Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Feb 1984, p. 12

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12 the Canadipn Champion, Wed.,Fob.29,1904 Love letters Iead to mhese Knderfarten siodents f05 a iev ni the postal syssem ast orro out nos through the mail sitou tafphoto hy ton osslom i Thi hisoriehome t Ho4uen heogsl rg risk House bullt for minis ter Milto l.1 S., 111,4dodrsv9oil'12 hsoierhmes ln th, - o1ln, i', v s-hof hli, hit.y , d.1,550b, soly mber e(.oblss o dtoil ,h.- Th~e fil--of 'hisl'f -" wee piaqedi 98 1. 'hl arge squarelimesosehbose ha1 5115 ai the corner ai Quers and Hugli Sees. a ut in155for le Rev John Nble, When the Foser Srvey %as regsered in lie 1850s hs poperty oas regisered in lie Fosers olvership daed Oct 2. IK-i i-ev. Noble ded in 1897 ansd he uas e oded aslbiîg "a Ciekîsinioly (rder' lis esat as lassrred in May ofci1899 for admstrlation to Trontoi Geneol-OlTrust, and the poperty aersosebA 10Peter Scott Os Sep 7. 1980, Mrott rol slt he pso pesi le o ohnT Hamavî. a siieessfu er "hastits 'onsaho esîeds hs e rpertie bs ssies, MssErneset J Wilson, and ler 1ev sn.Donald as-i KeeellThe Vlsoss purchh80ed lise house i 196 and the psopertý resasedîilte nane ofîilhaiîe Wsiso from s1910, ises Ms S5sison dîed, soîi 1951. ohn he Ilr psperts as ssH te llss Byon Onis JO94. 1961,1Tress 'd ths psvpety lois lislesentol 55i115 Geege EdOlseA NOTICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS Due 10 the continuîng high demand for Cabbage Patch Kîds, ise have a very lmiter] supply for Prsonal Shoppers ON LY; E ATO N'S dcliF i OQUR ALLE s 1 LAR-r-sil Denur Thrp Cii historie homes 'lie Mativ loo r il lie bouse liad t100 ai mreOs os eîit ee sîde o a renirerhalit.tihe Jarkoo's evovedithesevwatts,vmaingone lage roov os eihes side otihe entrance Tie dev onvthl ruside las lies paselird, lise ceilisg ioerd and arn toams instal- lediforsuppvrt-. Ail]ithe eiinfs 1inle dovnr tai s were dcvpped abouit 2 leeri 0o llov foe sirsveheaisg and piiiliog. Thelivingsîoomliastourioveiy deep and ives iidoos oaid a Violons achle mailvle,. ihcthle Jarisoo's islled. Me bak prisnollthevse s e cocvhîsalion kisiries as-dinsg om i pis e lee oe lireevh'dooos.ithe vuseve loiiooi leicîvenesard iy c binîssgilvv rsoolv Tesaisioursvid-ay onva landvsgsheh viiasaargeisdov ofithe saive'propriosa hseioftve rlesi ofithe livilsTelavse svprimiiveaod svaii 'lie' esiesiol sfr o e-vrae lias lieon rvliasced 1i1 larste sveps avd fumet s osa a loisraplin cst office Dy JANE MULLER sbafWrller Palentine'o Day moyen lovera ta romance Md ptara tothe post offlce. sioary la the huaiest month for t1Mat et local oice amd the reaoon la that specWalmld-month Accordieg te, letr Carrier oUPerylor rY ,,more thon 200 pouegtera explared the inner gpofa the poetal synlam "l month. ng die flood ai yoong visitani were thene ln Jan os Klndgergorten claies tram J.M. Denye -l Tbe inerest in letton aand the proeuse by which qe delivered hegan for th18 group of chikdren on i18a's Day. I child had bis or her owa mailliox and letters 1coma 18 them tliroug the ctaooroomt pont office. ren nold ulampa, anothor wonld pick op mail with ooad another wootd daliser the lettons. m -rIass pont office won completa wth a norting tnceling departmoeot and childrao look toro oming ench fuonction. Thair visit ta tha poot office esday mornlag illmiratad teasetua proeff. I visiting groop, of studanto brinila a latter and osea a olamp at the poot Office, then fottows thair of mail from tihe mail sli o lrnthe ihsystent. I year Mrs. Stevestakmsfutlladsantaga of dia îaed ioterest in lattera iif leahruary. Sha asao it ultheriloats tour and 18-house post office by gthse leltarscarieton the school route to sisit dia ler Carrier Gary Morrison vsitod the ctais the g b ovwng thee t or a "show and toit" ascnbe arranged by ontactng the postioffice. Thousands needed for Ka tima vik Thisis the peas lic hecome o Katimasili participant. The solanteer youth progruor hao op- porlunities toc Ilire tîmes as many par- tisipants dias teooe. minsora's secruîiment olfîcer, Patricia Dre Peona lias teen visitiof local high sclioois in an effttoi10aitraci li000 applis anis helveen the ages of17 and 21. 