SThe Canadien Champion, Wad.,Fat 1f51984 Shoplifting isn't trivialeand t s growineU.Milton Dp UNDIAKIRBY Fr tao many tmo nes aod managers 'I can aU up q = 1t. .8 moylat koRétpefedmsanet Mek.the.fart de Maff wrier arc as in Ibairmetho e d etislngwtb lnCanada ecbysa= od byadstaff a Siopttec tai lto aanUMbai'of local oteclanta wk. retint I &meaigMay set be cosidorsd lhe crime effeodera, balejureee andadett aboglfermjorr copital .e vy acce id atgro.tarlab utmter a altit¶nev t tIen yea, but tibleceanes attfence baller hk.said, adet ta aetloff if da trtoy,"accr= igte entbeCrc mptsIbebacmsorma f nI t "Yau owe il te te iodantr bom s -alpfltting la proving a rat agree te pay fortdu totnoartile. tord. lite and slmpty dosantt est ike'paylog fr uli ecagekn"e sai tlblttytforestoreeoecs intiscommnltY. Tat attitude nnty eres te perpetuate LookOter Wav stteseateat instead. rabotcacbaabapbter wba Frnqunoly lerceved as "victienteo thle.proben, as tbe store soo pieu aide "Evsrybsdy bas te k. reeelitd about .nIe jarenue sat lbsau tItemsefor the "tlrn teoe". crime" by ilU offeodes, ntopitiot ban recontiofr thectot sopiflere are set spiftiog," hk. nid addig tbat tee maoy inrbe a koflen comlttlag thes Tbevoit majoity bave tise jsmpsd a starttiog 65 pr coo entin163 le prosaected. censumera tank tae tter tboy chensnoié.ent rm s aepoin apestn by o in n epdlgi Mito e ervounyscr, accecdiog te "'fthe1kstore owse ets bien off, thisld eimesinuaepatemaefsteattegtromanters. ntioofdetk."randnt"tnnp. bappenun HItone eistPt Crime Preveties iterprets ien as (thse scier) a soies ad "Evecs i tbey sera t te l the pensa bnoa Ofrice DaveCrawford. preada te.asct.. .emay go etseeceere te thantahy ere k.eigcwalrced, caitdlielp. Seme jeveites csrb lne ts or ga (I, f thsse apscebesded andc tast ysr potice acre raflai teinvetige tenIlntbbelil lo soieey e l stop teat- "Tbe teethOes tetesaeany and ussatty, rivaiot sari tier teance boa ror bshw Mitonoalore, te0 pr centI 91 repertet inlcidensofetsbepitiot e- ig... for ail you boa, k. May bave tises pelnbeeitem bac..,theY-dsO't want tek. M bg a Item one dam cao gel sver theodhese covictios. prseetiog bt a Uip et a very arge ireberg, stcaisg res a sashar oet star stes k.- sesps.Cdrdcetnetrd as masy more ioidensogo soreperteti r fore br tel reghin Oyssr pare," caiti Co- Te ac jottg ay sb r Te tptsaia epeeeOe e- det e as ibet ode $2 eodterted, snid tthecel stirer. stableeCraeterti. cieit tfey ts5lco 1- asgbot" tice s hetun $0 "Most peope ttest il sa amer, ittie pro- nidt cugt" e potive cicpifier abs steals aasanin eit a prtiroaite ims coolie soc frics ..tay doo't ealizete ereisea erioss a me .