4 l'hé Canadiaen Champion, Wad., Pib. 2l.,1984 191 Ma i kmt PO. km 4SM511111 . LS4CdS HERB CROWTHER 5 PubSber LES FEERO JIM ROBINSON MIKE HALL SEs.. S DPMNT IG5G moi r GGPP BHa s;liqy . SGL-pSaK 15 oi .M ., S1pipa- î $1 0 sPpis sP,$5 siinasîs »TGaGasPASC5TOOOOPî1GMGGGPPG1îs. GSInlssgDai.bG PGBlied e1GG WePis,. ThoBGG5GgîG Wnd P Ont, TSi isipsks D ptibng td. etas191 MStreetGG East.OPift.,IOt ari ,, 49 E5GsGoiGSas8-3.T MîiG gNU T Nrc:oeos,,ktW5,, Tpe NotmeIivMs,,,WakGGIIp iion 15GGIr a mcarrOser, TherAa/Pcrn e wwasa m dv changeTfeiBton Mnt. WeTedamn diavn, Hoýýl eanme togtheratiat, otaklk eaer aotkvle ieingain sta Th e mindshawit wkedschand malambaltng il ee, nTha dstabrouct ieone. The Sofvlderibmeca and thdbide Lew erone Pithose cblhanga Dto bcome raiiiofres. nEtepie Lmtd the DontownBusinss Irovieme82 Aea(DIA3inmoi7 nidcorthosea, tof aingt.froBn inSt. Weasadt artivn- St. MoThn8 wt merchants felte amrsret hold ibte downtown as waso cmariginaly rpoeithe D o al bAoutnde, nerMano. rh epo tinof oome fou yaso.btoc epesatdsekn TheDmiTA, ifit wantd s an ma tacane i ingutochave to work ad loby af or tat bchangesithdthe Mito Chaer of Comecags ecoe raftes efrer akt Thie uto the first truees of rigttheew airtheonMai n St.If theuDEltA as vtecnvinefothe Chamer of mte re t, the tDAwill haveuginessa verong ay n reea blishin itslfa ahemarkeingarewtharitheanietermiaing o e h oldnc1urtoew arto oain t am ronStil a onovrduteMri The mre isalong day-he armeris iarkton which ould he astved 00Wif alsenosed a yis Afordthcomn. rom the rovincof Omeftrarî g The Dprovifceiwsmitng tgatscayeas g10 ve tic guiderne, on inflpation. thnmaycaers thmireass a l the Ban iepcnt. Winehe tcoamas te ovatohelparkegionae goverom avgoent a wih subsdized ayca retamoushn tseluats daealing ith at prtan. eemiain Aflarge ayrare studnyfthe rIpsbegnhsjs. enitnue anThat il asyespison anewSt.,rpon ts long waitig list of atyaeig a-are pcisots efr priae day-are operg aorsare caboutinta esebng in asocia tio edwith aszed day-rfar pola s. mrport nfotesthe Proiate ofOnratorsrs. n r hywlcag oedrr To he enawhPrevne wliiillg to rtpay eus to salariar needed insorderfta cp htio d aycss erany s s a l fth ie prval We rtora m shsîdzeday rre, Hlt gonas goientoeltswith alo subsidized rhildare aond j noweet pnugto eptethem aycr peaositeetdi f paientproveine des ot gie us. the mo ntesonlyeoptio Htion tsiI aedt bdaia owndarar Te retre noerte them at regiosal lyn d epens.byw1 caemoedrtl Vie"'pfiflt For the hospital witb JANE MULLER Ifiyoakasvesi anssered opaonekasrîpeaslthecmoce of a colunsirscallise ais kekalail the kaspital. yGU Ckances are SîgP (Pal if yGG are seadîsg ikose isarda T00 are asciI amare ail the paspose Ikese lelepkaise colis TPe persss 10 peisais ilephose sampaigo Pas ees pakksuazed os ikese pages sinas armsanad tSe need for paSis iu.idiog ni the kospitliexpansiokas eainihenesifor mossik Tis istherrasoii1ssas pseparrdifor aliiileitosgae iiig as a solasirer allier las! ssrk. Toaid I rsisi pinge s ommaiy semspaperifi and wkos the person os the oker end ail the lise plead- edignorasse' Aatisgsiurned outîteembersnof kis commaity 1isssiacled didssi.smakeaiy wsssiars cometrae, Telepkoe sskicitinis aa cis asia rve reisisscer egatice impresasions ai!people issaipsdis No oniasesjaips aisg tPsseresily ail as eceing disropled Py th les ae o i tllanad demoassraîiaissis snckasge lais thecairrecti anssies 10a skif! cssen questioss 1icanaimagineaassalofitesrespssses gi,.es laibis type oi call WaIicisildntimoaine