'Cotoonunitien vhere Katimasik is arr pcoliiing fsono il ond participants are prnfit- isg tooe"MisDella Pennansaid ofthe rea- Ssoi &lte espanded program. Slie saggenis Katimiasîi oflers yoang aduls "a good oppnriunity 10 see ic85ee places." As votanteero in sarioan Canadian ooionities, participants are engaged sn conservsation proetes, ioresiry, commanity centreenand cahte taeision toname a feu. Kalînavîik groups sonsastiof of il meaihers spcnd ihrec vnirnths a aich ofthile 85ree commusnlites on theie cntatin one of ilione commanities willi tein a francophone ares,vincmptîance n'iihh 8e pcogcam'n hitînguai objectise. Participants receise $1 a day thrnughnut the nioe-mondi prograno and a $1,000 honorarium at i10 completion. For more informatinn contact the guidance oficie ofa highuchool in yourorea or cal593-452 Time is samne place is flot mhespring concert înhe presentedliy Milton Osocinleen ha een reiocaied. Concer goes shoadbe atKiÇonPresby- lecias Churcli Sunday, March 4 instead of Ai. Pools United Cisarch. EriclRotertson viiilieb the Chocîsiers' speciai guestoitthe concert 10 hefin at 7.30Opv 'Me location shange van made dae 10 usioceseen cissuorsioncen. Tickets soid 10 dt ilasvii e lonored ai the ne locatin Isiocers pauefor Tevye's openngfieslin the musial prouon of iddsoier on the Roof Tikes are asailahe for the E.'Drry produtiontobprened Marh 1i,2and3. litait photy JotBorgsirnais Musical represents integration Comliiig the tloents o beacîso and lirariof ivpaised siodentsinsamuia productibons s nut oiy o chlalenge liut a Fddiec on ithe Roof as periocved liy siadenis of E C.tlcry Sehoot 1or the Hearing tmpaireland EC. Dcry Higli Schoot represents 'ihe clearet stateveni of vtiattheshoot nlatallaout," according 10 so -dresine Ilomian Coper. Itoerationothetvogroupsofstudentss n thie aimyo lie sehool rflecird 8in scl productions. Me lîssi ailempi vas Olver, peclorveol 100 yers ago. Sage productions are a lii assuol event itvll Open Homses fiiliog ithe save oteervery ollir e yr Sevreai o the aciors lhave the sinta comliiord podocion leliid them ohîte sovnenevifaces cas lirsees inithesasi of Fiddltre on the Roof, me nmical 10 liing prsrsled fos îlresosesaii'e eeig legisning tomocrov lmours. oii8pvm Me rosi oiaota40land ithe producios crw have beesceliearsinssisce vîd- Novrvtoe Me. Coopere admîls il takes mr time to poil soveiliing like this logeilier, -'mee ivvnovpaeiso oovorking viil thiedeaf lis larsmvrervi'isfpecnonaliy 10 ove im ogeilire." Me, Cooper saîd. ml'ose invoved inspoducig thevmsial at Drury ion. OlyGold ad Tevye, the two lading eliaraces are piayed hy btilio leaiog ivpaised aod a hering sudens Sigs langouage is osed tiliooglioui howver. Il isithe9joifco-dicecisc Anne McKerchec 10 translate the script minthe tuoguage of the hearina impaiced. Me teachere o the heoing impaired seloi peeormrd the same iaok vilhitheieOliver script and saîd il vas easiers lis yeas Alie dessîithe mu vsical production s "agondvwayforithe higisciooi siodenss li 10 ntoaseciale vîith lie dea - Tme ieasecvlio islieaeisg ivpairedisecseii, sord moece of ithelie aeîsg sadenss lad leasrnd io signssiss e las( poduction Cidet for lai ors pocly iv as English course in sign anguage ollered ai lise lilgi schooi. Jensy Prace is the tiîrd oembofto thli direrros irav asd aise îovdaris lie mîrîcansvlio compriseitherpîllband. Heieo Peo ocertiMasies il lie iakilie yvphony Occhestis s esdis lies tlens as a voiifor stle muicjal, Mariys MacLsoîa adiady Avikv are bthiteaches ailtelirhschooeiand sice lie joli of producrc Peter Van Egrond Typef iol PETER VAN EGOMOND Et SONS LTD. 1317M î~ S7UN - msng ent a 8 nd Vfae Canaa ad Ouesth1001 OiOetD h emlthicmses olt acounsmoke-aotd îshalng - ietage PearCgaetet Maidêe Eta Mlol. Kng Sn: 4 mg "tac,0.4 mg nio

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