M 4 1!a~untmInWd., Fe.8 1984" MERS CRQWTMER Publishor ýLUS PEERO JIM ROBINSON MIKE HALL *Patse uy Wdaauay Sy e M.nand Printing, PuSknshng Et Osbaug Ltd. t191 ýManSaerotas,;Misos, Ontario, L1 4N9. Teepones878-2341. -rc;Soecapes r0# eac; iHome dstuey 3r, Sabsciptiona $15 par vea 00carier is P5 pa y mgosi n Canada; $75 in ail the ouiss s.,a The Milaon CaaenChomoilana of the Meîtrolad PohntgPublaseg Et Oaîibtng .ttd. gonas of suba nevsmpap.os whmin uds: .The Acta,,Frse Press, Tis aSou,, :asa.ApalxPickerig Nana Adasosaao, The.Btonas Salopos.The Bramptonuadiadne ,rhe BuiogeonoPo, The Burlingeas Waakand Po, Tise EFobaoe Adennisuarddge. ,Yha Geogetown I.dspndau, Makhao, Eca,,u,,snîEa Sun, Th isa Mon uga Neas. Tisa -Nvnkt ea, Thea NorStantorkMo, OakvaIIa Bas,, OntoutA Fr.dny Baas,. Osisawa Trhn Wasi, Oshawa Thisa Weekaad, Richmond HJlI Losal, TishoIIff Lb,o.IThn :scaeaoaaaugh Minas ,The Seaousovlle Trbean od Wadbidge UbLSsg Me,alaad Prtoa. Pbihiog&EtOssmaaeoeg a adion o reafo n ntsFoerpeannLsaod. Phono 878-2341 ~tr a Toroo aLnea 213831 Corne on out :This la a rarninder ta urge you and the famity to corne sut this eveekend and take part in ail the activitica being offered as part pf the Milton Witer Carnivat. *As ited in this aectioo of Thse Canadian Champion, there are avents that ahouid offer something to atîrset every Multas resi- tient. :At this writing tise rain of the weekend may have washed borne of the snow away, but the enthusiasrn is stiti there an the eart af tise arganizing cornmittee which has done a tremendous jb again thia year. Corne on out and heaspart of Winter Carnivat 84! , Ontar9brlled aiL Pesegsn ase nal s sornething that makes senae. ;He tatea it la tirne to get the touriats off the 401 and ino the hinterland to aee sehat carmnruities in Ontario have to offer. ;The staterneni carne as Mr. Peterson taured Actons olde 'fde House with Halton-Burtingtan MPP, Jltian Reed. Ai that urne Mi. Peterson said tise spot rnight ont ha visited by touriats ça Hfighwsy 401 because tise roadway ia a wasteiand, with no Inormation at roadide ta, tell matoriats what cao be aeen at the haxt turnaff. IHe feela tisa raadway could have tasteful bilhosrding but no1 rthavain of tise United States wiere glariog-blaring bilihoards uh everythnig frlotta digesto toda pp *Whiie rnany « Is prbably 1waldo 'twant biliboards af any atn n ouirnajor hghways; Mr. Peterson is rnaking a pant khat some farrn af inforrnatio is gaiog ta beneeded o the isigis fraya ta get mtarista ta turo off and diacaver Ontario. *Frankly, if bilboardiog were aiiawed, thaoks ta tise sugges- 6on af Mr. Petersan, rnany smaii business outiets wautd definitely henefit, and tisai wauid benefit the entire province. $ornething new Milton, that young persan is in deteotian and is awaitiog the decision af the judge. .That yaung persan bas already been foand guilty. Casatta kervea as a place where the offeoder cao be observed an the jbidge bas a better tdea af what kind of persan he rnay be senten- cing. :But these areo't hardened crirninats by aoy