-\ 'ttW' r'ec~" Mit to 1rial.Sacityadesigaied 12 UctarIt Uhotes lnte a aelntDece,. sairchUo ai re atira Le dottc ha am ettttea 55 pasi prPTldCtl Vl Oite sitsa, lie fret bn s a n tot-riaet tPsepaqarAln 1981. Onthlie Jaita Mails Srvey ot May 9. 18M,, aie praperiy nat e hlaagiag la Mr. and Mri. A. Rht.3S ited as ta41land 43, Blackt i Onie ot maay tcaasactiaonflllamed wihin the Marin lamily Oit Jane 1, 1855 Johnaintrtanstecred the lttol Edmapd Matnansd ire years later he la tara said ilita Jseph Matneina la Il la helieved thal a haanewaaa hut o tese lasand erealaally Ta t87S sld ta JohanFRaerltsoncitel.Mtchell lîred ta theitamse antil 1878 whea he aold il la Jaha Eeard and Gerge R. Applehy, Applehy resaldth ie poperly la Johna Eaeacd an Jaly 7, t89t Illmald appear that smneltme darag te 1887-la9t perîdlthe hamemwaneîlher dsmasiled r satiered a ice, jaigni y aie tausdalîona. mhitch hlangtolaa mach aIder haaae. 'Mtelot aasldhby Eteard oa Dec. 12, 1892 la CIriUtiIU Jane and John lamer- historie homes ville. Eseard rereired an arder tram Samerrîlle ta itailA hlm a itause asg te aId toandaliana. On Jaly 23, 1907, the Samnerrîlle praperly mat pat'chaaed hy lstriel Jonea wtltted ta il util Jus. 14, 114. Resea'ch ta ditficlatan tata 39, 41usnd 43, hloh ere once egisred iate tameaofoneaowner athen aclanly aie must have een lhrer titinct prnperties. At one ime a lamher cmalny aperaled [rom t41 Mill St. hy Harry Londan asd Jacit McCallam, mita parchaned te propertea tamelimeaabout1939. Sittce 1978 the houehbashad amasv aplifi, Il ban heen painsiakingly reslnred by lhe Ruisa le hoaehbaananterestag enlraace loyer and a cherryood and pee taie' rate bhaltlia the qarisi-tlyle at (lIA Englînlthames. Tlhe hoase la deroraled ta the Newe Etglandmariner, wtaismali prml mwalt- paper and wthte paited tenadmarit .1 March concert is planned heu b. Mlles oes econcert et Bt. Faa Ut, sled COichl, BSi., rMar. 4 ait7.30 bile, tie sew addiioninTe lchoirWmiqr cencert chedute, wcliibe a celerattes nitth Timsies cih orte by PMozart sed Brehms. "tlipey Bsons" by Jebssqu lrelas leaa deiglitul colleesatfleve sigmoerteg Uicespecltauaifesotisse frsm .tmson terioua gipsy danses totheienseandel meer tsiionsgs Tf tavers terelte part. fic sange, sunin '5Engili, arc ait qelte eMort, bet ubcfr ettect os Uic lisener ila transperi him tes ime chai lite mas ived Tiiiy anc way- passionately! Ibe Chritcrs wiii shtise ir vrsatlity as Uiey sciteli tram thelilghtelr style oathUi Brahmss la Matrs Vesperas slciennede rastesUre" Tr 'STiTTUU Vespers." As aie tille impies. Iis is a majar wiirkonaa reigiatetheme. Sang in Ltte, SsieMn Vesperi" miliiietre tam' solists-Jiidy Haiter, soprano, Edel E(linbermasis, alla, Bll Smeleser. IcUr, ad Ralpb itater, bais. Aa weli TU ibese twa mrks, Uise mcm- bers ofthle chir kaatei as Uic Madrigal Groap-Ralpi t aUer, Lente (reeitmUad, Jîm Hunt, Dliane Yaaig, Lynne