Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Feb 1984, p. 11

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71Serles looks avdry familiert as Steamers, 8Colts ited up ts-ami-s goalie Pasla Zoias ps-spres la amatre a lasse pas-k dtislg Mlota: 4-t aIls ass-s-Barriei-Thsrnsy ai Basris-tsamers had ao sas- of ea asumies Basrie wmasis onrs-ims-Psiaya entessries-a a game apis-e. PaIllaers oa i ltasSteamers aligisi b sacuset ifItere eglsslsg ta thiib iis ysars layafPserin btes.Barrie tolla ast iltes ressembles latypurs eres. Far Starters, Milles wsente'is-t garsse la sememitat a soipi-lu h a 4-2 score fTur- atiay gi Barrie. Ditta for les. Ses-aatly, titeir secnd match-sp Fsitay acot lteo aserime asti - pas gaeoseti it - Barrie won 4-2 ai Memaorlal Aresa. LaI Ysear, Clta mos three osertime gamea to mss tise series. Wit oewscoachi Gai-y Hutisos employisg a simple spstem, Steamers tiomisaleti lise apesisg match-ap asti ere full marks toi- te in. Broog Bai-i-e oelmlotisg, esper- ially la tise opeolog rame, prevealet i ltoa rom wiaig thtesec-ondigame oal.rgiss Ilieseries pintas p lusainlaBarrie (7:30 p.m.t miltlie orts game art aI Memorial As-oaa Fritiay aI 7:45 p.m. ise 1111h game wstîgo Sustiay aI 7:30 pm. If for- ter gamea are seetiet, tieylî go Mostiay ai 8:Sa0p.m. la Miltce asti Tusdtay aetO 0p.m la Barrie. Haudson sid lise bey ta tise opesisg is- soas is tiseir simple approas-is "Wsrsnotgog to try aopthing fasry, he saiti "A]teditaas gelte puas-otoaof or rod as tas as posoilse asdtaite as many sisals at tiseir goalie as possible."- Tisa strstegy a'orbeti sas-sesstsllyTlrer Miltaongoals in the opeser rsltedis-om Colt oissssossaroasdth ie arres-goal. Ise bars-h Miton goal, hy JeU Martin lsiabBr*ee bs-h asti resitited in àem isaate is ea- 1 seniaties biestflwrre Ealle Bric Wat-; lise rie pas-k Ùisth besapts- goal.0 Steamers mioltibas-e i-as ap tlbscore ailes-las perie tssllbthelb tdtijamp istoa a4-1liseati.svral Stempra, eapsclolly Srati Wartim, mis-ti ses-ral glaioas am-- iag chtances. laitsn Stsiaa, Bah Mila, Mark ltpketl asti Mss-ies-anti for Muilisn Stewat Smilt scoredti as- for Bars-le. Inte seasconti game, Steamers tiaedt thes-eas-ly goisg bal coalub't gefaante hoarti. Colts sms-et! oas-e oear ts- endftihiie first anti agaie early lante secoati. Steamers s-- pliai ils pawsr-play goalsaiite ses-ast anti this-tiperlatoi afors-e oves-ime, Butlasa iseenteis- tradtionia, Cltasas-retiearlp la os-estise-asti agaia wilh a minute lefl bo ses] tise is. Othets-Tras-l: Sosamer dIlecsmana Ris- Bes-aPiusI aabs-s- suspeotiethy te DHA. Nos-lisYos-b Cisirs major mitigetsarase seeksag s-ompeasatioa foi-fila play tait yenr ils tise club. Bob Laatiry misseti lotit games asti may Bo gosetfor-amwile Heisasaase of maoo asls-tsssJohnalain rastoretiisn isomis itise issst game asti