wasthe reactiaisîaiaareqos laiboy a sispifial room ara $00 brick. Pttlisg mTslfat the ailPer endcil the l]se i'd tisk that brick must!bcsoaisehisg pseiîp spectacalar As ameassseaofpublic asasssess the calla arespsai ig asce Mast pespls adiileif lai Psaicg MiltaisPas a Pas pialishich is eisg espasded Mast receissif as inforaietionpackage ifetailisg the aeedlforsfondsanaadltheaariausdoaion aipsogram. Icase yaia Papes I keasi fIroaisvaoalantees caPler the firsl aideraiofhbusisess alerthîe appsaipsiate intr-i ucin sticessaye the calles sreceiveailthe information. Is speainee ailS other caiaers, mp esperirisce mas seiatiiaelp tke sams. Reariam (from the paklic mers geseralip posilsve and pole. Talisas somekhiogi1kspedlforsbutmp cpical side akadiciad tBe sptimîsm mwilkdoaki. Thal aipsiai imide mas oaiting for replies liSe "I gave aikheofikce"'or -I geisick oatioftpss Terce as only one respasse skieS 1itelt mas rade andkbased onthe odds tiai'simta bad average. Felas scaulres sho hase bren Susy sner sid-moslk, Pape loaod ile resolasce to Oie camse Bey promnole If pos aseni Sbees issoisrd pou cold tri a gos! idea ai! tSe kisd o! jo5b e (elephone rarsassers Sape Pp ckeskisg out tSe Campkeiisilie Milon section ai! tPe lelepksse direclorp. Tkai's a lo!t fsamkrs is Biai asd people io o aiisep wpikh Ose id tke oaisiaoskeg cailers kas Sers Rase Ras- risonissskas aaveragisg 30 aiissperaiai- mhars preilp good mse oftiPee aoddlaigesG ssssder Bhe lady is in polies. The malarilp ai! Milioniaus are eilke coosideinig makîsg a donations (Se hkmpiial expansios 1usd os have alreadp donces, judgisgby resposses made ta paliers. Thal 1typs of !eedkask is oeedrd oSes the telepkone keeve egios tb seddes tSe cr Eses (Pose mSs do'! plan b o assîallp sappoir! tke praiîecl iere las lromsalle. Il asamp eperiescelkhaiikhepsimplp espiaised a doataion mas uaffsedakie. Te caild jstagpssrsaphepkhave areadp giaeskbutil seemed isead(khepisoaldbe ssaigkl!for- isard asd ai uSe same ise sireogikes Py laîlk sn Pssanakisd. The sais.dasars and sapporters alike enpcessed appresialiais lss tke sali. As esperiesce lîke tkal makes people lîke me l ams usuiallpsailssnec!asslumeraadersîasdiskaipail utesmeas ishes lkep sap they secriai maire tPas lkep giaein s (al capaciiy. our readers write Supportive TPe ialUnwinf lua lles ,r ddesesd La the eaiesas and caUGcisllrs ai Halaon Rrgoal liensdia.rins. A cos app b ers ird cilSfle t anadiae tChaspion for pulitin. Ladies and CGenlemen: TPaoS pna and sograulaations ryaar sreltmoin ofsulspporlfor rime Miniiier Tradras pace isîtiatise.o A es sonika ago. Canadianu oves- aselmceglp coîrd Yesa for auclear dîsaa maieel in sefeendoms eldherand ars the coantry. isces IPe. Puslesaonipeace gsaaps Pave emesgrll, inciadisg secai Pese in Rallan, ailsaching sesbrsu nf eeerpagi and ime meess! Thraugh Oie naliasmide "Praci Cararas" easpaign, me hSea lairgloSal sscîear mjr Mu r t»ox Wr ,hoetisaI liueisllos mWsomade lgSî of tBis sotion 4011 noal igIslIy pour saures' deep cences, oteOrpeserealionsat (is planel. Me eliese iSai ne issur a sere urgent or importantin te 15wrld iollap. JANET IIUVAL UsitnsHilaslAso for Nuadrar Dsuessameit Auxiliary thanks Drar Ble: Wr mauld ihe la express aur appreelalien le Jane -Mullier and statffo0celerbratlng Oie 25th Anniversacp ot aur aaulîlrp 400 us. The edilaials sud pitra mer ontosiy oealy appecaedbyîthe aasîkary.Pbut lais sureraidedithe smmusdisingaisise apprec- iaios for the sork o! the aaadliarp. JOYCE FOWLER Carrespnndiog