manos. Most of them are canfused about values mast of us uoderstand and take for granted. And in many ways, thts confusion stems frarn the tact the v$uuea were neyer iearned, or were not praperty taught. ,In somethtog new, and rather unique, Casatta Youth Home is sýartiog a vluteer pragrsm in which the cornmuoity cao hetp t Se young people gel a hetter grip an the miles of soctety and hrw theysaouid ha uoderstaod. fl'he.Casatts vluteer wauld ha asked ta take the yauog alfender out of thse centre for a few haurs, perhapa tais s bit abfti -f' nd gel b uoderstatf thse yaungter'e probiema and ta i elpi in same way. ,Whila tise volutaar is working with the yauog persan, the altitudes and vies sof tise yauog affender seul ha rnonitored by tl4a Casatta staff. A change in attitude or understaoding could prove crucial tathie final dacision by the judge; and the Casatta vlutear just roîgit hava made tise differeoce. 'As stated Iis is somatiing new in whicis the cornmuntty cao db sarnetising positive ta halp the youog persan in confttct with thea lase. For thosa wh asy h interested, MiSe NcNeili at 876- 1101 bas details af tise progrsr n ad han' yau cas help. viewpoint . with JANE MULLER TettettT.sP. use ttreprsnt samethtagtaandtin sashsmoms aud ths papes tuaduat secttun af grusao-y stores bat today trtke a chord ta the manda ut mnny. Ahkesu osa tteedoatcutupetitarsta porsait oftrivala supc'souucy aetisse abs ait ssspaud tot Os e The ispration ut mauy qaca type huard games, "Trivtat Parsasd t1tond a poaitrodactian atout a yen aguadtIhaaeaneues targvsait. Oh a repent game is sut auttgether utareseeahte, t'a jast hat tuscag isut mach lots. Ttats ahy it'a hard ta sattesatanat nhalu itmeanasmiensosmeone ts crit ictasd orts eiug a por loses Who caud -wnttai ha sosnaus a guudtuser1tmeansis samsaast-eatty gaag tu psactsetuostag' Lusiag is atrigistit at sault youatest ya'ce giasa a gond sht toasd wtautg Auîdryscsaly matchsd cumpetitiouaanahe mmst tmuatng bat pteae dont asismeswhat catus Yu's mtthis. Thnt, ihe mmst ut the ufies qaestons hadlme bhut8ed and ashng mysstt whu aess Iamas rathes grutyiag ta huas answers tu seassal ut the ppuents questions yet isimisnciramp ttshment tattstt ta hstp me titt oy ltIlts plastie pts huard mn Petisn't eveusoettaugt1uspirestacreatsminthespst cucy ut my ouse huches ]ttaluns s'tth anudnace ut tettat buhersa Whether ta ths pusaît ut triccu us aymng tusoaais, cautpetitttu sswhatt tnspresa ansItm u.Jastiscanase t haiettuuse dues'tsmeun ttaun'tuattempt sumethtug, ulthougitise eserts sees mumch mass surthsshtte chea one cotes eut au top. Tise edittac types asouad hsre wsse sathcsg a teta anches affthie gruuud a'hsa resultuut the Prsmtes' Ataurds categasy ut ths Ontarto Cummaaity Nes- pupes Asscattuas uconuat suspeiioua The sscstpt ut recgitionatusuu'suuorhtsumsttnspcratiunal Lda Krymy chrtnuessdum easaed at'st ton t fanse s aie sauta nabot tisa Casted Lakae pra>- est. Jon Srgstcus, statf photographes, dtd the sm tcth aspotunewsphotounud its te ist tims hisuus has beeu entered - Tisa awards