-..ooopy .. Hdee e ecemsi eit sirinss reter Ias est et rriminelî feroens tett orer $200) ci aeonofsolptittîgon scortine agro O crs n ivl-ti snt eqmedmkig& motivations maximumsenalsety of impcisoo "Paolrti te crime egaes t eeshlfigise o nGortiisoneyof, senge r eth e er' ciiocnss errent 1frt isieed scgste Vagrot or atrsbollc stiopifiers (ea is pea4,ptus a ise. et s derdacrite nsaIbasifreistor tesots os silitos te bolices Oice sam rstemers itsmsicgt aletI. cotact Oe Miles) osotly nient teniclois ea babil. Menostitrideob sewcrooin He froc yen te lt e0 siopiter oe istre rcç .15.fitntieestn/ora teref prol crpreatins alnti s tro, frt io thetog rces taiOnceroogt Oey are au <mtial e cmpbasioes det purestoststd e- Fsnattytiere s lie preessîscalt tort abs il ns the eonsmer wabsmst pay. Forrrcecy eraîy ome more score et whtot teir say dress peor dressioWcsand matiesitfric T rue Prîce dolar test ile det, thecstore mssnmaie cfargti,nos eceptios. em/tiasgtrseareiericgisgbhome. or lfrccareer te steet repemsive, roteebte Foc off nbserosvirctid, es $10,-' bresaid. tst ifrttnos mtter foc yoeu rt i<t. Je tt icne aqamios sorbet tif eepisg a itess. ttentiers, reetolie re tu Sttistirs sbscwIfat btwn$s1Sbilîtion andi sy eimation tOry tiare frootrOentesad ogie tiger os Oes, bon radeer icoscsg 'Ttiey are mhe oses cfr tae pride ins art rriminet conriction,tien basn $1.5 billifson otfrof serchisir is tils sp nsetir courts s rrteie foc Iodent abatte tids ae oi tiin tb eel sPuce tissé <bey ere tieg bereese Oiry are sabicg a crimiset record. stelesrcrcry yeao Ores aittCacetiae rtai thsiO tics c. e arr ot Oe jotige berc tir ast i s g abattdeir pectiet sesey in iving res il," roptaisetiConabte A simplet<feinfstechocolt stores. jury.'-fryisg ", -Crwoteti..or punyfrose Censopellth i ni sencees $Moandi$300 millionethoiet Heotimitciltis dtticit tsestisate the Ofdtheo0people 9ppcetiete lost yeer careertirems. oserccaiceis stoe romesmajor Cacotiios exact loiss"'e îtspiftieg fy resto mers. fr sopitiet in Milles, f66 cere joreeties Surprisee eprtenet stresaooe earb year. "But iredo tios ce ave espty iocterdteeagesnf 16yearsi citti 35 oethOes Mr. Fiesey, cice frs serrai s manager tobseyeecsslttisgetfreoai Cml Of Tliees packages in exccss e ofc,000etery year ir mates oatn fresesoetZelersil e ovrgeocn as cent s Miton,. cootinlethOe tolscteg. Acrdngtethe ReitiCoaeistofCaead a si Teremaiig 34adtileatir alaes atimincie bas feeocaurprisetiy thetypestf teccîse peite teparîseet; il«s estîmatedt dat ire peroceto f < utheo t ic oo te asti15 emates.peros escosetereti in ctipiftieg al)- imusicipot, proviec<et o et asy ites a Caostiafrysis te coter thef e l tcateatîet clore rets tii Smsse icpliflers cort inepairs or ere pccehesiec. ties); eati secsriy positioss rostoeftîtcases lot ceeti cierre tieiiuaiarre Oreeses, chitiemestwortiatose. Ttiry cose rom ott caties etf ie oatoi'f A recorti coott iotstiey Cnstabte Cracierti