Srcrriiep Milles Distriet liospitliAuiiarp Dog (flot) gone Ilear Sir. Lai! iseeks ealp ikw as ma a com relief rsm ihe snossdri0ts and slippeep ide- waaks. Il mas fisally possible lai gel aitdoors anid rnoysaertowo's parks andplapgrouns. Unorlusaieip the disappeasasse ofthek swsloa'ed esidetise ibal manp dags Sad aiready malle use ai the park8 and Breir awsers Sad negle.led lae, leaup aller Oes- Sema, or psss ss y dsg, shall I;riasup a.y eseresnsildrpsilrd by Ibeir dogii eeauoe Milton dmes ol hase a S-las enloreemne.! ollîcer, iliirin cas kelp in enloeeing tBis S-las. iiyoa are aware ola dog iSat aies a park os playgeousd, and is osiier fatlla la ia.op, fisd oilltBe oners sas, or ai leao! tSe uddra.s, and phone tuaistfrmatio, la Oie dspWsy clerr's piicer ai878-7211. nie osnrrs sil Se noiiad Sp mail opi (br respa.ibiiily asd Snpetuiiy, ibis situaalion iii ail recuie Il y.u are aonersied abouai bis problem, soire pour apînian Orecierhîs office and alsa la pu t co m si.iloar. ilO eugk publie opnion, las. balsay rossiller irî.g a S-las sitorseseri oticer. Il oaisd M Poes asd aieaper iSoagS, if Pr iuieess ailtlai onS kr rrsponsuiSiliiys! keepiog nr resreaPssnalareas asdlsidemalki cIras Sp leasîsg ap aie pria or ky sprakisg lai thseaiissrs wsdsn't. BARBARA MeFARLATOE Milton Shoplifting lieue Sir: RegardigBhearticle inFek15iîssue ai! the Champiosnais skoplîfiîsg, i er! Ikai shoplîl(îog is a major ceuse. Forenoereass îifyoal]etîltgrssîial is oî stop Constakle Crassîord sf the Halioilegianal Polise Forse andGd iFîeep manager ot Zelerrsi n Milton base the rigki idra. Shoplitting is a crime and il caaghi yUU eilidren the emataf Seing cauulsi sidplîftlng. Il mas a very gond artile. Kerp op ihe gond sorS Champian mnd lelos Pope tSat people mSs read tis artisle change ikeir misdas x isme iSey go in a clore le shoplîat Ms. A. MAS Ourliiglan Booster Drar Sr la rereni issues ot pour paper pou bise eommendrd Millns businessi cssuniiy lar (ns ge.eraniiy mnd enrvelrncerissupport ai the Chrstmas Fuaud and Bhe Hospil Expan- sion Pragram. l'onure ail oloascilinene are mani gealefai for (kîs sapporit ros compauies isSoar pronadtebcPrpari afIMllton. la 1km regard, i mander skp a compaep loaated se Main Prmit sSick spreads a laie amousi of polutieniinke lors et a dusip, chemnisai podere leo sur niom ts aekamed oailis hame base. i retre to Pîgmenti&h"Qurmical Go.Lad. 'Meir traiter.aswiecatienn in Manierai, Toronto and Vanceuver. A cbh e ikte Toronte Telephene Direrlaep maens e Sreisille phene niosbrr and (Sels Mille., Main Street addresa.. obsieuslp, tBi i lanet a Torontoakrm. Wauidn'l il Se ic, tf, an a TNrs ear's cesiulian, lSey meuld islade aur tlames n ann B tereseieles and let ail af Cusada bras se raist As an rs-Manrealrr, 1Ieaa assure 70U tBai when I huard of t 8lons, Ieawnued paupIs BREPdDAN. KENtNY Milton Letres lathe Editur.Wr de o Snsrnr, Uresre therlehtta edirese, and re- ies letrs. ns cases whrrer eilahu. are aird fe,or wsSrea ranehe slgasedaîdthe wddesof elettr wlrrb Ltsslgssd loisirs *111 Se rejected. of the past One Yearg FromntherManh 2. Is3 Issuer Halian RegiUnai PalicerFarce Sas sel ils ighla an a $17.1 siilien budgetl Bis pear-a 7.6 par cent isereaur oser 1982. The eqursi, aibichamilI Se sentl latBe regias tee appraval, aciually repreenss as i.2 par cent spending ineas. Bsoe unisisbed papas sorS ai les. bal sili nal drier (Se apening otOrrensousi, a greap home tas iernagrd girls. Aliog a zning amedesi Sas sel Seen passrd Sp Milon comdlil, skIeS