Caetem goe8 to conso lbe weekend beforeiast, te midgel boys' hasktlail temr trenelied te Asrora le piy in lahUe Golden Gopiter tosrnament. lise boYs matie'il le te consolation finais ity pleylisg oustlndisg. Scott Baird anti Dae Giflitrt sbowed fine siue. Last Tuteday, tht gicla' nolityboli tems' pleyed agaimlt Georgetowns Rebous. TItty bothlst titir matctes. Tistjseiors losi 15-i and 15-12. Tht seniors wes tittir fient gemee 17-15ansd titn bot theisesi Imo 15-12, 15-10. Tise boys' hafitettat temrs bmlted Ouk- tille Trefelger lest Wedntedey. This game mas titeir lest stases game bofore lte finals. Tht midget aisd senior tems ment boUs sic- lotios in iteutiig O.T. Tht mitiget score messa clone 43-42 und lte senior score messa ctushiog 61-29. Tht juniors more defeuteti hy 20 points. Score mas 66-46. Thsrsduy, tht gils' vollcyhail Icame pleyed egain. Tht iseints pluycd 1h51t and octtpoeed Drurymwo games to one. Tht senors aIse mon Imo of tlis-c gumes mîlb scorteof15-4 and 15-9, Salurduy, tht senior boys' bashdthaîl Ocam hosîtet a Milton Mustang Innilatnal. Milton playcd Iheir Oirsi faut ut 10.10 uguinst Roam Thcy boul Rocbuay bya score ni 52-31. Their second fume in the scuî fîouls mus efaîs Sarnia. The finaI Wrestlers ibringj mdhe pot slthsANDAEA POWELL score aftsr overtme wao Sarsnia 40 anti Mii- 1en33. Aise Salerday, the girls' semeor veUteybali teese compefet inusthe Gordon Greyden tornamnent in Peel. In tieir firt match, they loet against Ricitview. Titey ied titeir second match witlt Lente Park and is titeir tiird match againsi Norths Park titey mes tue of Ue tiree gamen played. Fer titeir final match they played West- meant and again w5 tws fumnes. Tiis broughtl tem ite, a ie f se second place and a pssible chance te pay in thet semi-fluais. Tithey tallied up te total peint accumula- lion and esforlonalely tetem l hey watt titd ilh heat lhemn by seses. Tiis meant taIlite oter tem uould go ite the seoi- finals. White hth senior hasethuli and nlley- hall teame ecre t tearnumeis Satarduy, sn ee te midget boys' hushelhatt tem Thtetemmus parluhsflg us a Georgetown loursemesl Thttemmade i te tht consotitos isaIs mth help from Dune Gilbtert. home medals from Peel-Halton major meet In tbe Peci Hallon Vo aional Wcstliîng __________________ of evn arstî ppa bcdu î E.C. Dmury t. rslr or Dtocy cere- COnis Hanklcl wo mon the gol4 medal on the 134 seti MAUREEN SMITH lb. nas. Bcad Younun a goidîin tebcavy- wcîglil diision, Jobn Za Monitl a ivrn ther 119 lbý clasv. asSit Sîngli a bronne in Higli bcose1 Oîia' won te irsl fumne bai the 127 Ilb. clasv, and Jîco Wîcns a bronze in MOHO foughl bacS 10 in tbe second.I tIe tht liacyseiglil divi sion. tibrd gumne, MOHS IonS an carlp 7-4 led bol * * - Druroy fough bct tobring thescoreto ". Tht junics girls' so1lcybali tour con- Distrct Ues pulled auap ilS six sruiglil tiuucd Oleir sedtlcaicd sircali up utl points o n 15-8.0 Thursday cf Iis pool wccli On Tscsdap Agaînsl Wite Oub, tht seniors c'on the tbey osed Wite OuSs and c'on ail Orec lrsl guone 15-0 but lsel Oe lasI Imo fumnes. geucis bpscores of 15-t, 15-,1 102 Aginss MDHO il mus tht opposite. Hosever, on Thutvday ibcy ucre defealcd Dstrict mon the icol Imo feonco 1-5, 1-4 Sp ilicîr cross-louis rivais Mlton Dsrict w'hieDrurymwonlthecluslfume 15-i. Tise Canhtila Clsbono, We. Fil i II Remnax' scores stunning t rkartïe JuI mhit liooket lite Roman ieatySalssotai oks*r<, 1* assonUteeverge of ktting Ue bottom ofa a s s,.,sss thtie flu, optai t rtuan "lfse O 5- oaosen-long litie, tise club Imiseti onsei M EL hlh'1 hIIIuperte. and didoumetilg wisekot ody put tem ___________ ie' a godt h s loft hé«d ue