hase neae hetd tise stgatttcance tue meuas thsy hase thts yens tI meanatisase jadgen musc hase ieen crazy tus not stscting something ut mine ietace toa asnd. They gt aa eally gond ues tathts yens thouagissth tise gaad 55055 ta tissu a thisd prius my sny tas usittg aboutBarisaraFord. Sheis theauntytfemals tahoa bs reasaed a Mastes Sseedsr 5histd tram the Canaadtau Husteî-Frtesîau Associatton. It appears an instise agricultture ctsgury ta s gn ta eaname aassuarsowtsuphy, (it cesttainthesata hsaams tacts> ont ta ie rtcn5led hy a certain WKRP Thcaisfies dues hase tauts alttiougistise duor s taru tîeuarty dttteatt tus thers ta ses. The sesartis ut campatitiona masstait hy aduas .ttm Rtaoins ha dmigaad tiseceond hastfronat page. The exceltteat positian the nasapes hetd in ttnsssat Excetteace etegartes sepsesents samstlaag tis ensttre staff can ahes tas mhat is a cumhtued effort sais Oas ndasrttstag dspostmsnt aise tuais a ttsst inosus Cicutation Ctegury. Thmsetypes of seslts sesr o tace miatista eant ttc hentthy eumpetittu. fiers are snme turmu utf cumpetisisua sicaihase madetitnesssryî uaity tise type ut cuspesisuan shtte autttasanme bins gîaîug cumpettturs naiad ose, Campettag tus tuud, tise rtches tiut ds and poses mahen tus an ugty thistg celda.stistsatg tas tise atmtghty dottar has tuhenaudcesttsers ta tise dsptiss ut appeaisug taouse suhasuscus tissaugh subliminaul et tests. Tiers are nameraus tegul tucttcs hastdss, deecced tram caretat evalatasuofuthtie humna, psyche used ta eattcs thehuytnguofaertuinuproucts. Sitcsistoneuoftthe tesms applisd ta thits sort tfthistg and pruisuhty ans ut the mast geatte, 's al]tus tise hast mus scnutsg ibut tisereare sanne campetttiuas shcch use su cltouuded att the players use lasers. Casein pontts atsaaputfistgscsmîtoysasisa cas tahase ses stth att tise chegrteadess y tisettue thsy graduate, Waatd yaa haiee sch anstar sus tld ta se hyaone ot the ptuyers who ctaimed ta hase ssea close ta vctt mu.Thats uhay t thaagist. tisaIsus htgh sahaul. tise shea hosmones sua sttd, lias dupaesoag Ita eheeeesdesane gaesngnoen amugswhuswesatd cnsdsomatureismen.Theeutu uesswas theserst tu tsehomesnew accutrsssututulcal istel. CumpettSnsutsys a drtysuord huseaes tttt ssrs taesaasutd capctalissmuandsheseswuatdsweh sttoat tant? Ater an t t nnult mpotuoj sissîherypuawnor]s but hus yaa ptay tise gams 1od caiat the game pausre ptaycag ita Nus thuttkous Yu's moctistaptisk, peshupa TFP dasesaes anather chance. our readers write sarised mnny extsa bottin ta reatias tise daar- anather aehtcte psueeedtag sata tsaaugb a laaJte 8tnaa the sitnesnes atft, thesa n'as uatp lo g Su e S v ta-duas ttal nI $22,000. sed ight. the [n'a aI an 10 eaptaon shat had hnppeaed. arasir; 'veas taugisse are titt sn the irst stages P'atanatsty n nas nsesiaaniy isjasad. t haisthia gentteman tas his hanenty and t vins ans picoanre t inap a aiSpsSise, o u ran sgntatiua, t haiea n ans musa Both asie e m adiaged, Cing rsnpansiiitty he han shasa. t esip Lcteitb, tas tac pal f27yaad yens, wmcaie antietpata masseammmtity atenise damage ta tasecths ais Frstinasewmttsesnens ha canld sat ake ans wcscsoavary W soc tisadoms.atlo se or iaventa. lie pupsae at mstiag thi t latexao- minteaoftaclstima, 1Iaaipaynn arsnt a t 7% VERIî~~~- td Way ta y4qpms, plnon. wý p sp disa istsnnt ih e in ramr gtiltfec cs artu ifavisg Osas 0otMbmtan ad auraI eammiasitlca. 