Hospita4 Staff Walter Tise aoveliag of a drawlag lust weeit rpeothe dia iet time the $15 million- a taheb b iaioapitai col ite rtaaatlned radier dia. ennlaloaed. A resoetattaa of die, artiat'a renderlng at dia naurdi antsal meoetingof iton District Hoapital Foandation was the bigitigit nf the gadierlng Wed., Pcb. à. Tise ont y dtaappotntmest aopreoaad by foaodatioo prealdent Johas Osier mas tam reoidenta mare titere ta sitar.l ia nheo- casion. bgeerga Ckiamara and Dan Dunttop of di Torosto Laaoed arcitectural fitmt Dunlop Farrow, Mîtken and Cattsfietd were feaftotd goasts atong midi fond raisfng rootmittaa sftairmao Broce Dotion. Wttat mit! ha lte second addition tai dia 25- yaar-ofdhospitoi wao dascriitad as "thte tinst phase nf a major cent hospitat and a nocisous for fortiter danaioptnaoi' hy Me. Dunlop, a senior portnar fa dia Item. Bis association midi Milton Distritt Hospital goes hart naariy 2flynars witao bis firm mas dasigning dia firot addition camplatat in 1967. 'Mt io staray addition to hegin dio fait miii ha lorgar thon t ha original hoopitai and rmpioy fromt 50to 60mora staff. The faciiity han a ecrant fait tota staff j qmcoant of t30 mhieh rapresto ahoot 200 fait and part tima amptoyaco' White tha addition mas danigord ta ttie ta " taith the aaiottag buitding, the archîteats octoatty lorord their locha s iherad bcuiid ing. Those estering tha haspitai iras thc ram aitssof Branta fit. mihabgraetadhbyan ottro-modern antraca caspiata mt a transparentlcanapy Vstîtrnmtiose theaaosttag enteanceanad aatecgencyoandot-patientsmita nteaithe The exason hich mas heast prapasad lite yerc aga mii homse emargrey and ot-patientlocltitsaonlthe gramndiaevaas tarit os a t'oy, radtatagy, accopattoao lhccopy and plystatherapy drportmnts 'Me bosemnt abroge aires miii be linked tatth the mata flanc hy coacayar haito, A apecîmea catltcitan soile tout adjoînt île lah oratacyin tae ler lestai AIO1-bd chrocacc unitta 10lbdprdfî;5 lia deparimeni. a abd intensive rare tmat aad octatty coant milli th op dia second floar. Loahîag ahead ta fuince expansin pasîhîiitica o lbtd lIane moy ha addad ta the tatag Thr archîlacis moy hotte set thete aighis an lIc ftre lot fond roisera haie ihae eyesson a $i milaioaudtsg targal for the tariraI espastan proat -Wrare tarît os ou taay ta achieviag anc goal,-Mc Damsn tld oiaonattaa menhers. At thc taî a oflte meeting £6003 hiad tara pledgrd ta tir expasion campaiga foad Mr. Dalsaacspplinîed thecaapaga tanin btgb poit andforlha ressorta obig pool mutl brc rqmaeditheaaomagntaaths. Ha hapea ta sec te gal achîcard hy Jonc ta ptasty ai timr for the lait sod turnisg. Thr husiness portion of tha meeattag praceding a alide preeaition ly projeet arehiteet Me. Obomoco and Me. tjnion's campotgn opdota ineiodad the aiacttaa of afltcra and o financtal report. $500 winner The Mitas Laion have amrcad the ntraofthesrmasdremfhom early bicd dram ta taer Bob thtbtect. svttticktelt nombr 1314, ta tbe tataser ai $500. DR. R. STROHAN WOULI 878-5882 BY 'Ti --t tara JACK MOSS han îo spest 5yaars la the 20yecrs ta srvoice. Joa and ais stafflp tic. Ciay al..t do tý H.itnsitPotic gas aodile on let lttott teedanaaîc, ta ttttttt expecrt bankna os its tt depttn and tht