Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Feb 1984, p. 1

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Dormiot Mâtaiso Drai 111sfmuant imi ine taking part ln noms iislocy. lb i Olon ceidant la«Oie inck-op gollendur fer Canadon GOlympie hockey team, miich oafhcialiy sdtoscei into tins medol round i its &i is overftgoray Msniioy ater- Lougheed 18 Ieaving Miltas Treoa-er Don Lasgheed hon accnpted Oie posiionnof admtiicalar for Oie Toms f ai rognaiBe. fIse 41 year-otd Badinury natise mode the format an- aaaacemeot ta Mtotn coancît- tors Moday ecestng ai the conclusionsofaganoeratcommit- tee metifig. tiri. Lagbeed bad came ta Miltas joat oser 10lynars aga A Mal-land COfmmunity Nesaspaper -Sorivng Miton in its 126th year VOLUME 123-NUMBER 39 MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY n5 1984 Testimony begins in fraud case lOy LSNDA KiRBY Saff Writer Ce0ýargeasf nhd uananactices ad et_ a cutycourt as the fraud trialiinvolving Milon bSisciegeLos Nadolin, Terrance Ait y, BvnStew1rtsind John Dier conttnued during the testinaony Ail face char gesi onection with s $7 million vending machine enterprise which opersted out of a building at 25 Steeles Ave. in 1980 and 1981. Shoplifting Bioplitngis a crime. iere are name min féei Oiane cmssicted ai hopliftins maaiii k dm11 mlOi les eniip; and ihere are Oose mlIthOie apponiteidoa. nie Cosodios Champion mriier 'Lindo Kichp, ias loshed ai ail ides of the 'het onder $200" question and hon Miltonr. st r emi-nWO iai sory cas ta tonrd thîn mee ninaspage B. Reunion needs you IfyuwnoMilonDisrc dram pta l colsit tbe May I0-i2 MDHS runion iii beid Pcb Saa8 at8p.wi tbe choat auditorium, and peppe r aegoiog ta ta areded for a hast ai jobs ta rosar the big gttogriber is one ta creember. *Ilia rader ta asable la attend the mneting bt monts ta pi- egister ai- bnp tbe commutter, that ceadni- can onsd his or hec sarne, addcess and ielephaae namber la* MDHS Reonian, P.. Bas 1985, Multas,Ot.,LOT 1PO. A fifOi mon, ahilie lamyni- Peter Wtos, alsa cha-ged wmith tcaad oftencrnhas heen gcanled a srsrraace and milt ienn Aprî at a sparatrttrial. Darîag leslirny ast wma-h forner office mnager Maria Mikir lestifird obe as ai-sed by ber boss Jota Dier, hat'she moaid end op drad if he tanded injail. That statemeal mas maie da-îag a triephane conversation tatmesn the imo mhea Mes. Meihle tld hîco aie had fane ta tbc police and -'ld rvery- srsraralediag compaaîes operaiîag ram the Siestes Ave. location,ia 1981. Mes .Meihie min ason bu-nby Trry AtyJan, 22sof 1980as a recpionsi and secrta-y, mas respoasihie for orodiag aut bochures ta prospective cosiorners mha tetephoard ta response ta ado for %la-mau1,- seading carnpoim adserlisnd n daîly nemppors. The carnpaaies m hi ch opei-ated da-iog Oie Ima year period incladnd Direct Beseragna mhich as phased oat and replaced by imeai Ven- dors, Dominion Ligiter ales, mlach lacer hecarne Dominion Lîghterlarlinlc. and Idal Piz- Mes. Mikir laid the caurt that saimsmea tram Oie sarians composies mold invite polos- tial investars, same front as foir amay as Oie nast a-ast, laOie lIa-les Ave. plant mhece the sesdiog machines mere rnanafacta-ed la dicam Oihe pa-chaseaof a ditrihalarsip. ses CUOTOMEBO, page As nm