'lcre eesvrlpol ntervlilsMs ebéVtdred a ric ssoit totca r t tyens, ana in tans af pans tstasds, ai tasencrme oteaci padnt watini siotheM .MaiilsV idcltoen mlio i lic nvs>'masinmisantdhp may. saigetous n cd selattveas seseted hatp and li me I trno ie nit isg tsaw s iaMtn 5Yaa ~~~~~~~~hpa ram the tUnited Wap. -gott tng---in--niaipin'ti antmnedtnsciatnapnrt, tp e ths itsnt icds Gasttaand Jeantsaen-Boasin With yaas maue innia upotw lt Aytm aewtnse nacdn laasaby bhaheseawhea youoruu parn ysnedau. hanea aays tatI my nomeannd tlepinse 11e Canadias, Chionîslaa mesa Donsa Ca5sles asahar mita tins innsret Patissisled. Letters InthenaEditas. Wc da, inamces, U ie efo tEnacalise Mamhas mbin anîy ais a mUnte of caplimtintaad tat rasseetins igit taedit, reolsa, and se- IO4s 8froatUnited Wnp hmaoption ta cans ma if taapneedeti a i- je0t letters. In casa.eniese es.las >taaY tiniinafo t assnistasce thaangh iuin esare ealted tas, norsinre a letter la Isna 0osair reant Uitedi Wig Appeat in 1tUnoi, ssFustasately tus me tins driver af tins taes seisted, tinhie ai ftins lttes lllli e le snpposr t ftins businses anid noair: aehiceeadmittsd gatag tinsangintinc sed igii t alapsonadianti etnsrsa. teniataad.e tafsi and nciutsy paopi.easnnper. 1tasmitisg ta rtgard toan accident wmiich and iitiag m enysiiee. WskiadthaLet the tier dlk Jla ac ta ea ana. supporasaanses ansredolnJa. 2, 1984 aitas itetrsection ot Ho madeathinasoasnacmpanesand the .ge . is dsa tis nlc , eh veinaaar ltal 4coHcmsuidtp nciea OntasioaSt. and Latries Ave. pattcesaticers jlainaltn siesmicin.ased a tise telepsosana nsàe eines tsideti. e Ou5 ar supporti, Au t man drieisg mal esmn rsstins intese taIato t o ati ma sey tas taaae insised. ttbalgacd lttera Mil k scjested. Mig ltisi ank uta air eanvannets, mina an mitin a grasn igit, t1misssîcin hy Wtat itas aid nuladmittedthtit isia h Of tho past Oneaergoý Baisa Boaard n Eo nafosenil ta resiewng lis palicals segirdisg invstlsg ftasalelins mainso atusnsatalp geitg lis $6.5smslltan isaststtbcS tram Cetral Trant, tac nen' ussers ot CrawnsTflot. Miltas businesnman tanin Nadalis, 47, asd tans aISes asac- î les hase e hescammittedti t trial an charges nt connplracy ta detsaad the pahtie. A dite tos tas trata ha cundtïeted ietoai coty court ndgeanod jury, n'itl ha sat in Mîrein, aceordtag ta Csusn Attorsey Paul taint. aaun'ing n gustp and detaros tned effort thouighout, Miton Datîssîn Aggegites minas Mtdgeîs hattted hics tsum bhbd teheant eut Dandus tfor the ight te n'est Georgetown te tae TiCustyfisnat nanans tops have huas tansning tlu se slaeanndssting machinesîand gtrs hase hae tyiag Iheis hondn at sood lthaîb nd nun s ian' yearss.but nus chat ttegrîttun bas bitisssd ta Iheisinstsaetarss BeIh Pesisam thteonty temnate tnuatrint arsateahas tathe segiuu, au excepttonn he stmptp taitsian tnids. 