ai. an a tain-5.m wingshown for first tin fonds for the Milton District Honspitalexpcan- sinasofficiaiiy iamehaed Mondoy night hy vainteers maoningoh anb of phonasat MtfonsMai t'hay hava hagon the mammadi tanb of caiting aveey famiiy la Mitos mnd district, ta arrange canvsser appointmants. Campatgs chaiemnneo dsaPnaicny reporta a hast of nonteers han bras recrcmtad ht mare office staff, tataphana mrbres and cavansaro iii ha saaedad hafara the stsmweah campaîga ends, hapo- fully bfretheendaofMacch. Loch aonteer is bing ashad ta dosata osne rma afirnomas or evastoga ta hetp wt thîe cantpatgs Reaponse ta data has bees caery grattfy- ing-, oIe sid. Datant of Milton and area caidets maiedtin chteques for amnt o fop ta $200 os o resait o nin aformattmn acaoge dis- tcthated taeavrcy hante Iy lattas Adcettsea aare s nJas.26. "10e have bras grtting Il ta 20 chequas ta the mai evacy day," she said, "and me reofly appremiata the peopla matttsg is thatc datonsas il taies os tinte maftsg caiin ta thasa peope. Anyonse tala as aready danated mil soi ha apprnached drîng île phona campaiga. The frst porma ta coul campatgn haad- quatars and aab foc oconvanssac ta col, taon on On year-id wmontas mha hart heen tcaated ai the local hsptai a fant yeacs a0a0 "filesaatd nIe mas vry happy mth île care slereced anddohapcaised thesalff for Ibeir hîndacas," Mes, Ptaienty said. 'Mie wmn tsld hIr e ead layn bren poar lot vIe 'lad bren aatng opsanme maney focm lac nId age pon an d mas happy ta gîte île loapttai a cheqoe for $50 "'Mhat asoa ceaiiy leatmarmtsg tari ta,, on proanni pocanocampaîga," fils. Ptaermy atd, Co-Charman allIae drive for fonds ta toms coonciliac Cls in ent.Othacrnthabrsaof tle "ýporma-ta pocans" committea ara Rose Harrison, linger Tcoil, Bone Shaonona, BarI Ritchardson, Lie Irame, Mtt Jaecfdcîs, Boy Damas, JoyceaScott and Bob Marttn. 'Me aanpaigshaasaise raceîred vonimteec sapport front a cariaty oftlocni rgana tessanddservtceclubs. Wacisg an île plane campatgn and cnasdsrisg the Irai mtac weks %i br caumtaarsrepcesasting Emmnunel fapltis îIhurcl, John Mttn tODE, Botary Cl, Balai faomnîty, taian-Canadios Cl, Netcnters Cl,lTe Multas Playeca, HosptliAsiiacy , MitonSenbraititena, flash of Commerce Sait, and île aro float vesmarn'o Clb DYOUIIAVE CAR SERVICED IS MAN? ni latied the tram o ,paets deftaetotent and toaléde ive etry Oct te I tati c an toelo othfiJatand dais fato waaty hve V t Aprolmtt $306,000go as.tronafered fin the expansion fond froas die foondattonia'..YNM tt tBtOOO generat fond, lhitfondattinrotf- fers ara flted diroagit beqonata, memnortat . doationssand membstoipa. Of dia t2 board mcmtars onty diree maec facr!idi cnpieed terms of office. John Oster and Jaab MeOeebta mrc elctetd tu dhit secood threc-yaar ternis. John Grimsham deccded not ta con for a second tarin and hitiboard seat mas ffltd hp Murray Wison. Foondation board membres Matt Jaecat tis, Mita Ledmfit and RasKentaite have aise i yaar ltfinfis diir tarmo. Ilb. tares of office for Sbatagh Coisay, Jim Ditis ond Orrt is ia heartinfa ccisceptionof ai mhetit$10cm oilattion addition othdiaMilton Distait Ianstable axptreain 1986.Hopitat iiilookb tuba abaitt is amplttd. Iîle drooisg is taisg sitomisfor dia