nuseCw assaeOlasUio.W"., f1*5 , q'6 TheoseoMr. andMrs Lauie Walier a 16Mary Ssi. as bees plaqued byMilton fistoelcal Scets a historie hbasse Bairn became a home Miton Histortnol Sos-f rfadesignaed 12 Research of tbel, hlto,-y tsdose iy socety remiser rMetRobinsoand storeso are irttse b pat presldet Val. rm- sisau. Tie Irst uries o! istortV ioms uere paqued ln 191. Afectlonately isown as Ise bars", Iis onety modern residenc is a 150 conersion iy the ltae Ms- and Mrs H. Bundy. Ie hoooe tiat once ieoiged t0 thse barn, orcvice-ers, ion the east lde of the property and has ieen known for may years as tise Harrison homestead. fi wasbut in 1863. ise baris mode excelent use of tise space ohere once a fine tram of iorses oaohosed and bugges stored. It as a forernner ofuacarriage hoose. Mss Fretda Bardy, nee Flreida Harrison, inherted tie property in157T ise pro- perty was severed ad tise Harrison bose as sodand the Bundys remnamed n tie bars, obere tiey ad ieen liing since tise 150 conversion. tIbe large ad elegont fireplace in tie livingroom and upstairs study blockss ot tise otd bars doors. Ao L-siaped living~- dnng romm as omnaît windows on tise west stde wiciswere stablte windo's ot oetme. he staarcase eading to four iedoos is istie original ocation Jaycees wiII ý boost fund 'Me Burlngtn Jaycees wllbe rossng a wakaisono ie pnceedo golng towards tise construction 0of an Autietir Indion Langhosae at Crawford Labe. Tise Burlîngos Jaycees ave orgaized Iis watisatisnn istie supprt othtie Miton, Oakville ard Gergetown Jaycees and tie Briigtan Jaycettes. Itleatie iope of tie Jaynrrs ad tie Crawfoed Lobe tlIod ,-Itasfg Cmmitt at $Wt000fwll be 'eafsed. Tise Foardotion aim i010 robse $700000 i &il ils activties 10 iuild ar roqaiar Indiar village andd10 isdd n interpretine cetre. Tie new facilities odf ie a vital rearrce to slodents and ouIlpeoide al members o lise pubic tie ciace tlotears about arcisue- ology, Indian culture iertage and tise wique nature of Crawford Lobe. Tise olte ois inmapped oul andotl taise tise ikers Irougis scenic reus of conervaion alk promses tobe a bealtby ard enlîgitesfing esperence for att age groops. If yoo woutd be itneresled i prttcipting on ,lone3min thiss most worlboisîte venture or reqoîre lutier information please contact Ibgr Truli t 87"-208 or 27-4060. proje ct da y omagh be weely Saturdayongis ecirehed a Hornby Commaity Cetre Feis O4isod 13 tables of players ard tise followng prize wnners; Etisel Bowiridge, Drolisy Featiserston, Madalene Crossoan, Etisel Webb, Ge. Reodead, Fred Worisman, J.C. Cunningisam, Jars Wilie. k ie Vivian Saw pines ere won by Olive asier and Frak Dnwing. Many members of Onagis and Boston Sesiyeriar ciurcies ard tieir minister v. Ceit Cunninghsam attend tise Prayer ard tSare Bible Stodies aI Moarloin Viro ~tu-at on Tueodays ai 7.30 p.m. ard unrday evening 7.30 p.m atie Mase in MIton. Ib3e Feiruary meeting of Omagi Pers A and WMS as eid in tie cisurcis bal ,ering tiseroît cat. Alire Brown was conveser for tise dem- tonal period. ITie treasrer reparted a inucs d a Feisttis il mrea rmbeeh. foaresd c leteng mag. read 1mtise diopir idd hadiKages îdteile * ar idrd iseld icoles iatBtise ai historic homs vniere the ladder wet ta tise b oftai The kitrisen woo te genemiez rm, and niches in tise wa i idicte wbere certain Iots wroece essed. Today tise kistcisenla efficient and moden. To tie eh niftise btrien ad acing tise sîre t is e amly esom obicis bad bers lise storoge area toc tie -Sardy bggy" along ails oiat issow atwn-caegaeagr. AI tise nId tare boards ar d wooden ides of lise opper part nf tise br are salOIle place, tisey are cisered over witis modemn satertals 10 moise Il finoite. 'tie Rev. Finlay McCalosn, obo boIt theseandibaron n l 3, was a preci- eaI Boston Presisyleriar Oturchin tise ScotchsBlock. He was apromlnent Mdton ctizen ad oas ose of tise officiaIs of Halton Coaty for many years. For mary yearn, especialty in tise years lise property oas owned by tise Hos-etaos, tl as a ise residential pro- perty, witti a fine stable, reminiscent o lise drive sieds maintoined in lise days wben people in cnsntortaisle circoar- starces had a horse, oe a tram, istead of AUDREY MEREDITH1 DANICE CENTRES Ltd. 12 Price on ail à'ib tn Bodysuits sotto uotords (and saepesders) S Sol mwear e1Ot'0d0t Terry Co-ordinates Wfnter Tgits mbrtiai spectal prison this Vatcsffne's Day -198 Mian St. Milton 878-1303 -214 QueeSt., Streetenif le 821-1337 001er good 7 DAYS PER WEEK until 2:00 pe. Main and Commercial Sts., Mikon 878-4171 'IL Soit skin, beautiful bair Save 75% on soap& detergenis S. ave on plumbing& appliance repairs ... No more dreary scrubbing CALL TODAY W for dlotais of Our -P S UPER ,FE R UA R YSPECIAL S 877-6242 LONG DISTANCE 8712 348 GUELPH ST.. GEORGETOWN DDN'1 MISS MII#YON mAISL'S W1NTER CARNIVAL SIDEWALI< SALE! an 50 yrar. Gsi oellises to Robert Marshsallit aUs e) whoise a patientn in sepis BraitO aspftai, Brifgen, for urgery. i JeanRbierson retirsed èecently isom oa 0 s lfday vlst wibabr daugisier and fassiy tin ui art d. t The aummaey day fr flattas Seior lasti- isBSA CK 'tes projet "MesSasse Uas Dalars" as eid in Grahsam Hall, Si. Paoi'a Unied res rerssdiy. Eacis grnsp pepored and See Our iited faty main corse gises ard Sidewalk Sal e Flyer tier fods for a copets mea, tisssee star served buffe style fr ail ta iey. and The Halton Advertise DnaaSastrr,bhome ecoSsalBit for fattas FOR THE DETAILS as riarge. NO FRILIS -W FrendiF * Beerage $2.4 av REGULAR " Frnch Fnwe C Ihuoe of Salad " Groso nBed Beivage SUPER WFECAAA DOIT-YOURSELF Aodassiof sni ort99 Cassas, ailS 9 pedtr unisot --d