missedtihSe ses-ast mots-b He sol hi-cseatiy mrttiap Rowley draws rave review Sorse apsatacaasis-ms-isg asti ait- aoas-d as-s-s-g pis-y Bs s-s-s-d s-alctoI- tiss Caaadsasacs-lsng ammmdty sisal tise Miton-scusrlsing tram s-t ona Bs-mIsy. Fsrd Bs-lt, Cs-aig Thma anad Loriss Faggioa i0 s-s-dy ta ps-s- tise dtasss-soas ts-atsraity. lo thises fist sisal attse ps-salarial su-a ling isamposisnae tise tant mes-b s-t Pe-tes-boousgh, RamIs-ps s-lis tirs-a s-as-s rvesand crme tsi-asgis mils gi-col games agaisst mareoist s-as-es-s on lts- Ramis-y fisiet tise sa-eam es-est ails a 4s-srecordminsiag isyjasîs-oegame at a chBas-e s- tise plapoîfs. Eti Wermnis-ha Tas-asta As-ostes rias, s-ors-s-t mas-Id chiampiss-, mon tise s-as-t isealing Bah Ts-ss-stts-sOsamasr -isbin saa entra s-nd. Boots-ys Bost game mîgit jus bas-e Bs-s-s ptaps-d agaist Wes-ensis allisoag the As-s-aIsa s-oB o- O-O ss-os-lg tsi-es- O-sles- sat-issd Ws-s-misi s-ad tas- enst fta e ifirst esgst ensd sad moalti hsave led s-t (Bs-t ps-nt s-saspt tao s-ros-b ats-iig s- Bats- on tise soli s-ad as-d s-ttamiag We- s-s-B th s-s-s poitta Wsrnchansdavice Paul a-ag-Bs-d sa-sy id tis ta s-ay abs-st tise Mitton- 'Tis i thes bs-st game os-as- bses in- ia s-ats-s asi a-afs- Ttss-ys-smaisga (s-t s-t gos-d s-BaIn - Ws-s-s-asaBs-hesd istteammates mos-sd -t'a b s-s-s tas-g s-sas-s- 'v os as-st ta play suaot--gisgasas-thssaid. They play s-o s-ggrs-sss-sy sas s-a-dsst boas tisrm s-a strots-go Iits sas do ta s- maoy aIBe- tl doa't Bs-so ise- siseys-e iseea Btdtog. Ws-a- wson $90,000 ta s-ansh spsetn titas-r sad iftths-y'r Bat as gaad tiseytt) osa 145,000. Ras- tBos s-sas gooti a sos-B s snoas-s- tsi-s- tir Boms tise game bs-tr Bs-o 90O ps-s as-at aftie rompesisas- as-ris-ss sas-as ptayed. 'Antasis-stttsags ilas tlm ptaysag mils (Bs-os TBs-ys-es-s-aasay goiagissas-isof Pays- Ws-s-sasat, s- S-as-Bososgis tis-efighter sasd Bs-il prs-BabIy mes-t tisea agasa. Ttsy isave an easy sntes--ivision- cosmpasedosissth is in sToronto. Tse nsoalt bo ises-e es-es-y ps-s-s "Most teams s-as- b Boaten s-a ssrategy os- s-as- toi-e tisea itt maiig a mistate. Bs-t sens- gayo Bs-pt as-asaf ait as. Ts-y 5s-s-btiseschances." Osmstas-ty, Ramis-y nait Bs- s-m Bts team Bad ptays-d os-t atisasgs isey'd tant 00e ms-s-s taons- 0e Ras-m me sadti l cos-me s-y aisis os-e s-t sos- Boss games af lte ys-as- - Os-s-satt- Ramis-y said Be mas happy midi tise pers-formans-e s-t Bts team an litsus Bist aBat ai s-ampetitsoa aI lis callibre. ta' qoile pleasei midi te may s- ptayed. Wr playei tsi-es- sealty gasti games agaist Werc-i. Atteaitot asti 7\ms-otle - Wes-eais i Bished i Bsst la te rant- rois sisis s- 7-2 r-ecrsd. Mite Alîmitof, of Win-dsos- tiaisheti sers-ad la te s-snt-s-ail mbits- Tas-s-aIls ms-aI ta te fiual bfore losna le Wercolcis. sass Bs-i- osty sasasotite es-ml asti