fitst ima. Plan ibto contact.. gygry Miftoniai Phone blitz is underway The phoresstnaeted rioging Monday nigît as tIr Hosapitiatlpantion Fond moars iota high fernanooatiempt tacontac't rrryone in Mitns ta anskfradsonoto atIceopansiofand. Bitaerenare tramnt t: tOies Mcfeaahîe.SMartfientaemnts, Phyt tionherat and ites Mris. Mlton Mali management las daaid and la dote, atone ta $650010 las bren gîvan space foe île iriephase campaiga intahîe cepledgrd, mall coacorse, plas a spore office opstairs Vlonieecv are rapocird ta staff île poneso rgnattera lape île "poraon-n poaons" fccmt10am.tol9p.mdadly,machasngintîm campatgn and occerai apocial avents ta lIrea bon shifts, ta enare tînt rvery aabedoled iccm nom othîe end of Jone tatti hometinMiltonand ditrict s caaacîed. putlte ectaîng "taaiicfbricks"avecthe lite oaptai cantpatgn goalista$1 milntitopý 'Citizens' feted Feb 25 Bt KEN NMABEBLY lin atacday. Felroacy 25, Mitonecitttena tail bave thé chancela laonce feltata atitorno for itheoitandtng contrtbottons ta tIr ttas durno1if83. 'le ocasins stIr ossoat Mtfon Cahabr of Commerce Comounity Amrds Ntght inDtsrcand tDance, Awardo tail ha pesenird ta Mitons Ctizenocille ear, flosînsspocsoeiofathîe Ycae. fBusinessaocille ear, Dganztolofc île Yeranad la île people ceaponoîhle tcr the besi Ctatc improvemestinta1983. Jcln Osierchcatcman ai île Miton Diticti ficiîllFondatiîc, tail recette lIc aoord foc Mitons Ctizen ofithîler 'Mie amacd laortavnesspersan oftir Vaoc will be gîtes c AudreryJesch, île aperatar cf a dance tarisvore and dancecstudto bheI ta dtceciac wt thîe MtotasChambre of ICmmeece andid s valved mdlth ance Masieres ofAniecîca, tIr Miton Arts Comefi andthe Canodaan Dance Teachera Associa- le FitdiWlaei Teuck Stop milraraiva île amard for Busintesaof île 'eea hacamse ofil do anvement itmd y cammmnity oetivitesoch as île Snta Clas Pacade and île lcvpttai expansion campatgs. 'MIe Dganînan ofthe ear amard ml ba presesîrd ta île Mtoniansttrict Hospital Expacnîion Cantpatgn Commttea. Tckets ici île amards nîghi areaaaahe in a numîbeeofloacationsinMiltonandicnom Chambere aiCommecce DOtemcas Acccnetaîslîng moreîinforartonecas cati the Chambreofaibce ai 07-SlO9 édith serei TRAIN TO BE AN ESTRETICIAN. a fKiiN CABOt i MAKE- 1.0iMANIiCUfE * ILECTROLCSI NEXl nn aY OSE ONESucoochCH 0(0 îlot *LSTETIC ~EVEt1NG COUR tCMMENCINC APRtIL Sedifd RECISTER NOw (416t)4832773 tOi EGLtNTON AVE. E. TCORONTO MdP I29 4n-2773 25 YEA S OFASUC'CIA WAYNE MORLET Cancer Fund Friday, February 24 7 p.m. Rabbit Dinner and Ref reshments Stag 50OTICKETS ONLY $20.00 parp.rn Weckîeaday, Fe& 29 5M% 0F ALI F000 SALES TO WAYNE MORLEY FUND Waeiag la secve ana Cama antty 270 Main St., MillIon 87&-952 1 FEB.l18th $54 < ~1 51 NIPISSING RD., UNIT 4 MILTON 878-1383 PRE-OPEING SHOW Febmary l6th, 7 p.m.-1l1 p.m. - HERIGATE INN, MILTON ,AI ne Phoyw5t Tain Cous Manayws Corne and see our NEW LINE of Basebail Unifoems & Equipmenfl and much more" L -J LW~Pf~~cJ TfluL0 MurrqyWilson Pontlac, Duick, Cadiliso Ltvi. 409 MAIN ST.E., MILTON 8182355 T0t&82643950 RAWLINGS, D & R, & JELENIK a/sa. Pony Shoos E& Tromar Trophies 10% ÔOFF OUR LOW PRICES on ail PRE-OPEMVNO SHOW BOOKING ORDERS , . tp tr tghtlyt a.1d batd tî --aid t BihMconi r!