Horsby WoensuInstiusl UnMcad.iw rlg th as meetig ohlduon Feisuary a8 esuvesser u.1PO= iRelalloos a1 ise whune of Mc. C progrees. Mar Utle, a WZ r membe seeveu dallersaCncecsoclety, ebomes a fIle liemant. alcealisU erly mnuiraI ai- Mca. Palereu, iesiesi beeiif pou have a lump se Mn.ese C atse neide sre usai dues ual heal. opesleg ode sud Mary Stewarti l afi htg a eto colec, Mca. t. Sampsnresd cncl rlaeis usaieauvprol-u th1e misues of lis elas meeing.- mnt a n d la tberefoce Ccepoance cousstlaeou prevoulable. Skis cacur s a leller lion Ibhe Disrict Prou- knowa tlberelaled laoucessive jidenl, a notise rsueerniug ut- esposc laelIse uou sud lug ma O aCofereuce Moy 1, 2 sud 3 causer ls defiullely relalesi lu ai lise Uiversity ut Waerloo beavy cigarette smoking. ansd a eneology Socely meet- iug aI Emmanueli College, Eidaîr, us May il, 19 sud 20 Ise Causer Sciety fhasborne isvlvisg lcal hislsry. nusrmsg sra eaoubef Sociey fuds orlac2Ieehu and Mco R. Wilson gave a repor vobueer drivers for paienis os the pomrsgapby meeing wbo seed tresîmeul oulide tse allesded i Georgeown. Ral home. ibe molo "A Merry call-uame a firul aid article beari kils mre germs tbus you carry iu pour prse as medicise" mas gives by M. ousaiered. Wriggeswrlh. CampbeMlle Wl Pronane nrotest Approimalely 40 sloc esi- denssaileuded as opeu sfely meeing sponsoured by Camp- bellvile Womes silloe ai Masie Hall Pcb. . Mes. J. McCl presldcd aI the meeting waiile ulraeled lisre Scotch Block Wl SotchBlRock Wl b ad 1l tables ut Euehre autIheir Jaoury card parly tbe las) Wednsday in tbe moulu. Prise issers merS Claire Smith, Peggy Johns, Mycle Cunigham, Ciarles Johnsn Bosb Pearson andlBert Fle- membres ut Flamisorougs Rosi- dents Aguiosi Propaee (FRAP). An updale mas provided of Isoerproleul of a propose stationu lobe Iscaîrd os HWY. 6 muids lOup dlaim ail) canse daugerosstrucks Iraffie la the accu. Ibis mii) alai mess 1the transportatison0f propane louis via Hamilton railmay lieis Guelphs Juelion Oses Irousfer lu the CPR lise uhiels poase Oscouogisacvillage. Il vuas poinled olt hal a pipe- lise already sn plae muid la ued tlu eonvey propose tishOeil. bul ai a mach higiser mu)t A discusion follomed a filai presentation. hthoshoi Pinov'lew Public Sbtuin MM11. Polha clam aI Pluevlew Tise foilowng 18hoe :U duwegbpZuued by Ose Grade 2 studonsin thlie fores of rbpming couples snd cloquais (Oive lise) Ski-Do. Gosofast, Sbl-doo, ski-doo Go with a hait. by ColisGrabses Snewsnan Suowmau, uuowouou, How do ypuado? iSnowma, suowesau, 1 liba yes. by Tommay Woff Snowforl Snowforl, onowforl, warh lihe pals, Snouafori, sueutort Doul rcollapor. by Steves Dereso Igloo Igloo, Igloo, Keep me warm, Iglou, Igloo, In aoSorms. byiJasonlands Snowshoe Snowslioe, snoomohe, Rn away ail day, Snoomoke, unowshoe, Have avery nicc day. by Niela Cars Snowmian Snowman, sowmn, Covered inwhite, Suowman, suowmao, Say Gooud-nmgh by Loreca Dossaul WInger l.. Wiler is raId, fu, fabulous. liy Chrie MeLean Winlr is funula me. I make a snowmaianad a soowdog. hy Megau Joues Wiloler s a ime oftflu. 1 like wiuler becaue we cango skating and tobugganing. by JiII Casa Snow FIaf fy, deep Blankels, spreading, susuhai I fel very happy bnoa by LaseaNicboilo Snowflakes Fluffy, bg Flaking, louclsosg, (al l is veryruold. by AlisoooManzer else 7hus onB - p c Rol n ol f f * nme roVloo ..* n bigyorrommaurmns.A hoep ice hyllg at E:--ýA1exnîan arpe Noboy dos i beter fr vlue .. ine12 imisaBe Prices effective to- Sat. Feb. 18M84 Stores reserve the rlght to limit quantitie. Loblaws weekty specias are flot available at superstore. peach, strawberry or rfspberry -3 x 200 m1L evra-pas ae10 McCain yogurt drinkSs 28ff emY 0 n uesss«uted assi use s oer uapak 1.00 touzen oe ae a0unsseetuuod Niagara 129fi.uz t1.0 orange juice 10 Nlaruzu mucus l 040 pinssf fli-oade z ss2/1.00 fanc Mm 2.29 crrnspy crust- frozen, deluxe Totino's pizza Gesse Glanu laizes 250 g bus butter sauce or caull- flouer ln chaese sauce 15 Green @ant D'f- vegetabies 70ý5 intoa saubea 40 tns (oarnsaI s ue 4 zl 8 wth pork Green Giant 6 sweetlet peuS 10m oz. tin n6 lu IqW Mixed, Barley, Rice or Oatmeal Gerber Infant Cei ail meatless savetes, 4 1/2 Kl oz. ar GerberJL s"ned foois 3 ainscsad moaless elms foods and juices Gerber .P cosuuentralud,425 aiL Iv Enfalac Infant formula 1.3 ~ivac ' li Infant formusla 2.59 î'C -J mwd540 vaieles 1759g cWoispls Trehe IlU Sndim1.00 Cabuy',150ansg Cuntly Harm"t 10 clers 20 glas.0 205s pf6 ne nom'*S 9 dor hole MeCanv frozeus24 Oc poybag orspc ss 1.00 fosae, chooae orvarble' 9ozsbla McCaln cake 2 2 deep' n delicous 2 2 MeCain uzen, 624 g box 2.( apple pie 2 0 Wr-, vuiavdh-y s s,W -pb" pis 6249 las x Mn IJ niblet oz2 ti ýernel o î ant for n$ 2- 10Oinch 35o cheese or " pay onyU10 pepperoni 2.19 Ila Off fM&h sye OuOOa genbns1 kg psly ba~*~ srt gseen beais, oolensOieSrno 1o kgob puis 50 rm'Glant 23 frozen vegetabe 23 lai 0154155 me plaI vs meu rCus 0,1v uSues Green Glant frozen rice entrees250aglaxs .2 8;rda;srànsee250 g vus trznvegetat" s 1M5 orange,4.5 fi. apple-oz. jar i) dr2 fo tfant Ufo es$ 3- real boxz113 e Diapos Pore. 5000 g bue diaper rinse 2.00 Babys Frh 0sh u2,49 peomjeiy 1.79 fSigNscuft2.00 200 g bag 1.00 1.00 1.00 1-39 125 e bag Tostitos flache mahesas chips 1500 gbag Doltes tortilla necho chIps î IV e150 g bag cern chips 200 9 ba jack'scheae balle or twists -u