20 Years Ago Fsua, tel>ein. tata4issna Mitos Lbsnsp Board Manday sscstasd councii's isanint on a mace that cait gte thes5hsaryna ses homes.tLeuposnsily. Ceancdl, ftususng a cummittas meeting tant wses h ttthe LcS- srytBonsd's psepestp andhbuid tng omittes, granted apprval tas thesbarsd ta ltaise e aant R5 .Adamns St aesss tram ths en'a nhalt)tforasveysas pas ced, ai $125 pes sunth. istt 126 trest tntersecttons is Mtons wall souri ha gsaaad hy claotnatsd stsest masisasa, MtonaeCasecdl deidsd Munday. Ad thea$5,000ttu$5,00iast l ha apseud aaes the sent 20 pensa ut lIssu Ihan $2t00upeusea, Ihanto te MtIo tpdse Commiastio 'Me "Cigusstt Sease" ta murs tban tsu uesehaad. bat it basa 't utfete tsdhe nls f"cne Stackes" 'teaup great etent ta Mlan, a susssy hy The Cham- ponarseaed iisn eai. Ofthtisa11 nstesand rst aurants eantauted, uniaone notcsaarge drapin sites. Mîcg Nicholson, ..o psitstaanoutMasg's Restaurant se- posta sates base dsnpped nsasty 2 peracentsnae "thenscnss" W0 Years Ago Esa. the Fsinsnîsp8,1t34nIssue Deep anus tait hase sitasday ecgtuand SUndy oetng, and thessuascaaesedosresnuanuh- es e sespectacular ta the Miton t useceauccl bas ssap- poinied Chas. Joues as asso TMeheoaasacsapced by F Maey and is fanmly at Kithrtds. wstataity detseyed hy litreou Mnaa uteseoun, The causneut thesfisess ss eshented stase pipesaio anuappes somo. and tise lie tans wcison us us ay hature the Inocly maamuse oethtie biais. A csaad son gatisesed, but ot ta Iotise hisgbtiod and ssccitu atee,uontplte con- tenta ut tise latssspart et tbe biuldncesessaasd At tshealonhlpmesting oattise Hcgh Sciseal Sourd Fscdap ighi tise tettemag elîteers mess eiacted ftes1is4u Ciairan, lie G.A King; tsceachatsmuu, John tHardp, secstusp-tseaao'ss. Fced Damas, pcapasis cma aittie Feankis eassu S. loupes .asd E. HnssupThe fitnacial nateosat lus 1933 shoesd a dscresesoftabout 32,lOi is e aapendctsean uaes 1932. Onaille tus,, auoed ta ging toaudupt a plan nI gtsing ds costaitisaambpay theis tax- ta inadvanas. 75 Years Ago Fsam thea sai. a.,n90n issue Misa Kats Mthesun outBiut- toge Mont., lteS Milonfotushuma un Sanday easniag atter a ainit ut abutotuas muntha tu has cousins. m uai haaald. Wntssaesprtantf $4uas t taaraita and tCot,,outMit- On Tassdyseveng, 9h innt., tbe Mitn Chusai Societpymt gse n concer t in tas Prashytasian Chauc, Nassagamepi. The setuista il ha MissenstGertrude Hatlitaile sud Emity tamas, Medames J.W. Beaenad 00F. lnsaand Complitare mtade tisI in trains gaing tae, anot ot Miltas, shere mitsthtino arairnadt theare anseeaual esy dangeeo iasel.ecrssingn, du nul gise sig, nas atthese. Gteorge Srumnsidge, lite nf Futige ta Prairie, Mai ., ina tought a trait tirs. nns r Bunsig- tunanmd mi i tissas t. Be entiso Manitoaa rom Neloso inhbis parets 26 pairs aga. fia Carey Bras. iti gise tasie muisg picînse aid musical est- artaisment in the to ansna Muaday esening, 1ltinnst., ondes tine auspices at the FPublic Uhbrnsy.