ris. Canadian Clianopl, W.d., Feb, 2 0 * M OUR COMPETriTION WOULDNT WANT YOU TO SIE THIS gaur omE, . 0mokmgnram MORE TRUCK. LESS MONEY. »b t t he s tmxWde B Achille$ Motors Ltd. 357 QUEEN ST EAST 0 ACTON 0 8634=0 LUSLOS tI~ffioALE, OCHANG3E (MILTONI fW CETREI SALEM F25 MAIN ST E. 878-8506 il SENIOR 'A'f aPLAY-OFFS GAME 1; QUARTIER FINALS CDLLINGWODD SHIPBUULDERS vs. GEORGETOWN CHRYSLER RAIDERS Friday. March 2nd, 8:30 p.m. Gordon Aluot Mamoolal Arana GAME3; TUESDAY, MARCH Mt, 8:00 P.M. Gocedon Alcali MamorlalAcana ADULTS SENIORS, STUDENTS, $.0 C Ht LOREN *5.00 $2.50 Playof f hockay bubiga9oout tisa hast lns avey ta".. Wlulh dha faurna ln hiI. lagua fais ahauld sanaàa dOUaavey gansa. "RAIDER FEVER - HAVE YOU GOT nI"? AIUeas e bouat cf 7 germea. 1 Proceds-fros- Useweehend aligo fos-rds Ue club's aclllty fond, Ise Uird Central Regon meet s-Iis bield in Brolinglan on Ue fbst weekend oi April Recreation fun competWtom: riday evening prise f0 bie quabtytng cos-potition, Use Recreation club put tngeUser o ion cempeglulon, Tise evesing wsnjudgad but wu prhnurily intended to ha on econlng of en- issysoot and enterbalament for parenta and gys-nustsa olie. Pull de"talnsd rems l U the meet wtll beprinted nent waai. --Sprtng registration wilI taise plage duing the fist wSek of Marcis For umre detail , une tIse ad inale tisa xs mfoSrmn. MHL IdwoIht Haggart, Remax get playoff spots B.W. Haggart Crane Service and Ramai Really were the bg sinners Ssmday as the Mlon Hockey Lougue s-rapped up lis 18- game regular neafon at Milton Sport Centre. ttaggart douled up Ciarles-Knight'a 6-3 to dlaim firot place s-hile Ras-as Really hos-mereil Wet End Rafla 8-3 te ake fourbis spot abead of Charlen-Knigbt's. Haggar's wio gave bbe club 29 points, the smasStraight Lioe Pence. However, a teagoeruroe gives Haggart the top spot by vitle of ia hbeter record aguisulPence in their tlree head-to-head s-ufch-opo. rio guI fs-a wino and a tic. (Ifs-as iocorrecfly re- ported lafot seeb that Fente would gel lIse top spot.) in Uhe other gos-e, Pence fooglit backa third-period challenge fros- Suodstone Transport ta hold an for a 7-6 win. As a res-ut of Ue three gamen, the finish rado Haggart, Pence, Sandsone, Remax, Charles-Koigts and West End. lantce firol rod ai the hest-of-Uree ses-finals, whiels hegin Saoday, Remas gos-sp againot West End s-hile Saodstoe oeets Chartes- Kights ia yet onoUerofai ss-faoas Tas-n versas flacero Esge rivatry. The first gos-e Sosslay pila Sandtoe sud Chartes-Ksghts s-iode Ue aUer twa cluhs fltos- in Ue secand gas-e Stcaight LUse aad Sasdslone s-ee fea- tsred inUthest ga-e ofithe igbt.ForUshe irst fs-a pertada, Use anly ranes-t oppoared ta bc hets-cen Fesce teas-estes Rab Csas- paux sud Eric Elison -ha s-ee lscked in a race far Uescarisg tile. Each had scared ihree goalas osence hvill a 5-0 lcad alser Jw s-peeos ad ad7-t tead fîve s-toutes-ino Ue Uird periail Has-ever, Sandstose decided to taîy s-s-e hachey aad s-th tsargoaula spaeed uts-s-t fs-a smates apart rach drrs- t aUsn one sit t12leftîanthe gas-e Saadstaar plîrd goaule Phl Bailey siUs ahout ts-a sinsle Iris hhreoitled s-one goalanodled tats-agaad sears-gchances-for Use eqtalizer Has-eer, Pescer goalie Ed Hanse setiîd doas-sas-de screraI good The plaeid ganse heted op ta Ue fs-ai smate. Frace chOBet Bertali profs-led s-hes il appeored UaI Sasdston asc o asgbt s-th tas -asy s-es an Ue isec The estro ployer sest osdeteeted for sas-r is-e and Bertlials tes-pliag ta dros- ecierce Jas Tuneees attentian, Uses- as-oser hole asd tawsonat) Ue sec Tomner sticcd Ue dehets asd ejeeted Bertoli, s-sUs o gas-e ms- canduct, out ai Ue gos-e Thenws-s Us ai1ilseceands l, Suodtone players ifasdy Coidoon asd Dore Hrnden argoed vehes-ently oginsi an es-ng eal and s-ee boUs given usports-unlike soc- duel ninors. Cos-bined siUs Ue face-off 1 Sandones zn-e sud Ue two-s-ha'kierb position, Soodsfone s-as prevonuted iros- s-aulîsngoalast-secondosurge. Chas-pose and Erie Elîsson inished s-sUs trer goaulaaptecee shieb gare Elfison Ue scarîsg tille hy fs-a points avec hina eas- s-oie.Dan Habkîrb added a sngle. Harsdes paced Sandsoae s-lUs ho goals s-hile Rd Laeprich , Jay Norlasd, Randy Colsan sud Rîch Secouesi added ose apsere. Haggart bslt a 3-S serand-poriad leod aginst Charles-Kightls and Ues fougist off o Uset ta pot the Urer goal s-m. Charles- Kigbtss aarras-ed Ue gap ta -3 s-Us jnsf focsmtes-res-oîsîag befare Peter Roa, mm' lubs second ga fauthUe gos-e, sotehed the issoasce goau. Steve Wilson ad Roa fird ts-a goals apieceswhite MkeMurry adfDanAgar ad- ded ose seh for Haggart. Dean Villa, Don Herns-and Ooddy Ttoasus eplted for Char- lesKnights.Asis-old haveput Charls-- Kntght's ap ogusest West End is Use poy- ofsiowHaser, Ue ls-a pila s es-agaînst Sandtase. Revus taufht leUsrgy ta fiee faeur cid- perid gfaulsand tube Ues-sn and foeUs place ogoist West End. Les Wlsan and Doane Stock s-ee fs-- goalt s-okss-ca for Ra-ows-ile Jas Todd, Mhe Kalopoco, Cuivis Ssos- and Rab Baker had ane goanteoch. Rad Hoogh, Bdll Gococu ond Doof SicoUs repied s-iUs sîngles for wsstEnd. Sashes - Thc Mason ployer-af-Ue-verh os-urd sest ta Steve WilsonoaiB.W. Hag- guet, Wilson hod ts-a goals and cacliaucil 15 play is offresoive up-osd-dos-s style. -The uirst round ai Ue playofis are boUs hest-of-Ireer ouates.The ses-infîsl, s-be s-llIt ncf ode Haggact and Pence, are lso hest-of-tUseers