coltilice te sec apprefreneeifor siopitief. Tiat figur ispretsîsos otsig ictrtoc- liscs ccrv e rit teatberiiceptiecpeecan oteroparents. t "cNo ettticomtitoscPo'USense' yr, oeces ...tirreis nos ocerage, estete. A par o iccrime preretisetiuties, ir -k adM.Fnny sn es n aftesufte typicolsicepitimer -Arimiel recordicaetieepc bas tîsiieti aImet I20stores ie Mtion,,ile The Retaît Cosecît et Canotia poissoet tatie.. tilraeges rces tioienpenle etotiisg grsrery, tirprimeet, torîrty anti tir average cut of stoptîttîcg mercraatiise teoibec jectiete tSone items arrlabos toc te atitioîn te speciat secority clati per- o e <tirerge or pretessîseat trsg stores i v oret te tiraIi tire as iccreesetitrom atterae of$28Oin1978 eeeantismetboeslustorte ttrileofil," soa, is clerts iset recette taining se ctiice adit coeaisemeanen preties tio 5in1971.tecoîi. tetectngoantieppretieedieg sfrplittecs. a fore) ge country. areare sasy c loy cbares cy and ta tae id, addiectfilaM b an dosit for cneit a sumber tit semedeiot 1<b argetiiisthe have rereiveti sbopllftimt M T$210 ast ta nicb crcoes a osneot ferlaso neti fae$50 or ,obtin speeiotly Yong poice tag et a <g tir lite test te bar, lipstirti ed te s tienoe iauesoarecoti Oi te tegot pro- -t toeeosmeet tetierat puti te ease airaw Oite fottocief lcal anti oral contidtitesot lsctioot et <ti o atimiccicn to CHURCH% ST. PAULS50F THE UIE CHUACH0F CANAOA MainS tcJae it ResT.OJactoic tinaiy, Feticuarmi 19/84 9:15 Set Let Sot.lot f T hecicoc OevmesSuaity Sceaer cMi R C Otborne <<100ev m. ecirs nata ermecon e Avc Gos Tevpe" 1100ev .Ctiatroccoîlyeecc&ac Nusecy Aceiliie HIGHWAY GOSPEL CHURCH tinaete, Feraery t9.fr84 c ntc n v -Suna Sc ot) Foctlt Aie 11:00 a.v _Wecv selteve toe horWess Mekesty saeemetfri c teic meualsia e Ousccspeaer: Mc.Diaee Lesh oOwen Soutnt. S,eeitoeandscekito Nusetvilep 930ev- LdersBible Sîsat & FraerecSi th 700pv BibeeStîsa Pt ectlCcLsaSecs Fciay 700pv . osst ece TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH PO. Boet59,Ostseigttt 0272 Accietc Lite Rot WtE Payne634 479 tinavtii Feticaocy 1984 945ev ile coo itclasesortsaliieec c10 e. v otht is GosaLite- Ns S"The 700pm v EeinoPrigSoewce Oses.7pcmv BosacSGîOcsCus oted.Opv Piey., Mct. tblîe tc5y MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ot.,io St, S. M 82022 Sactioy, Fetitaocy 19/84 -Beatiivg Bread 11:48ev. -Savtaytithoot 7-Ont p. m.7-ospel Sevete Weteestiay 7 30 pv ., PaeceandoBibleeeading & THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX, MILTON Sunaey, Fetcaerp 1984 (otoungAStiitcBie Ceam ilotea.v Meceteeoteshrp -JunirIteceiteehrhSachttoi -AduS taceticetiNurscryc EMMANUEL BAFTIST CHURCH (Av eSoepenenet ible-pecsîeeCharcth aýinotnedthes taFetteesfrîp o< Escnelite apeo< Chceein, 25 CrecU Seta, Miten Pance: <KEN CAMPBELL Pacior