Brsown, Lacie tiasenanad LeUrU Muss n ili da taur pierraeit eepiag mii ithte "ciassical" titeme afthe coacert. Traditioaaly, lie Chrteri bave iaried gacst Artists ta pertarrm miii ter aUd Mrch A ia no excepion. Erir Rabertsaon, piaUlI. rganisi, recardtag artiai, arranger and prodacer, ait haclite chirs eicame garai. Mr.iRabertsaa has ta his credit itaadreds of adrertiaîag jingtes. TUTUTTous film scores, wor aarragertor sucitaellthaUw Artistians arean Fareaier and Anne Mur- ray and aatarda far is w'ani as pradurer for the liArs oaiolnas ByA ad Roger Wbi- taker. lita morte themnesalabumtaAad his lai- est "M:daîght Star" (P are avadlaiti la mottrecardastares. Pata attead this ereatat ai t'ne music- t wti deiaîtety add tomne warmnth ta a chili atttera s nght and get yaa Ithiatn "Sptisg 1' Tticitetre acsîtahte aam fram chais' membera or hy calltag a78-1778. j~,a-. - t ~8'te T*E 01 T SMOKING Canadiea Caacer Society U thes Chdtd Tex ÇrOdlt is the only dlaim youtt meke titis year, brlng your incarne tex return t a epertici- peting HAR Bock office. Weii eccurotely prepere it tor just $10. Tiis Veors Return et Lest Yser. Prices. Asit etdut aur guerentea. k payaleobc prePared b, H&SR BLOCK THE INCOME TAs SPECIALISTS 361 Main St. 876-1007 Heurs: Mon. le Wed. 96 Thurs. & Fr1. 9-9 Set, 9-5 Conf ident? Doaourea itniyoc avebiteh ibe Date Camsem Pmîîc ît bhoomes-daibaiek-.y.n hidi i.dtnle the. wS oio., idnisti. T -11 le.Dit -tibtt pablipcçàkies& hace Ptoectedly: K.D. Crone & ' Associates Imc. For IMion col:ieS S878-2341 . ~ Spososma le' l rIn affdSeothe D0DGE BOYS foeya raiW QUALITY NEW or USED CAR M$ eo01*s5 2 Door MILTON HRYSLER DODGE,./ M ONTARIO ST. NO FILLSREGULAR 2pcs. Kontucy 2 .K 9 u %eFrenchFndes e DichF ethof Saiad * Beveae *Goecuan Bed a Barage Of fer 900d 7 DAY S P ER WE EK unli 2: M0p.m Kinflicky Frield A9ff6 N ON MhaiiCommcia Sts., Mito 878-4171 TAKE THE FIRST STEP IN BEAUTIFYING YOUR HOME Et BUSINESS ENJOY COMPLETE DESIGNI VERSATILITY UGHT CONTIFOL 15 VOUAS TO WOOKBLINDS 136 MAI N ST. (resar fMiltan Giess) 876-4380 te'ns à Farderai Crows CerporatioT fo Petiodt aOf 1to ystsInaddition, u tsit am andte toi h5i busineTss suc- flotigitretsrates sa 5vtthedt t Tssed.Why? BTmase anation with a tTd rtels. successiaisamail ubsness scola asm So oOOilhSUOav mIo brerTe ain prOsperrsus nation. t a tiowa UA 4OTt Thers ehp weSTe hem. And hep'. The Ftslnmca nigPm gas0 tOUM ... Kits an t.pc.su sor t AagirguFn.a"n WêfianceTnewend exissting 115 , TssltTTOT in OtainiOvemmnt basiness. 9TTtAtintslans f om othTittuiojns TatdTtmnj eftstlstd onans Ad a retTTi Service alctO:Tgpsate We'llooTUait ibilty,poteielUUT Tik iTUTtmeTt . siTUa eth equity, seaudriy, TaTtITUsad Cui FBDB ioda , tbu-ns. fauei lstI ratgmes o m atesmies 11Usd UO Offre esTTiptes dn e BACKING INDEPENDENT. BUSINESS * Fmw il usisalsu Stai. M"si Deelspel B de déa4mtslçscc Cana*U Painstakingly restored