elfes- saety dams-gs-d Bootssbsps-s foi- a sisal ta tBe playotta Att tes-msih5-4 srersi ma-ed ita-playaooas- sorts-s- anolser. Ths- Mitons s-aisbobgas ity kBoos-lg off t0s-snBss-aadstidls-sds-iait11-5.O-tise sn-e day (Wedaendayt, Las-et Los-d,s-t BCN Ottawa, snorseti os-e s-smi omsae -ta Os- Tbs-ssday, Ramts-y otnt6-4 le Bs-ase Detas-sy's Ottawa Hylan's-it. He Boas-reci Bas-s mh is of ai7-4 os-es-Pste Metior af Durhiam, astid-s-6oes-Taicolle. Otiiday, Ci-sbramiWes-mis-i't <tfs lest andthdis- ms-tIiot os-es- Rwley. Roltaly rolt as-e stitI advansedt e te pplattasis tas- isn al-tay bat aw Bts- s-Bs-ossns-d misasBris-s-DoeBas-y, of Crashs-m mso-3.lenaabs-y mals-sfoi- Atlas-Ba, Ramis-y stoppai tise Windsor s-lob tram ctaimsag a sitars-o is-tBt place ait asan y 83 wsa Doapits-thse pros-cl as-so amptismmnt s- th lu-ti, th ise ssislit Bsas teidai mis-es-sa tomaise s-geabas-sot s-t s-l te sasspiels- "Soms-Bmr Beots--slisesdatfistes-" sai-d Ramis-y. mwe'B have Is- it doms-asti drotsc i ss-whtisas-as- s-t me msat tamaits-a s-ammittmeslta s-stes- tisecsniris- We'It as-e ta drs-de ifl ms-s-eassdp ta pay. Weave ait gos yaaag ids-at homesadme mgt des-de tsmat atfem y-s-Ils soms-shistgms'tts-erd e--yaae for. We s-s-at pis-B sps-istitstes it sommas- s-ast ms-be a s-set Tainig aise s Milton skip Bsa Bs-mIsy aI the Loait Tasitas-tips-os-cles-aIu-rlingshase- pioaahips Fitiap s-IPseerborugh. RamIes-nrprineti nenesal top rsb mlh gi-s-t ps-sfoi-- mansen aros- ly missei qaalitpieg las- tbe plapolta. Photos by Jon Borgstrom fi- ý ,7v s--s I I tetird perith lbes ed Ba- s-mdbaitblatsailderi tla lslaghsefl mssa.i bit coud bebos-k te twe aiS. Wheelers roli over G'town For te Ibsi-tstraîgt pear Multes F is leiteel major itastama allit eati Par OwenStounast er ieatise rival Georgetown antee itarti-fougitl hast- ails-ve OMBA final seresmlts-es- games la nase. Wieelers completedth ie sas-sp mith a mome-irom-heiist5-3 idai-y Taeatiay at Memsriat Armna la complete te diommina itsehicis Wieslers ihave isettios-es-Gergetown for te past two pears. Bit il muent secesaarlly easy. lanlise tisaI gamne, Geoigeowas jumpeti m fi-ast -Omitiaayltroughs te Btiips-i-tatinlea",s- Wieelers lie lte so-re wmiesJasoa Pasces-scos-etifs-sm Bs-St Gos-sait. Tise pattes-o mas repeale ina te miti- dle ramne whmn, aPtes- a Georgetowon tatty, Rais Wilsns-one eaints--nawil a goal tram So-tt EltwoandStics-tt s-Bson. Tise issi-tiperiati tllamedte lises rostine, Georgetasows-os-eta go-ahesati goal at 6:45. A amiue tes- Wayan- Ris-s-ss esesetitises-ors- tram Eltneooti asti tisenose mauebats- tales-tas His- son's asassistesl tally olsis-ispot Mlton aiseati tas-jsst tise fis-st tîme inte gaine.Pas-as- rtsed ast tise ssoring at tise t:03 mas-bastis a siort hastird goal tram Rivts-sr Surge pushes Bladles to win Atles- gettise a issief sare, Mislon