas lte case Senday mites Savdstane Transport endral tae 14- gaiscun beaten stringaofS.W. Hag- gart Crane aviith aîandaide 10-3 min an a score miistic lntlered Haggaet, Thc mas tagbtened thte standinga an thte Miltin Hacktey League. r Haggarst eads secosd-plared Straigit Lina Icesce it Isupaita miirtn tarn leada Sanselne hy Ima pains.Sandalane and Utraigt Lac mccl in lte final gaine outhet sasn ite match isiicit cay ilerade seond ptace and lte oter bye ante braI raend aiflte ptay- Sadasse mas tait machs acd mare far thiter avisaser Haggart. Dsmn tt laa[bos aIt te end etfte 5aaareSavakdinestamedrnsaignaof lettiag op. Saggaet scared tis a tt baird-parildsors Saadstsse came aat ftying maith Raady Caadaav scaring jest ave minuti avIsthegame iulaeg a ce- hsod tram a sitat by Dereit Gril- baba and lassring ilbaisa Haggara lied lte score mitas Gard Lyos scarad titeee minates ltier.Hamerer, aviit Isa Zlie lun the peaitybas ltlcin lte peraad. Gare Haraden scareil a shoart- itavdei goalt miaitseemeil ta laamrltbcavasdaautcifmitai romain- cd as Haggart's saîta. basdsissc mcvi ta taaw n ite sermond pcrasddoimnato lte trame and seaaag aoapltaeavis madr ailded tas more goals (ha îavasitad acît tsar): avith Rd toeprat and tam Newmas ading ana apieca. ta Inte tiard peeiad. Sandulasa appcd tha teai tao 8t1betare Hag- gara putal avtier op an lte huard. Ranilp Caaimv, Zatian, Harîdes and lNewman scared tac Sandatane i mwite Dannp Agar and Ray Evacs repied tac Haggart. tan aliter games, Chtarles- Roigitas mased inoa turlth place aviith a 5-3avisavec Ramas Reallp aviae StraigitinLie Pence made shoart aritof West End RaIls eth Citactes-Koigitti eopînded fnr ail Stve gaals aintae tiird pariod lu- rladivg tbrec scres sn 75 seconda l ak ate ien aser Ramas. Ramas jampad nIoa a1-0s t aviitlte lave gaal teibrut par- aad. Ray Daiegurde ticed lte mue- ber maith an enaauisled effort and lte riait ieid asnlu telete ncl tour minutes wme ptaped onte titird parmod Otaries-Koigitîs itrieilp lied lte suore mitit Gup MeGmonis nsring aI lte 10:51 mark bot leslteonIssu À pamec'plàygoalhy tins Chunitiacb utthRe 3:45 mach lied ltae score for Citarîea-lClgbl's. Icit 17 secondsultaler, BuIIy iTomas pst Cltaries-Kslghl'a aitead tocrlte tiraI lime inte gaine. Abont une inute ter, MrGisis male lte score 4-S. Raiter nurcomedîbhe gap len4mt jet avec a minute le go bat lau D'Orazlo scocel mit45 aecas rematnisg lu seul ltesuis, lne t lier gaine, traight Une itomedno merc lu rnllig avec Rails 13-I. Feneera scsred se onasmecedgouluin ltetird par- 1 loi. rt unbeaten string %Ic(;iniof i arles-Reigit s Se Lise agaîs (barles-Roigitis, anal MHL hig lig ts s orlas bo el tisai-andl sel op (WrutRail agassi Sendîtase. M HL ighigh s anoter.Game sammaries anal standings r as te iseil as te heaavap aspart- Haggaeî s Suite Musrasav as srarebard ona page B4. Raipit eraflua lad itraîgit inau igbsiried b1 Sanssîse's Len Thc sidhamer hocketetam. mittree goalsi de Rbh m-sais taalstMm-caymrcîîta spita spansaredtpyRman Reatp, andl poueRer imells anal Pal t ibharal ibp andlpasibla jsi t'a haingiaoLakae Pacaalforeamajoe MaMase adalealtisa apire lamoohaithalibeat aIpreasslame il isarnamentian tme manstoas- Sangles ment ta Cen Smitlav avasal tecava hte te t leit nue eal iansers il ils Saper Beicuss, Jeta Ceeprit anal Bandp mas paiteal If im as, it as lte ts Ramidram Thbe grand priea isuer MacDnald. Seortng ft uRis mas tastit Msrray teas lsi piayang ai t25a mas Mite Leymsctity. Greg Orpen. hockey.WBmnng $00ste meJuhn Parier alaies-Tite Mulsu pluper-of- Gaines seul aveet tenture mile lte $50 minsar mnn Dace tit-e'mejî amard meut tl uyGap HUoarl agassnuts te anStra Kerr. Tae Mllos Carling Club teama s ceada ta laiteils braibt slt te prosincial ritaspionstipi begiuuing tbasav Peterbarough. Theleirouosisîs ar itefttta ragtFred Ont aresadi. Ran Rautraisiipi. Craag Thoamas ýisirr andîLorisnFagginlImai).Theclititas abhardîst ait eadofelliandalfacesascrldrchampioe Eati5ereinicit rIdai s gittail7X(Saf30to JnBrgsr. Un Tainkard finals Challenge awaits Rowley Mlton's eutr ino thUt pravincial carling citais piansitipu tîgares tl bas a point ta peste And il Rat Ramley bas anptbiug Io da mitil, heu gang ta prase fiee-dy lmonGuna tilléevcetlunPeterborougin l te enderdag poaitiun. ' Since gabaung cutrasce titrugithlie rcgtataal play- dame lun Janeary at Siecar, te Rassey riait ias ausauteal Utcpositiansoa! ederdogu a inte Tasitard tis mecit. "'ite curling papac mbieb jet came aut," sapu ltawley, "basuse rated secand ta lautt 1gains titey tigure mccc sunlem tey dan't kba o itamtarate "Ré-ut mec ubaaloing for 5-6 mins.t1tîithUat's mit mc'li need taget mia tc heplayottu Satarday. "Os paper, me ubeildal da very malt RButtce gamesn ot played on paper und mail sec mbal tap- Rsmlcysid be mon't cbange bas strategy inlte ritamptonsipatram ite style titeyve asealltraugit out the year. "Wesve becs as sarcessua as me bave ity ptaytng a gambling gaine. We'tt bave le turce isise by play- i-àca ftadkUnteodrým am araand temn and hepetara mies." The Milles risit gain up agaiest Penetaugaubeucus Rats Huosard an thse instcatch titis atternuasa (Wcd- nsdayî. Int ieir auly match. Hussard wmnaui te ce gtoaalplaydowsmas p rcg a point an Ibe tauutritk et thte ast end. Ramîcys rniteels wmachambupion Ed Wereuicit Fniday cveaing. 'Welt dtiuittcty teet uutavsaccd," be addu. "Gel- ting talte provincials i lucl ed o u mc needule. Rat ere gaîng titere miti thUt attitude ut having aathing ta tese andl everyltiug ta gain." Thte Milttan Curling Clubt itld a special aightl fortce tcam Ftriday andl cipped euin oe meey Le defruy te espennin te tee ml jecur film eet. "Id ite ta gise a special titanit-pounl te inesbecu undclub tuettuor mitat tcey've duse treu," aIda Rawley. - ýqggý, -a-um -umax, atraffli