eiess: DR. JOHN R. ARMSTRONGI DicerSon 5Cit(y Y(sacS JIM 80500f0N Oor acinfreic.S. Super: TOM PNOiCi LORDS DAY SERVICES :45A.M. - FAMtLY BIBLE HOUR 1100A.M. - FAMILY WORSHIP HOUR 7:00 PM. - LIBERATION anaiofeeeonetind eitlesen Fp ortceuise ceultiios cnsitc ceeînof the tebiocry andsftim i incent ooe gîmipsai Ec eaipoe:sM35U1 »Os»laMm acseonfe J .189 and m naoafl tehae. SERVICES EPIPHANY LUTHERAN CHURCH hRobatBaldein, Patlic Sooci, l80 WisoncDt, Roc Theos Pre 0r, 7<-252 tSrtiey, Feticaeoy 19/84t O:30eccc Sundacooc 10c30a c Fac22y Wcccip icLaet co "Te LterHcaîontSenaeys, 8000e v 0001150012 30c c 0H15 15 LON ALANE AHRH zudy Fbur1984 0:45 eaet SmaSy SotociFoi Ohe Atoic Faeicy Eweyneeimniec Nurseycilest alatservices Christ Osr asao, Sanctifier, Heaee anSdOC.mclo Kng MILTON BAPTIST CHURCH &Psclc, OciatF, Maocî tiocday, Feticsocy 19/84 itOca :0a otceMccicgorscit 1110e- v 1:taSte Sunv Schols Lcto:AudtiuoThOe Oaltcc etecciei Nursery Pcsîaed Acfiiatea oitt e aph st nention of Otaro GRACiE ANGLICAN CHURCH Sccdey, Febuaocy 19/84 TattOsay10eaet Hiy Esotacott HetlteliîMsconctscîcte Sscdccc BOSTON AND OMAOH PRESBYTERiAN CHURCHES Mit.c, tes C Launningham Sortiay, Fetitaocy 19/84 BOSTON OSOsrdFeincs atonHl OMAGH <itav etannotcRd.îW S Thce Ps sti ot St.eoges&tSi.Johns Anglican Cho oti tSntey, Feticsscy 1984 S. Jon's (Guelph Lite &bNot 10 Seoeji 900ev .MecvîeePcaee ilote v m FiyEeschsiEt bOSec ayScoi Ftr ecc infomaietocctsig Bble Stdc 0ress, Praeccttces, YoungoPeuples ndeScee speilîteect grcesphone 87e-4384 0cr Goal - "To tivootChiest anti matie Hies Kvowv.- CHURCH 0F CHRIST 9505daye Pubcuaey 1914 10:00ev. . -5Bibe Otbost Clmfaags 11:00ev.. MeceengorohipeedtheLosSua 730p.- P,eethi<,osteG.sele ORACEWAY BAPTIST CHURCH iecepent -cFeeoevecit Pence, Waltec H. Iseek 87-2 tinaey, Fetruaey 19/84 We eloteyos tcvsceorih ai:cUntedSteel- vockemCs etee407 Pinsr ca eeet teMilton Lbcny.i 000ev frunaoec heet 1 00ev Mogoeccp 0:30p.v EvegSeice NurseycPoesSet "TheEofeYoueaech fo a Bibeçtoc. 1/2 Pl ce Intarfnc FRat îtts Wal & Cellsg Pa nt É%M Aailalein10 poaer paste1 lus I delIfr ' tedoos sliaing roomshllways I/Z EvrýywPrice $79 Iem rSeti-GOULaaLt"s Crote toe1 lfashoale postel chadçc' esonreeded tor kttthens, olOthrom ,Id,5,tc CYWts,yday Loe PceSt$19 98a an Our fon.gtntmrar Rat tat"s 3t Pfloe* Agil UlUima Wallpaper q aity sotd e.bcissed y i c rigs t o u ~cY l lv aioae c desgnr oe doh setMa tlpattr pfre ery or ny Pro-posten g lolaP us In vtnrcj - #Aueecgsgaa P Pd obte tALE 2Ç,No- waxzv-nyIEloorTocîS %r.n lgsp c YWe Osensce- Pno.S*It.qan19 n . Faine, wauIpaparo& nia 525 ONTARIO ST. et LAURIER AVE., MILTON 8761855 Mon. te Fr1 8 as. te 9 psm. Stnrday 9 am. te ô p.m. 'a -,'i - -- - ý- ý- -f 11-ý 1- - - - T 7 ....... ... -r "A , 1 . - -,,- -, . --, --, - ----- ------- - mmmr-