moald alias lac the operalisa of a groap home a! 734 Maie S!.E, (Se iasiliy iii opes MarcS 7. A 22-psas-old Gaelph ma.is i tais conditionin sMiltas Dstictp Hosptalis5omîsig a frrai RosaI Insoaions Maeolaslarisg Compasy easlp Msiiday mais William Hant, ail29Inerneessi Dr . Gaelph sallerdssd er karss o is left aanad aikea and Irises degres Posss tai his lace. Raltos Regîseal Pslice sauf the emplopemas altemptiig lai lîgPl a Copola gos loseace mkes o GPiomPaskG" ssaired, caasisg as explosios, 20 Years Ago Fro.es Ie r. 27,19ouissuer Miltaon PPlic Lîkrasy skoold bc movn inoils nem home i the torses ROS Adams sore asousd ther krsl mierk s!May, Lîbrasy Board caiaa Bon Rerd anooassdlthismwek Latos Cousîpa ltire tsack poplaios isrased bkpne sise1 meerS, wshePr alti CousI> Malual Aid Associatios mas pre- sesied mik a melcome gift-a 1953 CSec 500 gBllon pampas compileemîlk eqaîpseotthIal lS e avadlalelforlsaining and eseegesai> ose The eceiiial aioalganation.of Mille., DaSsille aed Surlîsgias usdes ose soaesd mwas aaggested Sp DaScîlle Mayos Mila. Massos. shes ke addrssed the mesSers efthIe Mard I Ratspayers' Association nI akvîfle aI the Peccy MssspSchol Fridayresn îog. MîilosAi-sa Fise Departmesl aasee 106 Pe alasms during 1963, a sasmeadable decreane o! 26 alasma oses ihe precîsus 12 msaB pasîed, Mltan rire tiiet AE.Clemet seporîrd Taesdapý Despile the decreaae i. lise alarma, Somepes, tiee Pre lnases îscseaaed. The 1963 loss mas $167,300, askîk îinladed 1mai large fPres. tke Rab,. Roond PosasMlîs ai 1110,500 asd the Maillaie Pasas Eqaîpses! Poilding a! B0,os. 50 Years Ago Fras the MarcsP1. 1934 asue Slanp aasîidf Psd Pas E Wilkinsos, lains ,mode aSile PisPcsg lksnagP is cosiomers' peaikels dssisg tPe pasi 60 pears TPep inclade (oncp losîkpîcha, Soîces, lead pescifs osddaidd pîcces ail iosep He st c cmemris sthe IPsili Ps smo id asPes Ps lnd a sotl ni illa, moslP $57 ce a Pask peckst o! a pair of troasersssought in (or sspaisPpyas "EoglisP gentlemas ai ltuoIre,"Bot ecs Ms, Wlkinsonsmas secestlp stasîleA askes Pc seacPed desp icoonaie pocket He l!! isat secisdda o ve dollos, bP a sshsocked asPes Pe gati i ot lI ind if wasaî a Phal Pad Mss sqaesned as fGai os o pancake asPensasol pos a long tise agai Coispetisg i the isataricol caisestPheld alPhePîigPscolaon Psîday, Miss Bessîce Laissesce wnthe juains contst ialas, es oddressais Beaierlep Nîpolsas PanS, CspSaaisc. 'Mes seios Posors seres soplased bPp Dies VanGSikle, psesidrs slIPse saiSon! Ltssasp Socieyp 75 Years Ago Fras tSe FeS. 25. (90p issae TPe people o! Halls. mîll!bM glad tb Pea Psey ose sol liSelp lai M (foserd laigo lai the greai e.- psofaiesmPig and maiolaie îegoakoasenofsefuge. Dr. W.Broce SmitB,Insapectos o! Roapilals asd Ckasirs, tld Pre commilirs (sois tPse onei conoif asPo aadsd os is las! meerS, Pat (Se lloesemesi isoaid bc satisoPedi thee oaelp maald arrasge (o Pape Raltones i.- digeets cased for n tPs homse et reugeaofuemealkhersaouslp,usl Sp uShe miner manielpalitirs. Millans anespîapidbhare bren qsaeters Iis inier, msnqssis- ing the daiiy papars and dinlurb- ieg tSe seglar readers Sp iheir eisp diacussions. LasiP'idapenightMr. andMrn. Geo. Ermin o! Nelsnmecs (ras, on the raad Sp ikeis susasU> Porseraed Mrss Erin sas ralkes kadlp Pur!. Iti us eparird iSai Laediosd BrasS, ni the Qees Raie!, Barlingian laeaula oreceice an importaet appinimeel. The total immigration inia Casada ftshe iemonBhs ending ilS Jaauaepma s 25653cas- pared la 240,892 frtashe ase pariod las! prar. KG-