int footth place ho Use Milles Hockey ' Elat iriod tigoasis l;n W s U 1101 League, bol gaethlie resi of Use lague a Santistone Transoport roUledtl an eariy -. Laroucsee elUs Eo, and lUbdhs~bfefus scr. isati belote We*sotindBlUo, kelintinome MauUo tewIiti0one.A lmE tl I==s Is Wbet tkey titi ueo beat B.W. Haggert sirong Enalkeepngf Item Jerry Dea ant ionutle failedt l nef a emtlng chance. maIl- Crane by a tumning 9-2 emore, lise in put smme lackoltte play by Susdtoe, nearly iag andtoane te lnp homte wtse w lnsin, Itemen inteottiuth aieeti*of Charles- pufletitout atdeneth three thiri-poteid gals. traigisi Une fente open a.2-1 o8,1 uith Kiigitîs and droppeti Heggart lute a ile for tOpportisl E*nty Cmtison capitalinetionn lotir seanmeredt Uirti-perluti goals le take te tep spot mith tralgisI Une Fentee setmiscuemarosedth Ue West Endi goai tthe Ue in eway Item Llserl«ea.lfs's, le other gumes, Stralgkl Une turseti beekt ore Uscen gease ielping Sandtetne steke a Rab ChamLux oand Nrs o tue infireti Clseries-Kniight's 0-1 wtie Sandtnine Trans- 4-1 Iritt-porioti leati. Jay Norianti aise tue gnaloas tee tralgt Lne ulsUe port tengit off a lte chtallenge ity WenstEEnd scoeet. Rentiy MacDonaldi antipePal Measso atitis Buell 54 to moeto15 ithin lue pointe of Use Eerly is Ue second perluti, Jbo Carl- singen. Dons Hebkrk ciippet inlawýOs lest mo-leaders. wrightt uppedth ie leadt te5-i anti on Usai note asists. Il me the second streigbtloms lueabg uey hp Hafgart. Reman hockedth Ue Cranere iUs foot onensmereti goals oe te fse licolSh n e t v c t tuo poriodo anti tan up Use scor e~> ~ , n ,e s sie to 7-0o r belote Heggert gol -back in"te -game ith Imo laIe scres. Tht in mon e sharp lrsaromnd for Reman mhiîclibas lied trouble boeling sey- body for tht pool Imo months. Memmitle, Haggarl, mhich lied font seboales thrsegit ils irsI 14 feues, nom mlstqicitly gel bock mb toon if lhey doit enterteins amy hope of iapîng cdaim 10 tht rhampiosship of tht cagot. Paul McCann peced Ates milithtet goals and on essît ohile Bob nuisit udded tmo goals and Imo amisIs. Eerl USeppard added a gnal and Imo ssinlu hle Calcin Soom, rtf Fnn and Daetaerk scored ortc adi George Cescots earent Io essists chiOt Ray Delegerde, Ricit Cham- poux and Les Wilsonn lid ont ansisl apiece. Dominetlng aliter eents, Cerrne Fouets ceplteti foot Bootss lu leetiMilton Aqoait clublu Ushe cbempionsbip ofae nb-tem nmeet n Burlînglun Sondey. IL mon e nperhiing performance for Use Milton club, anti Pouers in particulet. Other teeas mere trsm Gotrgetoun, Actais, Bot- linglon, Onlicille andi TOMAC, from Toronto. "lI'mnverpproud ofltemhoile em, "said MAC coc Crole Mray. "We made the cbdldren mere long johos amd T-shirts, n preclice and t lpit off." Mms. Murray lse seiti he morlied ber older oimmers about 180 lengîlis of E.C. Dtuty pool dung precice givlug the swmu mets gond endurance. Fouets douinaetthell1-12yr division toc Novice Aeros' get good goaling for highly productive weekend Exceletlgoelbeepîng coupleti milS pouct-plupfgoaland thenmwilnsin altacbers stcong play enabled Mlon Semas Reellp bced 1he scoet îlijoni 2S seconds leftith1e novice Aeos Ilrce poinsn n len fmes oser fame. the c'ethend Milon foalîr e r eRivetI prlormedex Milon am ihin aait oluakng ila edisfull intenets andnbhouldbhave sc'ecp uben Ibcy led Oinfsecony - btcs reuurdeduîlthawnlforhistefforts, Salucdoy bolore allouîng Cing Imo fouIs in Il c'en goalie Jason Alknsens lto 10i the 1inailus ominutes 10 cars thele. shine Sseday eslie ltned eside csttptbiog Mlton oponcd the scorluf midmap Georgeoun lbreu is uap leadiof Mltonton Ibeougli 15e fîrsl potiod uben Kecin Boyle a 1-0 ulo. Citis