ai Sarajevo, Yagsslsia, ai the Olymspie Gaines. Sbsfor, mach ni ihe goal- keepin& iiles have tallent on the ihouders ai Maris Goseil mho rnoponded ith a ht hasd sn key dons ove nI Fnad i fine Uited States, Mr. Elloin daties lhao lac taon isciodeii tro thind-pnrioii stot agansot Amîtria and Nocmay, sarcendnrisg a goal nacb lime, athosgh the stints weeistestled solty to innnp Mcý Eliot ready. Mc. Ioosetis has es specta- cotar and athoogh the two goatins shaced the goalhnnptsg datins thcoaghoot the exhihition season, Canadian coach Dace Kinghas niecird ta go icb the Qocbec Janior Leagon graduate. , Mc Eiot w a nnrd (o the tenoibachminthessumsr and has traioed mith the club ic DOt TA DA DISTRIBUTON At sas Anliser (sas F[AilS [AMPLIS E(SALOPES AsydAty, asy qsantAA As los as $3A, prssbssasd Sali Lsm Fîîrn, 878 234 34PAGES-30 CENTS Despite ieri-n arin eather migliti dampes the IO'hIOltn îser Carsîsai, il diii jssi thr opposire as peoplr caomeaoutilnirovesltuesjny the mnyfnyiacivieie lus gr tpatheiaug-ai ar casirs. Foi-bot fpicisrrs asd stary non aiWinler Crnialo19854 mnn lir ,torsn page CI. Staff phato hy Jas aigsi-sm i Çggncgl c inesmmd ... t vlliea Oie frdsundec AM ie"woacssry iex forb frafic.ea-deven $S 4sIB"i n =af assin place util lise wme ater came Uis psut neeand aicna silence oser lins pSpaspsi Mcli. For Oie ismioiog Oiap nsed a âmswy iter sceae msi hasaters, andi lina dldolinhaseOini masnifprassihus Tflday. A spobsavman fWr 1MQK/tGA aSi lins îrimlta "ns iod, utin a y mp cmncellsd u0510 me hav n asags meW ý coee iegrnap mand les as Oie pend.- A decinian on mielier lanishuor sel W abot i he made lter Obissine. If chagir' itches. a a Halttas sem chairman cm Bfnaily oi tackinn hos char and feel coininrtable ih hissemjob.h 'feirut lem doyo mece missral$s. B seemu Oie neregissal chah-mas Peter Pnmerny s allergie ta maood Oie four choirs la isinreginnai Isekadqaeirs' oficen didot moine lin jobn any nooler. Warinia eochoir Oint daensiagee mihyosr s son mlasyihing tanmeps ataut so Oie regionai staff srrmnged bis tans oficen chairs loin eresçiiilsred in a sire comtar$ahle nynOisile maternai. Thie only psohlam mos, stf iidiise maitlanil regiosal rount approaed Oie 1î,amnpondure. nie assouncemeni came an a surprise la a coople ai odminitratoanmd finance meinhers mha qontioned the valiity of gaing aheaii ith a rn-opsosiry join tatare getting Oie ainay iroinreglosal caocil. "I appreciaine iealOi hasard bt aci cod have politl throgh quicldy if il bail heen aabed' nsid Gakvi5e Camiiltar Ca-si Gondtag. Briogton concisor Jins Grese, ongered omer lin armo t ne D- tacssapsal deiatisa Aie isu 0014 maous V n os1epethOe l Onma tasnnrl id bps»ares bsnsrdousWlss b lu do pan' 'ine rapin ias ta k re-ssphldsolrpd onpwsp, he anbled. Snow dome stii bqst A domS i4adiam anDainsi as invitation ta dlaaster, aeeordosg tW Gain ville Maya- Barry Sari-su. AIl Oial s nseded la ose airpiosie iroos Oie nearhp Domnovie airporita corne craosinlaoiote stodlam ta have a major 4isasiec, Mayor Barrettti hiine Chiampiono aBer hqtag tatarmsd Oie pro- sincial commitis idytag a dome laca- tins chose ecml Torontolaioln. "flie eommlatee le aut t lnch," nid Mayar Ban-cil. 