Bans-lt tadea miso as-iatamns rattsiedta res-orti a 7-2 mm as-es- Geosgetown tais mng tiseir testý-tfies-e oss-es ila dires- gamea stratgist. Staties nowm mset Owene Soundti atistise sst gamne stitfoi- TItorstiap at 7:30 p.m at Ms-mrial Ares a. Geai-astoms titi-sw a koitnt cIMit- tons plans iyso-as-g tise i-st las goals of tise gamne just titres-asti a hall assoles mia otise casta. Homes-s-s, Paal Alen hals-edtelits- tesescemissn lises-osetitram Bsyaa Harlaga asti Doag Psaltlates-la te trame. Blatis aselîslaite ia awsy ty sami- leg fis o gadin e bsecond pertitasnd atiig asalter earlp l te ial551 rams-. Malt tcCastilma fire t lasgoals asti atisedt so aussalsile Harlaga stiteti a gualtassaists. Piilip Leacs. Chitsarrislutasti Aorem Dis-use-- sea atiteti oas-earit Medics startie Dundas 4-1 Moatsnng 5its ard-tis g playpi - H A pîsytioms, Mlsasi-ralose Dos-s & Deals sarpi-iseti Dootas idi a mett-eas-neti4-1t aoitataiete opening gamne ofthlits-s- sst-at-fis-e final quai- itying sos-ses Sunatay sn Dunass lhes- osies esmme in10Mlttonltes sigist ITtestiay) itmiite tirti gamne statetifor-sasgtat 63 Dun- dosn 'Mes toas-stgamne, ilne-sessai-y, gaes-sboa-ktiere aiMs-mrial Ars-aa San- day ai 2 p.m. Ms-dis-s gaI mome gi-col goaliss-spiag tram Chsiis Hespet misa ilos-ieti 14sof 15 Dastasdti-s-s e Tas-s as jusl Dun- daslisis-tifathie y-ae-atifis-st agaisa asp -i-Caaslp appoacol.Tas- alter touses msre ts Missiusaaga Bs-as-ss atti Stoney Crsehk Ms-dics-snasted tise gamne lans-ots-at daminaiag tise apenlag trame ahicit realted i n goals ipBaisoes-t Des-o asti Jta O'Drsss-BJamnie mnajes-is-sasti Mite Ms-Phait asistet on tise first goal ide Bsiaa Maltasy earseti asn atal on ODsiss-sBs sorbest ro e isepat. Tas- tempo es-meti la lie mitidle- trame astisDastias s-osiog b alilai Homes-es-, gsal penaalty ilisg lante sisis-t ps-s-oti iy Jasies-is-isasti liPhail pratiaseti taoshsit-Ilastietigoals tb stIles-as-y Doatias lits-ml. Jasies-is-i sBIs-hed holis goals pis-ing te top cor- nes- idi a as-itannttihaSe fisst hefore pnaissg isome a tasse park aller hiss Brs sisalmas stoppet lacapte wato Late goals put Legion behind la a lypically riase-foagitt game aganstal a-s-ris-aI Georgetawa, Milton Legias majar stains tirapet te fis-t gamneofa sbat-af-fis-e OIMqsastr- fisal srles lus-as3-1 mm-in 3dmuJea ne sos tais-e ta adrsp Ids irscorde, w-4 he' baueU Labgtin 'àW bo ým*-p -1bie à"ne tU aaua TamW Xis àE5m5WS ww*5 sinr* UUeU iis Ieeueisfaalli a tas-latetil lte loues was a defal laBI Beeler lu the-MilIclub'sPMipiers.nat the Tiarie Air taernsalier Brom bilde., aflhs Wertn iekld ma"y siralg The mes renies Wed- Crabes-s Taos-lao Tam Ileatiter ritti. It MllM«i-lsk at$4-glsgvnob hlbeuy wlaet theevet. klsd tblgte qaySbethMon rblk. nt 8.30Pm. nt mbmrwa Ae 0

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