Dereiche noîcheti MiStons scocduwitbanunssisted effort.With Ilire ont gouI scoringfrItm Craif Power. minutl cin tht faut, Mitons Rchp lu bolS fumes, ail Milton players pieyed O'Donol uppd theleadto 2-0 ncorlug from ucîl sbning the luprosemenl Uep base Oeplien Webb, Houeser, Chinf udded a gincd Iroughout tht eutar girls afuigail foot eents site enleceti. Oheh pmm hin Use same grne5n as Heather Uingositai lun fourtits, fslch- tlte Sutherlandi itetiaesecond amd Sarahi Sulces iati e thirti.Is e rlaytem, matie up of te saut foot girls aise fiisiteti frt. lu other renoils for girls, Heather Caftan had Iran firais, a secondand eatirt inlusio pears and setier uIlte same groep, Sommer Johnonnlid a second. a third and Oms toths miile Kelie Moore hadt to fourlts anti a sinth. Alicia'Hinhen hed asisl i n 7-8. lu Use 13 and onet,Jenniftr Balemen hd afliraitand a second, Michelle Nelson had lus Uirdo and au sintb. Geple Sutherlandi hed a fortS and Caherlue Deritehatiae uth. On the boys oide, Trenot Kabo teppedth Ue sinuandundtr gtoupmsith Imo seconds andia tiîrd.tDavidi Houle hati e third andt i tffths n 7-8 ulule dothnny Assitilo heti a IotUs In 910,mwaeHlcken hd a seond and a ith.luI 11, Aotrtm McTanish hati tet seconds, Sandy Duncan hitt io s anti a otUs, amd Jasen Farenu bai e ixili. In the 13and overgop, Csis Bteman oppedth Ue club mth a secnnd mnd tus Iirds. Jodp Fedarsek hlid e second and a sisîli, Mrlin Pomets lied Inn sinlis amd Andrcm Sales had a lufth. Is relay events , Use 11-12 boys, of Warren Nelson, Ocebeone Murray, Duncan and Futromwas second.Ile 13 and ovectem mas aIse second matie opel Mark Myroopit, Chrîs Baeeoan, Malt McTavishbamd Matis Poesmwasealmsecond. In third was Aodrtm McTavish, Jody Peticeo ren Ot Cottie and olodrem Botes. :0 sAR BOW-UT 84HONDA YMIYWCA aid Civilan arr planning a joint communily project to providr assstance n tnding scîrable ropîcynrnt and employmrnt counselling services lor you. Wr canvot yrf oleri ttrsrservicrs, 'ýouever, by pnning tho need, wr lioe Io notain gommntor lunding. Vine your support ' PIEUse cali 827-3187 or 844-6522 eaA FIS CHICE EXCLUVE EXCLUSIVE 7-DAY 1MET BACK WARRANTY ' 83 RAGR ' 3LTD 0 R. 4-qI, 4*,2-t.saiisi lUk .kIs munur~ _;555** PmuIH Iu WAGON I I -nsa-essd MI InssOni îssIIIe8,M * oIU55 2-dr, 4-ltass l, P5steu10< '8 gIss ss A,.o Nîso BATHROOI ELEGANC. Manhattan Il! SA VE25% OFF MANUFACTURERS LISTPRICE ...Mfg . is12l74 Ail medicine cabinets, bathroom lights, sliding tub 0- *9.81 enclosure doors, shooner doors, and sliding mrior closet dor e oisppliers catalogue will be sold at 25% off.*595 Not jus, 2 or 3 speciallp priced items, there are handredsofnIdfferenit styles aod szes 10 choose from. Drop in and set oui displap and cata- logue aod suce 25% on the item of VOUA choice. Some of the typical sacîngo are shocon here. Sale prices are eff ect until February 28tb, 1984. Na. 5189-7 Laurention Surface Mount Medicne Cabinet No. 4141-7 5Lght Bur Mfr. LW $111501111 ALE $11995 ~' e,.R d..PUCE 5 ft MANHATTAN TUB ENCLOSURE No. 6230-11 CHAMPION MODEL OhscuaeoGOhm Ors eChr.-otrîn ors *2100 PfCE $15750 No. 628D-11 FI RSe I KIl ll3LaksbhsRd. unn's 843-1646 POUCE $20580 nm~smIdos. sn n ssssss VANITY AND S TOP SPECIAL A ,eis G on ooknuwhite M., orSe eps Oe j t Feu essod $7995 16" x 20" Rsum 6 SA VE*1f3' 18" x 24" ' . & SA VE '20 18" x30" $19 Rss.534'. SA VE 12*0" PMCED FIOM PELAN 7OMaiStEMTON ONT. a STORIE rMonTh.ars::. 6Pr CHAs.BCOPEIANO LTSDO. ieea O ee Value & Service you can Build on,.- cvà-ýstie buikJing c leýntre '81 MALIBU 2 d,., 6 yL, ..W, P..., .di., 64,000 k- S R6776À. 1 '81 F1100 PICK-UP '.k., i;h Wf 27,000 W Stýck M.. R6687À. 1