RE4 The Canadien Champion, Wod. Fob 29,1984 e oMonFrnl n -P ST&t) 0 t Goio RESTAURFANT & TAV e Chinese Food, Steak and Ses *Business Luncheons *Fully Licensed under L.L.B.O r Take Oui Service 4U8 MAIN ST., MILTON 8 tF YOU AREM a WANTE3 0R CROSS FIRI 5SEELES AE.W. t 87-1M EF"J îfood 78-8141 7-S ) ADSTUIOCILOO SCarinettg Can bru odt2 Mobiwkn.1.- seinn, L uep Lino. und mho 0 Capheillo ntanieL.. ...8421 et. om DeiiNe<464310 m~1 ~ L~1II U Give Mom a rest EVERY SUN DAY Bring the Entire Famîiy to Our Fabulous Sundlay Brunch FîsshCîuîssants Cî,sp Bacon Danish B eaklusI Sauesgu Fresh Fruit Plalîni Hoereies Meatu Pialiesse OId FaShtoned Hame Va neiy et Chue Primle Ribeof Seul AssuîlsitSalads GiausdCuîîuls Seîulubled Eggs Cflle Tsao u ic PaakerFreh Tut AndtIofinish io u exquîiitebuffet idsedn c tion of cHviem de Dssets sgsgmn $3 95Childien Adults Chidesusde 5 y Fromi 11:30 a.m. titi 2:30 p.m. Every Sunday sns FREE eveiin avalt goups to a service, and tioisill bca Notiees la et The Chaim ,saisd te us 4N9. The fini p) m. No ites arseptildhy L Wednegday Scotchi Bledt hold a eschr Sideroad. Li NEIGH Wednesday Meeting te hi Scesl. Tahe %rm u- d'du mald boi MAo1 mn