'Winy bii hOe dome stodiam ta ifBiglsipaOi mfie airpis are ining tmsted? "Il just doessi mabeamny omise FamniIy gains from big win NelonsHomard wmina in O-ears ypana s enjaing ploisg Smnta Clans la Pslmmary. Mbi. Homard, oaiRbhert Si., wo n,sss00 sn Oie FeW..25 Wmtncbo MnerpBnnn. He sai he bsh4on tl aimlip"adhs bas giseo monepitunOim:pls"aBtte fWr tins chorch." and opts for support Region backs Pierre speacejunket Haiton rogianal couasdli ants peace rnceîcnd as onanimoos show of tempt (o hcîng peace mas an im sonal experience as bis i-nanan for aterali. support. prtant stnp intin the cîght dithion. suppottsg the peace plan. Last mgnth members of the ad- Bt il ddo't camne mitisoot a figbt I i aStisupport anyon mho is tryisg -Al BSonny Crnek o tloiog is trying ministatilos and finance commillen eea oni ebesrieae obin ec n rnulto tn, s b eto sappart frpae esnlt reiaand la acçepi a proposai heme liser aguensthmerateu t origpbl ace ndMtcaitity fnohig or poac Pnrssatlt Cty af Staney Crecin b support Prime nriragmnsta rdeaa'o trl ohed osi-d îtncacio a ntsn sd iht Minlter Pierre Týradean peae ac e ntaiewsbig dn frth îakile Mayor Hacry Bannt 'I happened tb he there (mari and initiativn, bal aI lasi Wnednesdny'n wrong mirsons. urged cooscillors b support the amnin tntal fassi- of prsmatisg counnil meeting the Primne Mininler But others cotesded that aoy at- Stoney Ci-mb resot a tnog per- peace, said Mayor Barretl. iItnacon.. .i Milton 18 blitr taAt Hospitai Happenings Bond-sp ....B2 Qemesltotro,hm fisere la semo os imo frons rngandlng Sprlngera............. B2 the Miltn istrîct Hmspital Espansian. Esiralrinsgn s ni..........2le Saision Acnsy mis hold lis firsi-ever nfie purpane oftne Apnl 30 bitz ti We raine Ail lin meek celephases mii ine nig 5iDHS ........... B3 rsdeotlal buits ni Milton as -ani Uoc theiie fdo the Acsoy reqsare yearnscmd *ta an lise fand operates lia peronla-pon Drrya Snild Appea jrlS an isnep campaogo. At Oie naime lime, asl artint'n Curling ..............84 U~uIn the ps, lise lalvatios Acmy, sebicn Cpt. Norin saii money masanaaunnes. whatihesemmasgiengsmtleaoewinhhw Entertament.. B serves lin sds ni lise tmm, has made li iined ta ici-vces andii laeaslg, whttenwwn a on olo ie. Efraý '.«.......-.. appeai tnroogn tie mnail. Butrisingnedt possibiy, a stor milii refindar ptrb-p ser- Ffrst Section Gmto.............. IR4 appooci. niaiSd for thneiiswnton ares of llnoq. lse Editarls .............. 4 Tgird* ec",sa &mvassàtinos p Ai-ly Wa aireadp kinsg doaumu bnc, s aie4 A out ru Town a ............ CI-- yï .qiud rie .- nis>a" o' pa Ricarsd npstsr.rat.-l Ysatrs ................ 4 Aif lte n av iie Homm s .......... cent Wor Jsosuary alonc. ie Arnsy, mOh lit argsniser frMOtos mnd hei t alndg fose Letten Hiiaie RmesCl ' ~ isclils h Goshie t seve at tomn and volonteers bo heip go docr-tn-dnsr. Bayant Amtin. ndled 19familles VnJmmcay. tateresisi la sinS tocl r- ' -~ t siltn is aionaZ aiigaer 'anp Tster an Oi esct ni Oie SMine m rem se eerishly tW reme Oie body onia deuiltruckbdriverr rnithemreanage crcrashessehiiiesreiehsslnagaimpns01irainniIfhLine tugeln. Havy fioginablamSdas strtgthicnin reeuinrnndny. oirp,, plelares page Ab. (Saffphoo by Jan BIlariomi Couscl Briofu. *..n.n aLaN a 1

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